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The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.)

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#1Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:30 pm

Judith Karlinius
It would be shocking as some learned Judith was here to catch up with some of the people she met before that she would set up something like this. Even being bold enough to rent out a kitchen, go to the markets herself and buy a few things. It was time for some one she had not seen for a while to get a normal Judith greeting, in this case it was breakfast related food.

Judith had to hope they should show up, All this effort and no one would eat would just make Judith horribly sad. Or she could just invite the general public if the guest did not show up. But Judith highly doubted they wouldn't. The place was fairly open for them to show up at any point and greet Judith. But the food was not quite ready yet.

Having a single table set up, There was pitchers of orange juice, water and a few container for tea and coffee. having spend a few hours always. with the smell of cooking meats filling the air. Judith was not taking it easy at all. For Breakfast was a serious matter and she would not give some one a weak breakfast.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:42 pm

Emil had headed into Orchidia on a day trip with the twins that were pretty much just half asleep on his back as he had planned to have them try so of what this place had as foot as he had been spreading too much time in rush valley and other places that didn't seem to change so today Emil was going to make a change and head in over here. An exceed was close by the man on the look out for trouble and others that might wish to start a fight as this was just to be an easy day that didn't cause any issues with the world around it.

Emil thought he caught sight of someone that he had not soon in a while but there was doubt in his mind as the way Kaito spoke the fairy mother was not common to come north Kaito only knowing her to stick to the east or to the south, but mostly just the east. So he headed in the way that he had seen the woman as she looked a bit different than she had the last time he had seen her. "Well I'll be if it isn't the guild master of Fairy tail what brings you to the north?" The twins look at the woman from their fathers shoulders so really they were looking down on her more than just at her.

#3Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 7:43 am

Judith Karlinius
For not really being in the north, Judith seemed to be known a fair amount either in passing or people she had met before. Over all these ventures were becoming pretty welcoming and delightful. After all Judith was just here for seeing the people."For how well people see to know me here, One would think they would know that titles are not fully needed to address me."Judith said with a bit of a chuckle because it was just how she worked.

Judith was also a strange woman still, she did things sometimes out of no where for her own reason and that was it."I need to get out of the east sometime, So thus i am here hoping some of the people I might be connected too are interested in some free food cooked by me."But then she merely observed he was with his children for a moment then pondered if he was going to use this chance for them or not. After all Judith was not scared of children unlike most people that might be around these areas. But if anything she wanted him to choose what would happen. No doubt either the kids where bored or hungry but Judith assumed that for all of them.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:23 am

The twins speak up first before Emil can start to speak again. "Who are you and why do you look so funny?" They were just being blunt but Emil looked at them and he sighed as they really did seem to take after him and just speak without thinking about what might come back to bite them or him in the ass. "You will have to excuse them as I and some of the people of the north probably haven't been the best influences on them. I am trying to find a good woman to maybe be able to help me level them out and be a mother figure to them." He rubbed the back of his head as he had to admit maybe he was in fact a little to far in over his head with trying to be a good father while still not lapsing on his morals to be the in your face man he was.

He looked at the woman and he wondered if on her travels or with her seeming to know the hottest gossips if maybe she might be able to hook him up with a line on a eligible woman to help him and maybe be able to put up with him. He knows Kaito said that she seemed to be willing to help with nearly anything he was still not sure that he was comfortable with asking this. He sat the twins down in booster seats and lets them try her food like she had been saying and he gets a bit closer to Judith so the twins don't over hear him asking about it. "Do you know anyone that might be good or I could try with." He in that moment had sounded a bit desperate.

#5Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:10 pm

Judith Karlinius
Was she willing to help, Judith if anything was far more then willing she was wanting to help in these matter. but first there was a few things to get in line. She answered which ever of the children as spoken to her."I am Judith, I look a bit different because I merely am different then most people around you."Even laughing about it sightly. She wanted to say she knew she was a bit odd but out letting out secrets after all Judith had a few and she valued them greatly.

