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Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank)

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Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:56 pm


Kaito grabs a request off a local board and he sees it is for handling some rats again but hey it could be worse and he walks toward where the job that requested him to go and he is ready to let off some steam and he is what they seek and he sees that he is a missing piece to helping something get done so he figures that he might as well do that as he is under the gun on some matters and he wants to get this done as fast as he can and this was just the time that he had to get it done and he whistles and two cloaked figures appear to him and he looks to them and he smiles. He explains that he is in a bit of a rush today and that means that he needed the fastest clearing team that he could have with him as he feels this is going to be a big building to clear out and he is going to need as many hands on deck as he can get and take with him as he was sure the others were busy.


Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:56 pm


He gets to the home of the client and he knocked on the door and he gets in the home and he looks around as this place was wrecked and he wonders what had happened to the people here as they seemed to be all dead and he finds one woman that is still alive and she looks at him with fear and she begged him not to kill her and Kaito is confused and she explained what happened as the rats were special rats with vampire powers the vampires in the forests didn't take kindly to their kind being hunted so they first attacked them and wiped out everyone here and nearly killed her but she had been able to hide by misleading them, but they would probably be back and she still wanted those rats taken care of but she feels that the actual vampires will be guarding them now and she can't justify sending him to his death.


Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:56 pm


Kaito raised his hand and he told her that she needed to let him handle this for her so that she can get some peace as he was not going to be scare of some vampires or their pets he was going to kill them as they killed her family and their staff so this was personal for him and he tells the woman that she should set something up fast for the families of the dead so she can save face and frame it as evil creatures attacking for no reason just to fill their sadistic nature and unquenchable blood lust and make it a good story of her begging for her life and hiding and when she was found she was on deaths door but she was lucky and someone had stumbled across her healing and saving her life and then went to kill the vampires for her.


Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:56 pm


She is surprised that he had told her to do these things but she agreed to do it and she gives them the job and Kaito and his team take off to the place she wanted cleared out and she was right there were vampires here now and Kaito and his two team mates run on in and they take out the guards easily and keep on there way into the building where they are met by more vampires and vampire rats, they start cutting down the numbers of them while he and the others make their way up the stairs to clear out the other floors of this place so they could clear top to bottom on the towering place so if more came or got in they would be able to flush them out and make this their mass grave if they decide that they think fighting them is worth dying for.


Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:57 pm


Kaito has no sympathy for them as they decided to start this war and to cause issues with them and he wasn't going to waste time thinking about if this was the right choice or not and they get to the top of the building and they waste not a moment getting to work on cleaning this floor out as they still had another four more to go and they were not going to leave any of them alive if they can help it and Kaito was feeling ruthless as he shined his light magic through the vampires that spoke so big and so toughly that they thought that they could take anything from them Kaito had no want to fall behind or fall short of the end of this goal post and the move onto the next floor as they keep up the bloody mess they were making as them tear the vampires apart and they can't think it is a waste or even waste a bit of mana or it would be over and they would have failed to get it done in the end.


Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:57 pm


Kaito and the shorter woman run side to side and they dodge and dive as they slash and open up the woman to be able to take off some of their heads as the other cloaked man threw his weapons out and bashes and stabs through them as they can not think it is a smart thing to stand their ground the vampires begin to panic as they are watching themselves be cut up and their rats killed off as well they try their best to flee but none of them are making it to the door. As Kaito made portals to cover the exits so they were trapped and they couldn't get back out as they were no ways to flee left to them and Kaito was ripping them apart like they were nothing. They head into the basement to look for more of them and to look for where they are getting in at to stop them from getting in.


Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:57 pm


Then they see a vampire lord and he is huge with glowing red eyes and is sending more forces to go to deal with Kaito and the others that are standing with him. The vampire lord is a woman with bright blonde hair and her voice being transformed sounds more deep and frightening like if she had smoked for most of her life but that will not stop them from fighting and making their way for the boss to get her out of their hair and the others moral will break once they get rid of her and Kaito knows these vampires are not going to be able to stop them for long as they are not fools. Kaito dives into the vampires and he tears through them as if they are nothing more to him than just cardboard as he needs to make sure that he is keeping going forward.


Pest Control 11 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:58 pm


He and the other two make it to the Vampire lord who looks scared as they didn't seem to feel her aura of fear like the others had before them and she is put on the back foot and she trips back and Kaito and the girl both jump in sync and slash her head off perfectly and the other vampires and rats fled. Kaito and his team leave to go and report this too the client woman and she is there waiting and ready for the news as she pays them and they cover what happened there she will have a lot of cleaning that she will need to do and Kaito gets her to a safe place for the night to make sure that she will be able to keep up her end of the deal to get those families taken care of as they were mostly widowed or they lost their parents.
(1,316/1,250) 50% WC (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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