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Heartache every moment [SL]

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Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:45 pm


Last Post from: Space Bound wrote:Karisa was dreaming away, not really, as she was seeing nothing but darkness. She knew she was not in Dae-Seong's dream. She closed her eyes through the whole time and just rested while hearing the song. It made her feel restless despite being asleep. How long will this last? What or who was this song and singing it? Her heart was beating faster as she turned a little in her sleep. Far into the void she saw a glow in a random spot. She felt her body being pulled to it like a magnet. Soon enough she will feel herself waking up, her eyes fluttering open to see Dae-Seong gazing at her with his dark brown obsidian eyes as they shined her face. She smiled sweetly, her hand slowly smoothing against the sheets to his chest as she felt it for herself. "I'm going to miss the feeling of your skin against mine..." She whispered softly as her eyes gazed sad. 

She gazed at him after saying such a thing as she continued to feel his chest, she scooted closer. All the closer till her soft body was inches from touching his. Her half-asleep chocolate brown eyes gazing into hs still. "Mmm~" She hummed quietly as her hand went to his shoulder then to the back of his neck and tilts his head to kiss his lips as she wanted to take the time to enjoy each other's last day together for a while. She did not know how long this venture will take, but she knew that they were bound together forever, an eternity and not even death could fully split them apart as her love for him was immaculate. Yes, such a word used, but it was fitting and it was one of those moments where she would use a word she normally did not to describe a feeling or motion. 


Heartache every moment [SL] Sigme10

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:57 pm

He was a tinge bit sad hearing that as it was a reminder that they really would split ways after this, though he hid his expression as much as he could. Instead he pulled her close "I will miss you too dearest. I just want you to stay safe" but as much as he wanted to just stay in bed with her, he did imagine that they had to eat breakfast
"Do you want to stay here longer or do you want to head out to eat?" head out as in get out of bed, not to go out in Crocus and eat out. Thats too wasteful to him to spend money, even though they were in a hotel. Dae-seong had his own cheapskate moments. But for now before he got to do anything, he cuddled to Karisa as he looked her in the eyes and awaited what she would answer


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:13 pm


Karisa gazed at him as she listened to him talk. Sure, she wanted to eat, but her body told her to stay in bed. She hummed softly and yawns right after. Before saying more, she was thinking, "I want food, nothing new there, but my body is telling me to stay in bed.~" She snuggles with him as she slowly adjusted to where now she was half-way on his chest and body, clinging onto him, comfortable more so. "I wish to spend the day like this, other than maybe food, enjoy the hot tub, the view on the balcony where the hot tub is and make love. I will leave for my trip fully tomorrow." Karisa spoke softly as her fingers felt his chest soothingly. "Mmm, a fruit smoothie sounds amazing though..." She murmured softly as she was craving a specific fruit smoothie. "Maybe I'll make my clone get it..." she spoke and nuzzled his chest.


Heartache every moment [SL] Sigme10

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:47 pm

He hugged her and held her close, pressed her body against his because thats how close he wanted to "I dont want to leave the bed either. I just want to stay with you"

Kyu finished his breakfast and was feeling relatively bored, not quite sure what to do honestly. When you have so many opportunities, you dont know what to do and where to start. He wondered though, what was Karisa's and Dae-seongs plan. Now that he thinks about it, he remembered Asi's words. That promise she made. Karisa would some time soon have to tell him about what she heard. He wondered how his human would react. It wasnt his place to butt in on a relationship, so he would let them handle that peacefully. But he imagined that his next move then depended on their descision technically. Well, he wasnt anyones pet and no one was his owner. But he has a loyalty to them in a way because they helped him achieve what he wanted. He wondered, would there be a time when people at Joya would come and get him.
He lied to Takao that he would ask Ohta if he was allowed to leave. Of course he didnt ask anyone for permission, he just snuck away to live his own dreams and adventure. He was grateful to Karisa and Dae-seong. And he even got to mingle and make love with Asi. He loved her and he was sure that he shouldnt, but then again... he was sure that he broke less rules than Kurama or other kitsune... maybe....