But first before Judith went into great depth of how she would help. She would suggest something to him."Well, are you and your children hungry?"She was avoiding answering right away only because she wanted to be sure to get them settled in. Judith and Emil where in for a fairly long talk after all there was a few names already she could have told him but children here might also need things themselves. First thing she would do and casually walk over and pour a few small glasses of orange juice. One at a time offering them to each child. Some how this seemed to make Judith as happy as most people seeing a pile of money when they are at the poorest time of their life.

Then she would go back to her cooking station and started frying up some potato to make hash browns."What do you want? scramble eggs? sunny side up?"Judith was just merely cooking up simple things. It was the allure of these things at least in Judith's mind it was. But the fun part is Judith had the magic to make sure the food did not burn while she cooked it.

As they settled in Judith would sit down in a chair, pour herself a glass of water. Moving on to explaining a few women her heard about."I have a few people to suggest for you. If it works out for you is up to fate to work out for you or not."Judith would never give up the fate talk it was always a firm belief for her that fate chose the outcome of many things. It seemed foolish at times but she never gave it up.

But she would move on to listing then."I do not know where exactly you could track her down to meet her. But during one of my many wine deliveries to Blue Pegasus. There was a fairly tall whited haired woman. She has red eyes, often seemed with somewhat revealing clothing with a witch hat, Black and red in colour scheme. She seems to be a travelling mage and she mentioned she went to Talaz to do some studying."Judith went off to start with her. Only over all just mentioning looks but would bring up at least her name."I heard she goes by the name of Helena Yates."That was the first suggestion, But alas there was more.

How many more was a good question. But nonetheless she would move on to a second woman."There is rumours that a woman from Talaz Lagaar is trying to find a way to Fiore to flee from the hardest plague stricken area, she is in there to research a cure, However she is starting become seriously ill, some talks mention she is going to try and get better because she also wants to have some kind of family. She is known to go by M.M."It was not much no details of looks or personality really seemed to be mentioned but there was woman number two.

Then she would move on to a third woman, this one she was one that she did not know if he would be interested in but she had seen her around in Magnolia and seemingly had no one around her and no family."Recently before my travels here to the north. There is a Demi-human fox woman that recently showed up in Magnolia. She seemingly is new to the area so far fleeing from the joyan war. She so far has no one else, I am unsure how she is as a person as I have yet to speak to her. Rumour is her name is Hakura."She had to wonder if any of these would be of his interested after all some where rumours and could easily be dead ends because of the ladies them selves being ill-fitting. Alas Judith could only just keep giving options she had in mind.

But there was still more to tell, Most likely Judith was giving him a wide net so he had options to go attempt to catch."There is often a boat that travels out to sea, Either helping people travel from place to place or on a mission to kill a Kraken that always seems to get away from the ship captain. But it is said the medic that ship carries grows tired of that life and is stuck unsure how to move on from that life. However she is a high cautious woman from what i am told, She goes by the nickname Patches. Depending on how some one feels of her they call her Peaches as well."Judith did feel like her options where not giving him much to work off of. But if Emil was willing he had a lot of risks to take.

Then she had on final suggestion, only because she had a feeling this person was suffering and did not know where she was. The final one was going to be mentioned with the smallest pieces of information."Last one I could tell you of, This one i am most unsure of because of how unfriendly she is. There is a Minstrel Nun that seems to only come out at night. She claim she doesn't need help or people around her...but part of me thinks she is struggling and needs some kind of help."She seemed to be done her list of women now. she would the wait to see what Emil would think. After all these where all rumour talks. But she would quietly get herself a glass of water and continue to cook, As she did bring things for people to eat.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:11 am

The twins are excited at the woman that is offering them food and they speak in sync with the other as they answer her questions. "Yes we hunger, scarmabled eggs please!" They said scrambled weird but it might have just been in their excitement to be, given something to eat as the male was a demi-human wolf his sense of smell was better than his sisters sense of smell and he looked like he was drooling a little as he waited for the food and his sister was sharing his excitement but was not drooling like her brother was. She was waiting patiently for the nice woman to give them the food that she was making them, she seemed to have gotten a little better of a hold on her manners than her brother did.

