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Coy's Cosplay Contest~ [EVENT/NIGHT OF MICTLĀN]

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#1Miss Coyote † 

Coy's Cosplay Contest~ [EVENT/NIGHT OF MICTLĀN] Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:28 pm

Miss Coyote †


Miss Coy

“Well, well, well… back in the world of the living for a day, hm~?” A young and slim woman with seafoam hair seeming to rise from the ground in an eruption of smoke and shadow before smiling, Miss Coy couldn't help but clap her hands together when she felt the blessing of the unusual mana in the air empowering her and allowing her to return to the world for a single and solitary day, and as those big and black eyes of her seemed to swell with excitement so too did her lips seem to curl further and further upward as well.
I had better make it worth my while then!” Pearly white teeth revealed by this which looked just a little bit too sharp and jagged for an image which would have otherwise looked only too innocent, the long limbed lass lifted her hands and rubbed them together with excitement at all the promise that her day break among the living would provide, and had every expectation of ensuring that this little excursion would prove to be something she would not forget in an kind of hurry.

“Teeheheeheehee! What to do? What to do~?” As such the grinning girl left to giggle with glee at the mere possibility of what this event could entail, her mind wash awash with notions with which she might while away this fleeting feeling of festivity, and she couldn't help but bob up and down one then two and then even three times before allowing herself to hang in the air with an air of contemplation about her.
“Oh I know! How about a party~?” As such seeming to wrap one of those delicate and deft digits about her chin as she batted those long and dark lashes over that ink well gaze, after a second or two her smile only seemed to appear brighter as she found a notion forming in her mind which would certainly offer the right celebratory air to her day, and likely draw in plenty to enjoy it with her as well.

“Yes, that will be perfect! Balloons! Cakes! Drink! Dancing!” Never one who could refuse the call of an old fashioned shindig and as such the girl with the green locks seeming to glide and loop around as she imagined all the brightest marvels which she could envisage with her jubilant jamboree, all too quickly did Miss Coy appear as if she were a conductor providing guidance to her symphony, and yet as her hands seemed to sway and swish through the air it was not the sound of musicians and her instruments which she seemed to inspire but rather her setting itself.
“Oh and there's got to be costumes tooo~” From nowhere in fact it seeming that a grand hall was sprouting around her with nicely polished furnishings and glittering glass windows in place of walls, the distorted image provided by their frosting seemed to continue to show off the beryl beauty as she drifted about and crafted her perfect setting from nothing at all, tables rose and comfortable chairs as well, and with them came glittering and gaudy decorations, but that wasn't all either. I mean, the centrepiece of all her amusement would of course be her guests, right~?

Event Details

The ghostly princess of mischief arriving along with Tezcatlipoca for the event, she has decided that this year she is going to hold a costume party like no other, which will test the very boundaries of your person! Possessing the ability to curse folk to effectively 'Become What They Wear', those who attend this gathering will take on both the image and persona of the being they have opted to dress up as, and she plans to have a rollicking good time exploiting this magic to this a day she will never forget!

  • Participants will arrive at a costume party where the choice of wardrobe will tell all. Any costume which doesn't 'fit the bill' will be upgraded by the host to be more appropriate, chosen by random whimsy.

  • They will then proceed to indulge the festivities as best they can, meet, greet, grab a drink, until the host reveals themselves, and enacts a curse on all participants which makes them what they wear. Costumes will become literal, for instance, if one dresses as an angel or demon one will take on the appearance of said party.

  • The twist in the curse as much psychological as anything, their change can and will make them become their costumes in other ways, as if they are adopting a new mindset, persona, etc.

  • The action of the persona is dictated by a Dice 100 roll. Each round the member rolls a dice, and the number adds to their tally as they go on, representing how they are more and more affected by their new roll, as follows;

    Phase 1 (Total of 1-49)
    It feels like something in your mind is whispering in your ear, telling you to act in the way your persona would, but you are able to resist.

    Phase 2 (Total of 50-99)
    Your character becomes a duality, bouncing between their normal personality and the new one their costume has given them.

    Phase 3 (Total of 100-149)
    The additional Persona has become the dominant one, with your original one now whispering in its ear, trying to restrain it, but likely to scarcely achieve it.

    Phase 4 (Total of 150 and Above)
    Your new persona has completely supressed the old one, albeit temporarily, and now you are left at the whims of whatever being your costume represents.

    Rule Update!

    In light of some cheeky chaps getting carried away too easily, the gracious Miss Coy has opted to extend the phases as follows;

    Phase 2 (Total of 50-149)
    Your character becomes a duality, bouncing between their normal personality and the new one their costume has given them.

    Phase 3 (Total of 150-249)
    The additional Persona has become the dominant one, with your original one now whispering in its ear, trying to restrain it, but likely to scarcely achieve it.

    Phase 4 (Total of 250 and Above)
    Your new persona has completely supressed the old one, albeit temporarily, and now you are left at the whims of whatever being your costume represents.

  • Any participants who reach Phase 4 will be effectively eliminated from the competition as the new persona takes over, and embarks upon an evening of debauchery in their new form, with the effects of the curse dissipating at sunrise the next day. Waking with something akin to a hangover, they will not remember anything that happened after they were consumed.

  • For each post in which the participants survive elimination, they will gain 3 Calavera from the host as a reward for their luck and willpower.

Penalty Games

Though the mischievous Miss Coy is mostly hoping for fun and frolics and happy to indulge those who play the game, she is just as eager to punish those who do not obey her wills and whimsies, in the following ways;

  • Once the thread has started, each round will have seven days to complete. There is no post order to them, so people can post as soon or late as they want. If they miss a round or fail to roll with their post, they do not get eliminated immediately, but rather incur a +100 Penalty to their total, forcing them into the next phase of competition. Those who fail to post do not gain Calavera.

  • Failure to properly participate will be punished even more severely. Those who fail to show the proper signs of their transition will at first occur a +50 Penalty to encourage them to get in on the 'fun', if their efforts are still deemed insufficient, they will be ejected and forfeit all rewards.

  • Our host wishes to see people move from their comfort zone, and so reserves the right to modify and completely replace any costumes people where for something she deems more interesting. Effectively, be prepared to act outside of your usual character parameters here, because she will make sure your 'role' is different to normal.


  • Users may enter the games with multiple characters/alts, however they may not participate in a single thread with more than one of their characters.

  • Threads will have a 5 Participant Maximum (Excluding Miss Coy~).
    After this number is reached, a new thread will be created.

Last edited by Miss Coyote † on Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:52 am; edited 2 times in total

#2Miss Coyote † 

Coy's Cosplay Contest~ [EVENT/NIGHT OF MICTLĀN] Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:31 pm

Miss Coyote †

Thread one is up, first come, first serve~!

#3Miss Coyote † 

Coy's Cosplay Contest~ [EVENT/NIGHT OF MICTLĀN] Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:06 pm

Miss Coyote †
A big thank you to all participants, this event is now closed~!

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