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The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess

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The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess Empty Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:34 pm


Name: The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Story: In the aftermath of the events which led to her being sacrificed to the Fractured Sky in Talaz Lagaar, Esperia has been struggling with both her seething hatred toward society after the recent events, but also her awareness that she is by all means considered an outcast to society now that she became a being of the void.

However, fortunately her lover Maple has been there to keep the Mindflayer from being consumed by her feelings of anger and hatred, instead turning her attention toward the adoration and affection she holds for the half elf.

However, deciding to take a break from the activities in Talaz Lagaar the duo their journey takes them to Caelum where a most peculiar encounter will set in stone the first ripples of a tsunami that might one day consume the entire country.

- During their trip to Caelum, Esperia ends up trying to come to terms with her lingering feelings of hatred toward society.
- With Maple's help attempt to navigate through the various obstacles that socializing as a Voidling will bring.
- Attempting to distract herself Esperia goes to pursue the legends of the mystical beings known as fairies when her investigation leads her to a secluded place within the isle of Erin where the very same beings of the legends exist.
- Initially wary of the Voidling, the story of the turned woman makes one of the fairies feel sympathy for her and allows her access to the island as they spend time interacting with one another.
- When Esperia expresses her desire to continue interacting with society because she feels the desire to remain at Maple's side and her old obligation to help protect Earthland still lingering about, but doesn't want the half elf to become a hermit for her sake, the fairy makes a most peculiar suggestion.
- Her sister, one of the Fairy Princesses has suffered from an ailment that robbed her of her soul, and as such only, her body remains behind. If she truly means to do good, then perhaps she could use her powers to claim the body for herself and as a result, become capable of continuing to aid society in a more... hospitable form.
- Having properly inhabited Myne's body as a vessel for her unique psionic powers, a temporary performance in rekindling the despairing spirits of the fairies leads to Esperia to decide to use Myne's body as a means to commune with society.
- Revealing her intentions to settle down with Maple and seclude herself more from society the two are offered a place among the fairies of Avalon, which they accept considering Maple's fondness for nature.

Name: The Outcast from the Void

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Having taken a break from their endeavors in Talaz Lagaar, Esperia and Maple find themselves traveling on a ship to Caelum. While it is meant to be a vacation more than anything, Esperia is clearly struggling with the fact she is considered an outcast in society. Prevent the Mindflayer from getting into troubles!

Others: Captain Jwach

Enemies: Superstitious sailors

Superstitious Sailors: A group of sailors who are on edge due to a series of mysterious events that transpired in Talaz Lagaar, while they are glad to be leaving the island behind, they are quite suspicious of Esperia who only appears fully cloaked in public.


- After catching a boat off the island of Talaz Lagaar, spend some time together as the ship prepares to leave the harbor.
- Once departed, prevent the superstitious sailors from causing a bloodbath.

Name: The only one that matters

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Fortunately Maple succeeded in calming down the turmoil on the ship and the two safely reach Caelum. As Esperia's gloomy thoughts linger, a skillful distraction from Maple makes the Mindflayer suggest they go and explore the surrounding area on the Isle of Erin, in particular Esperia seems fascinated by the legends about fairies.

Others: Fairies! REAL fairies!

Enemies: N/A


- After arriving in Caelum, proceed to explore the Isle of Erin
- Rescue the fairy that is being terrorized by a giant frog.

Name: The Isle of Avalon

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Having saved the fairies, the initial superstitious mindset toward the Voidling's nature is dispelled when Esperia reveals she was once a human who got sacrificed to the void. Equally amazed and curious about the fact she retained her sanity the fairies decide to trust her, one of them, in particular, seems intrigued and invites the duo to the Isle of Avalon, the island where the fairies dwell.

Others: Fairies! REAL fairies!

Enemies: N/A


- Learn more about the fairies and their society.
- Accompany Wystia to the accommodation and learn more about why she invited the two of you here.

Name: The Lost Fairy

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Learning of how Esperia wants to continue interacting with society due to a feeling of obligation that has been deeply ingrained within her, and a desire to remain at Maple's side without turning the half elf into a hermit as a result, Wystia reveals there might be an opportunity to interact safely with society while concealing her true identity.

Intrigued Esperia decides to hear more about the tale that Wystia has prepared.

Others: Wystia

Enemies: N/A


- Discover what happened to Myne, one of the princesses of the fairies.
- Learn about the offer Wystia has for her.

Name: The Mindflayer and the Fairy Princess

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Having discovered that several years ago a vile plague took a hold of Myne and consumed her very soul, the soulless body of the fairy has been a great source of distress for the fairies. While many are desperate for the recovery of the young princess, they also are constantly forced to see her as if she is trapped in an eternal sleep.

Hoping to reinvigorate the spirits of her kindred, and help Esperia in the process the fairy offers the Mindflayer to use her powers to take over Myne's body, which certainly would make Esperia much more capable of interacting with society.

Others: Wystia

Enemies: N/A


- Carry out the Ritual of Mind Control on Myne's soulless body
- Keep your promise to Wystia.

Name: Voidwoken

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Putting on an act of Myne having been freed from the peculiar curse-like ailment that haunted her, by tapping into the lingering memories of the fairy Esperia is able to put on a proper act as the fairy, lifting the spirit of the fairies of Avalon.

In the aftermath of the events Esperia and Maple are offered a place among the fairies, an offer Esperia surprisingly enough accepts. However, she has some ulterior motives behind it.

Others: Wystia

Enemies: N/A


- Possessing Myne, lift the spirits of the fairies while her real body and Maple observe the ongoing events.
- Afterwards receive the 'gift' from the fairies.

Name: Lightfall

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Esperia, Maple

Having decided to settle down with Maple, the two spend some time together as Esperia expresses her growing anxiety of interacting with society as a Voidling. As a result she hopes to spend her future days akin to a hermit, hiding amidst the fairies of Avalon and asks Maple if she wants to stay with her as well.

Others: Wystia

Enemies: N/A


- Reveal her intentions to stay in Avalon to Maple and ask her to join.

Maple will be B-rank by the time we hit the S-ranks~


The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess Empty Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:29 pm

This Storyline has been approved to begin


The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess Empty Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:33 am



First quest completed~

Esperia rewards:
+10 INT
+12,000 EXP (10,000 +20% from storyline bonus)
+ 450,000j (250,000 +20% from Storyline bonus, +20% from BP perk, +20% from relic +20% from reputation)
+400 Fame

+10 INT
+13,000 EXP (10,000 +20% from storyline +10% from race)
+300,000 (250,000 +20% from storyline)
+400 Fame


The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess Empty Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:21 am

The Outcast from the Void has been completed. The stats from A rank SL missions/requests is 11 as it is 10.5 rounded up.


The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess Empty Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:15 pm



Second quest: The only one that matters is completed~

Esperia rewards:
+11 INT
+12,000 EXP (10,000 +20% from storyline bonus)
+350,000j (250,000 +20% from Storyline bonus, +20% from BP perk)
+400 Fame

+11 INT
+12,000 EXP (10,000 +20% from storyline)
+300,000 (250,000 +20% from storyline)
+400 Fame


The Mindflayer and The Fairy Princess Empty Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:20 am

The only one that matters has been completed Esperia and Maple.

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