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Business of business women[Fight/Zariya]

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Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:20 am






"Shall I give you despair?"

Cue the music:


Being a woman in a manly world of business was tough, yet some women slayed- literally. Two women in particular, shared the business of their crime syndicate. That was Nana and her fellow Don, Zariya. Nana knew little to nothing about Zariya. Her infamy seemed insignificant, but that was hardly worth measuring someone with. Nana herself boasted a decent infamy and was well known, but the rumors of her knew more of herself than she did. That was because Nana had lost many memoires. Memories of her old life and even their fellow Don, Erebus. Whom had been her mentor and previous guild master before she had taken on the title of third guild master of Eternal Nightmare.

That was the past and like her memories- all but forgotten, literally. Today was a special day, as Nana sought to get to know one of her fellow Dons. Zariya was a mystery to Nana and Nana hardly liked mysteries. Her own lack of identity notwithstanding, Nana had invited Zariya over to her cartel section of the guild territory, to get to know the other woman Don.

Nana was about training her cartel members again, sparring with them. Sometimes in hand to hand combat, other times using her gunblades to simulate real combat. Real combat of course, because Nana was merciless. Her follows knew that if her guns were out, they had to give one hundred percent or else they may die. Her goal was to whip them into shape, a fighting force capable of protecting and distributing her drugs to wherever there was a need or desire for them. Not to mention, they had to be strong enough to handle the thralls. vicious and insatiable humans who had lost their minds to Nana's special homebrewed drug. They had lost their minds in exchange for power- faster and stronger than the average citizen: they would do anything for another dose of Demon Powder.

WC-321 WC for Weapon Mastery
WC Total- 321

GEAR:+60+(100dmg x 2)GEAR:+130GEAR:GEAR:GEAR:

Last edited by Nana on Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Botched a WC number)


Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 11:51 pm


Full Outfit :

Zariya lived life at a whirlwind pace. With her affairs neatly sorted, all that remained was fine-tuning her cyber enhancements. Despite making considerable progress, she knew she still had a ways to go before reaching her desired level. A contact from Talaz Lagaar had the goods, rare and specialized, that she'd been dreaming of. While the urge to upgrade was relentless, maybe what she really needed was to put her current arsenal to the test, a real one. Between her natural form and her beefed-up Nine Heroes-enhanced arm, she could dispatch most foes with ease, but she was still getting the hang of it all.

The prodigious talent had long realized that very few could match her in battle, and, oddly enough, some of those few were fellow Horsemen of Akudama. Tonight, one of them sought her company. The Thunder Cat powered down her computer and began her trek from the technology and experimentation wing to meet Nana. The nature of their meeting was uncertain, but she was both excited and curious. Among the crime lords, true camaraderie was a rare thing, leaving Zariya knowing more about them than they did about her.

She couldn't exactly say she disliked it that way.

As the Machina finally neared the drug hub, she was taken aback by the scene that greeted her. Nana had her lackeys deep into rigorous training, a sight that raised an intrigued eyebrow on Zariya's part. It was clear that Nana meant business, especially with her product already out on Hosenka's streets. You couldn't sell drugs without the means to protect your operation. However, Zariya didn't exactly slip in unnoticed. Thanks to her tech skills, the doors glided open as she approached, emitting a subtle buzz that caught the attention of the Akudama members, their gazes briefly scanning her ebony skin. For a moment, her own eyes wandered as she casually chewed her gum, blowing and popping a bubble just before spotting her partner in arms.

"Yo~." The cyborg called to the shoota.

Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Lightning_bolt_simple

Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:00 am






"Shall I give you despair?"

Cue the music:


Despite the Horsemen of Akudama all being equally ranked, there were murmurs about a pecking order. There were several lists actually, one of being the attractiveness of the Horsemen. Strength was a whole different category. Naturally with half of the Horsement being female, it was inevitable that the crude men of crime would compare Nana and Zariya. There were many disputes, some even breaking out into fist fights. Nana dealt with it every other day or so, so she could only assume that Zariya and the other Horsemen were dealing with the same issue.

