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Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito]

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#1Hitomi Minamoto † 

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:48 am

Hitomi Minamoto †
Stress was a killer and not a very well-known one. With unchecked stress, a person's mental, physical, and emotional state could deteriorate. It was an unfortunate fate for some that succumb to it, they usually never even know they have it. With all that said Hitomi was fortunate she knew and she had plans to deal with it already. This started with her going on vacation from the Rune Knights, one that seemed likely to become permanent as she didn't see the perks of working for the knights as something she needed or wanted anymore. Now that she was on vacation and Hosenka of all places she spent her days eating divine foods, sipping top-class wines, picking up new hobbies, and getting back into old ones.

It was now of course that she partook in one of those old hobbies. Bending down to tighten the shoelaces in her black sneakers, in a park that sat in a small community in a rundown neighborhood, Hitomi was ready to shoot around a ball into a hoop. Dressed down in a pair of shorts, a sports bra, and her long hair in a high ponytail, the seasoned knight began to dribble the ball around before shooting from the three-point line, making the shot with a satisfying " swoosh " sound. It might have been odd to see the rune knight captain shooting around a ball by her lonesome but she was fully in her own peace and she felt the burden of stress lift from her body as she ran around the court shooting the orange ball.

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] AV4nNet
old sheet

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:54 am


Kaito walking through the streets receives a report from a rabbit masked woman, of there being another woman not far from him, he decides to go and see what this other woman was doing that he was alerted about her, as he nears where the woman is he hears the ball bouncing but he has no idea to what it could be. As the man enters sight range he watches her having no idea what she is doing, but he can tell she is enjoying it, he wonders if she would mind him watching her. His exceed is asleep in the hood of his cloak which is down, but his white mask with the drawing of a breeze is covering his face.

He gets closer and he takes a seat keeping his eyes on her and the ball not sure what she is doing or if she is gonna tell him to get lost cause even he had to admit it was a slight bit creepy for a dude in a mask to be watching some poor woman letting loose like this. The man feels like he should know this woman for some reason but he is unsure why, there is a nagging feeling in the back of his mind telling him to not let his guard down just in case maybe she is a wanted person and she comes at him. He figures this is a silly thought as this woman is clearly just playing some game he has no idea about and has probably never heard of as he was from a small elf village with very little human contact or influence.

#3Hitomi Minamoto † 

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:25 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
She was finally having some fun, letting her mind blank out as she dribbled the ball around and made shot after shot with a satisfying " swoosh " sound after each one. She could have balled like that for hours but a presence made one of her shots hit the rim ever so slightly that the ball bounced off of it and back into her hand. Her peace was broken but she put on a smile and turned to the person who happened to be watching her. " Hello. Ya know it's a lot more fun to play. I promise. " Spinning the ball around her index finger for a few seconds before throwing it to the guy she hoped he would pick up the fun she was having before he dropped in. It's been a long while since she got to flex her skills but she wouldn't be surprised guy had some skills of his own. Since no one else was around she wouldn't be afraid to let loose a little.

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] AV4nNet
old sheet

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:10 pm


He looks at the woman and catches the ball, he has no idea what it is or what to do with it. Is it I have never seen someone play this before so I have no idea. He removes his cloak setting it down gently so not to bother Revy who is sleeping in the hood of it. Bandages cover where exposed skin would be up on to his neck and down his legs and his arms to the wrist where they meet his gloved hands, he walks towards her with the ball in hand. How does one play this game? He looks at her with a slight head tilt with his mask this on his face as to express he was at a loss for what she is asking of him to have to do to have fun with this ball and her, though he is not usually this willing to just join in on such a thing but Judith spoke to him about being more then he is and he is gonna try even if it might fail at least he tried. He starts bouncing the ball but is clearly not use to doing such a task as it looks super unsteady in his hand.

He looks around and notices they are alone and he just walked up to a stranger he has no idea who she is or why she is here, for all he knows she could be a criminal or the wife/mistress to one and messing with her might get him some real heat in this city which he doesn't need so he might want to be careful not to piss her off.

#5Hitomi Minamoto † 

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Sun Jan 16, 2022 9:02 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Something like a chuckling sound came from her but she never opened her mouth to make it. She hadn't met anyone who didn't know how to play basketball and she never had to teach anyone either. This would be interesting but there was kind of a lot to know. Watching him handle the ball like a truly confused person she couldn't help but worry for him as she did notice he was wrapped in bandages. Hitomi would walk up to what looked like a male and take the ball from him. " You look hurt. Are you alright? " Basketball would have to wait because if this guy needed medical attention she could heal him up right now. " I'm Hitomi by the way, A Captain of the Rune Knights, ya know just in case you were worried. I'm a really good healer I promise. " Smiling as she bounced the basketball a bit before dropping it beneath her foot she would await his answer before doing anything more.