Emil listens to the woman speak on the first woman tall, white, haired, revealing clothes, witch hat. She is on the cursed island... Emil thinks about if this woman would be right to be around his children as well. So the tall and white hair was like his first wife, he hopes if this woman was the one that the children wouldn't misunderstand and thing he was looking to find someone that sort of looked like their mother and replace her with her. The revealing clothes might have been good back when he wasn't a father of two and would have been on the hunt for a woman a little laxed on her morals. She was also on the cursed island so she probably was not going to really want to be around him as he avoided that place. "She has a pretty name I will keep her in mind but she sounds like she would be more after a man younger than I."

Emil listens tp the woman speak of the second woman that she is calling M. M. She is sick, a researcher, looking to get a fiorian allowance to be, she wants a family. Emil is unsure how to feel about this one as he had not too long ago lost his wife to a sickness would he really want to take a risk on another sick woman? Could he really bring himself to have to say good bye to another wife on her death bed and put the children through the death of another mother, by being a more sickly woman? "This one sounds like it would not be so good as I have just lost a wife to sickness so going after another woman while she is sick sounds like it would be in bad tastes for me."

He listened to the woman speak about the third option and it sounds truly like this one was just a rumor to if this woman as actually alone here or if she was here with someone else as well as the woman spoke of not knowing how this fox woman would be toward people so he is unsure to why the woman would speak on her as this one sounds like it would be a huge risk to go after and he needs to watch what he does as to not upset the children that were also going to be passing judgement on the woman that he will pick.

He listened to the next one that the woman was trying to sell to him and she was a medic, it seemed healers were the single lonely types of the day for the woman. He wondered if a sea battered woman that had from how it sounded been a beaten up her self to the point she has to be cautious on her looking for a way out of that life, he wondered if she was nice or if the name patches held a darker under tone to it than the other nickname peaches sounds like she was a stripper or a lady of the night. He is very unsure about this one as is sounded excusing the pun for this one a bit fishy to him.

This last one sounded oddly familiar to the man like he knew this woman that Judith was speaking of but no way Judith was talking about the same woman as an idea for him to go after as if it was Elise he was almost certain that in their last run in together she trauma dumped on him and ran off and he felt like he might have hurt her or made her feel like she had to tell him those things so that he would leave her alone and not chase after her. She also had seemed to be lightly avoiding him so he wonders if she is just waiting for a time she felt ready to talk to him again or if she really had no more interest in talking to him.

He looked at the woman and he speaks while rubbing his chin. "Do you have anymore to add or was that all of them? I think I would need more info on a few of them to probably get a better picture, but that sounds like leg work I will need to do and see about. Thank you for this." He was really thankful for the woman trying to help him from that list he thinks he needs to check into them a little more but with the current details he has Helena is a high maybe to seek out and speak to. Elise may be more open to speaking to him soon so he should stay close. The M. M. woman, he thinks he would need to meet and see how bad her illness is before he passes judgement. He has no idea where to find the patches woman to see if she has any real life in her or if she is scarred of him. the Demi-fox woman seems like the longest shot at the moment as she was the one with the least info for the woman giving him options.

#7Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:44 am

Judith Karlinius
The balance of managing to cook food and talk was fairly. She just wanted to be sure everyone."As long as you know what you want, As well as eat everything. I will not have anything go to waste while I cook."That is all for the most part Judith would care about over all while the kids ate here they where suppose to be kids and have a bit of carefree spirit to slowly grow up and such.

Listening away while Emil had listen to his options and Judith seemed to make the food pretty quickly, she would be pretty quickly in setting up the plate and making it look nice for them. Even if it was really not needed as the children would just make a mess of the plates anyway. These small things where things Judith valued. So she would give the both of them their plates. Seemingly had gotten the food made quick. There was at least one of her suggestions he did seem to like so far."I have a few more." Over all not many more but Emil had a starting point.

"I know of a demi-human bunny woman who showed up in central fiore, i do not know much else about her side from she tend to have an over abundance of energy and is often called high energy. She is from Enca from what i was told."Judith however did not seem to know her name or much else about her. Just a high energy demi-human bunny woman. It was little information but it was something.

Then she would move on to the next one."Some where lingering about in Magnolia, There is a former dance student of mine she often tends to be oddly scary to most people but she is pretty nice, The only flaw I would say about Archie is she is a daemon and lacks understanding of how people normally work here. But she is fairly friendly want harmless for a daemon spider woman, She loves tap dancing and ballroom dancing."Judith had a feeling Archie was a long shot but she knew Archie was not dating anyone. Then again Archie was a former student of Judith's so she knew a fair amount.