Personally, it mattered very little to Nana, which of them was the better looking. She lacked the cmoon sense and underlying emotion necessary to feel a sense of pride or competition. She understood that such aspirations were important to her underlings however. If it was important to them, it would affect the blood demon powder production. That was what mattered to Nana. So vicariously, the pecking order in terms of both strength and beauty.. mattered to Nana, even if just to satisfy the mundane minds of their followers.

It was a predicament Nana had pondered for some length, finally resorting to inviting Zariya to the proving grounds in her cartel. The invitation had been three-fold. Primarly it was a meet and greet to allow the two powerful women to get to know one another on a more personal level. The two of them needed to understand each other's ambitions, but also their potential. One could have grand ambitions but not the strength to see their ambitions into a reality. 

The second reason for this invitation was to test Zariya's potential. It also coincided with the first reason. The third reason was due to the predicament mentioned beforehand. The pecking order so to speak- in terms of power and beauty. truly Nana didn't care, but it was an essential thing to ensure a proper and safe eb and flow to business management. It was then that Nana opened the doors to the proving grouds' warehouse and made her presence known. Nana smirked at the surprise of her underlings. The very thing they were individually fighting about, had been brought to the forefront of their thoughts and priorities. Nana was a fundamentalist and a pragmatic lady after all.

Presently she had been doing some weapon combat with about six of her followers. She hadn't missed the entrance of Zariya, but she hadn't allowed her focus to relax in the slightest at Zariya's entrance. She had expected it at the very least. She could not say the same for her followers however. Having both beautiful women in the same room was quite the predicament. Should they be drooling over the cold hearted queen of elegance? Or should they be drooling over the mesmeric cat of thunder?

Even the six combatants against Nana lost their focus with this conundruum. Their eyes shifted to the dark skinned beauty, their weapons dipping and their center of gravity pulling them as if Zariya's sexy allure was drawing them off their feet towards her. Nana almost chuckled, taking merciless advantage of their lax guard. Effortlessly, her right gunblade bit deep into her closest target's skull. The man's last thoughts were on the blessed bosom of Zariya. That in itself was a mercy, although Nana held no such concept of mercy or holding back. It had been the man's fault after all, for losing focus when it was infamously known by now with how cruel and cold Nana could truly be.

The sudden death seemed to snap everyone back to their senses as the first body thudded hard to the ground. "Oh good. You are here. My underlings wish for a contest of beauty and brawn from us." she paused for a moment, contemplating the fresh corpse at her feet. "I guess you could say they are literally dying to know." she would say with dry humor.

WC-652 WC for Weapon Mastery
WC Total- 973 for Weapon Mastery

GEAR:+60+(100dmg x 2)GEAR:+130GEAR:GEAR:GEAR:


Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Empty Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:33 am


Full Outfit :

In the year x795, it remained puzzling how some individuals, particularly men, struggled to accept the presence of two strong women without igniting a non-existent rivalry between them. Within her guild, the Thunder Cat, Zariya, was not isolated from the spreading whispers and chatter. She was well aware that the less experienced members couldn't resist speculating and raising questions. They wondered about the physical prowess among the Four Horsemen, who possessed the finest equipment, who exhibited the sharpest brain, and who wielded the most formidable amount of mana. The room practically crackled with anticipation at this very moment, as if they expected the two women to engage in a brawl at any moment.

Meanwhile, the Aeon Flux, undisturbed by the lustful gazes cast upon her, showed more interest in the lifeless man lying on the floor. Nana, in her relentless demeanor, appeared to care about nothing else in the world, and her subordinates had learned that by now. In contrast, Zariya was more lenient with her followers. They understood that she held control over the security tech and nearly every aspect that kept the building operational. She didn't need to flaunt her power to maintain order; her associates knew better than to test someone with Zariya's intellect.

The Demoness, turned to face Zariya and unexpectedly issued an invitation to fight, seemingly for the sake of the onlookers' entertainment. The Icebergan, couldn't hide her irritation at being summoned for something so...unimportant. "The hell's in it for me?" she inquired, her annoyance evident. "I don't do anything for free, especially when I can simply provide the answer." Zariya had already compiled her own ranking of the Horsemen, not to fuel comparisons, but to identify any potential weak links that could be strengthened for the sake of the Akudama's success. "Besides, I'm still getting the hang of everything," she added, her eyes briefly glancing down at her clenched hand.

