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Last Step [Short SL]

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Last Step [Short SL] Empty Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:42 am

Once he was on the location it wasn’t hard to pick out the dealer among all the civilians, a shady individual with a sack of goods and a sour look on his face. The emotions surrounding the man were that of what you’d expect. Mistrust, frustration, aggressive motions and a squint at the taller demi-god as they approached. The address lead practically right to him and the demi-god didn’t even need the napkin to see that.

Hey are you-

Saturn didn’t even get to say what he wanted before the man threw a knife at the rune knight, in broad daylight. In front a bunch of civilians. The latter of which scattered the second the blade flashed into the air. Saturn however had a brief moment of surprise before sidestepping the blade entirely. He wasn’t fast but the overt motion was easy enough to guess. With the knife buried behind him into a wall saturn turned to see the man running down an alleyway. Sighing softly the demi-god would break into a not very hurried jog.

A few twists and turns later the dealer would be at a dead and with the demi-god rounding the corner. This time there wasn’t a knife but a fireball that saturn was able to brush off. It was tingly, like the sort of tingle you’d have from sticking your hand in boiling water. Bothersome but not something you couldn’t handle. The man seemed to be worried over this and drew out another knife; just how many of those did he have under his coat?

The man lunged at saturn and with a huff the demi-god just simply grasped the wrist of the offending attack. The man struggled and squirmed but their difference in strength was… Well. He was a dealer. Not a fighter. Made sense.

Look I’m just here to talk and get information. You don’t need to get all hostile on me friend.

Saturn sighed a little bit; the man dropping the knife and letting another blast of fire this time directly in saturn’s face. Prompting the demi-god to let go of the dealer who backed off rapidly; thinking that he got the big guy only for saturn to brush the smoke from his face and give the man a somewhat frustrated cock of the head.

The knife was undeeded and so were the fireballs. I’m just trying to talk.

Well I’m not trying to talk to some rune knight tryin to shut me down!

The man lunged at saturn with a rather nasty looking blade, one that definitely told him not to get hit with it. There wasn’t hesitation this time, his hand flashed out and smacked the blade out of the mans hand by hitting the flat so hard that the blade wobbled and snapped. It was a nasty looking blade if it could actually hit him but he wasn’t about to let something like that do so. It made something deep down in him immediately recognize the danger. Like a memory unbidden he… recognized it? It was the weirdest sensation. He’d stare down at the man for a moment and the man stared back up at him. They seemed to be at an impasse for a second before he threw a punch at saturn, hitting the demi-god in the stomach but… Once again. Nothing. Saturn would scratch his head and would reach out, a hand glowing gray. Once it made contact with the man he’d crumble to the ground. Saturn blinked and looked at his hand. Why? How did he do that? The gray faded away before he could really address it and now he was left with a passed out drug dealer in an alleyway. Stooping down to pick the man up he’d sigh again.

Maybe there’s a local post or maybe I could get the captain to help get him to explain himself… this has to be a huge misunderstanding.

Saturn turned to leave with the man over his shoulder…


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