Then she would suggest one final one."One last woman, I know if is...different."Judith mentioned as she would sit down to have a sip of tea for a moment. They where different but knew there was something about them but still would suggest just in case he felt the need to try."Fu Eu-meh recently arrived from Sin to expand the fine art of jewel crafting. A she is chasing wealth and reputation here. She is vaine, picky and has high expectations for people who meets and talks with. But under her seeming harsh front is a woman who seemingly has her heart some what set on expanding and making things better for not only just her."Judith seemed to be throwing out wild cards here.

Then she would end it off with this."If you are sure about Helena....I might be able to sneak something over to her when i am dropping wine off at Blue Pegasus next."It was a hint she was willing to help him if Emil had chosen her. But she waited for until was done considering options.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 11:14 am

The children listen to the woman as they watch her cook and can’t wait to eat cause it smells so good and reminded them of their mother when she cooked for them, unlike their father who is an okay cook just some times he just gets distracted and forgets what he was doing and burns food or they have to go out to eat. Luna takes her time while eating as she was enjoying how it looked but Fang started digging right into the food like he had been starving.

Emil listens to the next one the woman spoke on and he wondered would another demi human be the right choice. She sounded like she is from the more spiritual lands of enca so that might mean she has her own beliefs and gods that she might push on them. "Yeah not enough known about her to settle on that one." he was unsure if he was really getting help here or if this was just another dead end.

The next one the woman spoke on was a daemon but not what kind of daemon she was or anything like that just a daemon that dances and is nice to people? Then heard the words spider daemon and he is unsure if that is a big risk or not as he knows some spiders eat their mates head after love and he is not sure that was safe for the children as well.

This one sounds like a honorable business woman so she would probably not even look at him as he was not rich and had nothing to offer to make himself seem appealing to such a woman unless she just wanted arm candy or a body guard but he guessed if she crossed his path mayb he could try.

"You sure this Helena woman would be interested in a loser like me?" he was not sure why she was actually helping him as he hadn’t done anything to have earned that kind of thing from the mother of the fairies maybe he was cashing in on a little of Kaito’s credit as they were twins after all. He hoped that this might just work out but chances are she finds out he has children and is a meat head and bounces.

#9Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:38 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a good question, However much like how Judith willingly tries to stay out of the event of many things she could easily prevent for being a user of a very particular not often seen and used magic. She had to over all leave it to fate and people interacting with one another. Judith could only really watch in passing.

Then again she could still try and talk him into at least trying. After all these kind of things where about the effort put into them."There is not much else I could do beyond what I have stated."Judith mentioned because in theory she had to let people try and know each other some how. It was just not only here is a wife because I said there is. That kind of power is something that is something she would never want."For, I know who she is and what she looks like."The other part of is Judith only knew a few things and not much else.

But Judith would do one thing at least to try and help."But I think you can do it, Don't think your self as a mere loser."Judith was still going the motherly way about it, every one had a parts in life they should not control or do anything about Emil was just where."You carry a strong bravado that can bring the eyes of most people to you, As long as you learn the balance out with that some forward inviting charm, You might be able to get her."It was the best kind of advice Judith could give him.

She had to ponder if there was any way to learn more about Helena for Judith over all did not know, it was something she had yet ever needed to do up until this point. Her casual greeting did not yield much."I suppose if you can find any other member of the Yates family around that you know are her family. You might see if they will tell you things about her."It was a strange suggestion but the only one logical thing was just to find Helena and talk to her one on one and see what happens.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:46 am

The children keep eating and making sure that they will be good and full as the woman seemed to have spoiled them and Emil sits there and he wonders what he was doing as he was feeling like maybe he had done something wrong in this but he couldn't really back track the woman spoke of his bravado but he wondered if it was just fake and he himself might not be ready to move on and try again with someone else the charming part was a joke he doesn't think he cloud be charming even if he tried to.

