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What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo]

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#1Hitomi Minamoto † 

What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:07 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
The sun peeked in through the window and slipped past the small sliver of an opening in the dark curtains that donned Genevieve’s room. It’s sunbeam placed itself perfectly on the peacefully sleeping face of the demi-human that now was scrunching up her face in annoyance. To be woken up in such a way was not fun for anyone but it was just the push she needed to wake up and get out of bed to start her day. Throwing the covers off of her body and sitting up she looked around the room she was given and smiled. Just a day ago she was about to be burned alive and now she was free to do as she pleased for the most part. Genevieve could feel tears welling up in her eyes as the sudden shift in events caused her to think about Valerie. She felt in her soul that the woman had perished in the village after that day’s events and even if she somehow survived the village would make sure she would pay with her life. Valerie knew about Genevieve being a demi-human but she kept it secret and protected the girl as if she were her own daughter. “ Don’t cry love, you must enjoy the freedom you have now, no one in that village, not even that woman deserved you. They were all bad. “ Asmodeus’s voice rang clear in her mind and as much as she wanted to fight her on that statement all she did instead was wipe her eyes and agree with the ancient demon. Leaving her bed and neatly making it she left for a long shower that had her washing every inch of her body and cleaning her hair. Once she was done she found herself mulling over what to wear. The walk-in closet she had was filled with all sorts of clothes thanks to Odin’s generosity.


What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] AV4nNet
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#2Hitomi Minamoto † 

What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:07 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Having appeared in this land with hardly anything on her body at all was no way to live in his eyes so he made sure she had enough clothes to last. She would be forever grateful to him for this and knew in order to show how grateful she was, she had to work hard. After a few moments of mulling about, she pulled out a dark dress that hugged her curves but came down very long, covering up her body, not that it mattered. The dress had long sleeves and a turtle neck fit and she looked like she was in a catsuit more than anything else with the way she filled it out. She slipped her feet in a pair of black boots that stayed hidden under the dress and soon she was pinning her hair up in a neat bun and heading out of her room. Today was the day she would take on something called a quest. Odin went over a lot of what was expected of her and being in a guild meant improving yourself, something Genevieve had no problem doing. Today she was tasked with heading back to the church she arrived in and helping with a ghost problem. After what happened there with her she didn’t think the people at the church would want anything to do with her or Odin but it looked like they didn’t have a choice in the matter. From what she understood all of Oak was under Odin’s control and no one dared go against what he said. Making her way towards the kitchen of the massive guild, she’d whip up something light to eat for now and grab a good amount of salt. When Genevieve got her quest assignment she did research on ghosts and found that salt was very effective against them should she get in some sort of trouble


What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] AV4nNet
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#3Hitomi Minamoto † 

What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:07 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Although she was bound to Asmodeus the two had a weak link that Genevieve needed to build up. This meant doing work like this and learning spells to bring their powers in as one. Until then she would use what she had at her disposal before heading out towards the church. Taking a basket she threw in the salt, a light, and a few other things she thought she might need like candles, flowers, and some small offerings. Stepping out of the door and making her way to the church she would be met by a priest who would immediately get a disgusted look from Genevieve. The priest noticed the look and began to show signs of nervousness. He heard about what happened to the last priest that messed with this girl and he wasn’t about to be the next splatter on the ground. The priest did know why she was here though so when she got close enough to him he bowed his head and averted his gaze before giving her the details to the quest. “ Hello miss, I’ve been sent to guide you to the catacombs. We’ve been having just a doozy of a time with some restless spirits. We don’t really care how you take care of them just please do so and with haste. Some of them have been hurting the townspeople who come here to pray. “ The priest’s voice almost sounded like a whisper when he spoke, like a mouse pleading to a lion. Genevieve listened to the priest talk and did not disregard his words since she needed any and all information she could get to make this task easy for herself. Once he did stop speaking though she let him lead her to the catacombs. The church certainly had a “ bigger on the inside “ feel when the two walked down the spiral staircase to their destination.


What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] AV4nNet
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#4Hitomi Minamoto † 

What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:08 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
It was pretty amazing that they got such a large enclosure down under the church. To fill the silence the priest decided to talk about the history of the church and the “ glory “ of the illumin religion. Once he went on that tangent Genevieve stopped him pretty quickly as she wasn’t interested in the religion that she had known as corrupt. She felt bad for anyone following it, but she felt disgusted for those trying to recruit more people into it. The rest of the time the two spent together was very quiet and that’s how she liked it. She didn’t want this priest to get any ideas of being too friendly with her, she wouldn’t allow him to get closer to her than what was needed for the quest. Once the two had reached their destination she expected the priest to leave but he did not. Apparently, he would be coming with her as he needed to perform the proper rights on the ghosts that she took care of. Genevieve wished Asmodeus was awake to talk to her but she was currently resting. With a frown on her face and disdain in her eyes, Genevieve instructed the priest to keep his distance from her and that he better protect himself. Her job was not to make sure he stayed alive so he had better be able to keep himself safe. Besides herself and the priest, the catacombs were void of any actual life. They wouldn’t be disturbed and the catacombs would be cut off from any visitors while they worked. This was good as Genevieve didn’t need anyone messing up her first quest. Checking her basket she pulled out the salt and gave the light to the priest. She figured if he was gonna be around he might as well be useful.


