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Making What's Yours Mine (Training)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:02 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had consumed four spells that he had to train; he knew that it would take him a while, but he needed to do this. It was the only way he could use his magic the appropriate way. He was in the training dome within the guild as he knew the first spell would be the hardest of the two to master. It was something different. He had never heard of a spell like this, so it was something he would take advantage of mastering.

Luci was with him as he would give him some advice if needed it. This would be the first time he had trained any spells, and he was preparing for it. When he was ready, he would open his eyes and he would start to channel his mana. He knew how the magic worked, but, it was making it work that would be the hardest thing to do.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:04 am

Go D. Drakkon
He was ready to give it ago; he would swing his arm from his body, and he would try creating eight magic circles at the same time. When he did try to do it, he wondered what had to be done to sustain all of these circles. He would see the forming, each one looking the same as the other. It would look like he had done this correctly. The integrity of the magic circles was off though. These weren’t strong enough as the magic circle would crumble before anything could appear out of them. He would shake his head when he saw this happening and he knew that he had to try better.

He was the son of chaos, and this shouldn’t be a hard thing for him to do. He would shake his head and he would go at it again. He would swipe his arm focusing more mana into the spell. He could master using less mana for these spells at a later time.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:04 am

Go D. Drakkon

The Dragon Slayer would see the circles forming and he was making sure that the circles would be strong enough to hold their place. He wasn’t going to allow the circles to close this time. The young man would force everything that he had into his magic. Luci would watch it happen as he was hoping that it wouldn’t backfire. He would watch Drakkon try his best. While this was happening, it would seem like he had used a lot of mana in this. It would cause the magic circles to go out of control, and they would start to explode around the area.

Drakkon would see this happening and it would cause him to fly back. The impact of spells was too great, and he would be caught in the explosion. He would fall to the ground, and he would cough out blood from the impact and he would shake his head due to the fact he had failed again.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:05 am

Go D. Drakkon

“This isn’t going great, I should be able to get the hang of this quickly. Still, for some reason, I keep failing at it. I will keep going at it though. It just sucks I don’t just learn them.” He said to Luci as he would get up from the ground.

Luci would hear his words and he would scratch the back of his head. He wasn’t wrong as he should have already known how to use them since he stole them. Still, this was growth for him anyway and he would just watch Drakkon become stronger. The Dragon Slayer would try again now that he was calm. He knew that these circles would summon dragons from each of them. This would be massive in battle because of what they were capable of doing.

He would take it all in before exhaling. He was ready to continue with his training. He needed to find a balance when it came to using his mana.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:05 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon figured he was ready to try it out again, and he would do just that. He would swipe his hand away from him and he would focus his mana on what he had done. He would create eight magic circles around him. He would look around as he was still using a lot of mana, but not the same as last time. He was hoping this would be the right thing he was doing. He would start using the same amount of mana throughout the circles as he was making sure that he didn’t lose his focus. It was then he would start seeing the next step happening. He would see the dragons come out slowly, and then he would increase the speed of his spells.

This was perfect and it was what he wanted. They were of arcane energy, and he could see it going well. It was then he would see them moving to the corner of the dome as it was where he wanted it to go.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:06 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would have them slam to the ground at that point but knew there was more to this spell. He was able to use the spell, but he needed to be able to do all that he could do with the spell. The spell could be controlled and it was something else he had learned about this spell. That was the next thing he was going to do on his list. He would activate the spell swiping his hand away from him to activate the spell he was training. It would cause the eight magic circles that he had conjured before. After he had done that, he would start the next part and the dragons would come out of the magic circles that he had created. Now that they were created, he would try the part he didn’t know how to do. The dragons were out, and he would try to move them with his hands, and it would seem like it wouldn’t work at first.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:06 am

Go D. Drakkon

He would continue to try and get it going, but after trying several times something would happen. The dragons would turn in his direction, and they would fly toward him. He wasn’t sure why, but this was scary as hell. He didn’t have time to get out of the way, and he would just use his Kagune Organ to transform. When he did that, he would be hit by the spells that were in their way and he would fall to the ground.