He heard her say something about asking another Yates about her. "I don't know anyone else with that last name, or at least I don't think I do." He was unsure to what he was going to do as this was so much pressure and was a commitment and he wasn't fully sure of himself for this type of thing after what had happened and the struggles that he had, had and he wasn't sure how his children would take to having a step mother either.

#11Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:07 am

Judith Karlinius
Emil would not be with out options, Judith had a few thing she could try. As long as he was okay with the idea. So she pondered on it while she seemed to think on it, getting over and and getting herself a glass of water. If he did not know anyone she had to think if anyone else did."Alas, I do not know anyone else with the last name Yates either...Maybe I need to go do some digging around."Judith almost sounded like she still was determine to help him.

So upon thinking on it she felt she had a fairly good idea."I don't normally deliver mail, However something that might catch her interest that might make her travel north."Judith smiled because she felt it was a pretty good idea that she hoped Emil shared the same energy."Write a letter, I don't need to read it. But a well meeting letter of introduction."It sounded old in nature but Judith felt she was on to something.

As she would continue on."I will get together, plan and set up a entire date night meal, dessert and table set up for you. Even for the evening watch the little ones."It almost seemed Judith was far more determine to see this through at this and help Emil achieve this goal. if anything she pulling all out of the things she could."I will even sent her a few well known beverages from my collect. I think aside from my wines, I have a lot of icebergian ales, Minstrel wines, Stellan ciders.Whichever is the Emil kind of drink to be sent."Judith seemed to have ideas for Emil that is very clear.

Then she would walk back to work station, dig around seeing if she had things that she could write on. Knowing Judith and travelling she carried blank paper and a pencil. Even pens as well then started collecting them. She would place them in the table to see if Emil was interested, Then walked back to her station got more glasses of orange and apple juice and placed them on the table. Then she sat down where she sat to start with and waited to see what Emil thought of her idea.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 2:08 am

The children were now full and they yawned as they were now even more tired and ready to go home than they had been before. Emil has no idea what a letter of introduction is that the woman spoke about but he was going to write a letter as he was asked to write one but he wonders if he should be using the family friend like this. He pulls out a piece of paper and a pen and he starts writing a later. Dear Helena Yates. I was informed of you by a family friend and pillar of the community telling me that you and I should hook up and try a date. I am Emil of Paradise Dawn I am hoping that this reaches you in good health. He had written more but it was just ramblings

Emil then folds it and puts it in an envelope with Helena’s name on it like it was a birthday card some one bought last second to give to a loved one. "I hope this letter goes well and we will see if you need to do that but thank you for telling me to at least try." Emil ate a little of the food and he now noticed that a crowd has gathered around them and he wonders how much they had heard and he moved his children to be less haphazardly placed on the table and other people seemed to flock in to try the guild mothers food.

#13Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:46 pm

Judith Karlinius
Over all she had to leave things as they where to happen by people's choices in life, this was just the way fate and time lines always where made to be. Judith would collect the letter, read it for a moment. Ponder if really that was the best option and phrase and then merely did nothing about it."I will make sure she gets this." Judith said with a smile on her face.

In some manner Judith would have like to write a better more well thought out note, But she knew in some manner that would not reflect how emil might be as a person."I will solve the gift part and leave it for her."Judith also mentioned because his part was done.

But she would make sure."Is there anything you need at this point?" It was a fair question to ask him because he could require more things like more food maybe another drink.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:21 pm

"Yes can I get your feed back on how bad that letter was to her? Plus some food and drink of my own?" He looks at the twins who were happy and were fighting the food coma that they had almost put themselves in and then fang asked a stupid question that the crowd aweeeed at. "Can you be our new mommy your cooking is so good." Emil busts out laughing as he had not seen that coming and fang was showing that the way to a mans heart is through his stomach and Luna looks at Emil like she as well would be okay with Judith being their new mother and he stops laughs as it looked like he might have walked right into that one.

Once Emil gets his food and drink he looks at the crowd that had formed around them as there were a lot of people that want to try her foods and he wonders if maybe he and the twins might not be in the way here of the lady trying to get people hooked on her foods.

#15Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Thu Aug 17, 2023 2:39 am

Judith Karlinius
It was simple requests, It would not take a lot of time to get the food done.So she would do just that while answer his ponder. She would just casually walk back to her station. As for what his children said."I know I might seem like it, However I am not an option for him."Judith said because she knew it would be a bit disappointing."I am not looking for a replacement husband either, I am happy with my current one."Quieting returning to the table with a plate of food for Emil sitting back in her chair.

