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The Good Doctor [Storyline]

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The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:08 pm



Forsaken Daughter

“I had hoped that it would not have come to this,” Aegir said, her words cold beneath her breath as she peered over the shaken body of Vyra, the red iris settling upon the corpse of the woman laid out upon the table. Her eyes settled there for a time before eventually returning to that of Vyra. The Demi-Human said nothing throughout, simply looking at the woman, her mind flashing to only moments earlier, the desire to have wished that the situation did not play out as it had being all the more reinforced. An eerie silence filled the room, broken occasionally only by the small readjusting one of the guards’ muskets, more properly aiming it directly at Vyra.

“That should not be necessary,” the pale woman said with an almost dismissive tone as her hand gently guided one of the muskets most easily within reach, pushing it downwards towards the ground. The other guards whom had their weapons raised all began to follow suit, some faster than others, but eventually all of them had lowered their weapons, as well as having moved to better enclose Vyra. Despite this shift in formation, none moved closer to Vyra, except for the pale woman who moved only a step closer, there being less than a meter’s distance between her and the Demi-Human. “Have you anything to say for this?”

“I did not want this,” Vyra said. It was dismissive perhaps, certainly not the answer that some of the guards surrounding the woman wanted to hear, their shifts in posture and gestures seeming to be indicative of that.

For the woman though, it seemed satisfactory, or at the bare minimum, expected. “I do not doubt that. Tragic as it is, they brought this fate upon themselves.” The coldness in her words was off-putting, even by those who were directly beneath her in terms of authority. Barely had the pale woman glanced towards the two guards whose bodies remained in the positions that they died, no efforts or concern towards a proper resting given. “But, that said, I cannot allow this to go unheeded. Take her away.”

Vyra at first expected the guards to move towards her, but instead she found herself becoming extremely weak, her legs giving out from beneath her, everything seeming to go black quickly as she struggled to maintain consciousness. Though expecting to fall, Vyra found herself still upright despite the strength being depleted from her. In the last moments of her consciousness, she glanced her head slightly, seeing the things, the same shadowy things that she had thought that she had briefly seen back in the alleyway.

But before she could so much as get a second look or even pose the question, she drifted into unconsciousness.


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:56 pm



Forsaken Daughter

At some point she awoke, her body aching in what could only be described as a complete and utter draining of any strength. The basic act of moving her legs, her arms, summoning the strength to even so much as stand up seemed all but impossible. Her only solace came in the form of her being propped against the thick steel bars of their cell, her back pressed against them as to allow her a chance to adequately see everything going on.

Turning her head, surprisingly having enough strength to do so, Vyra could see Seras, the older woman whom had become her closest confidant throughout this experience, tending to her body, massaging Vyra’s left arm. As the woman looked up to see Vyra looking at her, she could not help but flash a reassuring smile, “You’re awake!”

Vyra tried to sit up, barely registering movement within her body before Seras seemed to gently grip the woman, “Don’t strain yourself!” Her hand gently caressed the Demi-Human’s hair, “You need time to recover, it will take a little bit of time. But fortunately, doesn’t seem that she hit you too hard.”

“What… What happened?” Vyra asked groggily, still struggling to get back to her senses, having gone through perhaps the closest thing to an out of body experience that she has had while being in control.

“I suspect the woman, the tall woman with the pale skin and the white hair. That is what she does, that is the power of her Magic. She steals the vitality of those around her, turns it into things, illusions, not quite sure what you would wish to call them. I imagine she decided to use that Magic on you. Obviously not enough to kill you, but certainly to render you weak, temporarily only, fortunate for you.” Hearing Seras describe the Magic of the pale woman, it was terrifying to Vyra. She had reason to hate her own Magic, it being something of living death, the idea of sickness turned into a tangible power, but even her Magic did not have such a cost like that. Even with how she was feeling right now after being exposed to it only for a moment, it left her wondering how much worse it stood to be.

“Her Magic can do that? That, that seems, can Magic even be used like that?” In the past two years, Vyra had come to better understand the world of Magic far more than she ever did when she had first met Alisa, but it still barely touched the surface of what was possible. There was just something to what Seras described of it; the capability to use whatever source of origin that mages typically use but instead using the life force of those around her, it seemed crazy even within the confines of the world of Magic. “How… how can you be sure?”