WC: 651

Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Lightning_bolt_simple

Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Empty Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:27 pm






"Shall I give you despair?"

Cue the music:


Having a man die, the others Nana was training became deathly altert again. They moved through evasion motions and attempted various weapon or fist attacks on Nana. She blocked them all with ease and would continue her talk with Zariya. It was no surpise that Zariya was not interested in a fight. Nana wasn't too interested in it herself- she just wanted a steady work flow and to lower the rumors circulating. Misinformation could be fatal. Nana pondered for a moment to herself before she would reply to Zariya. "If it is gain you wish from this pointless endeavor. I have an offer that may appeal to you." she would say with a moderate level of confidence. She didn't know Zariya too well outside of their common interest in committing crimes.

"I can offer you some thrall as a manual labor force, if you agree to sparring with me. Win or lose, it doesn't matter the outcome." she would say, making her offer to Zariya as she waved down the last of here training partners. None of the other men died, although they were sorely bruised and some of them were unconscious. "The thralls train easy and listen to commands with the utmost care. Anything for their next dose of blood demon powder." she would explain, hoping to kindle some interest in Zariya.

There was just one problem however. The amount of thralls Nana could safely give Zariya and not hurt Nana's own production, was limited. "I can offer you three dozen thralls from this business deal. I wish I could offer you more, but sadly our human trafficking Don Ayaka hasn't been around or contacted any of us. Word is she has joined another guild- it seems she has betrayed us and now we're sorely lacking for fresh... meat." she would say, not entirely sure how to describe their captured humans. 

Three dozen slaves seemed like a small amount, but even Zariya's intelligent mind would soon come to appreciate the thorough effectiveness and efficiency of Nana's thralls. They never tired and would go at their work with ferverence. The only downside was that their lifespans were greatly reduced. They usually only lives a few years after becoming thrall. That should be plenty of time to find replacements however.

WC-379 WC for Weapon Mastery
WC Total- 1,352 for Weapon Mastery

GEAR:+60+(100dmg x 2)GEAR:+130GEAR:GEAR:GEAR:


Business of business women[Fight/Zariya] Empty Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:05 pm






"Shall I give you despair?"

Cue the music:


Nana had been more than accomodating in regards to her offering, even more in consideration of taking the time to negotiate with the fellow Akudama Syndicate woman. This Zariya looked for a reason to fight. One did not need a reason to fight. Seeking reason in destruction aws madness and hypocrisy, yet man humans did it. Something about their moral compass that nana couldn't quite understand- or maybe she simply lacked the compassion to care enough to understand. Whatever the case, it was clear to Nana that the two women would soon fight with three dozen slaves on the table for Zariya's benefit. Win or lose.

With this in mind, nana mentally prepared herself to fight Zariya. She knew very little about the woman and even less about her fighting style. While she wished to know more about Zariya, Nana simply wanted at this moment- to quieten the voices of competiton and rivalry within the ranks of the Akudama Syndicate. A pecking order mattered little to Nana. True strength came from many varied forms. Physical prowess was only one facet of strength. In some regards, Zariya was stronger than Nana. At least in the means of communication. The nuances of such things escaped Nana. That was neither here, nor there for the time being. All that mattered at the moment of combat strength.

What Nana lacked in magic as an adventurer, she made up in abundance with her magical gunblades and physical transformations. As quisk as the snap of her fingers, she transformed her physique into the notoriously known Eudaemon. Two demonic wings and two aneglic wings erupted from her back as her hair turned purple and two devil horns sprouted from her forehead.

With a simple but expedient movement from her hands, she poised her alraedy drawn gunblades at Zariya without as much as another word or a forewarning. She squeezed the trigger from both gunblades and unleashed two thin but powerful purple beams of magic from the barrels: yet she didn't release the firing triggers. Just as fast as she had fired the spellshots at Zariya's position, Nana suddenly lunged foreward the short distance between the two sudden fighters. The aim of her spellshots had been slightly to both outside edges of Zariya's body to seal the woman's movements from evading left or right. While her spellshots accomplished this, Nana rushed right down the middle at top speed, with both gunblades leading.

