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Translate the Note [Quest/Solo]

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Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:32 pm


WORDS: 276 | TOTAL: 7642 | Prim Princess

“It is a wonderful experience to meet you, Ellie Cavallero.”

The exchange of greeting seeming to be something that sparked both Ellie and Osmund into something with a little bit more purpose, while there was still the potential that the elder of the two was simply sliding into this subject in order to deflect things further away from the issue of his age, it did at least seem to serve a purpose and remind the juniper eyed junior that she was not here merely for the purpose of conversation and curiosity.

“So pray tell, are you here at the library simply to enjoy our exhibits, or do you have a more scholarly reason to be here?”

Not only that but also offering her a hint of a compliment as he did so, the black beauty wasn’t sure exactly why it made her feel just a little bit giddy to get told it was ‘wonderful’ to be met but it certainly made her happy, provoking no small smile across her face in the wake of such a flattering commentary.

“In truth, I am here on an errand.”  Getting a little caught up in her discussion about the history of the object that continued to linger above her in such a delightfully dazzling manner as well as the man who had endowed it upon her current locale, it was nice to get pushed back onto her proverbial ‘track’ even if unintentionally.
“I have been sent by a Miss Luciel to help her with a translation?” The teen taking a breath before revealing her intention here, while she was a little guilty for spending her time enjoying herself when she was for all intents and purposes ‘on the clock’, given the fact that this fellow had actually proven he might be quite useful in finding the information she needed it seemed like something of a necessary sacrifice, so to speak. After all, who would be better than the head librarian to steer her toward the ancient languages section?

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:09 am


WORDS: 297 | TOTAL: 7939 | Prim Princess

“Oh from Miss Luciel? That girl is often here on the business of Miss Merlin…”

The old man almost immediately showing that he had expertise not only in the history of the library bit certain citizens of Crocus as well, no sooner had Ellie mentioned her business and the young woman who had for all intents and purposes sent her on it than Osmund was stroking his beard with a look of surprise on his somewhat wrinkled features.

“It is interesting that she has delegated her work to you, she often spends many hours painstakingly researching things here, despite the fact that her mentor has a considerable collection of her own?”

Clearly familiar with the young blonde girl with the brilliant blue eye, far more so than the woman who worked for her was, he offered a rather speedily drawn but on the whole accurate image of someone whose finer features had perhaps flown over the head of the floral femme.

“She does?” Finding that she was somewhat surprised by both the fact that the man before her knew the girl and that she spent a great deal of time in this very library but not entirely sure why, perhaps because of how meek Luciel had seemed and how messy her house was Miss Cavallero had assumed that the girl did not leave it terribly often. Making the mistake of assuming that the pretty but somewhat scruffy thing lived like something of a hermit or something, for some reason it felt useful and a little bit reassuring to know that the flaxen femme got out and about, and didn’t spend her whole day cooped up like a rabbit in a hutch.

“Yes, I noted when she asked this of me that she seemed a little hesitant to pass the job on, even if she did make a request of it?” The one fact that about what Osmund revealed that wasn’t a shock being how dedicated the girl seemed to be to her work, Ellie remembered the reluctance and hint of disappointment that her client had seemed to show at the idea of needing to pass her work along, and felt proud of herself for being able to confirm that fact as well toward her wise elder…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:09 am


WORDS: 324 | TOTAL: 8263 | Prim Princess

“Yes, yes… That does not surprise me.
She is often very keen to carry out any work for Merlin personally, I think she considers it a way of paying Merlin back for all she had done for her?”

The man in front of her keeping up his effortless display of being a bearded encyclopaedia with such informative ease, it appeared that the more that Miss Cavallero seemed to convey to Osmund, the more that she seemed to find out from him. The silver senior stroking his beard still as he shared his account and opinion of the woman who had set her on this task of translation in a manner reminiscent of a sage or ancient wizard, his oaky words run with a sense of clarity and carefulness that told you all you needed to know, and yet also left you craving more as well.

All she had done for her? For her part Ellie feeling rather grateful for the account that she was given by this old man from the library, while she had been curious about the nature of the girl who she had met earlier on due to her somewhat mousy manner, she had not felt it polite to broach the subject with someone who was not only the party for whom she was so focused but also her client. Furthermore rather thrilled by the chance to do her first job and perhaps the giddiness that this caused making her a little bit rash and rushed, perhaps the prim princess had not spent the time needed to truly grasp an appreciation of the blonde earlier on, which now seemed a shame.

Just who is this Merlin person? So many very interesting lines of inquiry seeming to be opened up by the words of this wizened scholar, though Miss Cavallero could recall Luciel mentioning someone whom she had perhaps hinted at as some form of mentor, the floral femme had not really lingered on the subject for long enough to develop her own curiosity in it. This now feeling like such a shame with the benefit of hindsight’s perspective, given how fond she was of her own heroic mentor the black beauty couldn’t help but feel curious as to that of another’s…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:11 am


WORDS: 327 | TOTAL: 8590 | Prim Princess

“Ah, you don’t know?”

