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Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll]

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Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:34 pm


Kerii shook her head as she put on her winter coat. Of all the times to return to the guild, she just had to do it when Guildmaster Shahrbaraz wanted them to survive in the woods, all without using any items they couldn't find in nature, including their magic. Not that Kerii didn't love nature. She did, but it's not like she wanted to spend the night in the forest, in the dead of winter. The elf did enjoy camping from time to time, but she never did it when it was freezing outside. She really only did it in the spring or summer, and sometimes in the early autumn, but never during the winter. If being a mage taught her anything though, there was a first time for everything. Breathing a light sigh, she walked out of her dorm room, down the hallway, and out the door. It wasn't as cold as she thought it would be, but it was only the morning. The sun had only began to rise, so it would get warmer throughout the day, but once it became dark again, she and her guild mates would really have find a way to keep warm. With that in mind, the elf braced for any possibility as she walked closer towards the forest.

WC: 216/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 4:05 pm

Eryll packed away his belongings into the small chest he kept in the back of his room. He knew there was no real threat of his things being stolen, but his time traveling as a mage had taught him that it was better to be safe than sorry. Eryll stood up and cracked his back, he wasn’t loving the idea of going on an overnight camping trip in the dead of winter. He understood his guild master’s reasoning for having his wizards do this, but it didn’t stop Eryll from disliking it. Clicking his tongue once Eryll finished straightening his room and prepared to leave for the woods. He gave himself one final pat down to make sure he hadn’t left anything on his person that would not be allowed during the training.
It was still very early in the morning Eryll could cross his fingers and hope that the earlier part of his camping trip would be more comfortable. Eryll braves himself for the oncoming cold that was the outside as he stepped out the door. Now all he had to do was find Kerii. The two had decided to do this thing in the woods together, they were both wood elves so it would be relaxing hopefully, but that would be found out later in the trip.

Wc: 220/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:41 pm


Being a Wood Elf, Kerii was practically raised to face these sorts of conditions. She had almost always had a bow or dagger on her though. Both would be useful in hunting, but any knife of sorts would be preferred so she could cut and sharpen wood; however, Guildmaster Shahrbaraz wouldn't allow them to bring even that. They were to survive with nothing but clothes on their back. She supposed that it made sense. On a quest, there could be a situation where Kerii or her friends somehow lost all their supplies. Chances are, they would still have magic, but if their mana was depeleted, this exercise would come in handy. She couldn't see a situation where all of those circumstances would be met happening for a long while, but practical survival skills were always great to have. Granted that Kerii was going to be doing this challenge with Eryll, another Wood Elf, their chances of making it through the night were rather high. Or at least, that's what she assumed.

Upon approaching the edge of the forest, Kerii did not see Eryll. This was both the time and place they agreed to meet, so she expected him to show up shortly. It was still early in the morning, so she could understand why someone would be sluggish, but the chilly air should've woken him up at least a little.

WC: 230+216=446/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:48 pm

Eryll strolled through the cold morning. He was on his way to meet Kerii, another wood elf. He enjoyed talking the natural wood elf tongue, Val’Elvarian to her. It was something personal to him. Eryll spoke many languages, and he found them a way to connect with people.

The stroll to the edge of the woods was a minor glimpse of what things would feel like during the night. The air was cold, the sun was shrouded by a few clouds and there was a the occasional brisk wind that would fly down the road and barrel full force into Eryll, causing to hunch up.

As he approached the edge of the woods he saw Kerii making her way to the meeting spot. She glanced around to see if Eryll had made it there yet. He called out to her name, “Kerii!” He’d run up to her and greet her. “Are you ready to knock this thing out of the park? This should hopefully be very easy for the both of us.” He commented. Tapping his pointed ear as a little extra reference, even though he knew that Kerii clearly knew what he was getting at with his comment. “So, are you ready?”

