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Stealing Hitomi Minamoto's Blood Rune

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Stealing Hitomi Minamoto's Blood Rune Empty Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:48 pm


Now that she was in Baska there was another matter she desired to finish up. Although it had been quite a while since the event had unfolded, Esperia had found the Blood Rune she had discovered to be curiously enough absent from its hiding place, and some searching and... 'convincing' questioning had led her to the whereabouts of the missing rune. While she had not exactly been searching for the runes with a preset goal or ambition, her curiosity toward the rune, and the trickery of having it stolen from her had made the vampire more than determined to retrieve it, to the point she had not spared any efforts in the search.

Indeed, even Alexander and Asimov had been accompanying her, the droid hovering beside her while the Bombo marched in front of her with a clear hint of excitement on his face.

"So your rune was stolen by someone, and you believe it to be here?"

Esperia nodded her head at the Bombo's question, leading to the silver-haired vampire to clarify further. "I can sense the rune's presence nearby."

Alexander's eyes narrowed in a glare upon hearing that. "To think someone would step as low as thievery... To claim spoils in a duel is fair, after all that's the right of a warrior, but to act so underhanded as to snatch something without a warning. I will teach that thief a thing or two about manners."

The droid beeped in amusement while Esperia snickered softly. "Exactly, if you don't blow up before the lesson is over~"

Arriving closer to the area she sensed the rune's presence at, Esperia's eyes narrowed, her gaze drifting around to see if she could spot any sign of the rune or the mysterious thief that had claimed ownership over it.

When Asimov suddenly beeped Esperia couldn't help but muse out loud. "I'm not sure Asimov, is stealing from a thief still stealing?"

Yet the Bombo shouted in frustration. "We are NOT going to steal it! We will challenge the thief, beat them and then claim it after a glorious fight!"

To which Esperia sighed softly. At least it would prove to be an entertaining confrontation, if nothing else...

[Attempting to steal Ilo Ruin]

#2Hitomi Minamoto † 

Stealing Hitomi Minamoto's Blood Rune Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:30 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
The soft humming of crickets in the night along with many other distracting sounds of nature from nocturnal creatures was welcomed in the ears of Hitomi. The bad weather had finally broken so there were many people out to enjoy it. She of course was not one of those people as she sat alone on the edge of a forest clearing about nine hundred meters away from anyone or anything not the bugs or animals in the forest behind her. She had been in Baska for god knows how long and she wanted out but first, she had to reconnect with Seika and talk about the obvious elephant standing in their room. Before leaving baska she would find out if she would be leaving alone or with him. Her mind slunk back to the fiasco at Eternal Nightmare’s hall. She didn’t care that she betrayed the guild or the guild master twice. Hitomi had already known the day would come when she would have to choose between the guild or Seika. With the two of them spending so much time together it was clear to see they were more than friends and even though they didn’t put a name to what they were, the two already knew. With a sigh, she gripped Kusanagi in her right hand take a look at the sword, and frowning a bit. She would need a new weapon soon.

Stealing Hitomi Minamoto's Blood Rune AV4nNet
old sheet

Stealing Hitomi Minamoto's Blood Rune Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:16 pm


(Ooc note: According to my post your Blood Rune is within the general area that Esperia is at, and also within her line of sight when it comes to reach. 900 meters away from Baska on top of a tree with a clearing between us is clearly not that. If you agree to those facts please let me know, in the meanwhile I will be requesting a Battle mod to review the posts. Also due to the personal relationship and the earlier incident with the blood rune I will ask Seika to refrain from taking this call.)

Hitomi specified in her post she was 900 meters away from Baska, at a forest clearing, which gives her a clear advantageous factor in regard to the fact she stated nobody aside from the crickets and animals was around. This clearly contradicts my first post due to the following clauses:

Esperia nodded her head at the Bombo's question, leading to the silver-haired vampire to clarify further. "I can sense the rune's presence nearby."

- I specified that Esperia is within the city/baska, and that the rune she sensed is within the general area, meaning it should have been 'within' the city itself.

Arriving closer to the area she sensed the rune's presence at, Esperia's eyes narrowed, her gaze drifting around to see if she could spot any sign of the rune or the mysterious thief that had claimed ownership over it.

- The second clause makes it clear that the rune is within Esperia's line of sight in terms of distance, as she sensed it and started to search for it (of course since Hitomi didn't enter yet I didn't get the chance to specify it yet)

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