The silver senior seeming to not even need Ellie to speak in order to tell that she craved more of the delicious knowledge that he could offer by this point, after having been left there in silence for a few seconds, the old man started up once more the moment that his gaze met the lavender eyes of the listening lady without needing to really be asked to explain things more fully.

“You see, Merlin took her in as an orphan when she was a little girl, and talk of the town says she saved her life from some peril as well?”

Seeming to easily spy the curiosity that the raven haired rider had on the subject and offer up yet another juicy morsel of information on the individuals concerned, he nodded and elected to pass on information that seemed to suit his ‘student’ so perfectly that if she didn’t know better the girl would have thought he also knew everything about her as well.

It sounds a little like what happened with Gilbert and myself… The matter of Luciel and Merlin seeming to hit far closer to home to Miss Cavallero than she or perhaps even Osmund might have guessed, the girl couldn’t help but feel a certain parallel in the story that she was told and her own history, remembering all to clearly how she too had found herself in some rather dire straits and needed rescue from a kind and likeable stranger.

This Merlin must be a good guy? Like Mr Gilbert! This more than anything else that she might have heard about the flaxen haired femme for whom she was working something that made her feel a real connection with the girl, the violet eyes of the vixen widened and she was forced to conceal her gaping mouth with her palm at the realization of their commonality, as well as feel a swell of respect and admiration for the soul called Merlin. Really having a soft spot for those noble sorts who fought the good fight and protected people, especially little girls, if she wasn’t careful she just might have been swooning over someone she had never met, but assumed was quite the handsome man indeed if her own idol was anything to go by...

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Ellie on Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:12 am; edited 1 time in total

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:11 am


WORDS: 328 | TOTAL: 8918 | Prim Princess

Is that why she has the eye patch? Smiling for a moment with no shortage of serenity as she realized that the nation of Fiore held a brave and charitable soul just like Mr Gilbert, after a beat or two had passed by Ellie realized another little notion which, on this occasion, seemed far less sweet.
I can’t help but wonder what happened to her… Piecing together the odd choice of eyewear that Luciel seemed to sport upon their meeting together with the torrid implication of Luciel’s history, while at times the enchanting equestrian could be a little dull on the uptake she was far from unsympathetic to the plight of anyone, and now that she knew a little of the blonde’s backstory she couldn’t help but feel a swell of empathy and pity for the girl.

It certainly explains why she’s so insular though… The violet eyes of the vixen narrowing as she continued to put together the pieces of the puzzle with which she had been presented, it all seemed to fit together so easily to offer the image of someone who was quite thoroughly the example of being bitten at one time and now rather the shy soul, which only made Miss Cavallero feel worse for her.

Perhaps I should have made more of an effort to connect with her? Remembering the trouble she had after her own incident with those contemptible brigands, the empathic equestrian knew that she had only really recovered her confidence thanks to the efforts of Gilbert, her parents and the staff afterward, and as great as this Merlin was supposed to be she could well expect that the severity of what the girl had gone through could mean that it was very hard from her to move on from it. This understanding giving the girl no small degree of insight into Luciel but also making her inspiring some guilt from her for not making more of an effort, the ravishing rider couldn’t help but wish she might have done just a little bit more to make the girl smile or something of the sort now that she did…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:39 pm


WORDS: 313 | TOTAL: 9231 | Prim Princess

“She’s a proud girl though, and hates to rely too heavily on anyone, especially where Merlin is concerned…”

The twinge of guilt that Miss Cavallero felt turning to a feeling that seemed to resemble a mix of pride and approval as Osmund continued, though she certainly had no small swell of sympathy for the plight hat had affected Luciel at the same time she felt a sense of respect and esteem for the girl given what the man said. Glad to hear that despite her seemingly mousy and subdued nature the girl still had some sense of independence and drive, while she knew that the blonde might have done a little better to welcome and accept the support of the people around her, the black haired beauty admired that never say die spirit that seemed to be hidden within this girl. It was hard not to root for a plucky underdog, after all.

“It sounds like she’s been through a lot…” Nodding slowly as she finally raised her voice again with a strong sentiment of sympathy, Ellie found herself feeling more determined than ever to get the work done she needed to and in fact felt just a little bit guilty for letting herself dally for so long as well. Understanding the need to prove oneself and not feel contained by others as much as anyone, despite the fact that she could sometimes feel frustrated by how overprotective people like her father tended to be, at the same time the floral femme knew that sometimes you needed other people to help you feel strong and confident.

“I should get this done quickly for her then, I’d hate to keep her waiting.”  Always an assured girl but in her own opinion only really coming into her own thanks to the influence of Mr Gilbert, if one were to ask Miss Cavallero she would certainly say that as much of her strength and drive came from outside forces as well as internal ones, and she wanted to prove to this girl that sometimes a little bit of help can make all the difference in the world…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:40 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: 9541 | Prim Princess

“Yes, quite right, my dear.
In fact, while my eyes might be old I’d be happy to lend you a hand
for the sake of Luciel.
She’s a proud girl, but a good one at heart.”