Luci would see this, and he would flinch from the hits that Drakkon had suffered. The Dragon Slayer would shake his head when he felt the blow but knew that it wasn’t supposed to be like that. He was glad that he was resistant to arcane, or it would have hurt even more. He would shake his head as he would get up from the ground. He didn’t like the feeling of that attack but knew it was a strong spell now.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
“I’m making progress though. I will be able to use this in real combat soon. That is amazing because we don’t have to always rely on our katana anymore.” He said to Luci.

He would try to see what he had done wrong with the spell. He had got it to move toward him, but how did he do that? He thought about it and it wouldn’t take long for him to realize that he had given up and was calm when the dragons had all turned to him. He would be able to move them with his hands, so that worked he just needed to be relaxed when he was trying to use this spell.

That was good to know, and he would make sure to try it again. He would relax his body as he would activate the spell again. He would swipe his arm away from his body and the magic circles would come out.


#9Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would bring out the magic circles and they would be perfectly fine. He was getting used to using the spell, which was a good thing. This was perfect, and the next part was the dragons coming out. When he did that, he would see them all coming out and he would smile since everything he was doing was going perfectly fine. Still, he had to calm himself. He didn’t want to get crazy and mess up the spell. He was getting ready for the next part as if he knew he could move on to the next part of the spell.

It was then he would start motioning his hands to control the dragons. It was then that the dragons would start moving according to where he wanted them to be. This was perfect, and he felt some form of accomplishment. He didn’t think he could do this before as he felt like he was powerless until now.


#10Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:08 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would move the dragons around the dome as he was making sure that he had gotten comfortable with the spell. He didn’t want to forget this feeling when controlling the dragons. It would be bad news if he did, and he would then have to learn how to do it again. Once he was done, he would let go of the spell. The dragon would hit the ground on the dome, and he would stretch his arms into the air. This was good and he would look over to Luci as his training wasn’t over with the spell. He would see if he could bring it down to fewer spells. That would be the best thing. He had done the hard part, so now it was time to just decrease the number of magic circles and use it to his advantage.

“We will finish training this spell, and then from there we will make sure to start the other spells that will be easier to finish.“? He said to Luci.

The demon would hear him as he would nod as he knew what Drakkon was doing.


#11Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:13 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would repeat his way of activating his magic as he would create fewer magic circles than he did before. It was hard to do and as soon as he got close it would disperse. It was as if it had exploded, but he wasn’t near it. The young dragon slayer was ready to try again because he wasn’t going to let it end here. He would try a few times right now as he was trying to bring it down to seven right now. He had to get used to the number of circles he summoned so that he could use different steps to this spell.

He would try this again as he was trying to adjust his mana usage on this spell. It was hard to manage, but after a couple of tries, he would finally be able to manage. This was good because now he was able to activate the spell, and he would be able to move on to the next thing for this spell.


#12Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:21 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would continue training the spell that he had stolen. He had been able to use the spell correctly, but he was adjusting it to see if he could create fewer magic circles and gain it the same way. That was good, and he would continue to train them for a few hours. This spell had a lot behind it, and he was trying to make sure that he knew the ins and outs of this spell. Once he was done, he would be able to start the next spell.

The dragon slayer would continue for hours as he was decreasing the magic circle to one. Once Drakkon was done with this, he would continue on making sure the spell was something he could use and do without hesitating. He needed to keep this going until it was second nature to him. He would soon come to an end though. He was able to learn the spelling with a bit of a problem. They had a few setbacks, but in the end, it would seem like continuing the practice of his spells had given him the ability to make it his own in the future.

195|2014 (50% wcr)
2014/2000 Arcane Dragon's Living Swarm

#13Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:00 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was not going to try and learn another high-ranking spell right now. He needed time to rest his body with the last one. He was going to go for one that was simpler. This magic was another one he had absorbed, but this one was somewhat weak, yet effective. He needed to test it on someone as it would be the only way he would know if it worked. Luci would be the test dummy as the spell wasn’t one that would cause physical harm.

