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Deface Property [Quest: Odin]

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#1Odin † 

Deface Property [Quest: Odin] Empty Fri Sep 29, 2017 12:51 pm

Odin †

After the length of time it took Odin to complete his previous mission, he decided to do something a slight bit simpler. It would pay less for sure, but it'd be much better for him in the long run. He figured he could get easy quests done quicker than he could do longer one's in such a way that it would be an efficient venture. And if that didn't work, then he could always just go do the harder missions, they wouldn't be going anywhere after all. This thought process brought Odin into the company of one Maxwell Buscon: a street thug in Hargeon that only had any influence because he was loud and stronger than the average man. Beyond that he was just a man, and someone Odin knew he could take out without any second thought or bead of sweat. He was a nobody, and it was quite sad that a man like that had the power over people that he had, simply by being loud and violent. Regardless of his personal thoughts on the matter, Odin needed money, and this man was willing to pay.

"Right boyo, I need ya to do a favour for me. I'll pay ya well for it too. Right, ya ready? There's this guy who lives alone two blocks down. You can't miss his house, it's the big blue one, you'll see what I mean when you get there. Now, I need you to break into his house, I don't care how you do it... actually I do, I want you to break down his front door, sends a better message ya know? Anyway, get in there, and tear up the place. I want him to suffer for pissing me off. Break anything that you can break, and then take this graffiti and right "Take it to the Max!" on his wall. That's my tagline ya know. I'd do it myself, but I've got other things on, so go."

Taking the graffiti from the man, Odin couldn't help but roll his eyes the moment he was out of sight of Maxwell. What an awful character, he thought to himself, and it was true. He wasn't intimidating at all, he was just a big guy. He was a bully, and probably a bad one at that. If not for the fact that Odin needed money, he'd probably take Maxwell down just to prove a bloody point, lucky for Maxwell he didn't, tempting as it was.

It took a few minutes for Odin to reach the building in question, and it seemed like the owner had already left for the working day, which meant no one was there to complain. As Odin approached the door, he noted where the windows and such were: it was a quaint house, despite being two stories high, and had a great many windows, so no doubt everyone would see what it was Odin was about to do. Oh well, here went nothing. First things first, the dark mage had to bust down a door, starting off simple, before anarchy.


Last edited by Odin on Sat Sep 30, 2017 5:06 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Odin † 

Deface Property [Quest: Odin] Empty Fri Sep 29, 2017 1:41 pm

Odin †

"One. Two. Three!"

On three, Odin's foot came cleanly towards the lock on the front door of the bright blue house that belonged to the man who had pissed off Maxwell Buscon, and the man who's house Odin was here to deface. Despite no being the ideal way of getting in without being detected, as it was the middle of the day, it had been requested by Maxwell as, apparently, breaking down the door had a 'better effect on the image', just another reason Odin wanted to stop the mission, find Maxwell Buscon, and punch his lights out, but he paused, sighed, and decided against it, instead just getting the job done.

The first room Odin saw upon entering was, of course, the living room, a rather well furnished living room at that, one that would no doubt cost a fair amount of money to properly reconstruct. A lot of expensive wooden furniture and glass cases. This was going to be far too easy, but Odin decided to have a bit more fun with. Uttering the command 'Superbia', Odin became the demon Lucifer, who summoned a little bit of fire in the house, burning as well as breaking the contents of the living room. Glass shattered and wood turned to ash and Odin lay waste to the poor man's house, going from room to room and destroying everything that wasn't bolted to the ground, and a few things that were. He was on a warpath, and it was good that there was nobody here to get in his way, otherwise he'd definitely turn violent. He was embodying the demon perfectly, becoming more Wrath than Pride, but he walked through the rubble the ashes a god among men, a king above all, the true man he was.

After he finished destroying enough of the house to send a very powerful message, and one that would not be forgotten any time soon, Lucifer got to completing the final part of his task: the graffiti for Maxwell. As ridiculous a request as it was, it had been a part of the quest, just so the poor fellow would know who had done the damage here, and who he should have made sure not to cross. Taking the spray paint, something Odin had never used before, Lucifer shook the can, simply because he'd seen that that was what people did when using spray cans. After that, he would begin his design, spraying the words TAKE IT TO THE MAX on the wall of the man's house, such that he would see it the moment he entered his now ruined house. When this complete, Lucifer returned to Odin, and the dark mage exited the building, much to the fear of the general public, who saw the smoke and heard the crashes. Smiling as he left, a maniacal smile, Odin returned to Maxwell Buscon to receive his pay. The thug seemed pleased in Odin's handiwork, and paid him, ending their interaction. Odin wasn't looking forward to his next encounter with Maxwell.


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