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Rum Diary [Quest: Vyra]

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Rum Diary [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:43 pm

Circumstances at the docks had hardly left any room for significant improvement or a better set of fortunes for those who had been working there. The sad reality was that the tension that existed between the two waging sides, the Hargeon politicians whom had found themselves digging deeper and deeper into their respective trenches, and the trade companies and associates who worked and operated within the docks for years now, to the point where it seemed that rather than finding any level of a truce between the two had all but evaporated. It was the only natural thing that was to happen, as historically the relationship between the two had effectively been one of existence and nothing more. In the past they had lacked the capability to manage or otherwise restrain the illegal affairs and ruthless business practices, and the fact that the security attempts to silence things had only managed to fail, it further strengthened the divide.



Rum Diary [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:44 pm

It was not a situation that as much affected the trading companies as it did the politicians, whom had taken wild efforts to try to curb the situation. Private security forces alongside that of more stringent insurance policies in hopes of evaporating the reliance of traders and importers to have to use the trading companies resulted in significant price costs compared to that of what was expected to be paid. Meanwhile for those at the docks, it was becoming easier to not only move goods, but in some respects, gave the trading companies even greater flexibility than what they had in the past. Goods that otherwise may have been too risky to try to invest in were now feasible, if not even advantageous to try to pursue, especially with the fact that the politicians were likely to end up investing in insuring whatever it was that the companies were trying to bring in.



Rum Diary [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:44 pm

Rare items that typically would not be available in Hargeon like that of exotic fruits were one thing that was becoming far more common. Bananas in particular was something that was growing in popularity, and despite them not being native to much of Hargeon, the nature of the trading companies’ expanded plans enabled them to invest in them without any significant sort of risk. And as Vyra watched over as a ship unloaded crate upon crate of bananas, expecting that at least a few of those would have ended up in Blue Pegasus, she wondered where the rest of them were to go. Restaurants and taverns were often trying to get them, the capabilities of mixing and adding bananas to many of their most popular drinks were becoming one of the most valuable investments that they had been making of late. And over the course of time, as she watched the crates get unloaded, Vyra noticed what seemed to be something else, something which stood out though she were hopeful was not noticed by the people working, few as they may have been. Having become a somewhat common face at the docks, it was easy enough for her to head towards the unloading without issue, and nobody seemed to take any notice to her picking up the small crate, save for the older man whom seemed to have expected her having done so. After a short conversation between the two, a small exchange of jewels, and it was not long before Vyra had departed from the docks, a little richer than before, still as confused as to what had just happened.


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