If this was a normal fight, Nana's opponent would be dead. Decapitated and or with a gaping hole in their heart. Yet the one rule in the Akudama Syndicate that Nana wouldn't ignore, was the fact that Akudama Syndicate members couldn't kill one another without proper reason. It wasn't that nana intended to kill Zariya anyways, Nana simply lacked the mercy to hold back under normal circumstances. This was one of those circumstances.  As the bitind edge of Nana's gunblades dug into Zariya's midsection, the two spellshots nana had fired, zoomed passed Zariya on her left and right. Following the dual stabs, Nana gave Zariya a swift kick to her midsection with such force that the woman would be sent flying backwards in the direction of the seemingly missed spellsots.

As Zariya would be knocked backwards by Nana's powerful kick, the two previous spellshots would curve backwards with their homing effect. Nana would then release the triggers on her weapons and the two spellshots would detonate as each spellshot circled back to flank Zariya on each side. The two beams would expode and engulf the woman. Confident that their sudden yet brutal bout was settled, Nana would dismiss her gunblades with a whisk of her wrists and deactivate her transformations. Satisfied with the result, Nana was certain that her show of strength would quieten a good many number of rumors and rivalries. She eyed the onlookers dangerously. "Back to work before I throw you in as a bonus to Zariya's work force." she would bark and the criminals would quickly rush to their duties.

If Zariya continued to remain there, it would likely be on the ground- unconscious. Nana had held back but she was not so caring as to look after the unconscious woman. "Leave her alone. Anyone who touches her will meet a worse fate. And then some." she would say, only going as far as to indirectly protect the vulnerable quasi leader of the Akudama Syndicate. Nana did not do this out of compassion. Rather, she did this out of self-interest. Akudama Syndicate members were not allowed to kill one another. While Nana adhered to this rule, she ensured that it was also abided by the lower enlisted criminals and peons as well.

For the rest of the remainder of time while Zariya was unconscious, Nana would remain close by with an eye on the woman. True to Nana's command, her peons cautiously walked around Zaruya's unconscious form- giving the woman a wide area of protection.

You didn't even give the woman a chance to react to your attack. How merciless! A voice in her head teased, a voice that seemed so insignificant but carried with it such gravity as though it were an impending meteor. Small quite distant but ushered in the eventuality and certainty of doom. This voice was none other than Zalambur, a greater devil. The devil of violence and slaughter to be exact. A devil that the previous Nana had somehow made a contract with. While the present Nana herself couldn't remember- the devil Zalambur had graciously filled in the blanks of Nana's mind: with embellishments, Nana was certain. She would be a fool to completely trust a devil, after all.

I didn't kill her. That is plenty merciful. Why, I am even sitting nearby to watch over her prone form. That's more than I do even for the women I sleep with. Nana would reason, though moreso to the devil in her mind than to herself. She didn't need to convince herself afterall. All the same, she felt the snickering of Zalambur. Always and never satisfied at the same time. No quota or quality of words was ever enough to win an arguement with this devil, the personage of destruction and violence. One day Zalambur, you and I shall have a match similar to this one. A fight for supremacy of the title you claim.

The devil was quiet for a couple of seconds. Either it was seriously contemplating such a fight, or bawking at the impossibility. Nana could not tell for certain, but she was quite confident at taking jabs at the devil. A fight that just might be as equally one sided, I assure you. While Nana knew what Zalambur had said, she knew that Zalambur had meant it as in Nana would be on the recieving end of that one sided battle. Nana couldn't help but grin to herself. Either that was a challenge, or a promise. Devils didn't break promises. Challenges were hardly a minor thing to them either.

Daemon+Devil+Eudaemon transformations(15%mana)
Aquitas & veritas explosive shots.(700 Mana)
Claimed Hit wrote:Claiming hit on Zariya due to almost a full month of waiting for a reply, with reminders. Dealing 8 S Rank physical DMG(Torso) & 2 S Rak magical DMG(AOE).
Claiming 1 S Rank win

WC-1,165 WC for Weapon Mastery
WC Total- 2,517 for Weapon Mastery

GEAR:+60+(100dmg x 2)GEAR:+130GEAR:GEAR:GEAR:

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