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Timeless Test (SL)

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Timeless Test (SL) Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:53 pm

Kishin couldn't help but be continuingly amazed by the resilience and bravery of the Sevese warriors. Despite the dangers they faced on a daily basis, they remained steadfast and unwavering in their determination to protect their people and their land. He had seen firsthand the kind of sacrifices they were willing to make for the greater good, and he knew that he had much to learn from them.

As they continued their journey, Kishin found himself bonding with his Sevese companions. It was easy to bond by one's shared race. Despite the language barrier, they had managed to find common ground and form a deep understanding and respect for each other. They shared stories and songs around the campfire, and Kishin was struck by the richness of their culture and history.

He also couldn't help but notice how different he was from his companions, even with a shared race. Unlike the Sevese's more important priests, Kishin was not magical, and he possessed no special abilities or powers. He was just a regular human, and he sometimes felt out of place in this land of mythical creatures and legendary faiths.

189 wc


Timeless Test (SL) Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:53 pm

But he also knew that he had his own strengths and abilities that he could bring to the table. He was resourceful and quick-witted, and he had a natural talent for strategy and planning. He had proven himself in battle, and he knew that he could use his skills to help the Sevese in their struggles. Many quests had taught Kishin how to get results.

As they finally reached their destination and began to gather the resources they needed, Kishin couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had proven himself to his new companions, and he had gained valuable experience and knowledge along the way. But he also knew that this was just the beginning of his journey in Seven.

For there was still so much he didn't know about this land and its people. There were still many dangers and trials that lay ahead, and he knew that he would need to remain vigilant and alert if he was to survive the trials of his religious companions.

170 wc


Timeless Test (SL) Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:53 pm

But for the first time since he arrived in Seven, Kishin felt a sense of purpose and belonging in gaining new power. His companions had grown on him. He had found a new home, and he was eager to explore all that it had to offer. With a newfound sense of determination and confidence, Kishin looked forward to whatever trials lay ahead, ready to face them head-on with the strength and courage of the Sevese by his side.

Kishin's eyes widened in awe as he gazed upon the grand temple before him, hidden in this small pilgrimage Kishin had been on. The intricate carvings and towering columns seemed to reach up to the heavens themselves, as if beckoning the gods down to earth.

As he and the Sevese entered the temple, Kishin was struck by the solemnity and reverence that surrounded them. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the flickering flames of candles cast dancing shadows on the walls.

163 wc


Timeless Test (SL) Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:54 pm

Kishin felt a sense of humility wash over him as he stood before the altar, surrounded by the worshippers of the Sevese gods. He watched as they made offerings of fruit and flowers, and recited prayers and chants in their native tongue.

As the Sevese high priest began to speak, Kishin listened with rapt attention. The priest spoke of the many gods worshipped by the Sevese, each with their own domain and sphere of influence. There was someone Zeus-like, the king of the gods, and Hera-like, his queen and goddess of marriage and childbirth. There was Poseidon-like, god of the sea, and Hades-like, ruler of the underworld. And there were countless others, each with their own stories and myths.

Kishin couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and fascination as he listened to the tales of these powerful beings. He knew that there was much he still didn't understand about this world and its gods, but he was eager to learn more. When doing so many quests and adventuring, Kishin had always been more concerned with profit. Having reached a dead end in his training, Kishin's only hope was to open his mind by repetition to things like this.

200 wc


Timeless Test (SL) Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:54 pm

As the ceremony came to a close, Kishin found himself deep in thought. He wondered what it must be like to have such powerful and all-knowing beings watching over you, guiding your every move. He had never been one for religion or faith, but he couldn't deny the sense of comfort and security that came with the belief in something greater than oneself.

As they left the temple, Kishin felt a sense of peace settle over him. He may not fully understand the beliefs of the Sevese, but he knew that he respected and admired their devotion to their gods. And he knew that he would continue to seek out knowledge and understanding of this world and its many wonders.

Kishin spent the next few days in the temple, talking to the Sevese priests and learning all he could about the gods of Seven. He was fascinated by their stories, their power, and their impact on the world. He spent long hours poring over ancient texts and scrolls, trying to decipher the secrets of this mysterious religion.

177 wc


Timeless Test (SL) Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:54 pm

As he delved deeper into his studies, Kishin began to notice something strange about himself. He found that he was drawn to the darker, more dangerous aspects of the Sevese religion – the myths and legends that spoke of bloodshed, sacrifice, and war. He couldn't explain why, but there was something about the stories of gods similar to Hades, Ares, and other violent deities that called to him.

This realization troubled Kishin. He had always considered himself a peaceful person that just needed results, and the idea of too much violence and warfare made him uneasy. But he couldn't deny the strange thrill he felt when he read about battles and conquests, or the rush of adrenaline that coursed through his veins when he imagined himself in the midst of a fight.

He tried to push these thoughts aside, to focus on the more positive aspects of the Sevese religion. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something dark and dangerous lurking inside of him. Was this what was always holding him back?

180 wc


Timeless Test (SL) Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:55 pm

As the days went on, Kishin began to feel increasingly isolated from the Sevese priests and their congregation. He had trouble relating to their joyful celebrations and ceremonies, their focus on love, family, and community. He felt like an outsider, someone who didn't quite belong in this world of mutual safety.

And yet, despite his feelings of alienation, Kishin was reluctant to leave the temple. He had become obsessed with the stories of the gods and their battles, and he spent countless hours poring over ancient texts and artifacts in search of knowledge.

As he delved deeper into the world of Sevese mythology, Kishin began to notice something else – a nagging sense of self-doubt and self-sabotage. He found himself second-guessing his every decision, questioning his own worth and abilities. He wondered if he was truly cut out for a life of adventure and discovery, or if he would forever be a misfit in this world of gods and monsters.

Despite these doubts and insecurities, Kishin knew that he couldn't give up his quest for knowledge. He had come too far, and learned too much, to turn back now. And so he resolved to continue on, even if it meant facing his own inner demons and the darkness that lurked within his own soul.

213 wc exit

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