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The World Tarot: Salem E.

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#1Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:35 pm

Salem E.

“Hiyah!” Salem gave a roar as the bolt of water hit the beast in the head. He had decided to forge and train himself by heading into the Deep Green. No people and an abundance of nature mana. It was no ocean but it was still fun enough. Salem had a good feeling about training in the forest at the moment.

“Next time you should have just died a lot faster. It would have made my day a lot less sweaty.” Not that Salem cared much. He was merely complaining. He could easily waste mana to clean himself. It was just an annoyance when lesser creatures came at him. He was in a haughty mood and could be called moody at the moment.

Taking care of the area and the mess Salem was pretty much set to go deeper. He felt something in the deep green that was calling to him. It was the main reason he was around truth be told.

WC: 162

#2Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:18 am

Salem E.

Salem walked around the forest looking at various plants and flowers. He was going in the general direction that felt strong to him. Like a pull. It got strong till it gradually stopped growing in strength. He started to get tired of walking but he did not want to waste the mana flying. It would take too much out of him in case he walked into a trap.

It looked like he went by the same stretch of trees for the fourth time when he finally felt like something was up. His eyes gave off the hard blue as he drew more from his sidhe. When he saw the colorful barrier he simply let out a laugh. It was simple fairy logic to hide whatever you wanted behind illusion magic. It did not work against other fairies but humans and the like would find themselves wandering around for a very long time. Sometimes till they died.

WC: 156 TWC: 318

#3Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:39 am

Salem E.

The fae did not let that get to him. He simply used his sidhe to find the opening. It was a ring of mushrooms that grew in a circle. He snickered again at the fairy ring entrance. It was a classic trick that was often said to spirit humans to another realm. It was not completely wrong but not true either. They were merely fairies or fae in disguise that used it. Humans could not use the rings without knowing the password.

Stepping into the circle Salem called out his wings. He activated the Fairy ring and the forest around him changed. He was already deep inside the forest and was not worried about him being followed. The forest changed to reveal a castle that was decrepit and fallen into ruins. It had a strong force of nature that came from it. Even if it looked like no one had been here for hundreds of years at the least.

WC: 159 TWC: 477

#4Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:40 am

Salem E.

Salem took a step in and felt the air around him. It was healthy and had a freshness to it. That could be attributed to being outside more than the building itself. Salem came forward to check out the building. He was not too familiar with architecture but he could understand Fairy influence. Unless humans that built for themselves to fit the moment, Fae like himself built to fit the world. So in technicality a lot of Fairy structures were made from their being.

Looking around gave him a sad nostalgic feeling. When he first came too in his body, his oasis was in a worse state than this. It reflected how badly the state of the so-called spirit was. If this was how it was then the spirit in question may have already returned to earth. Most likely no longer to be seen. Salem went deeper into the ruins to check the place out. If he was feeling a pull from this place that was sealed it was for a reason.

WC: 172 TWC: 649

#5Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:41 am

Salem E.

“Hello? Anyone here.” Salem asked just in case. Not that he was worried but if someone was sleeping he at least made his presence known. He figured no one was here and started to look around more intently. The walls were interesting and had murals that showed a story of sorts. Salem could not understand it because certain parts of the story seemed to have been missing, it was like the story skipped and was disjointed.

The story from what he could tell was something about a group of fairies. That had a type of ocular power that they developed. It allowed them to see more than just the truth. The group did something and poofed. Salem could not see if they fled, were killed, or something else. The rest of it he was able to piece together after some time. It was a story that actually managed to hold his attention.

WC: 152 TWC: 801

#6Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:42 am

Salem E.

The architecture and the story of the ruins made a sad but powerful statement. No matter how majestic, powerful, or amazing anything was. It was bound to fade away and get lost to time. It was even harder to navigate because every single way he went. It looked like the standard directions even for Fairies to understand, was purposely destroyed or written off. Like there was a secret that the owner did not want invaders to find easily.

The only thing Salem had to lead him on was the pull that was affecting his body. Like a magnet it would get stronger in some areas and weaker in others. He kept following the feeling to lead him. It would allow him to make some interesting discoveries at times. Having him travel behind a secret passage behind a bookcase, even behind a passage underneath a rug, that he found by lifting a stone up.

WC: 153 TWC: 954

#7Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:44 am

Salem E.

The architecture and the story of the ruins made a sad but powerful statement. No matter how majestic, powerful, or amazing anything was. It was bound to fade away and get lost to time. It was even harder to navigate because every single way he went. It looked like the standard directions even for Fairies to understand, was purposely destroyed or written off. Like there was a secret that the owner did not want invaders to find easily.

The only thing Salem had to lead him on was the pull that was affecting his body. Like a magnet it would get stronger in some areas and weaker in others. He kept following the feeling to lead him. It would allow him to make some interesting discoveries at times. Having him travel behind a secret passage behind a bookcase, even behind a passage underneath a rug, that he found by lifting a stone up.