We: 203+220=423/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:06 pm


Kerii's eyes drifted from one part of the forest to the next. Nearly all the trees along the outskirts had lost their leaves, save for the evergreens, of course. Their branches were dull and barren. Snow would make them much more beautiful. On any of that day, she might have wished that there was snowfall, just to make Orchidia look more pleasant during the winter; however, luckily for Kerii and Eryll, It had not snowed or rained recently. This meant that it was unlikely that the wood would be damp. The two elves at least had that going for them.

The blonde-haired elf was in somewhat of a trance gazing at the forest, when she heard her name from a familiar voice. She turned around to see an elf with dark hair and maroon eyes running up to her. Eryll seemed rather enthusiastic about their little adventure, and said that it would likely be easy for them. Good. That meant that he knew some wilderness survival skills, just like she was betting on. Speaking in the Wood Elves' native tongue, Eryll asked Kerii if she was ready to go. "Yeah," she began, also speaking in Val'Elvarin. "But remember, we have to go into the deepest parts of the woods for this to count." With that said, she turned on her heels and began her descent into the forest.

WC: 228+446=674/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:35 pm

Kerii greeted Eryll in Val'Elvarian, just as he had anticipated. She mentioned the intensity of their quest shortly before she lead them into the woods. Their trip was going to be long. Orchidia had its woods along its outskirts and that was where guild master Shahrbaraz had decreed that they must camp for the night. And to add on with that, they had to go deep into the woods, their guild master really wasn't pulling any punches.

The ground was lightly frosted causing some of the dirt to be pushed up by small, crystalline ice structures that had formed underneath. These little icy dirt clumps gave their walking a nice crunch. "Secretly, I think I might enjoy this. I love nature a lot, but then again, what wood elf doesn't?" He said. Eryll was fairly certain that this would be an easy experience. While it would be beneficial, wood elves were already deeply in tune with nature and for that exact reason, both Kerii and Eryll already had a deep understanding of the ways of the forest.

As the two entered the deeper part of the woods, the pine trees grew thicker and taller, removing the hassle of having to dodge low hanging branches. The ground was blocked from the snow so the early morning frost hadn't been melted away just yet. Eryll was glad to be in the depths of nature again.

233+423= 656/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:06 pm


Kerii and Eryll began to walk into the woods. The morning dew had already frozen into patches of frost, making light crunching noises beneath their feet. It would soon fade, however, as they walked deeper into the forest. As they trekked onward, Eryll mentioned that he actually sort of enjoyed their challenge, tacking on the fact that it was because he loved nature. He then made the assumption that all Wood Elves did too, to which Kerii shrugged. "You'd be surprised." Though her father was indeed a Wood Elf, he was raised in Elvehenan. He moved to Fiore before Kerii was born, but never settled in Athalran. Instead, he lived in Crocus. Continuing on with her comment, Kerii gave an explanation. "My father actually was raised with a bunch of High Elves and picked up a few of their traditions. He doesn't dislike nature, but he isn't as connected with it as some of the Wood Elves raised in Athalran. He actually speaks to me almost exclusively in Elvarin," she said with a smirk. Her familial situation was unique, compared most Wood Elves, she presumed. It would be neat to see how her family differed from Eryll's, the whole business with Ëala set aside of course.

The two began to descend deeper into the forest. The pine trees were becoming both more abundant and larger. They were getting closer, but based on how long they had been walking, were not nearly deep enough.

WC: 243+674=917/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:26 pm

Kerii's father had grown up with high-elves, which to Eryll, sounded like an interesting experience. He had grown up with all kinds of races. Stella was a diverse place with many cultures, and when he went to boarding school as a child he met even more kinds of new people. Overall, Kerii's father seemed to have some traditionalist views. "My parents taught me Val'Elvarin out of tradition. My father mostly spoke to me in Fioran and my mother in Stellan. I learned Elvarin just by living around elves as a child. Speaking of families, where did you grow up?" Eryll asked. Conversation felt a little bit sparse so Eryll wanted to increase it so their walk deep into the woods wasn't so very quiet.