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:32 am



Forsaken Daughter

“Sadly, I have seen it firsthand,” Seras began, taking a deep breath as she recounted a troubled memory of her past. “When we first arrived, two of the companions I traveled with. Young men, ambitious and headstrong to the bitter end. Hal and Franz I believe were their names; sadly I did not get a chance to know them well.” Vyra frowned listening to the story. “When they took us in, the two of them stood up to that woman…” Seras took another deep breath, “Hal went down first. His legs went from under him and he just went down with a wet thud… Franz… Franz barely was able to reach for a weapon before the illusion had a knife across his throat.”

Vyra didn’t know what to say, watching as the older woman struggled to hold back tears as she recounted the events. “And she just stood there, watching it with complete indifference. I remember watching her kick Franz’s body, you know, with a tap of her foot, and when she knew he was dead, she just looked at us. Almost like she was challenging us to take her on.” Seras shook her head, removing the memories, erasing the thought of what she had previously endured. Glancing to Vyra, she put on a weak smile, teary eyes looking at her with a face that pleaded to be believed.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” Vyra said, at a loss for words. Seras had seldom brought up the group she had traveled with prior to their capture by the pale woman. Having heard that, knowing the manner in which Seras had arrived, the greeting that they received, and that likely there were others that followed the first two of her group, Vyra could not help but be impressed at the woman’s resolve. Most others would have certainly given up hope, but Seras seemed unnerved by it all.

The woman could not help but smile at Vyra’s concern and as she looked upon the Demi-Human, she gently caressed the girl’s cheek with the backside of her hand. “Your attention, being an outlet for me, is all that was required. And I very grateful for you. Now,” Seras stood, briefly moving to the other side of the cell, reaching for one of the more comfortable blankets that lined the flooring of the cell, draping it over Vyra, “You get some rest. A day’s time, perhaps less, and you should be moving again like nothing happened.”

Uninterested, nor able, to try to argue with Seras, Vyra shut her eyes, what energy was left of her draining by the second as she felt the faint sense of warmth as the blanket pressed against her. The warm, wet feeling of a pair of lips kissing atop her forehead was the last thing she could recall before drifting off to sleep.


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:24 pm



Forsaken Daughter

Some time passed, however much not quite clear. Even the somewhat standard practices that Vyra and Seras could have relied to get a rough guess of the time like the two underwhelming meals provided to them no longer being as applicable. It seemed that whatever routine that they had been on, since the incident surrounding Vyra and the redheaded woman during their discussion – if it could even be called as such – the response towards her had gotten worse and worse. Any sort of ailments were outright ignored, if not celebrated instead. The quantity of food given seemed to be less, but it was hard to say entirely with the time between them being longer and longer, almost seeming to the pint where a meal may have been given once a day at the most.

The pair of Seras and Vyra managed despite that. Even under the worst circumstances, the woman did what she could to ensure the well-being of Vyra, in what limited capacity she were able to. As time went, Vyra started to see similarities between her and Alisa, at least in some capacity the same features. Per both though, Vyra felt safe in their company. It made having encountered this sort of hell tolerable, knowing that she had someone like Seras at this point who was there enduring it alongside her.

The day set to appear no different than what the others had been up to this point. To a terrible degree it being that it was something that Seras was wholly used to, and that Vyra was coming to find herself accustomed towards. The routine, perhaps more than anything else. The actual treatment left her with a more mixed feeling. It was not much different than when she was struggling to survive on her own, but it was a far cry from how her life had been for the past two years. This surreal, almost out of body experience was one that she doubted she would be fully accustomed to no matter how long she was imprisoned for.

What she expected to be just another guard, reluctantly bringing them the poor food that they regarded as sufficient enough, instead Vyra was caught off guard by the sounds of multiple sets of feet walking towards the cell. Looking up, to her utter shock – and perhaps similarly that of Seras – just on the other side of the cell stood the pale woman, looking down upon Vyra, flanked on either side by what could have been easily half a dozen guards or so in total.