The faith of the femme seeming to only be bolstered when, with no other reason than simple kindness, the silver senior also seemed to feel this effort was worth his time as well. Osmund offering a sense of approval which seemed to carry a more considerable sense of esteem given how knowledgeable and steeped in wisdom that he seemed to be, the man also nodded at the task that was before Miss Cavallero and showed a strong desire to help her with it, giving the girl an even greater sense of joy than she would have with his endorsement alone.

“Oh well, I’m sure that two heads are better than one, as the saying might go?” Always happy to impress a figure of authority and this oaky voiced old man certainly proving one that Ellie could admire in such a short space of time, while initially she had been excited at the prospect of challenging herself and completing the task alone, given the situation she was more than happy to accept a little help. In one way or another likely to learn that little bit more from a fellow who seemed as experienced and insightful as this one was, it felt like no real ‘loss’ to be deprived of the chance to achieve a little personal success since her supposed sacrifice seemed to offer a greater benefit really.

“I believe she said the note was written in something called… Katrusian? Yes, that was it.” Finding that she was actually rather excited about seeing just how far the knowledge and perception of this library master could stretch, albeit quietly, the teenage translator was keen to test the ocean of knowledge that the man possessed and eagerly accepted the chance to work with him. Offering what she knew of her task to the man with a sense of eagerness that betrayed just a little of the enthusiasm she felt, Miss Caravello was keen to see what he made of the details up to this point, and how they might proceed with it as well…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:40 pm


WORDS: 316 | TOTAL: 9857 | Prim Princess

“Oh, it’s a tricky one, then?
Well, let’s get to it then, Miss Cavallero…”

One again that near-white beard of her new friend seeming to find itself being caressed as the pair ventured a little deeper into the library, even though Ellie had never heard of the mysterious language with which her odd and possibly magical note had been written, it seemed that her new ‘partner’ was far less stumped by the name that he was given.

Tricky one? Sounds like he knows the language… The floral femme frowning for but a moment before her mouth seemed to curve into a smirk at the familiarity that Osmund showed so speedily with her statement, Miss Cavallero would have to confess right from the get go that she was impressed with the scope of his knowledge as he seemed to know both the language and enough about it to expect it giving them a little trouble.
That should make things a little smoother then? The violet eyes of the young vixen growing a bit narrower as she looked toward the man who led her into the library with a sense of amusement and hope, though she felt a sense of reassurance at the fact that the silvery senior showed such a strong level of appreciation and understanding toward the task that lay ahead of them, she also couldn’t help but feel her curiosity about the man returning as well.

“Right after you, Mr Osmund~” Certainly happy to defer to that venerable experience in order to find their way through this task in a smoother and speedier fashion than she would on her own, as her inexperience with the locale made Ellie gestured for the librarians lead, she couldn’t help but wonder if her outlandish suspicion earlier was actually rather correct. Estimating from his bearing and the august insight he had shown that he might just have read every book that this library had to offer, though it still felt a rather unlikely prospect, a two hundred year lifespan certainly seemed like it might just be enough to achieve such a steep accomplishment…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:41 pm


WORDS: 323 | TOTAL: 10180 | Prim Princess

Let’s see… The bright golden sun that hung in the sky when she entered the library having mellowed in tone and flooded the skies with crimson colour in the time that Ellie had spent researching, even with the help of her new friend, the process was not a particularly quick one. Ancient, dead languages not exactly the sort of thing that one would really just walk in and find a nice phrasebook on, the duo were left with musty dictionaries searching through them to try and find the right words to match the symbols that they saw, and even then it was more trial and error guesswork than any kind of strict science. However, even with hours of tedium having passed, the floral femme was not defeated just yet, and in fact was in reasonably high spirits despite the slow nature of her work.

Only one more word left on my end now… Osmund’s advice and knowledge seeming to have proven rather indispensable in the task really, having broken down the first couple of lines of  the note together, they had built up a bit of rhythm and flow in their work before separating to cover more ground individually. Given the chance to ‘get her eye in’ so to speak and build a little confidence in clarity in what she was doing under the wing of a wise old owl, though progress hadn’t exactly been at anything close to a blistering pace by any stretch of the imagination, Miss Cavallero was proud of the ‘ground’ she had covered in her work. Perhaps only managing to solve about half the symbols that her partner had in total but knowing this was not some form of competition but rather a collaboration, Ellie had eagerly decided to decipher the last little entry as the old man had opted to take a short break in order to grab them another round of refreshments, wanting to get the last word done even if she couldn’t get all of them down.