Large stones began to enter their walking space, bright green lichen stretched across them in massive blankets. A bit of the undergrowth returned, mostly just mountain laurel. A thin pine needle carpet covered the little bit of the ground that wasn't covered in stones. A few birds could be seen nestled in the tops of the increasingly bigger in size trees. Eryll was beginning to get caught up in the beauty, even though they were no where even close to the true depths of the forest. Getting into the very depths of the orchidia woods would take most of the day. Looking up at the sky, Eryll could see the sun approaching the middle of the day. The two wood elves still had quite a lot of walking to do.


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:29 pm


After explaining quite briefly how her father wasn't exactly what most people pictured when they thought of a Wood Elf, Eryll went on to explain his family. His parents both taught him Val'Elvharin more out of tradition. Kerii's mother, on the other hand, simply talked to her in Val'Elvharin merely because it was the language she was most comfortable speaking. Both her parents were fully capable of speaking all the languages she knew, but really only spoke to her in their native tongues, similar to how Eryll's parents talked to him in Stellan and Fiorian. Continuing with the subject of families, Eryll asked where Kerii grew up. "I grew up in Crocus, actually. I know, probably not where you'd expect, with most Wood Elves here coming from Athalran and all. Did you grow up here too?" she asked, wondering if he was from Fiore or Stella.

They walked deeper and deeper into the forest. It was well past sunrise. Judging from the plant life and rocky patches, Kerii could tell that they were getting closer to their destination, but she knew that this wasn't how deep the forest could go. Not that she'd ever been this far into the forest, but from her knowledge of Orchidia's geography, they couldn't have walked that far into the woods yet.

WC: 917+217=1134/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:15 pm

Kerii had grown up in crocus, a city. “That’s an interesting place to grow up as a wood elf.” Eryll commented. While marigold had been a larger town, it wasn’t a city. To add on to that fact, Eryll had only lived their for a short while before he went to Astera for school. Then Kerii asked where he had grown up. “That’s actually an interesting story. I was born in Stella. Which is a different life from fiore. It was a bit of a culture shock when I moved here. I lived in marigold for awhile then I went to a boarding school in astera. And after that you’ve pretty much caught up to modern days.” Eryll finished. His life was bit of a mish mash of experiences.

The forest began to develop vines. Large ones that hung from the high up branches of the pine trees. The stones were now boulders and if it had been spring, there would have likely been birds, rabbits and squirrels moving about. It was early afternoon now and probably the warmest it was going to be all day.

Eryll stretched his arms for a moment and then looked back at Kerii, “did you have any siblings? I unfortunately, had to be alone wolf.” Eryll joked.


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:59 pm


Just like Kerii had expected, Eryll thought that Crocus was an "interesting" place to grow up, considering she was a Wood Elf. "Yeah... not much nature there, sadly. Lots of buildings and roads." Sometimes, Kerii wondered what that land had looked like before humans industrialized it. It almost seemed sinful in a way. Most Wood Elves learned to live in peace and harmony with nature. Instead of destroying it and morphing its resources into whatever they saw fit, they would minimally alter it so that it was at least habitable. Even the elves who possessed magic did so in relations to nature.

Kerii inquired about where Eryll lived, and as it turned out, he was actually from Stella, but moved to Fiore, where he went to school. He lived in a town with stronger ties to nature than Crocus, but it certainly wasn't Athalran. Their conversation drifted off as they saw gradual changes in scenery. It was afternoon, and they were rather deep into the forest. She wasn't sure if they could go much further. Pausing for a moment, Eryll asked Kerii if she had any siblings. "Nope. I'm an only child too." She looked around quickly, and then proceeded with a suggestion. "How about we take a short break. We've been walking for a long time now."

