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Evictus Empty Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:55 pm



Name: Evictus

Age: 19

Gender: male

Class: Battlemage

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Phantom Lord

Tattoo: Purple on Evictus right shoulderblade

Face: Chrollo Lucilfer - Hunter X Hunter


Height: 187cm

Weight: 73kg

Hair: Short black.

Eyes: Green

Overall: Evictus is a man of normal height with a muscular build. He often wears gothic clothing or formal clothing such as long dark colored coats or suits. Evictus hair is ruggedly cut and down to his ears in length except for at the back of his head which is completely covered down to his shoulder height, his skin is so fair that would you look at it for a long while you might think that it’s almost corpse like. All of this being because of his lack of skin pigments.  His body language is that of a man who was born into high class society and tutored in how to look as classy as possible in every single situation.

Extra: Evictus carries with him a black book filled with the name of every name he removes from the world. If he ever kills someone and hears their name before they die he writes it in the book so that he can always remember them.


Personality:  Evictus grew up as a harmless kind boy who sang and attended churchly activities. However when he fled from the Chapel in which he was raised something changed within him. He grew to dislike people and stopped caring for other peoples feelings. Because of this he can be viewed as a mean person as he says whatever he feels he wants to say. Often times things that are offensive to others. His personality in truth however is much like that of a egg as it has a hard shell but a gooey inside. The hard shell being his cold outside that he attempts to show anyone who tries to get close to him or show him genuine love. All in all he tries his best to follow what he thinks is best for the entirety of Fiore and Earthland.


  • Killing:
    The first time that Evictus actually intentionally killed his first man he discovered the fact that he really does like killing. Not just the killing of humans but killing things overall.

  • Music:
    It might seem weird that one of Evictus favorite things is listening to music. However he was raised in a chapel where everyday they would play on the organs,pianos and of course singing as a part of the choir was something everyone had to do.


  • Orders: Evictus does not like to be ordered around like some sheep being hearded by it's shepherd.

  • Torture: No creature no matter how weak,evil and or wrong it is should never be tortured by anyone or anything.


  • Flawed world: Evictus thinks that the entire world is flawed and that it cannot be fixed without every single sentient being dying. Why every sentient being must die is simple. Sentient beings war with each other and treat each other like the shit they accidentally stepped on.


  • Being restrained: Ever since the day that Evictus was pinned down by the vampire in the chapel and traumatized by it he has been scared of being restricted in his movement in any way. Everytime he gets pinned down or restricted he starts to have tremors and also starts to sweat.

  • Conversations: Evictus hates having to talk with people outside of business and can at most tolerate talking to a single companion at a time without simply lashing out with mean words and at most physical violence to shut them the F**K up!


Magic Name: Shockwave Magic (衝撃波魔法 Shōgekiha Mahō)

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Description: Shockwave magic is like the name of the magic says based on shockwaves. Shockwaves in this case being a force that is cast of from the users movements. However unlike nonmagical shockwaves they are visible.

Shockwave magic is a magic that primarily focuses on offensive spells but can also be used to buff the users speed by focusing the shockwaves around ones limbs using flexing movements. The shockwaves can also be used to jump or run on the air by creating shockwaves beneath oneself.


Evictus was born into a noble family from the pergrande kingdom but was quickly pushed out of the image by one of his brothers that did not want anyone to be able to contest him for the role of house leader when they would have come of age. No instead Evictus was sent to start his life in a chapel. A place his brother knew that he could not contest him from and so in the chapel Evictus had a strict yet happy childhood where he would attend eucharist and sunday prayers. Otherwise he was taught how to read,write and behave.

Sadly the chapel itself had a pretty dark background as one of the monks was in fact a vampire in disguise. So at night he would hunt the chapels children for food drag them far far out into the wilderness and have his midnight snack.

One fateful night in the chapel. Evictus had snuck out of the rooms in which the children had been sleeping. He had gone to the one place that always seemed capable of calming him before sleep. The sanctuary

And so he would sit down and pray to the light but unbeknownst to him was the presence of the chapels murderer. He attacked Evictus pushing him to the ground out of hunger. When he was about to dig in and finish Evictus his hidden innate magic power exploded out of him sending out a shockwave which at such a close range and because of the trauma ripped the assailant to pieces and shredded most of the sanctuary and the nave.

Evictus then fled the chapel running out into the middle of the night. He ran further and further away until he was so exhausted that he could no longer stand. He blackedout and dreamed of the horrible event that had just happened to him. This event would come to form Evictus life as he made it to a city and found work as a dishwasher at the age of 12.

The place that hired him was controlled by very bad people and after yet another traumatizing event (a mugging) where his magic abilities blew up he was noticed by the mobsters and brought closer into their evil circle.

At the age of 16 Evictus had been lectured in how to control his magic power from breaking loose at random and how to use it more efficently. He had also been given a few jobs of criminal origin such as cleaning out crimescenes and robbing people.

During one of those robberies he killed a lawman trying to apprehend him and ever since then he has discovered that he really likes killing. Evictus was after this sent to Fiore by the crime organization that he had been working for in Pergrande. Apparently they had a few contacts in a dark mage guild from the western parts of Fiore. The guild they had been helped by in the past was known as Phantom Lord and because they wanted to further Evictus powers as a mage they payed the guild a sum of money and told them of the work he had done for them and his powers to allow him to join them. Evictus then traveled from Pergrande to Ministrel and from there to the city of hargeon by boat. The trip in itself took him around 3 years and so when he had actually arrived he was soon to become 19 years of age. First stepping inside of the guild halls on his 19th birthday. He would have a slight talk with the guild master and was soon a fledgling member of the guild.

Last edited by Xhibition on Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:57 am; edited 10 times in total


Evictus Empty Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:17 pm


Evictus Tumblr_nf7adp7LZy1rd98kro1_500

Evictus Empty Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:40 pm


Evictus Tumblr_nf7adp7LZy1rd98kro1_500

Evictus Empty Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:30 pm

Shockwave Magic: Can't accept this, it seems to similar to crash in the reasons that it creates shockwaves that (presumably) can't be seen

Fears: I'm gonna need a different second fear, being loved doesn't cut it.Think things that would affect your day to day life.

Bump when completed

Evictus BORZAPv

Evictus Empty Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:57 am


Evictus Tumblr_nf7adp7LZy1rd98kro1_500

Evictus Empty Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:00 pm

Congratulations, this application has been approved.

Evictus BORZAPv

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