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What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]

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What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]    Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:55 pm

Back again. it had been a while since Caius was back in West Fiore but now was the time to get to work. After checking with his contacts, he decided he would go and check out the request board. These idiots were always able to put up top dollar for the stupidest request. It was like hustle without any of the effort. Caius would then walk into the bar and then he would go and he would walk over to the request board and then he would skim through the request and then he would look through them some more and then he would see the S rank requests and then he would pick one off the board that looked the easiest. This one was a request at the church which was kind of funny seeing that he was a demon but he would take it anyway because the pay was so good. The holy water be damned he didn't care he just wanted those sweet sweet jewels. Caius would then look at the address and then he would exit the bar and then he would go and he would go down the street and he would look at the street signs and then he would go the street the request was on and he would then find the church on the street that the request was on and he would then walk into the church and hope he didn't burst into flames but he was ok so he would then go to the man standing at the end of the hallway. It was a priest that was at the altar. Caius would walk up to the man and he would ask around who needed this shit done so he would be able to get the request done , get paid , and get the hell out of here.


Hi I'm Caius

What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]    Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:51 am

Caius would then walk up to the priest and tap him on the shoulder and then he would reach in his jeans that he was wearing and then he would reach in his pocket and then he would pull out the paper and then he would show it to the priest and he would show that it was the request. The priest would then smile at him and he would grab the request and then he would bow to Caius and thank him for coming to the church so he would be able to do the request and then he would explain the request. ""Hello there. I'm Brother Marcus I have called you here for that request. It seems that we have an issue underneath the church. The spirits from the old Phantom Lord guild hall have been running wild and not letting us down there. Though we have been able to seal them off, they are scaring the members of the church by bumping around and letting out their spirits screams. We need you to help us clear them out." It seemed simple enough. Caius would then ask the man how he would fight the spirits. He could use his magic which probably would blow up the church which he wouldn't mind but he would then wouldn't get paid so he would ask the priest how he would do this. the priest would hand him a cross which Caius grabbed onto but it hurt him with a burn because he was a demon so he would drop it. He would play it off as he dropped it so he would tell the priest if he had a cloth or something so he would give him a cloth and then he would be able to use the cross and then he would hand him some talismans that were made out of paper and had some type of symbols built on them and then he would go and he would take all that equipment that was given to him and then he would go and he would head downstairs and he would start the quest by looking for spirits.


Hi I'm Caius

What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]    Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:22 am

Caius would head down the stairs into the underground where the spirits were and then he would start to look for them. He would be able to hear the demons shrieking in the corner and then he would go and he would head to the sound and he would head to the room to the left and he would see the spirit that was making the noise and then he would reach in his pocket and then he would pull out that cross with the towel on his hand so he wouldn't get burned from the cross because he was a demon so he would use it and then he would aim it at the spirit and then he would cause it to start to yell and it would start to shriek some more and it would try to attack him but it wasn't able to get up in his grill because he was protected by the cross. Caius would then use it to wrangle the spirit into the deepest depths of church where they belonged so he would then keep it in there and while it would start to cry and complain it was being opressed by the cross Caius would then use the talismans that he got and he would then start to seal it up in the tomb where the spirit was supposed to be and then they started to glow and they would then seal the spirit in the tomb under the church and he would have his first spirit sealed and then he would be done with the first spirit but there were a bunch of spirits left. It was an easy mission so far so then Caius would head to the other side of the church and he would then search for more of the spirits to seal so he would be able to get the request completed and get the fuck out of this stupid church. There was probably only a few more left so he had some work to do.


Hi I'm Caius

What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]    Empty Tue Mar 29, 2022 11:20 pm

The next spirit would be in the 2nd part of the catacombs where Caius would go with the equipment that he was given and he would head over to the steps would and would walk down the steps and then he would go and he would be in the 2nd part of the catacombs where the spirit was. He would look around and would see nothing so he would reach in his coat and he would pull out a lighter and then he would light it up so he would be able to see and then he would walk forward. Then he would start to see a purple glow and then it would start to get more intense and then it would come out of the wall and then he would see it start to form and then he would see that it was a spirit and then he would get ready to stop it and he would prepare for it as the spirit would come out of the wall and would start to let out a spirit shriek and it would come towards him quickly. Caius would then pull out the towel and he would wrap it around the cross and he would point it at the spirit and the spirit would start to yell some more in pain becuase the spirit didn't like the cross so he would then put the spirit back in its place by walking with it and he would keep the cross in front of it and would walk it up back up the steps and it would go down the middle steps that led to the deepest part of the chruch and he would then push it back into the seal section. Since now there was two spirits he would have to double the talismans so Caisu would take the paper talismans and he would take them and set them on the wall and then he would take the other set of talismans and he would put it on the other side of the wall and now the two spirits were trapped but there was still some more so Caius would go and search for more so he would complete the quest and be able to relax after the requets was done and he got his reward