WC: 218+1134=1352/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:23 am

After their short conversation about where they grew up, the silence consumed them once again. After Eryll’s inquiry about the siblings, in which Kerii said that she too was an only child, Kerii suggested that they sit down for awhile. Eryll perched on one of the smaller rocks around them. “I guess this is the tricky part now, I’m hungry.” He said. Eryll studied his surroundings, he knew what’s was edible and what was not in Stella, but they had different flora. And marigold was farther south than orchidia. Eryll stood up and clambered up one of the boulders with ease. Here he was close enough to Pick a few pine needles from the giant pine trees. He gave the tree a freidnly pat and slid back down the rock. “Pine needles are edible. And unfortunately they’re really the only thing blooming at this time of year.” Eryll said. He reached his hand out and offered some to Kerii. It was her choice if she took some or not. Eryll then popped s few in his mouth and chewed, they didn’t taste great, but they were palatable. “Mmm, delicious!” He mumbled.

After his little bit of a snack he leaned back a bit and looked deeper into the woods, “do you think were far enough in yet?” He asked. Part of him didn’t think they were, these woods were pretty big and Eryll didn’t think these were the oldest trees that were in the woods. Eryll turned to Kerii awaiting her response.


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:57 am


Eryll agreed to take a break, and said that he was hungry. Come to think of it, Kerii was too. She hadn't eaten all day, and the two of them seemed to work up quite the appetite. The elf looked in bewilderment as Eryll shook down some fresh pine needles to eat. They were indeed edible. That wasn't the issue Kerii had. It was more due to the fact that pine needles weren't their only option. When Eryll handed her some, claiming that they were the only thing blooming this time of year, Kerii shook her head. "You know, there are other plants that grow in the winter, including nuts and berries." Kerii supposed that Eryll had not yet familiarized himself with this forest's bounty. After all, he hadn't lived there as long as she had, but there was plenty more to eat than just pine needles. Instead of those, she would show him how to get pine nuts. There were several pine cones strewn across the floor. She took one, brushed the leaves off a flat rock, and began lightly banging it against the surface. Little seeds started falling out. She picked one up, peeled its shell, and popped it in her mouth. "See? There's more to winter than what meets the eye."

Eryll asked Kerii if she thought they were far enough in the woods yet. She thought about it for a moment before saying, "We can probably go a little further. Let's go." She scooped the rest of the pine nuts in her hands and began walking deeper into the woods.

WC: 264+1352=1616/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:21 am

Kerii ended up proving Eryll wrong, stating that there were nuts and berries. "Hmm, you're right. I had forgotten about nuts, but part of me remembered that some of the berries that bloomed in the winter were toxic. Well, at least we have more food now." Eryll said, popping another pine needle, they were growing on him. Kerii had found some pine cone nuts. After their brief conversation on food, Kerii said that they should continue on into the woods.

By now, they were deep into the afternoon, they should be close to their final goal of the deep woods. As they entered the woods, the trees became small towers stretching high into the sky, the boulders were now mini-cliffs, and a small stream had started running next to them. "When we stop we need to find some clean water to drink." Eryll mentioned. He assumed that they should have been quite close to stopping now. They were deep in the woods and it would almost be early evening soon. Eryll began to look around for shelter, there were some rock piles that provided cover, there were thickets of bushes to sleep in, but that did not sound as shielded as a rock outcropping. Eryll pointed out the outcropping, "If you think we've gotten far enough in, we could use that rock outcropping as shelter for the night." He said. He assumed that it wouldn't be a bad bet. They would be protected from rain, they could start a fire, it would all be okay.

The afternoon sun had lost its heat and Eryll could feel the cold sneaking back into his exposed skin.


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:51 am


Although Kerii knew that there were nontoxic berries that grew in the winter, Eryll still wanted to be on the safe side, it seemed. There certainly were poisonous berries that bloomed in the winter. There were poisonous berries in every season, but she supposed that Eryll was right. There weren't as many edible berries in winter, so the chances of stumbling across something toxic would be higher, but if you knew what to look for, you would be fine.