He made his way to Drakkon and he waited to see what was going to happen. He knew what he needed to do, and he would look at Luci. He would take a deep breath and he would start the activation of the spell. He would bring out his right arm and he would let out a surge of mana from his arm.

A magic circle would appear underneath him as he would start using his spell.


#14Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:43 am

Go D. Drakkon

Luci was a bit scared that something would go wrong with this spell, but at the same time he had confidence in Drakkon. He wouldn’t be using him if he knew that the spell would go horribly wrong. It was then he would watch the spell hit him as it had gone straight to Luci and then something would happen. The demon wouldn’t get hurt, but instead he would feel himself being pulled to Drakkon. He would smile as it would seem like the spell would work as Luci would be right in front of Drakkon like the spell was intended to do.

He would nod as this would be an interesting spell if people who were close tried to run, he could pull them back to him.

“That’s interesting, but that is another spell that I learn, now I guess it’s time to train another one.” He said as he was getting ready to continue his training.

321|250 Arcane Dragon's Gravity

#15Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon was training another spell at the moment. He wasn’t done with any of this, so the next thing he was going to do was handle another destructive spell. this one wasn’t as strong as the other one, but it was still strong though. This one was a bit different though and it was something he had never seen before. Well to be honest he didn’t see a lot of spells until today, so that was on him. He knew that this wasn’t going to take longer than the other spells, so he knew that it wasn’t going to be hard here.

Drakkon would take a deep breath as it was time to start now. He would look at Luci and the demon would walk away. He wasn’t going to be caught at all. When Drakkon saw that he was alright to start, he would snap his fingers to start the training.


#16Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would see that a magic circle would appear underneath him. He would have a smile on his face as he wondered what was going to happen next. He was focusing his mana usage, but then something would happen. When he saw something coming out, it would just disperse, and a small blast would happen. It would send Drakkon flying into the air and away from where he was standing. He would shake his head when he got up and he would laugh a bit. The Dragon Slayer knew something like this would and he had to try again.

He would look at his hand and he would start it again. He would snap his finger and he would create a magic circle. He was thinking about what to do and he would create a second magic circle at the location he wanted to summon it. When he did that, he would try to focus on maintaining the magic circles over anything first.


#17Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would try his best as he was doing what he could. He was trying to make sure that these two magic circles could stay open while he poured more mana into this. It was quite difficult to do this, and it was not easy as it was with the prior spell. He would just continue on with it, but soon enough it would come crumbling down. He didn’t know what he had done wrong, but he had used less mana before, and maybe that was the problem.

He would look at the training dome again as he was trying to do this properly. The Demi-God would take in a deep breath before he decided to go at it again. He focused before it was time to start again. He would snap his finger and he would create the two magic circles much better and faster than he could before. That was good because he was getting the hang of it now.


#18Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:45 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was moving on to the next part of the spell, and it was to create the attack itself. He needed it to come out of the second magic circle. He was the source of the mana and the attack that was coming would be from the other one. He would start pouring more mana into this as he got used to the circles and it was him trying to create the spell. The Dragon Slayer would see that something was coming out of the magic circle. He was happy when he saw this and he knew that it was working. It was then that it would come out but explode as soon as it came out. He wasn’t sure what the reason behind it was, but he didn’t like that.

“I guess I can do this again. I think I know what I’m doing wrong.” He said to himself.

Drakkon would focus again and he would try this again and this time he hoped that everything would go well.


#19Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:46 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would create the two magic circles, and he would do that without a problem this time. He was making these spells his own and he was excited. It was then he would move on to the next step of the spell. The Demi-God would try to create the raven that he tried to make last time again. Still, this time he was putting in a little bit of mana that nothing was happening. He could tell that he was not doing anything with the spell, which was frustrating him. He would look at the magic and he would pour more into it, but the spell was ruined. He would shake his head when he did this, and he would disperse the magic circles. He would just rub the back of his head as he was trying to figure out what he was doing incorrectly.

He would think about it for a second and he would relax himself. He needed to be calm when he did this, it was the only way to use this spell as it was his own and it was second nature to him.