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:41 pm


WORDS: 318 | TOTAL: 10498 | Prim Princess

“Hmmmmmmm…” Humming as she perused at least two books on the edge of a breakthrough, the space in front of Miss Cavallero was not in the tidiest fashion as she sought to finish her task of translations, being littered with notes and even the odd pony doodle she has made as she focused on the book. The yellowed piece of paper that they sought to discern the meaning of at the centre of the large table that she and Osmund had commandeered for their task, the teen had been thorough and cautious in her approach by drafting a replica as they got started to work off, rather than risk ruining the original. The methods of the teen rather meticulous and careful, they reflected the high level of education she had received in her privileged lifestyle, and pointed out the fact that if she ever tried her hand at it she might just make an excellent student at the city’s university should she be so inclined. Unfortunately, for now she was not.

What is that last one, it’s really tricky…? Absorbed in her current task but the longing that the lavender eyed young lady held for all things outdoorsy too strong for her to contemplate spending every day like this, while she might have had the aptitude for education Ellie was perhaps lacking a little for the enthusiasm and patience for such a thing. Far more interested in going out and doing things of a higher level of excitement and capacity to reap renown than spending her days engrossed in books, perhaps had her life been saved by some apt scholar when she was a girl then maybe she might have ended up as the brilliant pupil she showed signs of becoming in moments like this. Instead rescued by a rough man who loved adventures and thrived in a fight, unfortunately, for better or worse that had been the colour she had been ‘dyed’ in for her destiny…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:42 pm


WORDS: 305 | TOTAL: 10803 | Prim Princess

“Aha!” Finally feeling as if she was making some headway on the last phrase in the short passage to which she had been tasked in translating, for a moment she young woman forgot her locale as she cried out with jubilation at her success and thrust her fist into the air, accidentally knocking one of her books into a looping fall that brought it to the ground in the process. Luckily for Miss Cavallero the people in the vicinity seeming all too keen on reminding her of the fact that she was currently in a library, as several glaring glances turned upon her and hissing shushes greeted her discovery the girl felt her cheeks burn just a little and mouthed an apology before picking the tome back up, but despite this frosty reception her spirits did not feel diminished to any high degree really.

It’s done… Beaming from ear to ear despite her blush and looking like a girl who was perhaps a good decade younger than she was because of it, Ellie looked like a child who was proud of the painting she had done as she lifted up the piece of paper on which she had been writing and admired it, enjoying the feeling of accomplishment in a task like this almost as much as she might have done a good workout or a hard ride through winding country roads.

It’s finally done! That feeling of achievement something that the girl had craved for as long as she could remember, whether she was coercing her pony to clear the fence or even trading blows with a brutish bully in town the floral femme craved that triumphant feeling she got when she did something new or hard, finding that there really was nothing like it to put her in a good mood and fill her heart with fire and excitement…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:44 pm


WORDS: 297 | TOTAL: 11000 | Prim Princess

Now, let’s see what we’ve got now it’s done… Humming gently to herself as she looked over her work one last time before letting out a sigh, what with the fact that she had been trading translations of terms with Osmund up to this point and been so focused on getting things done that she did not dally too much with reading the ‘in progress’ version, Miss Cavallero was rather ignorant to exactly what was spelled out on the page for her now. An odd sense of excitement seizing her as she realized she might be the first person in centuries to read what had been written on this ancient but hardy piece of paper, the girl smiled with no shortage of relish as she laid her word down in front of her and gave herself the chance to really digest what she had been working toward. After all, Luciel wouldn’t mind if she got the first ‘taste’, right?

"How well she knows to cast her trap,
And yet is no common hunter!
She hurls the net upon me with her hair,
Then quells me with her glare;
She subdues me with her temper,
Before she bruises me ceaselessly with her seal ring."

I don’t think this is a spell? What she found had been laid out for her seeming like it was wholly unanticipated however, while Ellie had been expecting to see some form of rhyming or otherwise poetic verse like her client had indicated or even a list for the grocers or something, this was not what the young woman predicted for a single second really.
It seems more like a page of a diary, or letter home? The words that she and Osmund had so carefully called up and checked at least in triplicate in order to confirm their authenticity having a certain rhythm to it but certainly not tackling a subject that seemed to be in any way pleasant, the lilac eyes of the lady widened as she stared at what had been laid out before her in a state close to disbelief, being so surprised by the verse that she almost thought her eyes were deceiving her for more than a second or two…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:07 pm


WORDS: 297 | TOTAL: 11297 | Prim Princess

Sounds pretty torturous really, maybe the account of a soldier captured by the enemy, or slave that attempted runaway? A knot seeming to form at the centre of the black beauty’s brow as she reread the piece of paper at least a half dozen times before she accepted the fact that she was indeed interpreting it correctly, Miss Cavallero couldn’t help but to pull her hand up to her face and stoke her cheek and mouth as she realized what she was looking at, and the horror that was contained within it. The more that she read it the more she was convinced this was some account of torrid suffering, even as she looked over it again and again she couldn’t quite believe this was what she was given, this was what the lovely Luciel wanted translating. It seemed to defy belief.

“Well, well, it looks like our little task is reaching its terminus…
How did it turn out in the end?”

