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Sabotage the infrastructure 1

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Sabotage the infrastructure 1 Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 12:31 am


She had come to Talaz Lagaar feeling so optimistic, thinking that it was a place of learning, of education, where people worked together to invent new things and use their technology for the sake of a brighter tomorrow. How severe could her disappointment had been when she arrived on the island to find it in a state that could be described only as 'civil war'. Her gaze lingered at the outskirts of the fabricator as she watched the ongoing conflict ensue between the three factions.

So much violence, so much bloodshed. And for what reason? What purpose could mortals possibly have for such acts? "Disappointed?" A voice called out to her, yet there was nobody around to who it might had belong. "Do not be alarmed child of the dragons, our time for a meeting has yet to come. But for now let me indulge in a little conversation."

Ryuko's gaze sharpened at these words. "Of course, how could I possibly not be disappointed at a sight like this? What cause could possibly warrant such cruelty?"

The young dragon's question made the ethereal voice chuckle lightly in response. "Why don't you ask the mortals yourself?" Upon hearing these words Ryuko nodded her head firmly. "I will."

Her wings spread she descended toward the battlefield....

WC: 200/1000


Sabotage the infrastructure 1 Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 12:39 am


The first group that she arrived at were the machine-like beings. She stopped near their encampment, and while they seemed wary of her they at least didn't seem to believe for her to be a threat yet. "State your business." one of the robots demanded as she landed in front of them. "I mean you no harm. I just came seeking knowledge: Why is it that you and your kin fight with such determination? Willing to make such sacrifices?"

The question caused one of the robots to look at their companion, a hand raised to show the robot to lower their weapon as the machine replied. "We fight because we wish to survive. Our brethren have long been oppressed by our creators who see us as nothing but mere tools. Thanks to the sacrifices of our ancestor ONE we have been given the chance to live. We who are capable of thinking, feeling, why should we be deemed inferior to these of flesh and blood? Merely because we are of different origins?"

So the Robot Separatists were fighting for freedom? Because they wanted to be seen as equals to the other races... A frown lingered on her face for a moment after which she smiled politely and bowed lightly. "I thank you for your time, it was an enlightening conversation."

And with these words the dragon girl took flight, heading toward the next area.

WC: 200
Total WC: 400/1000


Sabotage the infrastructure 1 Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:58 pm


Her next destination would be the encampment of the Third Movement. It was clear there was a commotion going on at the encampment because she could see injured people being dragged off to safety and other people rushing to take their place.

Once more Ryuko approached them, but this time she received quite a different ideal than that of the robots. The people of the Third Movement wanted to use the technology to bridge the gap between mankind and machine. While on the surface one might think that this meant they would get along with the robots that seemed far from the case.

From what she was told the Third Movement considered robots and mortals of flesh and blood incomplete in their own way. Robots lacked that 'spark' that made them 'human' while mortals of flesh and blood were so vulnerable to age, illness and injury. As a result they openly advocated the procedure of converting one to a Machia.

For a moment she couldn't help but ponder about the idea of a robot dragon but quickly shook her head. Such a silly notion, she was Ryuko because of who she was! As much as her soul was Ryuko, so was her body so to alter that just felt wrong to her from a fundamental level.

Still... As she quietly pondered these things she decided to finally head toward the final encampment.

WC: 200
Total WC: 600/1000


Sabotage the infrastructure 1 Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:04 pm


The final encampment seemingly belonged to the group currently in control of the fabricator: The Talaz Lagaar Loyalists. Although they were in control of the fabricator, it was clear they were constantly being pushed to defend their territory from the other two factions. She also noticed some of the mercenaries hired by the loyalists were quite... harsh in how they dealt with their enemies but ignored it for the time being.

The loyalists explained to her about how they believed the technology that they developed was indeed very helpful and could progress civilization immensely, but at the same time could cause such chaos and destruction when used in the hands of these with the wrong intentions. As a result they believed themselves to be the keepers of this technology, to lock it away safely and ensure it couldn't be exploited.

Overall it was a thought she could agree with, but didn't the other factions have valid points as well? With her mind plagued by indecision and concern she couldn't help but wonder: What was the right answer? Who was right here? And if they all were right... then why did so many people suffer? How could there be justice in a conflict like this?

WC: 200
Total WC: 800/1000


Sabotage the infrastructure 1 Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:09 pm


It was just during that moment that screams came from underneath her, and to Ryuko's horror she saw the three factions engaged in a all out skirmish between each other! Almost instinctively Ryuko rushed downwards attempting to stop the arguing groups. "Please stop this violence! Can't you see it is getting you nowhere?!"

But her cries fell on deaf ears. Was there no way she could prevent this conflict from escalating any further?

"The vanity of mortals and their arguments... It angers you, doesn't it?"

That voice again... It seemed to stir something within her. "Don't let it fester... Let out your rage... If they don't listen to your pleas, then make them hear your actions!"

A monstrous roar escaped from the dragon girl as a large magic circle erupted underneath her. It was all of a sudden that the three factions in the middle of a skirmish found themselves floating helplessly in mid-air after which they were all propelled back into the direction of their encampments, the disturbed space that had served as their battlefield seemingly haunted by a peculiar alteration in its gravity, while at the same time onlookers could have sworn they saw a dragon flying away into the distance. But Ryuko? She was nowhere to be found...

WC: 200
Total WC: 1000/1000

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