#20Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:48 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would calm himself as he was going to make sure that he was perfectly fine when casting this spell. Once he was ready, he would open his eyes and he would snap his finger. The two magic circles would appear quickly under him and the second one in the place of his choosing. It was then that he would bring out the raven that was revealing itself from the circle. That was good because that meant everything was going exactly as it was planned. That was the raven finally reveal itself to him. The bird would know where to go and it would fly to the ground and it would cause a huge explosion. This was perfect, and he was excited to see this. The young man wouldn’t expect that much potency in that magic, which he found impressive.

Still, he wasn’t done here, he needed to master using the spell. He was able to create it once, but he needed to be able to do it without a problem. That was when he decided to try again and after a few more hours of practice, he was able to use this spell as well.

1021|1000 Arcane Dragon's Brilliant Flames

#21Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:19 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon was moving on to the next spell; he had copied only four spells since he had gotten the abilities of this magic. They had all come from one source, the Sanguine Dragon Slayer. This was perfect, but he wanted to take more than just magic from them. No, he knew of Kaito the Dimensional Dragon Slayer, and Judith the Chronos Dragon Slayer. They were both known for different things, but it was because they were known he knew what they had.

Still, there was nothing he could do right now, but train with what was in his arsenal right now. He knew how to activate the spell, but it was properly letting loose, that would be the problem. He wasn’t sure he was comfortable with the spell, but he knew he would be able to handle it. He just needed to try a few times before anything. He knew what the spell was capable of doing, so he decided to work on himself first.


#22Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:23 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would step his right foot down as if he was walking forward, and he would try to conjure the magical circle. It was bigger than the other circles he had been creating. That was why it would fail him; while he was doing this, he could see the creation of the circle, but there were too many factors going into it, that the Dragon Slayer wasn’t able to fully finish it. Of course, he wasn’t used to it, so this was something that would only come naturally when he failed.

He would see the magical circle erasing from existence as he would scratch the back of his head.

“Well, that didn’t go right, but this is today’s last spell. Let’s try again.” He said out loud as he was trying to motivate himself.

He would look around and he would do it again. He would stomp on the ground and he would try and activate the spell once again.


#23Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:32 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would focus on one thing and it was to create the magic circle that he needed for the spell. It would be what he needed to do and now that he knew what he was expecting, it should have been better. He would see the magical circle forming underneath him. This was a defense spell, which was something he truly needed. He needed a way to protect himself as he couldn’t rely on the weak armor he had. The Dragon Slayer would watch as the magic circle underneath him would be created.

He had a smirk on his face as this was great. He was going to make sure that he could keep it steady. This was what he needed to do; he would look around him and he would see that things were working. He knew nothing was going to come out, but he was just trying to keep the magic circle from collapsing itself.


#24Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would keep on doing this for a while. He was making sure that he had gotten used to this before moving on to the next step of his spell. He was focusing on themselves before he tried to use his magic for other people. He would deactivate the spell before taking a break. When the break was over though. Drakkon would continue n with the spell. He would take another stomp forward and the magical circle would appear. It would be conjured faster and it would be held without a problem.

It was the next part that he was nervous about. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen or if he was going to get it right on the first shot. He would start seeing feathers grey feathers coming out from the magical circles and he could see that these were actually dragon scales. He wondered what they were going to do, and he would see a lot of them. He knew it was a defensive spell, so he imagined it would cover him.


#25Go D. Drakkon 

Making What's Yours Mine (Training) Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:52 pm

Go D. Drakkon

He would watch the dragon scales gather together and soon enough he would see two dragon wings appear in front of him. It was then the dragon wings would cover him, but it wouldn’t just stop there. No, the wings would start attacking him as if it had become an offensive spell. He wasn’t sure what was happening, but he felt the attack from all over the place. The scales would break apart and fly at him. They would strike at him as he blocked to take cover and make sure he didn’t get killed by his own attack.

When it was over, he would shake his head as he was breathing heavily. That was scary, but he was going to try again. When he was ready he would look over to Luci, but the demon would shrug as if this wasn’t his problem. He would look forward and he shook his head as he figured he would be alone on this.


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