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Kai's escort service. (Solo)

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Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:02 am


Kai walks into the busy city in Bosco, he has the address in hand figuring this should be an easy pick up and leave job, but something in his gut tells him this will not be so easily done. He at least got told what they look like so he isn't faked out by who ever it is there that would try to give him fakes, as he walks through the city it seems normal no one even giving him a second thought or look. He hadn't been in Bosco since the festival that ended in a fire and him saving a small demi-human child from getting crushed by a relic. He wonders if she is doing okay with his master or if like him she had a very rough ride but it shaped him. He starts up a pretty well built road and he looks around for the place and then he sees it he has the others stay back so it looks like he is alone.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:02 am


Walking up he knocks on the door firmly and a seven foot white wolf demi-human woman answers looking down at him and smells him, smelling Emil on Kai, she tries not to react to it. How may I serve you today sir? She sounds proper and use to greeting guests, he think this must be Holly the white wolf demi-human that Emil spoke of so highly. Yes I am Kaito and Emil sent me to pick up his two attendants a miss Holly and a miss Fina. Kai swears he saw a smile and a slight aura of excitement on her person but she buries it swiftly. She bows and lets him in cause she knows he is gonna have to chat with the owner of the home for them to leave with him. Kai sees other people working in the home he wonders if like Holly they are "servants".


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:02 am


She lead him up to a room with a thick finely crafted wood door that looked black in color and she knocked three times and a heavy deep voice answered the knocks. [color:a584=##4a0ef1]”What do you want you damned wolf? Do I need to beat some sense into you?” Kai sees why Emil didn't see them as safe here, with this man. Master Emil sent an escort to take me and Fina to him. Kai sees that this might be a tad bit trickier here if he can't convince the man to release them to him. There is a sound of the man getting to his feet from a desk and loud heavy steps coming closer to the door. Kai braces himself for what is about to come through that door. The door opens and it is a five foot eight inch man medium long black hair and built like a bear.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:03 am


The man looks Kai up and down, and he rubs his scruffy chin then narrows his eyes.  So my boy sent you to collect his playthings ? Must be strong or dumb. The man reaches in his own pockets and pulls out two collars with chains attached to them. Be careful the wolf is nice but she is strong and might hurt you and the shark one bites and with those razor sharp teeth you will lose an arm. The man points to the ground and the sever foot demi-human kneels and the man puts the collar on her neck and he whistles and a blue haired demi-human woman comes running she looks about five foot five and she trips and slides up to them. The black hair man kicks her hard, Kai nearly moves to attack the man but holds back and the look on the wolf demi-humans face showed he had chosen wise not to do anything there.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:05 am


The man shouts after Kai to stop but Kai does not stop and nor do the two women he gets them to the court yard then tells them people are outside waiting to protect them that he will be fine, he releases the chains and the two women run outside where Revy and other cloaked people are standing. The man jumps down from the upper floor with his fists covered in darkness magic. Who are you really!? the man comes at Kai who just dodges knowing this man is a high level berserker and if he gets hit he is gonna have a hole in his chest. My name is Kaito and I am a member of Fairy Tail! The man keeps swinging at Kai, Kai sees an opening and goes in on it and flips the man who after being flipped landed on his feet looking more pissed off.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:05 am


The man comes at him running to throw a punch, Kai dodges and the shock wave from the punch sends one of the other people working in the courtyard flying. Kai realizes this man is not messing around and is aiming to remove his head and then go get those women back, Kai seems to have failed here, he hears a voice in the back of his head telling him to fight not run. Kai knows he is no match but he has to at least buy them time to get away before he falls or takes a knee. Kai takes a deep breath and runs in on the man and removes his glove and touches the man that, as soon as he makes contact with him turns pale and realizes who this man in front of him really is, his other son who the elf had freed from him before they could learn how to use his curse.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:05 am


When you next see that whore of an elf, you tell her I will find her and I will kill her, if it is the last thing I do! The man looks like he is getting paler and paler, the man is watching an elf with half blonde and half black hair clearly a
half high elf half dark elf woman his dead wife die in front of him over and over, on repeat telling him with her dying breath to make sure their sons grow up happy and healthy. The mans eyes are watering as he collapses and falls to the ground. Kai is scared that he knew without him saying anything about his master being an elf, this man knows something which means that Emil might be hiding something from him. Kai puts his glove back on and he hurries out to catch up with the others before they get too far.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:06 am


He comes into view of their meeting place and he sees the two are still collared and chained, he sighs and moves toward them. Why do they still have those one them ? Revy walks up to Kai and he lifts her up. They refused to let us remove them till we get to Emil. Kai removes his mask and he looks at Holly and Fina. We need to remove it so it doesn't look like I am dragging slaves with me, to protect you and me from getting into trouble. They shake their heads not wanting to do it still, and Kai sighs knowing he has lost this fight so he has Revy pull out spare cloaks and he puts them on them to hide the collars and chains, he pulls out a sewing kit to make the one on the shark a little shorter so it won't drag on the ground as she walks.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:06 am


The two women look at him weird cause they as well realize he looks a bit like their master does and that he is being kind to them like their master is, even getting on the ground to help make it easier for Fina to move and not trip on herself. Once he is finished he was her walk around to make sure it feels right and the shark woman tells him it is fine. Kai nods then stands placing his mask back on his face and he starts walking and notices the two woman aren't moving. He stops and looks at them and a thought crosses his mind. You two won't move unless I tell you too will you? They both nod and Kai sighs a defeated sigh then tells them to stick to him and not wonder off knowing this is gonna be a long trip home. The woman in the bear mask giggles at seeing Kai get this defeated, being use to him being cooler and calmer.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:07 am


The raven masked and Rabbit masked cloaked team members take point to watch out for any danger in front of them and the bear and deer masked members take the back as they are a healer and a sorcerer while Kai is in the middle of them all with the two women staying close to him, but he figures these two can fight but he doesn't want to push his luck with them not fighting without some sort of command he was gonna play a good body guard and not have them fighting cause he knows he has enough muscle around them to fight a small army he gets them onto the boat figuring it will be faster then by land he just hopes no one realizes they are collared and have chains on. They board the ship and he sees the wolf demi-human woman starts to shake a little, he wonders if she has never been on a ship before or the last time she was on a ship it was went she was brought to the country.


Kai's escort service.  (Solo) Empty Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:07 am


Thankfully the trip was smooth and they make it back to Fiore without any more issues, from there he works on getting them to Hosenka and to the place Emil told him to drop them off where they will be safe and had even given him a key to it in case he was still out keeping up appearances. As the enter the city he sees people staring at them and the two women got closer to him like they were scared, he figures it is because they are in a new place they are not use to and they haven't seen Emil so their trust in him might be getting thin, he reaches the place that Emil had told him and he opens the door and lets them inside and leaves the Key with them telling them Emil should be home soon to see them they nod to him and thank him. Kai heads for home leaving the raven masked man and the rabbit mask woman to watch over the place just in case the man sent anyone to collect them back.


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