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] AV4nNet
old sheet

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:17 am


He looks at her and he smiles then runs that back of his head. No I am not injured just my skin is cursed so if you were to touch it skin to skin you would not have a bad time . He trusts that if he was hurt that she could heal his body she looks sturdy, when she says she is a captain of the rune knights he stands up straight. sorry ma’am that I look so bad, but I would be glad to learn how to play from you. He watches her drop the ball and place her foot upon it and he wonders if he looks that bad, that she has to worry about him so much. He looks down at himself and wonders if he shoulda worn a long sleeve shirt under his cloak today instead of the bandage wraps. His exceed looks at them and she wonders what is going on and wonders why a rune knight captain who be here unless she was here to arrest Kai or hunt someone.

#7Hitomi Minamoto † 

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:25 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Hitomi almost took a step back away from the guy who hadn't stated his name yet. She didn't want anything to do with a curse but she also wasn't going to be rude so she stood her ground. Why was this cursed individual just out and about anyway and if he touched her ball and she touched it right after would she get cursed? What would even happen to her if she did manage to touch his skin. Picking the ball up and dribbling it a bit she gave the boy another look over. A small part of her wanted to take him to a clinic and get him checked out, but if he hadn't already done so himself then she wouldn't worry about it. " Well let's start with your name first, and then let's go into how contagious this curse you have is. Will I have a bad time if I touch something that you touched? Or is it only skin-to-skin contact? " Hitomi had every right to be wary of a guy walking around stating he had a curse. Hell if she deemed it too bad the young captain might take him in for being a " threat to the safety of the greater population ".

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] AV4nNet
old sheet

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:46 pm


He looks at her and he wonders what is on her in her head but he guesses she probably doesn't want to be anywhere near him after him stating he is cursed. It felt more like he is being treated like he has a deadly illness she doesn't want to catch instead of a curse. "Oh how rude of me, my name is Kaito but I go by Kai. It doesn't spread, it is only skin to skin, so touching something that isn't my skin will do nothing to you." He pointed to his bandage wrapped arms and to his mask and then to his cloak on the bench which is now moving a little from the exceed inside of it waking up. "I wear this to protect those around me from me." He rubs the back of his own head, he figured she doesn't want to still play with him, he turned and he starts to walk away to return to his cloak. He doesn't think he woulda caused an issue with her, but maybe he was just being hopeful, though he wonders why he has seen two strange rune knights with in a month of the other.

#9Hitomi Minamoto † 

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:38 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Ah shit. She didn't mean to come off like a dick but that's probably exactly what happened when she watched him walk away after he answered her questions. Now she could stop him and apologize or she could just let him continue to walk and keep on playing solo as she planned to do. The pros and cons of it all ran through her brain but before she had a chance to answer two lower-ranked Rune Knights came from seemingly nowhere. " What in the world are you two doing here. " Hitomi sounded annoyed as she addressed the Rune Knights, she could see that they were slightly out of breath as if they were running. " We are sorry to bother you on your vacation Captain but the higher-ups requested your presence on a matter that requires your input. " They knew she was on vacation and couldn't figure whatever it is they wanted on their own? Were the mighty Rune Knights that hopeless? This had to be the nail in the coffin for her but she agreed to go see what was so important that she couldn't enjoy her days off. " Sorry, Kai. Seems like I have something to attend to, but maybe I can teach you if we run into each other again." With those words lingering in the air between them she took off.

- exit -

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] AV4nNet
old sheet

Well Kept Secrets. [Kaito] Empty Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:03 pm


He sighs guessing he was right about her not wanting to near him after learning he is cursed, plus she seems to be busy with the new rune knights that appeared seemingly outta no where, he picks his cloak up with the cat in it being careful not to drop her, she looks at him with a sorta sad look at knowing he feels disappointed with this encounter. He figures her words are empty cause he is pretty sure she will go out of her way to avoid him. “Yeah if we meet again…” He puts his cloak on watching her leave then gets the cat seated back in the hood so she is comfortable and not gonna fall out of it and he starts out of the area figuring he shouldn’t trust ranked rune knights he has come across as they seem to only cause issues and are probably liars.


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