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Vette Graywing

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#1Vette Graywing 

Vette Graywing Empty Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:47 am



Name: Vette Graywing

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Class: Adventurer

Rank: D

Guild: Rune Knights

Tattoo: Right shoulder; black color

Face: Donnel from Fire Emblem Awakening


Height: 5'9"

Weight: 145 lbs

Hair: Charcoal brown, wavy and ear length

Eyes: Gray

Overall: Vette is a young and growing boy. His body has not gone through the intense years of training that many hardened veteran soldiers have, but nonetheless has made an effort. This effort resulted in the frame of a boy more on the slender side of things with muscle developing slowly but surely across his body.

He can often be seen with patches of dirt on his clothing or skin due to how hard he works himself without rest. A small cross-shaped scar can be seen on his upper left cheek from a sword fighting accident in his past.

Typically, his hair is left to do what it pleases. Often covered by a battered iron cooking pot as part of a prank from his superiors, he eventually rolled with it and now just uses it an excuse to not brush or comb his hair.

When dressing casual, he wears common worker's garb. For a top he wears a navy blue tunic with the sleeves rolled back and prevented from going loose by tying hemp rope around himself. As for pants, some dusty light beige trousers work well enough for him; completed with dark brown leather boots adjusted tightly.

Overall, Vette gives little care to his appearance. He chooses to wear what's functional for the situation, which more often than not usually means wearing armor for battle anyway.

Extra: N/A


Personality: Vette could best be described as a shut-in. He knows little of the world, which is why he seeks to learn as much about it as possible.

Growing up outside the big towns of Fiore, his life in a mansion within the forests outside of Magnolia brought him a life of fairy tale stories and idealism. It was the kind of cloud-gazing lifestyle that involved minimal interaction with others, and as a result stunted his ability to socialize. He comes off as naive and gullible often due to this, as he's still trying to learn how the real world works.

He would often read stories of knights and dragons, and of fairies and mystical swords. These stories shaped his interest in swordplay and encouraged him to become one himself. His passion to try his best despite a lack of innate magic of his own, began with those stories.

Vette tries his best to be as considerate of the feelings of others as possible, and while he isn't the best with words will still try to articulate as well as his minimal education can allow.

Diligent with whatever he sets his mind to, Vette has a one-track mind when it comes to getting what he wants. In a way it could almost be considered selfish, as he even loses sight of emotional ties in moments of intensity.

He's also known to be quite prideful. Whenever he or his family name is talked down upon, he can't resist speaking up about it or even challenging the person outright to a duel. When it comes to his pride towards justice and honor, whether it be his honor or otherwise, he won't back down regardless of skill or power difference.

When it comes to evil, he doesn't mind it as much as one with his ideologies would think. Viewing it from the perspective of a story, he acknowledges that good can't exist without evil; and that while he wishes to stop that evil, he knows that eradicating it completely is pointless.

Rather than seeing it as black and white, he sees criminals and Dark Guild wizards as necessary in the story of life. While he'll do everything to stop them, he refuses to help erase them completely. The story ends when either side is destroyed, from his perspective.

Some consider him delusional at times for the way he sometimes refers to life situations - more as a story than real life. More than that, treating his enemies as necessary evils and acting on that rather than targets to be killed.


  • Chivalry: Vette believes that the honor of a knight should be followed under all circumstances by Rune Knights, and even all people to a lesser degree. Specifically, he believes that the weak should never be afraid and that the strong should always handle their abilities with respect.

    Those who follow the code of honor are his idols, and he is in love with the concept of paladins and holy knights.

  • Fishing: Fishing is just the kind of hobby you can tune out to. Vette enjoys sometimes just spending hours near the water with all his gear and just relaxing while waiting for a bite. It calms his mind and gives him time to think about things while he unwinds.

  • Cooking: While he may not look the part, Vette enjoys trying out new dishes and cooking for groups of people. It feels good to be known for more than just combat skill, and having at least one "refined" trait makes him feel like more than just his sword arm.