Hi I'm Caius

What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]    Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:54 am

The search continued as Caius would head to the basement of the left section of the church and he would search for more of the spirits to take out. Caius would go down the stairs and would hold his lighter up so he would be able to see in the dark but he didn't see any spirit right away so he would go in deeper. Caius would slip and would knock over a bunch of pots on the grounds and they would fall over and they would shatter on the ground and he would hear the ghost start to shriek from the disturbance and it would start to glow purple and it would come out of the back room . It was a purple spirit that looked like a skeleton man and it was covered in a purple like flame and it would rush him. Caius didn't have enough time to get out the cross so eh would pull a sick move and he would roll to the side and the spirit would miss and then he would roar and the spirit would run back at him and then he would have to roll out of the way again. Caius had to go on the offensive and he would pull out the cross and he would then aim it at the spirit and the spirit would then start to roar at him but since it was being warded off it would not be able to attack him and Caius could keep it away from him and wrangle it down in the catacombs with the others. Caius would mock the stupid spirit and ask it to attack him which it tried but it was too far away and it couldn't reach him because the cross in his hands. Caius would lead the spirit backwards and then he would lead it around the stairs and then he would lead it over to the side of the catacombs and then he would find the room where the other spirits were and would take the cross and wrangle the spirit that was purple in the room where the other spirits were and they all would start to do their spirit shriek and then Caius would tell them to shut the hell up and would pull out the talismans and he would then start to set them up on one side of the wall and then he would put the talismans on the opposite sides of the wall and that would triple seal the room and that way they wouldn't get out and that was all the sprits so Caius would have to go back to the priest and he would then tell him that the work was done.


Hi I'm Caius

What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]    Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:49 am

Caius would head upstairs in the church and then he would go and he would see the priest that gave him the quest praying at the alter. Caius would then hand over the talismans and he would then he would hand over the cross and then he would tell the priest that he was done. The priest was happy and would thank him for all the stuff he had did to help him solve the request. THen he would tell Caius he would want to check the spirits so he would go and he would follow Caius and then they would go and would head to the downstairs and that was below the church and then they would head down the steps and then Caius would show them the room where the spirits were and he would see that the spirts were trapped in the room and the preist would thank Caius again. The talismans were sealing them and the pirest would make sure that they were checked so they were in the proper place. He would check the seals that Caius put on the wall and then he would check the first seal and then he would check the second seal and then he would check the third seal and then he would check the fourth seal and then he would check the fifth seal and then he would check the sixth seal and then he would check the seventh seal and then he would check the eighth seal and then he would check the ninth seal and then he would check the final seal which was the 10th seal. All of the seals were in place and set correctly so the spirits wouldn't be able to get out and would be trapped in there while the priest would kneel down. The priest said a few words for the spirits and then he would head upstairs and get the rewards. He would walk down and he would hand Caius the jewels and he would see that it was less than it advertised. This pissed him off as he wanted the money. Caius figured he would hustle this priest by causing some mayhem so that's what he was going to do.


Hi I'm Caius

What Lies Beneath-Caius[NQ S-Rank]    Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 2:29 pm

Since the priest decided to short him on the jewels, Caius was about to cause some trouble. When the priest went back upstairs to get more equipment to help purge the spirits, he would start to remove the seals one by one and then the seal that was holding the spirits in would start to break. The spirits would notice the holy barrier cracking and would start to bash against it. Then they would keep bashing until finally they were able to break free of it and escape. They started to fly around shrieking when the priest came down the steps and was freaking out because they were free again. Caius would walk up to him and pick up the priest by the shirt and tell him he can seal them but he needs all the money this time. The priest would say fine and would head upstairs and got to the donation basket and would pull out the rest of the money that he owed Caius for doing all the work. And they thought Caius was corrupt when the church was just as bad. Exploiting all these religious folks for their cash in promise of some God bullshit. Once Caius got the money he would then count it to make sure it was correct and then he would thank the priest. Instead of sealing the spirits, he told the priest to kick rocks and deal with it himself. The priest was mad and started to swear at Caius as the spirits started to knock stuff over and destroy the church but Caius just laughed at it. He would leave the priest at the mercy of the evil spirits as he took his cash and would head out the church.


Hi I'm Caius

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