“Your presence is required, so I would hope that this can be dealt with in the safest way possible.” The woman looked right at Vyra, her eyes neither indicating malice or scorn. They were simply voids. “Wouldn’t you agree?”


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:27 pm



Forsaken Daughter

An awkward silence filled the air. Nobody seemed to speak, only watching as all of the other actors did the same. It was a game of chicken to some degree. Vyra watched the pale woman whilst she watched over both the Demi-Human and Seras. Meanwhile, the guards who encircled them all similarly seemed to watch with equal amounts anticipation and fear.

Finally, the silence was broken by the pale woman. “Stand please. We stand behind things as it is; no need for further distractions.” With a hint of dissatisfaction she tilted her head, eyes peering down upon Vyra with disdain, almost like that of a pet owner disciplining an unruly dog. “Must I give you proper assistance?” At the mere mention of that, it seemed that everyone had suddenly sprung to life; the guards seemed to become fully alarmed, some even taking a step or so back out of fear for their own safety. Even Seras seemed to become animated, shooting upright into a standing position which put her nearly at eye-level with the pale woman, the suddenness of it surprising not only Vyra, but also the guards.

“You will do no such thing to that girl!” The woman barked out to the pale woman, Vyra left utterly speechless at the display. Never had Seras demonstrated such passion, such fury towards anyone. That she chose to now, choosing to be confrontation towards none other than the pale woman herself, all in the name of Vyra’s defense, it left the Demi-Human at a complete loss for words and beyond thankful. Whether the guards felt the same, their behavior certainly did not seem to indicate that; nearly every one of them had moved back now, fearful of what was about to happen.

The pale woman did not seem to respond much towards Seras’ outburst, simply staring her down. She kept her gaze fixed upon Seras’, a test of wills of sorts being played out between the two of them. Finally, after some amount of time that seemed to move infinitely slow, Vyra could make out the faintest look of a curve upon the woman’s mouth. A weak smile appeared, followed shortly thereafter by a weak chuckle. “Fine, but she goes with them,” the slightest turn of the head was indicative enough of whom she meant, meaning the guards whose focus had collectively turned towards Vyra. “And you, you stay here.”

Though she wished to protest, Seras seemed to know the futility of it. No doubt if she were to go against such a demand, the pale woman may well have stood to inflict some act upon Vyra for no other reason to prove a point. She had achieved more in her confrontation than what most stood to have achieved; to push it further was a serious risk. “Fine,” Seras muttered with disdain, obviously not happy that she could not be there with Vyra. Taking a quick hold of Vyra, she embraced the girl in a tight, but quick hug, her eyes fixated the entire time upon the pale woman, “Don’t worry. Nothing shall come of you, my dear.”


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:40 am



Forsaken Daughter

There was something different about the walk down the dimly-lit hallway that Vyra could not get out of her mind. Perhaps it was the behavior that the guards had exhibited to her over the past seemingly several days, the coldness of their actions, the general contempt that it seemed that they felt towards her. Maybe it was the nature of her escort party itself, rather than the typical up to maybe a handful of guards, instead she found herself completely surrounded. Guards monitored and walked in formation around her, their positioning more resembling that of a clock’s hours than anything else. It left her feeling ever increasingly vulnerable, knowing that not neither a single part of their enclosure left no spots in which she may have been able to make a retreat if she were so prompted to, nor would there be a lack of targets for them to strike upon her if it came to it.

Whether the thought may have been there, Vyra did not wish to risk it. There was something that wasn’t right, particularly with the guards and how they were viewing her now. Since the incident with the redheaded woman that saw her and two of their fellow guards dead, Vyra had been panicked over the idea that one of them may seek to bring about retaliation for that event. Perhaps paranoid to a degree, but even here with what little space was provided by their claustrophobic inducingly tight security, the fear of suddenly feeling a knife within her back or side or gut was among of the things more recurring within her mind.