So she would be honest about the letter, Then placed it back on the table."This letter is...one i don't think it will do well."Judith was blunt about it. As some one trying to help him. She did need to be honest about it. She did not know this woman well but something made her think that with how it was worded it might not work out the best."While your intentions on honest, I think how it is stated is...poor at best."Judith said this because at this point while she normally would not want to alter how fate might want to this to good. if she was a single woman and got this letter she might laugh it off or not even look at it in detail. "After all it looks like your are merely looking for a one time fling,If you are trying to impress her, I doubt this will."Judith knew that was not the case.

So she would suggest something."Since your looking for long term possible wife, maybe phrase it a bit different. Maybe rather then blunt stated for a date and a one stand feeling, Try rephrasing it as a case of some one who has heard of them, wanting to see if they are interested in possible starting date and going blossoming into something more then that."This was a Judith suggestion as she felt any woman might have seen many women in life and dating more then likely to walk away from how how ill mannered some people where. She did not know Helena that well but figured to suggest it anyway.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:51 am

The twins giggle at the woman's reply about already having a husband and they nod, it seems they were not actually after the woman as a mother only teasing her and himself which is a bit too advanced for where they should logically be mentally and he wonders if someone at the guild might not be teaching them some bad habits. The man listened to the woman's feed back and he nodded cause he guesses he gets where she is coming from with what she is telling him and he keeps eating the food he has as he wonders if he should rewrite it and turn it back in.

"I am very blunt and I am sometimes bad with words, so I guess if anything this is a test of if she can see past the words and actually come to meet me. I know it sounds stupid but if she can't handle a blunt misspoken note how is she going to handle dealing with the real me?" He in his head thinks that he is making a valid point but in the end of the day he might just be taking a gamble on someone being willing to give him a chance here and come and meet him then meet his children but that is probably still a long shot to happen and he doubts that Judith will ever give him a second chance to help him try to find a love and mother to his children but he guesses he will have to face the consequences if they come.

#17Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:15 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith just seemed to continue on then, she suggested what she would for a reason to see if he was entirely sure that was his final answer. So she would smile at time with that and over all take the letter away. Tucking it away with some of the thing she had to deliver later."Very well, I will bring that letter to her."This was now up to fate when added with a few gifts that might woo her over even if the letter was something Judith figured would not work for her.

But she would make sure everything else was good."The rest is up to her when she gets these things, Do tell me how the food is."She had that point to continue making was in fact the food part, he did ask for it but seemingly was more focused on her question at the time, she did not mind it. just sometimes good gets cold or children take it when open.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 9:57 am

It had sunk into Emil's head about the woman saying something about gifts but he doesn't know the woman so a gift would be ingenuine. "I am not sure getting her a gift is right as that seems kind of ingenuine to do and seems a bit forward doesn't it?" Emil keeps eating the food and he is not surprised that Kaito stays in Fairy Tail as he probably goes their for breakfast before he heads out on his days of adventuring and question this food was amazing and he wondered if it might have been one of the keys to him growing so strong and becoming a hero as Judith seemed like a woman that would make him eat breakfast and train to make sure that he brought honor to the guild.

The twins are basically asleep in their chairs as they were still tired from the trip from the mountains to the Orchidia. Emil looked at the woman when she asked about feed back on her food. "Your food is amazing I think I can see why Kaito got so strong from your cooking and care of him."

#19Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:02 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed now it was just the letter, Now that she minded it as just how things he wanted to do it."Very well. Maybe it is better for you to have then."Judith would add in for the humour of it because he could want them if he wanted. But over all Judith seemed like it was all set and just needed the gears in motion to happen and see what as to come. If it worked it worked.

