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Phoenix Shields

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#1Phoenix Shields 

Phoenix Shields Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 10:50 am

Phoenix Shields



Name: Phoenix "Nick" Shields

Age: 07/13/x775 (21)

Gender: Agender (they/them)

Sexuality: Pansexual/Grayasexual

Ethnicity, Father: Caelish

Ethnicity, Mother: Caelish

Class: Adventurer

Race: Werewolf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guardia Compagnia

Tattoo: Left hand, turquoise blue (like my font)


Height: 5'11"

Weight: 185 lbs

Hair: Turquoise Blue

Eyes: Yellow Orange

Overall: Nick has long hair down their back, stopping at their waist. Their eyes glow in the darkness, giving them an eerie appearance at night. Their eyes are especially ominous when viewed from beneath their hood. They often wear dark-colored clothing, usually dark blue or black tee shirts, blue or black jeans or pants, and black hoodies or jackets. They wear black sneakers or knee-high boots. Their hair is usually kept straight, appearing untidy, and is only tied up during sweltering days. Their facial expression is often complex to read and shows little emotion. They will, however, smirk or show a more openly expressive side in the presence of friends and partners.

Extra: They have scars across their back in the shape of claw swipes, top surgery scars on their chest, and a rose tattoo on their right leg. The tattoo has a black and red rose in an X shape.


Personality: Phoenix has a very calm personality and is perceived as passive until you piss them off. They mostly keep to themself, only socializing with their companion(s) and closest friends. Although not entirely against the idea of romance and relationships, they don't see such a thing as an essential goal to motivate them. They're pretty happy on their own. They only joined a Guild to take advantage of the bonuses that come with it, and they rarely grace the Guild Hall with their appearance. When present, they often sit alone with food or drink, minding their own business. They only talk when spoken to and only openly socialize with the Guild Master or anyone they deem a close friend or teammate. Their fellow Guild Members often view them as antisocial or weird. But honestly, they could care less what others say or think of them. Their attitude to handling situations is pretty neutral leaning. They'll take good, neutral, or bad missions if they suit their end goals and pay well. They do have a moral code against harming children, and they will not hurt an innocent person unless deceived into doing so. They're okay with going it alone as much as possible, as others will only get in their way. How would it benefit them to babysit a weaker being on every mission?

  • Children: They're very gentle, caring, and protective of them. Some might argue that they become a different person around kids.
  • Night: They prefer the darkness and solitude of the night. It's quiet and peaceful, giving them time to think and clear their mind. They rarely go out during the day; when they do, they wear a hoodie to block the sun from their eyes when possible. If it's a hot day, they'll prefer to go out at night, but if they must go out during the day, they'll wear sunglasses.
  • Animals: They love all animals and sometimes prefer the company of beasts over humanoids.
  • Coffee: Who doesn't?

  • Liars: They won't tolerate being lied to and will seek revenge if they're deceived into doing something that goes against their morals.
  • Backstabbers: They have 0 tolerance for those who earn their trust only to betray them later. Doing so is like asking for a fight.

  • Confidence: As a child, they lacked it. Even now, they struggle with it. So they train to improve it and become better people to protect those around them.

  • Spiders: They won't openly admit it, but they have a phobia of arachnids.
  • Heights: They have very bad acrophobia and get dizzy at high altitudes. You'll rarely see them on trees, rooftops, or flying, as such activities terrify them. They'll start trembling, become dizzy, and eventually black out. Of course, they'll deny the entire thing when asked about it.
  • Crowds: They don't do well in large crowds. They feel boxed in and trapped and can become dizzy, paranoid, or physically ill in such a situation.


Strength: 10

Speed: 15

Constitution: 2

Endurance: 2

Intelligence: 1


History: Phoenix was born to a poor family in Caelum. Unable to feed and clothe their child, they placed the infant up for adoption. Nick was then transported by airship to West Fiore, where they were adopted and raised in Baska by their two dads. Their dads were always good to them, giving Nick anything they could ever want or need. Nick was always a shy kid and had a hard time making friends. They were often bullied for being an orphan who had two dads. Occasionally, they were bullied for their gender identity, mocked for using they/them pronouns, and treated as a freak. The constant bullying lowered their self-esteem and confidence drastically.

Their dads would try to lift their spirit, which would help for a while, but it eventually caused them to close in on themself and shut out the world. At the age of 10, Nick had gone shopping in the busy streets of Baska with their parents. They were holding their hands so as not to get separated. Still, the stares and giggles from passing children made Nick increasingly uncomfortable, so he released his parents to avoid further embarrassment.