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:50 pm


Karisa smiled as she was glad he too did not want to move and even held her closer to him. With that, a clone of her appeared, Asirak. She smiled and turned away to leave the room, closing the door behind her. Asirak was in some red robes, Karisa's being Lilac colored so people could tell the difference of Karisa and Karisa as her clone. Asirak looks around and yawns while going to the kitchen. She spaces off as she thinks about the trip coming up. Tomorrow exactly as she grabs the fruit in the fridge, the other ingredients she was too lazy to take out. As Asirak was mixing the fruits and stuff in the blender, her tired eyes gazed at Kyu who was there looking as if he had a lot on his mind.

"Kyu?~ What are you thinking about?" She spoke, interrupting his thoughts as she lowkey spoke to demand attention in the sweetest way possible. She then pressed the 'on' button to let everything mix. Thankfully, this blender was not loud and would ding once the mixing was done. She leaned against the counter, her large breasts against them, waiting for him to speak. 


Heartache every moment [SL] Sigme10

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:59 pm

He looked at Asi and smiled to her as she asked him what was on his mind "Well a lot. I guess one of the first things that popped up was if Karisa told him about that thing you said to me" he was being ambiguous just in case Dae-seong arrives and Karisa hasnt told him yet. Kyu was unaware that Karisa and him already had the talk about the thing calling for her

Once Asi would give him the answer, he would ask her "I see. Do you know whats their plan then? I dont think I can plan my day if I dont know what they will be doing?" he leaned in and curiously watched her, though he had one more question "By the way, if this is our room. Why do you need the robes? Is it because you feel cold or just to cover up?" considering she looked identical to Karisa, Dae-seong already knew what she looked like without the robe. And considering Kyu made love to Asi, he also knew what she was like without the robe. So why hide when you can be au naturale?
Well... the kitsune had his own perverted moments where he liked eye candy. He wasnt opposed to maybe an orgy. Just a whole lot of love making


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:30 am


Asirak was thinking as she nods, "I- or well, Karisa did tell him and I hope you're prepared for a trip since you'll be coming with. It was the only way to get Dae-Seong to feel better about leaving for the trip." she starts and then thinks more on his questions. She knew they knew what Karisa/herself looked like naked, but she felt it was a normal thing to do, wear something. "Kyu, people wear clothes all the time around their house. "So yea, Dae-Seong thinks he'll just rest but I doubt that is all and you're coming with m-Karisa," She spoke and then sits on the couch, laying down with her robes on as it felt comfortable for her. "And no, this isn't titanic," She thought out loud as she laid in that position and gazed up at him in such a way. "So I think those two are going to stay in the bed. I have smoothie to deliver to Karisa." Asirak spoke and got up to finally get the smoothie, turning it off before taking it to them.

Heartache every moment [SL] Sigme10

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:25 am

Kyu curiously listened to Asi and then nodded. He did though think it was a shame people wore clothes around the house. He didnt mind having some sexy eye candy walking around. But perhaps it was for the best. Anywho since the main couple would stay in bed, Asi would bring them a drink.
"Alright, when you're done, you can come here if you wanna hang out"

He would transform into his human form also wearing a robe and he'd sit and cross his legs and wait for Asi to take care of the main couple and he would hope she comes back to him. But if she didnt and Karisa made her poof, well... he didnt mind. But he did have to prepare then mentally for the trip. He was curious how the trip would go, but he was also worried about what challenges they might behold. He also wondered what would Dae-seong do in their absence. If he had to guess, he'd probably go to Sin.


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:05 pm


Asirak walked to the room and sat down the smoothies on the nightstand and then left without a word since she knew the other herself wanted to stay in the room with Dae-Seong. Asirak was worried what they may find out there in the unknown as it was calling to them. She saw Kyu all comfortable in the human form, making her side smile. Asi snuck behind and embraced him, kissing his head. "Hey, handsome.~" Asi spoke her kitsune tail swayed with a flick because she knew he liked her having kitsune features. She didn't mind doing it for him. 

She moved over to sit on the couch next to him, leaning into him and her head now rested on his lap looking up. "How do you feel about the trip tomorrow?" Asirak was asking and also telling him they were leaving tomorrow. She was unsure how he felt since he was kind of put in the spot. She was just glad she wasn't going alone, even if it was only to a certain point. 