In such a state of shock that she found her heart racing when her partner for the task returned to her with a tray in hand which happened to be loaded with a teapot, cups and a few biscuits as well, as the oaky voice of Osmund reached out to her with such a sense of optimism and curiosity within it, Ellie couldn’t help but feel as if she might be disappointing him by delivering the truth of the passage. However, she knew she couldn’t hide it from him either.

“Well, uh, not exactly how I expected, really?” Lifting up the sheet from which she had been working in an almost reluctant fashion like she was a little girl who was ashamed to offer up a piece of homework in which she had gotten all the answers wrong, despite her hesitance the young woman steeled herself and handed the translation over, hoping that the silver senior would not too disheartened by it. However, she almost knew as she did so there was no chance of him being happy about what he saw…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Ellie on Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:08 pm


WORDS: 315 | TOTAL: 11612 | Prim Princess

“That most certainly is something of a severe account, I’d say?”

Folding her arms in front of her and waiting patiently on the silver senior as he read through the translation, Miss Cavallero found it strangely satisfying to see that much like she had the old man also seemed to feel the need to reread the passage they had made to confirm what it said. This seeming to confirm the fact that he too seemed to feel there was something off about it, something he couldn’t quite believe, when he finally finished and lifted her eyes toward her the experienced elder seemed to share her own aversion to the subject matter, which only assured the girl even more.

“Definitely.” Nodding with approval as she confirmed the perspective of Mr Osmund, Ellie lifted her hand to her jaw and rubbed the top of her chin softly as she remembered the words upon the sheet, still feeling a little bit unsettled by them really.
“Whoever wrote it seems like they were in quite the dire straits, I’d say?” The subject matter taking her totally by surprise and leaving her feeling just a little bit unsettled as well, had she not known that this note was hundreds of years old, the floral femme would certainly feel an intervention might be in order.

“Honestly, it’s a surprise a note like this would survive all these centuries?” Still half-wanting to mount her horse after reading it and make for wherever she could find the writer to spare them the anguish that was apparently being inflicted upon them, the eager equestrian was held back only by the knowledge that age would mean it made no difference, but even that passage of time seemed a little strange to her. Understanding why pieces of wisdom and beauty might have been prized enough for someone to hold it in the collection long after it had any validity to real life, it seemed somewhat mysterious to Miss Cavallero that someone would wish to hold onto such a torrid note such as this, like there was something to the item she did not currently see…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Ellie on Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:08 pm


WORDS: 297 | TOTAL: 11909 | Prim Princess

“Yes, it doesn’t quite seem like the sort of words one would wish to hang onto for a keepsake, now does it?”

By this point a more suspicious soul starting to think that Osmund might just have been able to read the mind of the raven haired rider, even without Miss Cavallero having to need to spell out the specifics of her misgivings, it seemed that the old man agreed with them. The Silver senior noting a rather similar sentiment to the one that the girl held almost without really needing to hear her argument, it was nice for her to know that they were on the same page, but something beyond the writing nagged at our lilac eyed lead despite this commonality.

“No, not really…” Shaking her head as she offered up a confirmation of their shared opinion but the bearing of the black haired beauty becoming that little bit more subdued than before, Ellie frowned as she came upon a realization that would mean that, despite the effort they had put into their tasks, the results of them might not meet with their hopes and expectations beyond the simple words in the report.

“…I hope Luciel won’t be too disappointed?” The floral femme feeling just a hint of discontentment because of the words and how they might not be something that would manage to cheer up their client very much to know what they were, because she had accepted the primary aim of helping the blonde feel that bit better, Miss Cavallero couldn’t help but feel as if their task might fall short of that now it was complete. The knowledge that Luciel seeming to think that what she had to translate some form of spell only seeming to make the truth even harsher, while a more innocent result might have created something that was easier to accept as a failure, this seemed like it might just have been the worst possible outcome they could have found…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:11 pm


WORDS: 279 | TOTAL: 12188 | Prim Princess

“Hmmmmm… I wonder…?
Let’s not give it to her just yet… I have a bit of an idea?”

Not the only soul in the library who was left frowning by the prospect of disappointing Luciel, Miss Cavallero watched as the old man furrowed his brow and stroked his beard in the manner that by this point had become his trademark, before looking toward her with eyes that seemed as if they were focused upon something other than her lovely image. The misty expression of Osmund seeming to only be added to as he spoke in an almost whimsical and mysterious manner afterward, while the floral fox herself was sensing an upcoming setback in their task, it seemed that the silver haired senior was not quite so downcast as she was and in fact seemed to almost be sensing an opportunity here.

He wonders what? This manner seeming more than confusing for our lilac lady and even more a source of her curiosity, as the elderly librarian mused in front of her in a manner that seemed as if he was having a  moment of epiphany, Ellie couldn’t help but feel herself being drawn in by what he had said and even more so by what he had not said.
“Oh, well, what might you have in mind, Mr Osmund?” Mystified and enchanted by the idea that the aged scholar seemed to have despite the fact she had little clue about what it was, with her eyes wide and a small sense of hope bursting into life in her mind once more, the black beauty lifted herself a little higher in her chair so as to lean that bit closer to the man as if she were about to hear some great and special secret from the wizened soul in front of her that she was only too eager to hear…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:12 pm


WORDS: 299 | TOTAL: 12487 | Prim Princess

“Just a little trick, or not even that really…
I think we might be getting the wrong end of the stick here really?”