WC: 154 TWC: 1,108

#8Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:45 am

Salem E.

Salem thought for a moment. Spirits had a tendency to enjoy games and riddles. For one Salem enjoyed them a lot as well. He spent countless years on riddles. It was just a shame he could not remember them. If he could he would have made it past this hurdle without much issue. He had to reread and translate the riddle in his mind to make sure he understood it. Depending on how it is written or even the arrangement. It could mean vastly different things when translated.

His eyes flashed with a hint of frustration as he was seriously thinking. When he saw his reflection in the doors because of his sidhe flashing. He looked at himself before mentally receiving the answer. It was funny because anyone who needed the answer to the door. Simply had to look at the door to receive it. The key being right in front of them the entire time.

WC: 156 TWC: 1,264

#9Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:46 am

Salem E.

[color=#1338BE“Eyes the so-called windows to the soul.”[/color] The little orbs reflected a lot and showed pretty much all that needed to be said. It was why Salem was sure it was the answer. When he said the words aloud. The room started to shake as the ancient doors started to open ever so slowly. It was mind boggling that they could be so slow. Salem was tempted to move when they opened wide enough for him to fit. He chose to wait till he could see inside the room more.

As he waited Salem considered what was on the other side. For the most part thinking about the lore and walls he saw earlier, as well as the riddle. Salem thought it would be something that worked on his eyes. He would not be too surprised about it. It was the kind of thing he would be an idiot not to be able to put together.

WC: 156 TWC: 1,420

#10Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:49 am

Salem E.

Salem was about to walk into the creepy looking room, before he put on some aqua armor with his magic. The Fae also decided it would be better to activate his staff surfing spell just in case as well. He was attracted to treasure but the better the gains the better the danger. Salem was having a good feeling about what he could get but not about what could be in the room.

Taking a couple of steps into the room, everything was fine. He could see a swirling globe in the center of the room and nothing on the walls. Far as he could tell the coast was clear and he was just being overly paranoid. He was halfway to the orb when he felt a tingle and sat down on his staff to fly backwards. A soft thump was heard as his previous place a hard jet black tentacle hit it. Salem followed the tentacle upwards to see where it led.

WC: 163 TWC: 1,583

#11Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:42 am

Salem E.

Salem was surprised when he reached the end. What he saw was not actually a tentacle. He was just used to them so he assumed it was. The end of the creature showed a large spider that was very hairy in nature. It had seven more legs that were keeping it attached to the walls and eyes that glared at Salem in fury. Salem prayed to the ancient spirits that the prize was not the egg of the beast.

The staff of restraint as Salem put up a wall in front of him. It blocked a furry leg that descended and tried to hit him again, as if the first leg should have been enough to finish the job. Leaving five more legs on the wall. Salem decided to not stay in the passive position. He let the spider get the first two attacks in as he formulated a plan to get him out of the mess.

WC: 157     TWC: 1,740

#12Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:43 am

Salem E.

Despite his obvious weaknesses if Salem had any strength a main one would be his mind. In the space of seeing the monster and reacting with a spell to put up the wall he already had a plan. One should not forget he was a member of Paradise Dawn. A mercenary guild of sorts whose main bread and butter was hunting down dangerous beasts. He may not be the most active person in the guild but he learned a thing or two about taking down monsters.

Before his water wall could get broken by another hit. Salem aimed his staff at the spider and released a water spout. The pressure was good and his aim was true. The water was able to hit the roof. The spider moveed its legs to keep the water from hitting it. Salem smiled as his plan was coming together. Salem hopped onto his staff and was prepared to move.

WC: 155   TWC: 1,895

#13Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:44 am

Salem E.

He flew to the top of the room and made a bubble around him. The spider attempted to crawl over and beat him senseless. When the legs tried to reattach to the walls his water covering kept it from happening. The spider slipped off the wall and crashed into the ground below. Since it was trying to move it managed to avoid the important globe in the middle of the room.

While it was down the fae pointed his finger at it. A beam shot from his finger hitting the spider square in the abdomen. Salem spun around and made an arc with his staff. A magic circle was created that released a crescent from the staff. The crescent flew and lodged itself into the spider's soft underbelly. It dissolved on impact instead of releasing blood. You would not be able to tell that the spider got damaged until it started to release cries of pain.

WC: 156     TWC: 2,051

#14Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:46 am

Salem E.

“Sorry about this. You should not have tried to attack me.” Salem sent out a fist in a punching manner and another beam shot out from it. He simply started to use the Spider as a punching bag. When he first knocked it off the sealing he hit it with a restraint spell. He was not entirely mad at the spider for attacking a home invader. He was simply beating it since it attacked him.

