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Kingdom of Albion

A land of lush green lowlands, woodlands and dark wetlands, the southern half of Albion is mostly controlled by the Kingdom of the same name, which refers to itself as the Kingdom of Caelum, laying claim to the rest of the isles. Having been under the control of various powers, from the Sevese empire to the Minstreli, the Kingdom of Albion boasts of new ways of thinking and innovation, slowly abandoning the Isles' traditions in favour of new technology: The capital city of Avalon is particularly advanced, with budding steam technology making an impact on people's lives.

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    Caelum 27183-51
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    Highlands of Alba

    Northern Albion is known for its cold weather and harsh, unforgiving highlands. Inhabited by hardy peoples who still follow the old ways, they have never yielded or been conquered by any foreign invader, or even any Kingdom from Southern Caelum, but at the same time, neither has any single Kingdom united Alba. These inhospitable lands are known for their breweries and high quality meat, and are also home to the most famous Mage School. The largest city is Dun Scaith, a shadowy city in the mountains famed to have once been the castle of an immortal warrior queen.

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      Caelum 27879-88
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      Isle of Erin

      The smaller of the two major Caelese Isles, Erin has a unique identity distinct from that of Albion, and the inhabitants take pride in this uniqueness. With rich, bountiful farmlands, they're the agricultural heartland of the caelese isles, which has enabled its people to thrive. A land of fierce warriors, Erin has bred countless heroes throughout its history, however the land is riddled with instability: Currently divided in countless small kingdoms, no single power has ever been able to rule this lands for too long.

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        Caelum 27879-88
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        Wilds of Albion

        Though not known for harbouring voracious predators, the dark, gloomy wilderness of Albion remains unconquered by the human kingdoms, and is said to be home to fairies and witches who still follow the old ways. Many of the elven Kingdoms make their living in these woodlands as well, and few know them as well as they do. The beings who inhabit them can be either benevolent or malevolent, but out of caution, humans are frequently warned against venturing too deep into the wilds, for they risk never coming back.

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          Caelum 24592-63
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          Druantia Hills

          Even throughout the modernized Kingdom of Albion, vast stretches of landscape and hilltops remain adorned with vestiges of a bygone age, and chief among which are the hills of Druantia. Adorned by a mysterious stone monument, no living human remembers who exactly built them, though they've been used in rituals that predate their arrival in the island. Even the conquering Sevese empire simply built around it and used it in their own religion. Nowadays its treated as a landmark, and a popular tourist spot, though all who visit awe at this display of ancient mystery.

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            A dream within a dream [Nui]

            Started by Fei Yu, Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:37 am
            21 Replies
            Caelum 27936-15
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              Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:37 am
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            A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui]

            Started by Fei Yu, Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:59 am
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            Caelum 27870-17
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              Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:59 am
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            Man into Machine [Event/Caelum]

            Started by Professor Braun, Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:48 am
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            Caelum 27738-82
              Professor Braun View latest post
              Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:48 am
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            The Outcast from the Void [Long Storyline - Maple]

            Started by Ryuko, Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:16 pm
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            Caelum 27725-83
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              Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:16 pm

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