Meanwhile, Karisa sipped on her smoothie and she put it down, adjusting back into Dae-Seong's arms as she slowly got on top and kissed him lovingly. For the rest of the night, Karisa was going to give him a night to remember and wait for when she came back. Her fingers intertwined with his as she felt the heat. Plus, it'd be awkward if she felt heat and he wasn't there so she might as well get this out now.


Heartache every moment [SL] Sigme10

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:16 pm

Kyu kissed her back as he wrapped his arm around her waist "Hey there beautiful" Asi then moved over to sit on the couch next to him, leaning into him and her head now rested on his lap looking up. He would look at her eyes with a big and toothy smile as he liked how she was positioned or where.

Though he focused soon on her words and not other stuff. "Ah, I dont know. I guess this would be my first solo quest with Karisa. We get to interact for an extended time, so it will be an experience. Usually Im just the side gig as she spends time with her fiance."

Meanwhile, Karisa sipped on her smoothie and she put it down, adjusting back into Dae-Seong's arms as she slowly got on top and kissed him lovingly, and he would lean into the kiss, making sure she feels good about it. He loved her kisses and he loved kissing her. He wanted to use most of the time he had with her. He would miss her when she goes as he had no idea how long this quest would be. He didnt even want to think of the possibility of it being a final time. That was something he feared, but this was his chance to conquer his fear. Maybe. He wasnt sure if letting Karisa go on this quest would let him conquer his fear, but it does help him face it. He just has to trust her to come back


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:28 pm


Asirak closed her eyes and listened to him speak to her. She felt bad that in a way, he was the side gig, character persay as he was the companion in actuality. She tried to think of words, she was bad at words, "You don't seem too enthused yet also not annoyed nor disappointed." Asirak spoke softly as she opened her eyes to gaze up at him once more. She felt his face and caressed it while she laid on the lap of his with her head. She smiled, "Kyu, I always wondered. Is it odd that I am with you and Dae-Seong in a way?" She wondered since sure, different bodies as her clone, 'Asirak' was a different body than her actual one that was with Dae-Seong. It was a sensitive subject, but she had to know his feelings on it. Because in truth, Karisa and Asirak are the same person, one's just a clone and the other is not.

Meanwhile, Karisa gazed down at him and giggled, "My love... if you're ever worried, just remember... We share dreams and emotions now. You can always feel my emotions and we can see each other in dreams no matter how far we are.~" Karisa leans down and kisses him. 


Heartache every moment [SL] Sigme10

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:15 pm

"At what part am I supposed to be enthused, annoyed and disappointed" he asked her curiously as he looked at her. She then after that asked him another question, was it weird that she was with the both of them "Depends how you look at it. I view Karisa and Asirak as two different people that look the same. Kind of like me and Dae-seong. So I dont see you being with the both of us even if you are... But if you look at it in a way that both of you are Karisa. Well... I dont know... I dont think so?" he chuckled "As I said, I dont mind threesomes. But I dont think you or Karisa would be able to take two of us~" he teased her

Dae-seong nodded "I know, my love" he then passionatelly kissed her and wants nothing more than to spend this time with her. Sure he has the dreams and the soul bond. But this physical connection. Its something that nothing can replace. No magic nor any soul bond


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Heartache every moment [SL] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:24 pm


Asirak arched her brow and sat up. She straddled his lap and poked his nose. "Enthused because you get to accompany the most lovliest woman in your life who trusts you and would protect you even if it costs her sanity as she would with Dae-Seong. You have done more for me/Karisa supportive wise than even 98% people. Annoyed because you were brought into this without even being asked, which I'm sorry for, Kyu, but I had to find a way to get him to let me go without him wanting to destroy the world and people in it." Karisa/Asirak spoke from the clone's lips. 

"Disappointed because well, you can't come with me through the whole journey nor will I let you stay away if my goals do get their way in doing what needs done. At a certain point... you can't come with me, unfortunately," she spoke and Asirak leaned and kissed him deeply, her body grinding into his as that was when they'd make love while Dae-Seong and Karisa made love - once again at the same time technically having that foursome, for the girls anyways as tomorrow they go their separate ways.


Heartache every moment [SL] Sigme10

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