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Farming Simulator X789 #10 [Quest: Vyra]

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Farming Simulator X789 #10 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:47 am

It had seemed like that throughout her ventures to Marigold, seldom were they trips that revolved around comfort. Seldom relaxation. If anything, they tended to be more frustrating than anything else, more than not tied to the situation within Marigold, the shifting dynamics within their political theater and how it was translating in all facets, including even the theatre itself. It was something that was impossible for her not to recognize, not to find herself absolutely hating, especially in that more often than not, that became the more primary point of focus within her time in the city. It was upsetting, in part because it meant that the other parts of the city that she often would have liked to venture through and see could not come to pass, but it was also infuriating in that the issue that she was trying to tackle, the growing and rampant issue of racism within the theatre itself, there was no clear indication that it was getting any better. None of the effort that she had been putting in to attempt to stop it, or at the very least even slow it down, was seeming to work.

194/1250 ( -50% | -20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt, -10% Companion)


Farming Simulator X789 #10 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:47 am

How much nicer it would have been to be able to venture to Marigold, with at least some thought and hope that the situation was not as desperate, not as dire. That she would not have to risk being accosted by people whom had been swept in and consumed racist and bigoted narratives that were being fed fake tales of valor that immortalized racists, whether fake or genuine. Worse even, knowing that much of these stories that were being pushed, the tales that the theatre were looking to push out with record pace and promote like the next great modern tale were in actuality just riding the wave, hoping to profit off of the business that was coming in, whether those who believed in what was being sold, those that were curious, or those who may have developed a feeling one way or the other. To much a degree, it did not matter to those in the theatre, only that they were able to buy tickets and that this sort of material was driving business.

369/1250 ( -50% | -20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt, -10% Companion)


Farming Simulator X789 #10 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:47 am

For Vyra, perhaps she were naïve. Perhaps a byproduct of her thinking that she could have made a difference, trying to emulate what Alisa Vollan had shown herself capable of doing without appreciating or truly knowing just what went into it. Foolish of her, but something that could have been admired. The reality was what she was trying to do in the past had in a lot of ways mirrored what she had seen firsthand in Hargeon, the attempted efforts by the politicians that were within the port city trying to turn the people away and against the trading companies that she often had chosen to associate herself with. Despite them being very similar to one another in terms of their respective impact, a part of her just could not appreciate it. Nor could she understand entirely what she was doing and how it would be responded to by the people. In trying to destroy the performances that were spreading this rhetoric, she was doing that but also causing far more attention to be drawn to it. In silencing several performances and preventing those from seeing them, she was drawing attention more towards several other performances that she failed to stop. Thus, there were very little change between what she did and what the result were.

585/1250 ( -50% | -20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt, -10% Companion)


Farming Simulator X789 #10 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:47 am

Maybe it was being in Marigold again, albeit under different circumstances that lent to Vyra feeling a bit better, not as worried about what progress she may have stood to make or not. She had realized what was going on, what could be done, what was being done, or rather what wasn’t being done, and maybe it was just simply that she was tired of it. Why would she have spent so much time trying to change things, especially for a city that she did not live in. This was not Hargeon. It was not her home, and even after the circumstances that had befallen her, her departure from Blue Pegasus, the incident with the Red Queen, none of that seemed to change the reality of what was going on in Marigold. If anything, it more affirmed to her that it did not matter what she tred. She could not change people, nor change the world. That was beyond her ability, beyond what she was meant to do. Beyond any sort of expectation that may have been for her, she did not owe that to whomever felt that. It was not her fight, not her war. If Marigold wanted to fall to a cesspool of racism and bigotry, that would be for them to have to deal with and endure those consequences, not her.

809/1250 ( -50% | -20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt, -10% Companion)


Farming Simulator X789 #10 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:48 am

So she found herself there, in the theatre once again, but not there in the role that she had served once upon a time, hoping to remove another simple playscript that had been thrown into an endless coffer of other ideas that would eventually surface, but instead there as a guest, someone to watch the performance for herself. For no reason other than to distract her from what she had endured, a break that had been much needed, she felt. And honestly, maybe it would have been something that would have been poor enough to make her amused about it all. Watching the performance though, it was clear that the quality of the theatre had suffered significantly over the past couple of months since she had last been there, almost everyone within the theatre panning it as htough it were the worst thing that they had ever seen, which was not far off of an assessment about it all. Vyra could not help but find some joy in how bad it was, but it was hard not to agree with the group ultimately, some of whom had resorted to taking whatever they could find, namely produce and other small items and tossing them upon the stage.

1015/1250 ( -50% | -20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt, -10% Companion)


Farming Simulator X789 #10 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:48 am

It was a welcome change to that of how she had approached this in the past. Trying to destroy some records, there would be no benefit there, as all she may have been doing was paving the way for a much worse performance. No, this, when it came to theatre, was the appropriate way to allow things to play out. Let the people decide what they liked or did not, and based on the crowd that were all around her, she could see that it certainly was generating quite the effect, and certainly the one that she was wanting. Seeing a performance, regardless of how much or little racial undertone it possessed within it, be panned openly, that would spread far more and have far greater impact than whatever petty mischief she may have been able to do on her own. In addition, doing it this way, by just being amongst an angry crowd that were thoroughly unimpressed by what she was seeing, it was far easier to deny any involvement, to deny her being there, to feign ignorance, and see firsthand whether or not this were a matter that she had to be involved with. It left an amount of hope within her, knowing that the people were the ones who were carrying this out, that their own actions were driving this momentum to cause the theatre to rethink their approach, rather than her struggling to try to make any sort of tangible progress herself. She only wished that they had begun it earlier.

1270/1250 ( -50% | -20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt, -10% Companion)

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