    He firmly believes that if one gives up on all their humanly traits and focuses it all into fighting, they'll devolve to becoming a base barbarian. And that's not something Vette wants.


  • Pessimists: Pessimism is unacceptable to Vette. While trying to understand the psychology of one who only views the negative, he only frustrates himself. It's a mystery to him that he's long since stopped trying to figure out. He'll still be annoyed if one is consistently gloomy though, and may try to cheer them up.

  • Neutrals: In the grand story detailing the epic battles of good versus evil, one thing that irritates Vette is the neutrals. Neutrals, to him, are those who stand idly by and let the situation play out without interference while having the power to step in. He considers evil his enemy, but is more offended by the powerful and gifted doing nothing against the forces of good or evil.


  • Become a Kingsguard or Holy Knight: Vette's ultimate goal is to become either a Kingsguard or Holy Knight. For the honor of his family and himself, he considers it no more than the highest of accomplishments to reach the top of the Rune Knights' food chain.

  • Balance good and evil: Vette wants to live in a world where good and evil are in constant struggle, but where neither side is able to overcome the other. He wants to be responsible for contributing to or creating a world like that, where neither good nor evil can truly "win". With both sides equal in power but unable to conquer, the world can be saved for people of all personalities and magics - or so Vette believes.


  • The ocean: Vette is terrified of the ocean. He has read books on it in the past, and the tales they tell of deep sea horrors and drowning stories have warded him away from the danger of the dark abyss. Also may stem from his lack of knowledge on how to actually swim. These things combined make for awkward boat trips with the young knight.

  • Mirrors: Vette once read a short story involving a young girl getting ready for the evening dance, grooming her hair in a mirror. To cut a short story shorter, the girl's reflection sprang out of the mirror and pulled her inside, devouring her with razor sharp teeth in a realm separate from reality. The girl was never seen again. The end.

    He read that book when he was seven. Ever since, he's been too fearful of mirrors to look into one for a long period of time. Bathrooms are a nightmare for him, as a result, and will sometimes even cover up mirrors if it bothers him too much. This also extends to anything that shows his reflection, as well, albeit usually to a lesser extent. His heart will start pounding hard, he may close his eyes or turn away, and will do whatever possible to get out of sight from the mirror or reflection.


Magic Name: N/A

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Description: N/A


History: Vette was raised in a mansion dwelling within the forests outside Magnolia. From a young age, he was told by his parents of his family's former heritage, long forgotten to the world. The Graywing family was once the name of a family of proud warriors and wizards. They were dishonored and removed from nobility after an incident where a stray attack had accidentally struck and killed an innocent young boy during a heated duel with a rival house.

The Graywing knight responsible gave no excuses when put on trial, and their family name was erased from the nobility of Fiore and by extension, from the ranks of the Rune Knights.

Multiple generations have passed since then, and Vette was to be the family's new hope at redemption. Forgotten and only living off of former wealth and dissipated glory, their mansion was the only sign that the Graywings had ever existed. Vette spent more time in the fairy tale books than his parents would have liked, but grew more diligent with his swordplay when he began to read the violent tales of knights and wizards. Their stories inspired him and pushed him to get more serious.

When he was fourteen years old, his father got in touch with a family friend who managed to pull some strings and arrange for Vette to train with the Rune Knights.

Becoming a Page, the boy soon found out that his training was nothing compared to the serious determination of the people he met when he got there. Not only were most of his fellow soldiers older and more experienced, they were much more skilled. It was inevitable he'd get picked on by them, usually seen as an easy target. That soon became his role, as the one everybody relied on for help. Vette had no choice but to grit his teeth and deal with it.

It's been two years since Vette first became a Page, and he's had a gut feeling recently that he's improved enough to become an apprentice within the Rune Knights soon enough.

#2Bianca Fleur † 

Vette Graywing Empty Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:56 pm

Bianca Fleur †
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

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