As Nick followed them through the crowd, they quickly realized they were following a random stranger. "Papa? Dad?" They called out to no avail. Their heart started to race as they quickly realized that they were lost. Their eyes widened, darting around, scanning the crowd frantically in hopes of spying a familiar face. They were surrounded by strangers, rushing past with no time to give the scared child a second glance. Nick grew dizzy, and everything went black.

When they opened their eyes again, they were home safe in bed. Their parents informed them that they had gotten lost, and when they found them, they were unconscious in the middle of the street. Embarrassed, Nick decided they would never speak of this incident to anyone.

At the age of 15, some older girls captured them and tied them to a tree branch dangling above a cliff. They screamed and cried for hours, and it was nightfall by the time they were rescued. After this, they never trusted strangers again and preferred to keep to themself.

By the age of 19, they had gone to a surgical physician and obtained female-to-male top surgery, giving them a flatter, more masculine chest and allowing them to go to the beach topless if they desired. They also received a tattoo on their leg to represent the love of their parents and the struggles they endured from bullies.

At age 21, they were out exploring Baska's OUtskirts when a werewolf attacked them. In their attempt to run away, the wolf pounced from behind, swiping its claws across Nick's back. They cried in pain, shouting, "Ah! Help! Get off me!" It was then that a beautiful blue and white wolf showed up. She savagely attacked the werewolf, driving it away, before returning to Nick. She whined, nudging the person with her nose and licking their cheek.

Grateful for her help, the pair bonded and became inseparable. They named the wolf Blue, and the two have been together since that fateful day when Nick became a werewolf.

Last edited by Phoenix Shields on Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:52 pm; edited 4 times in total

#2Phoenix Shields 

Phoenix Shields Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:06 am

Phoenix Shields





Relationship: Single.

Team: None



Weapon: Night Stalker Sword

Head: None

Body: Rugged Leather Armor

Ring: None

Companion: Blue



Topics Completed:

Topics Ongoing:



D-rank Quests Completed:

C-rank Quests Completed:

B-rank Quests Completed:

A-rank Quests Completed:

S-rank Quests Completed:

Event Quests Completed:


Last edited by Phoenix Shields on Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:30 pm; edited 4 times in total

#3Phoenix Shields 

Phoenix Shields Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:14 am

Phoenix Shields





Weapon Mastery: Adventurers may use their companions in battles for Weapon Mastery as long as they battle alongside them with the actual weapon and only require one fight to level up.

Adventurer Synergy: Adventurers receive a 1 post cooldown reduction and a 20% mana cost reduction on item spells.

Equipment Discount: Adventurers receive a 20% discount on Weapons, Helmets, Armors, Shields, and Companions.

Off-Hand Slot: Adventures can use their Off-Hand slot to equip a Weapon or Shield.

Specialization Path: Adventurers unlock new perks via their path tree as they rank up or roleplay.

Adventurer Equipment: At the start, Adventurers receive three unique customs, which they may use to create a helm, armor, weapon, or companion or claim one of each from the shop of the same rarity. This is only granted to users who start as adventurers, not those who change into adventurers.



Enhanced Physique: Werewolves receive a 20% increase in their Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution. This does not stack with the Transformations.

Predator Smell: Werewolves can smell anyone within a 25-meter range around them and sense their location.

Night Vision: Werewolves can see in the dark as though it is day, which also allows them to see through magical darkness.

Wild Potential: The Werewolf has the potential to become wildly powerful compared to their peers. The Werewolf may purchase one extra attribute potion per month.

Thick Hide: The user ignores up to 1x B-Ranks worth of damage per turn, Spells or Attacks that are ignored, partially or fully have any modifiers associated with them reduced in potency and duration by one rank and one turn respectively.

Magically Inept: Werewolves have difficulty casting magic, having a 20% increase in mana cost and a 1 post cooldown increase for magic spells.



  • None:


Last edited by Phoenix Shields on Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

#4Phoenix Shields 

Phoenix Shields Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:25 pm

Phoenix Shields






  • Name: Half-Transformation: Werewolf
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 25 RP Posts as a Werewolf (0/25)
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 0 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: When using the Half-Transformation, the user becomes more muscular and will grow hair across their shoulder and sometimes over their arms. Their features will look more like wolves while retaining their humanoid appearance. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 30% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

    • Name: Name: Full-Transformation: Werewolf
      Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
      Requirements: 50 RP Posts as a Werewolf (0/50)
      Type: Transformation
      Range: Self
      Cooldown: 0 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: When using the Full Transformation, the user grows a meter in height while becoming more muscular. Their entire appearance shifts into that of a wolf, making them appear as a muscular, bipedal wolf. The user no longer appears humanoid. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 50% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. Spells, however, cost 30% more instead of 20% while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


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