Salem only beat the spider unconscious and mostly dead. He held no ill will so he let it stay alive, even if some of the injuries may make the poor thing wish he had not. The damage he gave was easily healed. If Salem had to guess he would say the spider should be back up within a couple of days, then back to full health within a few weeks. Salem would leave the way open on his way out. That way the spider can expand his home as compensation.

WC: 165     TWC: 2,216

#15Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:47 am

Salem E.

Making his way over to the globe Salem was feeling very excited. He felt the tug as strong as ever. At this point he was 98% sure there should not be any more traps. The giant spider guard, the riddle, and the impeccable hard chance of finding this place. Should have been enough traps for pretty much anyone else and their lifetime.

Salem wanted to get the orb and get out. At least that way he could do other things with his time. He was a very busy Fae. His blue eyes reflected off the orb as he inched ever so close. Salem was not greedy, just overall curious from the pull, and all that he needed to touch it. If he did not get the orb he would have easily knocked someone off. Salem touched the orb, he felt a cool sensation spread through his body, then he promptly passed out.

WC: 152     TWC: 2,368

#16Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:19 am

Salem E.

The darkness of being unconscious was the only thing he could see for a moment. Then an explosion of color happened to him. Salem started to make out various flashes of things. At first he did not understand what was going on. It was all just so new and foreign to him. He did not even think the colors meant anything to him at first. Since he could not even make them out.

“Hello~” A faint voice could be heard. Like the colors he could not really make it out. For all he knew this was simply the afterlife or something. He recalled going into some ruins, touching an orb, then ending up here. His mind was a mess of confusion and chaos. “If you can hear me try….” the faint voice appeared again then buzzed out. “Down” It came through with one more word. Salem did not know what it meant.

WC: 152     TWC: 2,520

#17Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:23 pm

Salem E.

“Can you hear me now?” Salem heard the voice a lot more clearly. He simply nodded in response. He was guessing that the entity in question could see him. “Okay. Just give me a second more. I was telling you to calm down. The process will go faster if you do.”

Salem was a bit skeptical about a so-called process, but he did follow instructions. He did not need to ignore the voice for no reason. It was not like he could do anything at the moment even if he wanted to. When he calmed down the place looked a lot better. His vision cleared up and it showed that he was in the desert. He recognized the place as Desierto. He also saw a weird looking guy that looked like a snake demi-human. His vision blurred and he found himself at a waterfall. It happened a couple of more times with most places being recognizable.

WC: 156     TWC: 2,676

#18Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:28 pm

Salem E.

“It looks like you are adapting to it pretty well.” The voice was so close and clear that Salem could swear it was next to him. He turned his head expecting to see no one and was actually surprised. In front of him was a young looking lady. She looked young but Salem knew better. She was definitely a fairy if the wings did not give it away, and the race tended to age very well. The surprise was only for a moment.

“So where am I?” Salem asked the question as if he was having a normal conversation. “Well that and how long have I been here?” He decided to ask two at once.

His newfound fairy friend gave him a smile. “We are inside your mindspace, or what humans also call a soul. Your body is still inside the temple. You have actually only been here a few seconds. The process of receiving the world blessing is relatively fast.”

WC: 161     TWC: 2,837

#19Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:41 pm

Salem E.

Salem ignored the urge to twitch. As a fellow Fae he understood what she did. She answered his questions truthfully. She did not tell him everything, providing no extra information. It was standard for Fae not to lie, as they see through it anyway. They did mess with the truth and played with words for fun as a consequence.

“So what is the world blessing?” Salem asked. He really just wanted to know what was happening to him. Some expectation would work better for him than just taking it.

She simply looked at him for a moment. As if deciding what she would say to him. “A benefit that you will not have to worry about. It is better if you just find out about it when you wake up.” Salem glared at her. “Alright, I will also add the fact that I could have stopped it if you were not compatible. Seeing as how you are, you should really not worry about it. Anyway it is time for you to go. Maybe I will see you later if our paths ever cross again.” Salem was lost till he promptly passed back out.

WC: 193     TWC: 3,030

#20Salem E. 

The World Tarot: Salem E. Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:28 pm

Salem E.

Salem was getting really tired of continuously passing out. This time he woke back in the ruins. Not that he was shocked. He believed the Fairy earlier. When he got up the orb was gone, the spider was on the ground, and the tugging instinct disappeared. Salem believed when he got the orb he got what he came for. There could be other stuff around but he did not care too much to go and find it. If he was destined to find it he believed he would.

He made his way out of the ruins surprised by how much brighter everything seemed to be. Even when the lighting got low or he was practically in the dark. He did not see a difference in anything. It was all crystal clear to him. When he got back outside he checked the fairy circle and barrier. He did not want others to disturb the ruins, but he wanted to make sure the spider had a chance to leave if it wanted to. After checking it out. He went on his merry way to find out about his newfound blessing.

WC: 188    TWC: 3,218

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