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Orchidia Town to Era Town [Foot Traveling]

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Orchidia Town to Era Town [Foot Traveling] Empty Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:35 am

Seira had finished all of her business in Orchidia Town in merely two days. She had been able to regain some of her strength, made some money and found some rest among strangers, in an inn that wasn’t as lovely as the ones she was used to, but she was slowly growing used to everything and that was good. She didn’t want to waste anymore time here and since there was nothing else holding her in Orchidia Seira decided to travel away yet again. The Sorceress chose a different path this time and decided to travel by foot. Her destination was Era and although she did not plan on staying there for long either, the girl had plans on visiting her old family’s house and the graves of her parents. Many years had passed since Seira’s family had lost their entire household and although she had stopped grieving a long time ago, she always made sure to pay her respects when she had the time.

Era wasn’t too far away from Orchidia, only about two to three days of walking and Seira used that time to enjoy being by herself. She chose the roads that led her through the forest and being alone was something she had always cherished. No people, no noise, no problems, just nature and Seira herself. The travel was, in spite of its length, relaxing and when she arrived in Era it seemed like she had never left. Some things never changed and “home”, to Seira, was one of those things. Instead of staying in a hotel she stayed in her family’s old house, which wasn’t exactly properly in pieces anymore but for a night or two it would certainly do the job. Furthermore, she had it all to herself and didn’t have to pay any rent, which made it all the better.


Orchidia Town to Era Town [Foot Traveling] LqKLdpe

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