Eryll suggested that they stop when they find a clean source of water. "Yeah," Kerii agreed, "but we'd need to boil it somehow. We can't exactly drink pure stream water." Though that was sort of common sense, there were people who naively thought otherwise. As they walked deeper into the woods though, that little issue about boiling the water didn't seem to arise, for there were no signs of a stream nearby. They did, however, manage to stumble across a rocky outcropping. Eryll suggested setting up camp there, since it was unlikely they could go any deeper. Kerii agreed. It would provide them more shelter than sleeping on the open forest floor, and should it rain, they wouldn't get wet, and their fire wouldn't go out. "Sounds great. I say we split up tasks. One of us can get food, while the other gets some firewood," the healer suggested. She was fine with either task, so she thought she'd let Eryll pick what he was more comfortable with.

WC: 247+1616=1863/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:03 am

Kerii agreed with the fact that they needed to find clean water if they became thirsty. She then suggested that one of them find food and the other needed to find firewood. "I think I'll let you find the food. You've been around orchidia longer than I have so you know more of the flora that is around here, I'll get the fire wood." Eryll said.

Eryll moved around, picking up a pile of the dead pine needles to help get the fire going, they were dry and would burn quickly. It hadn't rained recently so all the wood was dry which meant that starting a fire would be quite a lot easier now. There were fallen branches that Eryll dragged back to their outcropping. Eryll glanced around to see what Kerii had been collecting for food. He didn't see her at the moment.

After awhile of hunting, Eryll had quite a pile of dry wood. Grabbing a flat stone Eryll dragged it over to their outcropping, he could make the fire on the rock and not have to worry about setting the entire forest on fire. He took a twig and a flat, dry piece of wood and placed it on the rock. Eryll went to work starting the fire. Slowly, the pine needles around the fire starting stick caught fire and Eryll had successfully created the startings of a fire. Eryll leaned back and wondered how Kerii was doing with her food gathering. He wasn't super hungry right now, but he would be soon.


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:22 am


Eryll opted to go get the firewood, leaving Kerii to gather up some food. His reasoning was good enough, and besides, she didn't think either of them wanted to live off of pine needles for the rest of the night. With that settled, the duo parted ways. Eryll went to gather supplies for the fire they would build later that night, and Kerii went off to forage for some nontoxic edible plants.

They couldn't exactly reliably hunt down animals to roast over the fire. Though it would be more nutritious, they didn't have weapons, and they didn't even attempt to make one from rocks and sticks yet. This left them having to live off of the plentiful nuts, berries, roots, and mushrooms the forest had to offer. Kerii was able to gather cranberries and huckleberries, which she wrapped in leaves to carry. She also gathered a lot of pine cones to shake pine nuts out of. She could've gotten mushrooms as well, but she wasn't as confident at determining which of those were toxic or not. With enough food for the both of them in her arms, Kerii returned to their campsite, where she could see a little fire going, and just in time too. It was getting rather close to sundown. "Got the food," she said, setting it all down before them.

WC: 223+1863=2086/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:35 am

Eryll was relaxing when Kerii returned with the food. Sitting up, Eryll began to inspect the food. Kerii had brought plenty of berries back as well as some nuts. "What? No Pine needles?" Eryll joked. The sun was setting and the sky was becoming dark. "Here we go." Eryll said. They were truly getting into what their guild master wanted of them. Well, he had come to help out after Aguero had died, Eryll didn't know if he'd stay or hand the title off in the future. Eryll was quite happy not being guild master, he didn't wish to have that title.

Eryll reached over and picked up a cranberry and popped it in his mouth, needless to say, it tasted far better than pine needles. Eryll tossed a few more sticks on the fire to keep it going. "So, Kerii, During your time in the guild. What kind of people did you meet?" Eryll asked. They were going to be awake for a little while longer so he might as will fill the void of silence. Eryll hadn't spent a lot of time with members of his guild. He had for a month or two but then he returned to Worth Woodsea to care for his drunkard of a father. He worried for his father, but there wasn't much he could do for him. The man was going to drink himself to death soon if he didn't turn himself around soon.