But just in case she would ask."Anything else you would like me to do?"Judith had to ask because it seemed pretty good to just make sure to ask. After all never knew if there was ever something else was have needed to be considered for this manners. Over all she was here to help thus she was helping some what right now, Or had so far which seemed yo yield some kind of results.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:11 am

Emil was now slightly starting to feel nervous and like maybe he was making too many poor and reckless choices here but if he was the lady would tell him right she wouldn't just allow him to screw this completely up right? Emil looks at his children which are sleeping and he looks to the woman and he uses a gravely serious voice when he speaks to her. "What can I do not to mess this up as I want the best chance of finding someone I can get along with at least and will love them." He knows that he has been pretty hard headed and that is could be him right now pissing away a happy future for his children and he can't do that to them. He stand up and he walks to Judith and he takes a knee in front of her. "Please enlighten me on the ways of how to really do this right."

#21Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 4:40 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith seemed to listen pretty intently about what was heard from him. Was Emil waiting for his children to be asleep before really expressing a worry. Was Emil putting up a front? not the first time she had seen something like this. But suppose Judith did not judge him one needed to be a strong father figure Emil was worried about something and if he was worried Judith could attempt to guide him slightly."Well, I could suggest something. For you have the means to figure out if you feel that is right before my departure from here to go back home to the east."Judith mentioned.

In some manner it could be cruel to not get to the point but Judith was over all still trying to see what all he would consider."Do you think your letter lets off the point you really want and feel reflect? do you feel it's too plain or could be worded a bit better? Or do you feel like something else needs to be changed?"Judith mentioned because she wanted to seem like she was not trying to change things while suggested he was reflecting how he wanted it too.

It was over all seemingly confusing but Judith wanted him to be sure he was happy with how he was presenting himself, Judith could not change things because he wanted it done how he wanted. While he was comfortable with it she wanted to be sure and reflect on it."I find most people value honestly, But a bit of flare of caring intent. If this woman is you end all be all partner and read the letter you wrote with the personality you picture of them....would you be interested?"Would this be Judith's point  actually taking place or no?


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 6:13 pm

"I have never really been one that is good with words, so I am not sure about if my letter is good enough or not... As I don't know if she is the end all beat all, I have never met her and just because you described doesn't make me know that she is the one I would have to meet her first." Emil knows that the woman could be that for him but he has no idea if they woman really is that to him or not as he has no idea if the woman actually stands up to what this woman says she is or if she is better or worse only way to know is to meet her and get to actually know her. He is now second guessing if maybe he is just over all just making a mistake here, was he moving too fast was he just setting himself up for failure all these thoughts are buzzing in his head and he is unsure what to do the fairy mother has Emil at this moment mentally beaten.

#23Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 1:11 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith had at least one idea, one idea that could help him. She would pull his note back out of where she was keeping it."If you want one final suggestion from me." Placed the letter out that might over all prove that maybe Judith had faith in this working and an idea of how to make it all work."Have you considered...means to send a letter back? Maybe a place and a time she can meet you as well."Within Judith's knowing Helena was a travelling mage maybe it was a good idea to give her a place to go to.

So she would wait what he would say to that while she put a pen back down to see what Emil would do, then padded him on the shoulder. If anything Judith still thought this would go out well."After all your worried she is interested, make it a plan and if she is interested. she will show up."Judith said with a delighted smile on her about it.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:03 am

He was not sure what he was doing or fully what she means by what she was asking of him. He takes the pen and starts adding details and saying if she wanted to meet he would be on the island in a few days so if she had wanted to meet he also gives a address of the mail office where he gets mail. He has no idea if this woman will even come and meet him as he isn't really special. Emil finished getting that written down and he handed it back to the woman and she swears he saw her smirking but maybe it was just his imagination. He tanked her for the food then he went to collect his twins and see if they were okay and he can see them looking at him and he relaxes a bit. "Is there anything else you can think of that you need from me or that I should be doing right now?"

#25Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:14 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a fair question to ask Judith but alas she did not need him to do anything else. But if he really felt like she needed an option Judith would give him one."believe and have hope this will go over well for you, a woman out there will admire your big heart."Judith said she knew it was a cheesy answer but it was fitting at the time.

Besides that there was not anything else. She really needed, "Unless you want to send another letter to anyone else I don't have any thing else for you to do here."She would observe the area at this point and ponder if she needed to cook more food or not, But given how these children where a sleep maybe it was not much of a worry at this point, Emil needed to most likely take his kiddos home for them to sleep.

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