The old man looking back toward their translation and narrowing his eyes less with a sense of hostility toward it and more intrigue, in a great many ways it seemed as if those aged eyes could see a whole world of things that Ellie could not, and she envied that really.
“The wrong end of the stick?” Left tilting her head at the statement the man made with surprise and curiosity, though she could not currently see how the translation might have gone awry, at the same time the enchanting equestrian did not for a second doubt the wise words of the librarian either. That age and experience he possessed only part of that as well, the hope that he showed and the hope that she possessed as well seemed to guide her in some innocent way as she waited with her breath practically baited to see exactly what he meant.

“Yes, you see this is not my first time trifling with an ancient language, and as I said earlier they can be somewhat tricky.
The command of language in the past was not as sophisticated as we hold today, so sometimes I think a little something can be lost in translation?”

This breath holding wait seeming to be worth it however, through his experience and great perception it seemed that Osmund could easily see that through the trials and tribulations of translation that their twosome have been somewhat waylaid. This not seeming like a new thing at all to him and the man stating in a manner that seemed rather matter of fact, the silver senior shone with a sense of energy, enthusiasm and confidence that was reassuring, and certainly inspired some of the same within Miss Cavallero as well.

“So you think there might be more to this than we’ve found?” The eyes of our lady lead lighting up like a tree in December at the very moment she understood the idea that perhaps they might find themselves a happy ending for Miss Luciel after all, with her mouth gaping slightly she clapped her hands together in a pleading and almost prayer-like pose, hoping beyond hope that their day would end with joy rather than disappointment…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:12 pm


WORDS: 269 | TOTAL: 12756 | Prim Princess

“Yes, perhaps…
Here, let me have a moment or two with it…”

The old man nodding toward her with a sense of assurance and conviction about his aim, Miss Cavallero couldn’t help but feel her heart being lightened by both the prospect of the silver senior seeing what he could make of the text, and making something better for Luciel. The mysterious musing that Osmund had made something that she couldn’t help but feel curious about, the dark haired damsel wondered just what wizardry this wizened scholar might work upon the item to which they had already dedicated their day toward, and what wonders he might have been able to conjure with his wisdom.

“Ok… I’m not sure what you’ll find but…” Nodding back toward the man with a look of optimism, determination and intrigue on her face, Ellie handed over the original and her textbooks in order to watch this aged artisan at work, watching what he did with them keenly for a moment before deciding to distract herself with the brewed pot nearby.

“Let’s hope there’s a ‘bright side’ to this text we can’t see?” Humming gently as she pulled the tray of cups and the steaming kettle toward her, though she perhaps did not realize it, she couldn’t help but show a hint of domesticity as she set about preparing some drinks for the two of them. Tilting her head and focusing on the task with an almost amused sense of enthusiasm as she did something so humble as create a boiling beverage for both herself and the man opposite her, Miss Cavallero looked equal parts a wife and a little girl as she set about her task with a quiet sense of gusto, finding some simple sense of joy in the sense of provision she would bring…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:13 pm


WORDS: 312 | TOTAL: 13068 | Prim Princess

“Hmmmm… I did make a few ‘artistic’ choices with the synonyms, but I think this might be a more pleasing alternative on the whole?”

The soothing drink she had been enjoying almost entirely depleted as Osmund raised his head from his work and looked toward her, Miss Cavallero placed the cup she had in her hand back onto its saucer as she did so and looked toward the sheet he had slid over to her with curiosity and just a hint of excitement, looking forward to seeing what the take of a man of his experience might have been able to come up with.

‘Artistic choices’? The brow of the black beauty peaking just a little on one side because of the words he had uttered but more because of amusement than suspicion, after taking a breath the girl laid the passage out in front of her and rested her elbow on the table, using the edge of her hand like a pedestal to rest her head upon as she read through what the silver senior had scripted, and was quite astounded by what she saw.

"How well she knows to cast her trap,
And yet no common hunter!
She casts the snare upon me with her hair,
Then conquers me with her stare;
She tames me with her passion,
Before she brands me forever with her emblem."

It now sounds… Almost like a love poem? The text practically transformed from one torrid form to another that so very much sweeter, the lavender eyes of our lady lead grew wide as she looked over something that once had brought her discomfort but now seemed to stir something that was so much more pleasant within her. The young woman quite astonished really but the words and imagery that flowed into her mind, she found her face growing that bit hotter as she read the revised edition of the translation and her heart beating that bit quicker and harder because of it, feeling quite overwhelmed but in a rather good way.

“I-Incredible…” The piece that Osmund had composed feeling like it was full of beauty and romance and such a stark contrast to what they had started with, Ellie couldn’t help but imagine her beloved Mr Gilbert reading something like this to her and that stirred even more within the girl.

