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Translate the Note [Quest/Solo]

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Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 3 Empty Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:41 am


WORDS: 333 | TOTAL: 15407 | Prim Princess

“I am sure that if I am need of knowledge and wisdom in future, I will seek this library and hopefully yourself out again?” Easing herself back up into something of a more vertical inclination after having offered the man more than a few seconds of bowing reverence, after having done so the dark haired damsel moved across the space that separated them and extended her hand to the man in a somewhat formal but also rather well earned offer of a handshake. The two of them working well together, while Ellie had been a bit more reliant on the wisdom and experience of her elder, ultimately it had felt like a good partnership and one that she would have been happy to reunite in future if the need arose.

“Then I shall look forward to it, Ellie Cavallero.
Safe travels, and give my regards to Luciel when you next see her?”

Osmund seeming to make no effort to rebuff her as well, either in the form of a refusal to cooperate or the attempt that Miss Cavallero had made to shake his hand, to the delight of the teen she found him extending a slim but firm grip to meet her mitt and seizing it along the way. Shaking the hand of our heroine with far more vigour and enthusiasm than her client had done earlier on, all too quickly the old librarian had brought his second paw to rest on hers in a show of enthusiasm as he wished the young woman good fortune with her endeavours, and the meeting with Luciel as well.

“I will sir, and you keep yourself safe as well?” The response of Ellie only further demonstrating the heightening sense of excitement that she felt when dealing with this scholarly senior, not only did she return the verbal sentiment that he gave her but also the gesture of placing her hand on top of their ‘shake’ as well, the moment that she shared was about more than simple reflection of politeness and good manners. Really feeling as if she had made a friend here and wishing even an old man such as this the best he could get, the floral femme was glad to have found this job, and could only wonder what other intriguing souls she might meet on her other challenges…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 3 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 3 Empty Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:42 am


WORDS: 367 | TOTAL: 15774 | Prim Princess

“Until next time~” Offering one final nod and then a wave as she left the old man behind, Miss Caravello let her gaze linger on the old and yet also new friend that she had made as she moved toward the door with the note and it’s translations in hand, and even found herself pausing for a second to offer one final flap of her hand before disappearing into the entranceway of the library once more. Naturally finding her gaze lifting up to the sculpture that had so enraptured her as she had entered this temple of knowledge as she did so of course, it was no small amount of joy that the teen discovered that the waltzing sculpture held even more splendour at night. Those twinkling stars on the ceiling seeming ever more apparent as the light dwindled and the colour of the sun and moon seeming like even more of a startling contrast to the darkness than ever before, it was intriguing to see the way they lit up the swirling planet in the middle so wonderfully, but the girl knew she couldn’t linger for too long admiring it.

That… Took a little longer than I thought it would have?  The hour late and both her horse and client waiting upon her return, while she had taken quite a bit longer to complete the task than she had anticipated, Ellie didn’t particularly mind that all too much.
But it seemed worth it in the end? The day feeling like it had its rewards even if they had not been in the realm of a speedy work rate, it had been fascinating to see the difference that a little bit of liberal translation could make in their work, and even more gratifying than that to have met Osmund.

And with any luck, Miss Luciel will agree on that count as well~  A new figure of intrigue and esteem in her life and one that she hoped that she would have more to do with in future, the black beauty couldn’t help but feel she wanted to find a way to impress him upon the next opportunity to meet him, but ultimately that would be a plan for another day. For now she had a horse to find and a promise to keep with a blonde, and those were the sorts of things a gallant soul like Miss Cavallero simply couldn’t overlook…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 3 Q7O8hRr

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