What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] AV4nNet
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#5Hitomi Minamoto † 

What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:08 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †

“ I know I told you to keep your distance, but now I need you to stay close and keep the light from going out. Now let’s go. “ The priest would take the light and only gave a nod at her request. Genevieve would lead the way down a long corridor lit by dim flames, she was lucky she brought her own light as it helped so much better than whatever they had down here. Why the hell did they need to have it so dim if people came down here to visit? She didn’t know the answers and she didn’t have time to dwell on it before they ran into their first ghost. It was a small child that looked no older than five years old. The ghost was a small girl that looked malnourished but had beautiful curly hair and a beautiful dress. Even with its ghostly appearance, she could see this child was very beautiful. When the ghost noticed the two it let out a ghostly wail. It wasn’t one of malice but one of sadness and when Genevieve heard it she could feel the tears in her own eyes swell up. This ghost needed help it did not want to fight and once she realized that the wailing stopped. The ghost skipped away and Genevieve quickly followed the little girl. As the two followed they learned that getting too close caused the ghost to vanish so they kept a steady distance away. It didn’t take long for Genevieve to figure out that the ghost probably wanted them to complete something to help her move along and soon they came to a stop at a part of the catacombs where the girl’s body was buried. It was so deep that even the priest made note of how far in they were and that this part of the catacombs was hardly ever visited anymore.


What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] AV4nNet
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#6Hitomi Minamoto † 

What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:08 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
With that knowledge, Genevieve assumed that the girl didn’t have any more living relatives visiting her grave. This was probably causing the ghost girl to lash out to the people that were visiting their own relatives. She was just lonely and wanted gifts and offerings too it seemed. Walking over to the ghost girl’s grave and reading the little gravestone left there, Genevieve learned that the girl died very young. Pulling out some candles she placed them in front of the gravestone. Lighting the candles she placed some flowers down and let the Preist take over with his prayer and closing rites. Once it was all said and done a bright light flashed from the tomb and a healthy little ghost girl rose up and into the sky, finally at peace at having one more visitor before she could finally move on from this plane and onto the next. Genevieve was happy that her first task was a simple one or rather she was happy her first ghost didn’t want to murder her. With everything settled down, Genevieve took the lead again, making her way back to where they started so they wouldn’t get lost by going deeper in. It was quiet between them for the most part with the priest sometimes trying to make small talk but always politely getting shut down on way or another. Genevieve just wanted to get this task done and show Odin that she was capable of doing it and that she was adapting easily to her new life. She also wanted to start her spell training so that she could use Asmodeus’s powers for herself and be of use to the guild. As she got herself lost in thought another ghost or rather two of them popped up. They were two men who looked very old and very tired.


What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] AV4nNet
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#7Hitomi Minamoto † 

What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:10 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †

The two old ghosts came right up to Genevieve, she could feel the warmth from them and soon they began to speak in unison. “ Hey, my brother thinks he can beat me in a game of chess. I know I can beat him. We need to settle this but being a ghost makes it hard to get a chess game going...We might have scared off a few people but we really need help.” Genevieve was more or less surprised at how tame these ghost requests were but she wasn’t about to complain. Sending the priest away to get a chess set for the two ghosts she stayed with them and found out they were always competing with each other which led to their deaths. Once the priest came back with the chessboard the ghost took over their bodies in order to play a game, something Asmodeus immediately realized and instantly hated. The ghost was scared of Asmodeus and so they took turns using the priest’s body for their last game which ended in a stalemate. They played many games which took hours each time the game ended in a stalemate and it looked like they were just evenly matched. It was at this point that Genevieve got an idea. She realized that really they just wanted one of them to win and so she pulled out a coin. This would define a clear winner no matter what, it would be based on luck and nothing more. Yes, it was the cheap way out but if they two kept going like this they would never leave. One brother called heads and the other called tails and when she flipped the coin it actually landed in a way that made it stand upright on it’s side. The two brothers laughed at this turn of events and decided to let it go. Another bright flash of light and more of the priest’s prayers were enough to call it a day. She was paid and sent on her way for a job well done

(345) Final WC: 2,247
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What Lies Beneath [NQ-Solo] AV4nNet
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