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:14 pm


WORDS: 288 | TOTAL: 13356 | Prim Princess

“Amazing the difference that can be made with a little substitute here and there, isn’t it?”

Little bead-like tears building in her cheeks as a slow smile spread across her face, the floral femme could only shake her head in disbelief that this was the same thing she had seen only a small matter of minutes before, and felt no end of happiness that they had indeed found the lovely side to show Luciel after all. The old man in front of her seeming to be equally amused by the success that he had found, and even more of a gentleman than she had expected, after standing from the table and moving around to her side of the surface, he offered her his handkerchief to wipe the wetness from her eyes in a dignified fashion and then smiled as he looked at the literary creation they had transcribed.

“It certainly is…” The tearful teen certainly finding that she was rather grateful for his offer, she accepted the small white piece of soft cloth with a smile and dabbed the corners of her eyes with it, before looking over the translation alongside the man with a big smile on her face. It seeming almost like a totally different passage, while the fact that the first couple of lines retained the same words reminded one that it was indeed one and the same and were probably the result of their cooperative attempt at the beginning, it was astounding to see the change that had been made. The efforts of Osmund certainly feeling somewhat peerless in that moment, his expertise and insight like those of a real sage but also a poet as well, Miss Caravello was forced to thank her lucky stars and the ones in the ceiling that she had happened to run into this man earlier on…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:14 pm


WORDS: 288 | TOTAL: 13644 | Prim Princess

“You’ve made arduous torment sound like undying romance?” Ellie almost in a state of disbelief in what she saw but this time it one born of giddiness, she couldn’t help but look the now poetic piece over again and again, as if somehow it was going to revert to what it was if she didn’t keep a close eye upon it. Vastly preferring this version and not wanting it to regress into what seemed to have been the crude perspective she had put on it, the awed angel was rather appreciative of the time and effort that her new friend had put into this work, and the result they had yielded between them together. After all, if she had been on her own then the best she could have offered Luciel would have been her awkward original, and this seemed so much sweeter.

“Well, I’m sure more than a few poets in the world would consider the concepts one and the same?”

The old man not yet out of surprises just yet however, with a look of amusement at the amazement of Miss Caravello, he showed off a little of the poetic soul that he had put into his effort to transform their text with a wry smile but only really seemed to leave the girl feeling somewhat confused.

One and the same? The feel like opposites… Heaven and hell? Perhaps the finery of romance something that was a little bit lost upon a teenage girl, or at least the depth of it, the black beauty couldn’t help but frown at the playful little remark that was made by Osmund. Perhaps demonstrating no shortage of naiveté that she had inherent to her as she did so as well, despite her idealism and the steps she thought that she had taken into the field of attraction and intimacy Ellie really was still quite innocent in such ways, especially when it came to any true form of love…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 11, 2019 5:40 pm


WORDS: 360 | TOTAL: 14004 | Prim Princess

“Heheheheheh, perhaps you too will understand one day?”

Certainly sent into something of a spin by the strange and sentimental suggestion of the silver haired senior, Miss Cavallero couldn’t help but sit there frowning and trying to make sense of the notion that love and torture could be the same thing, and her struggles didn’t fail to get noticed by the man nearby. The elderly librarian seeming to give her a few moments of politeness before chuckling and placing his hand upon the shoulder of the bewildered belle, he showed that he had seen through her perplexity and with a set of soft and gentle words excused it as well, demonstrating an almost grandfatherly degree of sensitivity as he tried to ease the notion away from the puzzled teen. However, she wasn’t giving up the matter too easily, it seemed.

I still don’t understand what he means? Glancing toward that soft smile but not at all reassured by it, the black beauty could only blink at the man and feel just a little bit childish for missing the point of what he had said, never liking when things flew over her head like this. The frown that she wore not really diminishing in the slightest as she looked back toward the piece of paper as if it might hold the answer to her but discovering nothing helpful, Ellie found herself a little stunned by the statement and also as she agonized over it, a bit belittled as well.

I love Mr Gilbert after all, and neither that not he are in any way torture? Finding just a little bit of condescension in the reassurance that she was offered by the man or more accurately the implication that she did not in fact totally understand the matter of love, it bothered the beauty that despite the strong sense of affection she held toward the magnificent man who had saved her life, she was now feeling rather like a little girl who had been left out of an adult’s joke. Hating that feeling, the sensation that she could not meet even people older than her on their ‘level’ so to speak, having grown up as a somewhat precocious child with an inclination toward having companions that were older than her she hated that fragrance of inferiority that she felt in something like this…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:02 pm


WORDS: 360 | TOTAL: 14364 | Prim Princess

“Well, anyway, hopefully this will be enough for Luciel?”