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:56 am


Eryll joked that Kerii didn't bring back any pine needles, which got a laugh out of her. "Haha, no. We're eating actual food tonight," she said, smiling. Although it was freezing cold, the fire provided just enough warmth for her to be somewhat comfortable. Camping was not something she wanted to do in the middle of winter, but she was glad that she was able to do it with a fellow guild mate. It would've been far worse if she did it on her own. She was sure camping in isolation was what some of her other guild members were doing, but having even just one extra person made things both easier and more entertaining.

The sky grew dark, and the two sat in silence for a hot minute, munching on the nuts and berries that she brought back with her. Eventually, Eryll spoke up, and asked Kerii what kind of people she met. "Oh, all sorts," she said, watching the flames. She honestly afraid she didn't remember everyone, but there were a few people that were hard to forget. "You know, I even met a werewolf once, which was... interesting, to say the least. How about you?" the elf asked, wondering if Eryll had any interesting stories to tell. Kerii had her fair share of those from her family alone, but they would be for another time. She wasn't ready to tell anyone anything too personal, even if that person was another elf.

WC: 244+2086=2330/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:09 am

Kerii laughed at Eryll's joke. After that the two sat and just quietly ate the food that Kerii had found. To Eryll's question kerii responded that she had once known a werewolf. "Really, a werewolf? What were they like?" He asked. Eryll had never met one, not even in Stella. Kerii wanted to know of any weird people Eryll had met, "I may have angered a wizard from Stella awhile back, but I don't think I need to worry about him for awhile." Eryll said. Eryll sifted through his memory to see if he could find anything more. "A vampire attacked my home once when I was a child. Needless to say my parents had angered him on a quest and they quickly dispatched him." Eryll said. He looked away wistfully moment, oddly, that was the last time his parents had really worked as a team and actually seemed like they loved each other. Eryll turned back to the fire and snacked on some nuts. "If we're continuing on the fact of interesting people we've met. One of the kids from my graduating class joined a dark guild." Eryll mentioned. IT was kind of odd, the guy had been his first kiss, which to say, now made things very, very awkward.

The moon was now high in the sky. It was probably around seven or eight o'clock. The fire was doing a good job of keeping them warm. Eryll rubbed his hands and produced branches of healthy pine with their green pine needles. "This is the best I could think of for extra blankets." He said.

266+2147= 2413/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:33 am


Eryll wanted to know what werewolves were like. "Honestly, he seemed like an average human. Although he was a bit of a stalker... I never saw him transform though, if that's what you mean." Kerii was actually sort of disappointed about that. She really wanted to see what a transformed werewolf looked like. But moving on from her little spiel about Akai, Eryll had his own story to share. There seemed to be an encounter with a wizard, and another with a vampire. "Whoa, really?" Kerii had never met a vampire before, but judging from the rumors she heard, she wouldn't want to piss one off.

After they were done exchanging stories, both the elves seemed about ready to fall asleep. Eryll pulled a makeshift blanket of pine needles over himself to keep warm, but Kerii didn't. She just laid by the flames, too nervous that the needles would catch fire. Even though it was unlikely, she didn't want to take any chances. It occurred to her that they hadn't had any water to drink, but that was fine. They could live without drinking for a day. She would rather be thirsty than ingest parasites and bacteria, and didn't have the energy to go and get some. Thinking about how great it would be to wake up and climb back into her own bed, Kerii soon fell asleep.

WC: 2330+228=2558/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:43 am

After they finished their stories Eryll through some more logs in the fire so it would last long into the night. He then pulled the Large Pine needle blanket over him and fell asleep.

To Eryll's surprise, a bird was what woke him. The sun had just risen. The fire had gone out at some point during the night. Eryll restarted the fire and pulled out some of the nuts to snack on while he waited for Kerii to wake up. Outside frost spotted the ground, they had done it, they had made it through the night with not so much as a hitch. Eryll finished off the last of the nuts. Not wanting Kerii to wake up to pine needles for breakfast Eryll stepped outside and began to pick up some pine cones for breakfast. He found a cranberry bush on the other side of the outcropping. Picking a few he wrapped them up in leaves and placed them back in their shelter. Returning back to the outside, Eryll climbed on top of the outcropping and looked out over their little clearing. He couldn't see over the trees, they were massive. But he could see far into the woods, down the path in which they had came. Kerii and Eryll were in the final stretch of their first task. After this their guild master had said that they had to travel to the mountains and spend a night there. Eryll cracked his knuckles and closed his eyes, facing the sun he let the warmth seep in.