The silence of Miss Cavallero somewhat uncharacteristic of her usually outgoing and affable bearing, with the girl having been subdued by feelings of inferiority and confusion for an uncomfortable number of seconds, the old man nearby seemed to take it upon him to move their task toward completion. Clearing his throat in what any observer would see as a clear display of him trying to rouse the raven haired rider from the stupor that had been inflicted upon her by her confusion, after patting her shoulder again Osmund gently reminded the lilac eyed lady of their aim here and the fact that it was now confirmed, which seemed rather welcome given how distracted the dark haired damsel had become by their recent topic.

“O-Oh, right, yes…” The frown of the floral femme dissipating the very instant that she was reminded of her task and the client that waited for her, as she blinked her way back to reality the black beauty found herself feeling rather flustered, both by the issues that had vexed her and even more so how distracted she had gotten by them. It rather bad form of her to get so wrapped up in her own issues when she was supposed to be working for someone else, especially when said party was in a far more dire state than she was, Ellie couldn’t help but feel guilty for getting so wrapped up in the silly issues of her head and aimed to correct that immediately.

“Which… Do you think we should take her? Your version, perhaps?” Letting loose something of a sizeable sigh as she began to set about packing away the notes and books they had gathered up in their task of translation, after pulling the two forms of their finished work toward her and looking at them for a second, Miss Cavallero turned toward her aged ally to benefit from his wise opinion once more. Perhaps feeling a hint of meekness because of the recent moments and that only adding to her preference for presenting the more poetic version of the passage that her partner had concocted, the ruffled rider ultimately wished to present Luciel with the best they had, and she saw that in what Osmund had composed…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:40 am


WORDS: 346 | TOTAL: 14710 | Prim Princess

“I think for the sake of thoroughness, it would be best to take both?
That way she can compare and make her own assessment?”

The old man in the process of scooping up the tomes they had used but pausing for several seconds of his customary silence at the query of Miss Caravello, after narrowing his eyes and nodding, he offered up what seemed to be something that seemed a bit of a cautious compromise. Considering the matter with a sense of care that seemed his trademark and seeming to spot that there was no real need to divide their options, Osmund pointed out this fact and the notion that Luciel might just like having both as well, which did seem rather an apt observation once he had mentioned it.

“Yes… Yes, that seems like the best plan…” The black beauty not even seeming to have thought of removing the aspect of choice and simply giving her client both copies so that she could sample and choose whichever she preferred, she admired the humble wisdom that had seemed to go into the thinking of the silver senior, and she nodded in agreement at the idea. Certainly feeling rather relieved to have this experienced elder assisting her even now, having taken that little ‘hit’ to her confidence over the issue of romance, Ellie was glad to have that bit of aged assurance on her side as she felt a little bit less than her best right now. However, she was sure to bounce back quickly.

“I’m sure she will be relieved to know that the job is done?” Not the type who tended to linger in defeat for too long really, in most matters Miss Cavallero had the kind of confidence that seemed as if it was made of rubber, and regardless of the knocks and dents it took seemed to spring back to life with the right kind of time and influence.
“And hopefully will be impressed by our result as well?” This process even beginning already for her now, in fact, that sense of inner zeal that the enchanting equestrian possessed was something that couldn’t be held back for long and all too quickly she found herself smiling as she imagined how Luciel’s face might light up at seeing the job done. Really, that would have been a greater reward than any sum of money, by this point…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:41 am


WORDS: 364 | TOTAL: 15074 | Prim Princess

“Almost certainly, and if I might add, it was lovely working with you my dear?”

The educated elder seeming to share the sentiment of optimism with our lady lead in regard to how Luciel might take to the task they had completed, after nodding in agreement the old man paused and placed down the pile of books he was holding before offering a little something more personal as well. The silver senior stooping forwards slightly as he offered what seemed to be a mix of a nod and a bow toward the black haired beauty, given how flustered she had been a moment before the gesture of respect that Osmund presented to Miss Cavallero only astounded and impressed her more, and prompted no shortage of colour in her cheeks as she smiled because of it.

“O-Oh, yes!” A rosy faced expression of wonder and admiration forming after a moment as Ellie recognised the reverence that was being passed onto her, and one that was made only more esteemed by the eminent elder who gave it to her, she lifted her hand up to her mouth at the motion and comment that the silver senior made toward her. The rich gaze of the girl seeming to sparkle all the more as she was given this courtesy, she felt her pulse quicken at the act and her heart and soul felt as if they were lifting higher in inside her as well, and then returned the effort with even more zeal.

“And you as well, Mr Osmund!” Bolting up to her feet and then sending her head and shoulders forward with the kind of force that had she not curbed her momentum she might just have smashed through the table in front of her in the eagerness of her effort, Miss Cavallero bowed toward the man as deeply as she could manage without looking too odd to passers-by, and gave several nods of her head as she did so as well.
“It has been an honour to have your help on this…” Some finding that the young woman was wilful in her ways but also never without her manners at any time, though much of the gesture that she returned to her elder happened to be motivated by politeness, the sincerity behind the act ultimately spoke of her enthusiasm for what she said. It really had been great meeting a wise old owl like this, after all…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Translate the Note [Quest/Solo] - Page 2 Q7O8hRr

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