257+2413= 2670/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:04 pm


Kerii woke up feeling strange. Something was off, but she didn't know what. For now, she just chalked it up to camping out in winter and having gone without water, but neither of those things really fit what she was feeling. She could've sworn that she had some sort of dream, but she couldn't remember a single detail of it. In relations to the task at hand though, it didn't matter. It wasn't hindering anything, so she wouldn't speak up about it.

The fire had gone out, and Kerii felt considerably colder than she did when she fell asleep. Eryll had already woken up and was on top of the outcropping they slept under. "Good morning," she groggily said. "Can't wait to get home." The elf stood up and arched her back to crack it. Sleeping on the cold hard floor was not fun. "I'm pretty sure we entered that way," she said, pointing over towards a bush with red berries she remembered passing as they stumbled upon the outcropping. If they just went in that direction in a semi straight line, they would be able to make it back to Orchidia, hopefully before afternoon. Kerii smelled like a campfire and wanted to get home as soon as possible to wash the acrid scent off of her.

WC: 217+2558=2775/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:12 pm

Kerii found Eryll on top of the outcropping. She didn't seem like much of a morning person. Kerii pointed in the direction that they had come. "I guess were ready to leave then." Eryll said. Sliding down from the outcropping.

The walk back was likely going to be just as long as it had getting here. Eryll had brought some of the nuts along with him and plopped one or two in his mouth every time that he felt hungry. Eryll could not wait to get home and have real food, and maybe something to drink, he was parched. Slowly, the trees became smaller and the boulders began to shrink to large rocks, to small ones. The two wood elves must have been very tired because there was a silence, but not an awkward one. It was just like no one had anything in particular to say anymore, or they couldn't find the words because they were too tired.

Eryll held out the nuts to kerii, "Want some?" He asked. He wanted to make sure that everyone had enough to eat. They were almost done with this journey. And oddly, he was very tired out by it. Eryll was curious how he would feel after hiking a mountain, swimming through the sea and trying not be killed by creatures in the woods.

222+2670= 2892/3000

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] H9eoIH1
Fiorian:#999ff - Elvarin:#00cc00- Val'Elvarin:#009900- Stellan:#ff66ff

Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:27 pm


After Kerii pointed out the direction from which they came, the duo began to make their way back home. For the most part, they did so in silence, not that it was bad. It was actually nice to listen to the sounds of nature. It brought the elf an inner sense of peace, which actually seemed to help that strange feeling she had when she woke up go away. She had to wonder what caused that sensation in the first place. Kerii didn't even have words to precisely describe what it was. The best she could come up with was just... unpleasant, which unfortunately didn't say much on its own.

Eventually, after walking for a while, Eryll offered Kerii some pine nuts. "Yeah, sure." She took some and popped them in her mouth. Though it wasn't much nutrition, it at least calmed her hunger for the time being. The two elves eventually made it out of the woods. The sun was rather high in the sky, but that was fine. For two mages who went without water and merely ate berries and nuts, they made good time in their return. Upon teaching the edge of the forest, Kerii turned to Eryll and said, "Well, I'm going back home. Can't wait to do the other challenges," adding hints of sarcasm to that last sentence. She had great respect for Guildmaster Shahrbaraz, but she would rather do requests instead of these tests of his. At least she got one part of it over with. With the winter forest survival challenge done, Kerii felt like she deserved a much needed rest, and headed on back to her dorm where she would hop in the shower and get some proper sleep.

WC: 2775+287=3062/3000


Lamias in the Woods [Quest: Kerii & Eryll] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

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