Some point later, Vyra unable to quite tell how long later, the escort seemed to stop. Breaking from their original formation, the armed guards aligned themselves along either side of Vyra, four to a side while two remained behind her and two in front to open another of the huge metal doors that had become commonplace here. A heavy push forced Vyra forward as she began walking, feeling infinitely smaller with each passing set of eyes that focused on her moving past. Before too long, she found herself in another room, not too much different than that of where she had ended up upon first arriving in this place. A near perfect mirror of the room which held the grotesque creature that Vyra had encountered, only this time were a few small differences.

The plethora of guards who seemed to be inside, watching what was going on from a sort of observation ring that had been built above the more open area. It also had the feeling of an arena, with an audience set to watch whatever was to happen below, presumably with Vyra. Beyond that, the lighting seemed to be more plentiful within this room, Vyra actually able to see everything that was going on within the main floor than the other where a faint little flickered in and out, occasionally hiding the room to darkness. It also revealed perhaps the most striking contrast; the almost dozen or so people – men, women, and elderly – all naked and in various states of emancipation, scattered to the corners of the main area where Vyra now stood within, as much terrified of her as they were terrified of the guards around.


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:38 am



Forsaken Daughter

A noise echoed through the room, causing the starving lot to recoil in expected terror, and though it did not deliver the same reaction of Vyra, she could feel a slight chill down her spine as the pale woman spoke. “You’re here. I’m glad,” the pale woman’s tone felt off. There were frustrations in it, though whether it were directed towards Vyra, it was not possible to know for certain. “And you did it without there being any issue. Truly, it’s a welcoming sight to know both you can agree to terms set and that my people can execute their commands without issue.”

The subtly in the woman’s voice was gone. It was clear now, both Vyra and the guards were the source of her frustrations. But as to why the latter may have fallen into the woman’s disfavor was unclear and unlikely something that Vyra would ever stand to know. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’ve earned the honor of such an audience, aren’t you, Demi-Human?” The way in which the pale woman said Demi-Human, it did not come off as so much an insult or belittlement, but rather in a warped manner, almost could have been regarded as a term of endearment. Within the context though of the rest of the remark, considering the numerous guards whom were watching – many of whom who had been of her escort having joined their ranks too now – and the starving people around her, it hardly felt like a compliment.

The pale woman sneered, as much observing Vyra’s reaction to everything happening as she was taking in the guards’ reactions, equally focusing on their words and reactions to everything as she was their body movements. “Yurie’s death weighs heavy on the men beneath me. Your actions have not gone unnoticed and the calls for some punishment have not ceased. Thus,” she threw out her arms in an almost showman-like gesture, treating everything before her as some sort of game, “I have prepared a little game for you. The rule is very simple. Survive and you win. Seem simple enough?”

Vyra simply stood there, watching the woman, waiting for something else. Eventually as time passed, it dawned on her that the pale woman was actually waiting for a response from Vyra. It was so out of character to how their engagements had been before. For once, it was almost as though this woman was treating her as an equal, even if it were for some sick enjoyment. As she nodded her head, she could see the smile form upon the pale woman’s lips.

“Good. Oh, but I forgot something very important. This will be not be like our typical games have been. I’ve brought a friend with me who’ll be changing up the rules a little bit. I’m just you’ll end up enjoying it,” the smile faded from her face, “And I’m sure those who question me moving forward will come to know just what happens.”


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:18 am



Forsaken Daughter

She turned towards a figure who was largely hidden by the natural darkness within the room, “Step forward doctor. Show the people your work.”

A man stepped forward, decrepit in his movements. It was evident that the most minor of gestures took some level of physical toll upon his body, but it did not seem to show given the look on his face. Instead, there was a wicked smile, one that when paired with the intricate and overly-complex spectacles that took up much of his face, gave way for a truly frightening look. This was only further accentuated by the ragged-looking robes that he was wearing, almost as though he himself had been pulled out of some sort of cell.

By the time he was standing beside the pale woman, Vyra noticed something that somehow had been hidden in sight until now; an orb, rich in a pale, yellowish-white color. Richly illuminated, it was as though he were carrying a light within the darkness, but in reality it as much disappeared behind the dark veil of the room. However, that all changed as he ran his hand over it, bony fingers leaving behind almost glowing streaks along the orb’s surface. From the streaks there became more intense glowing, when finally there was what could have been described as an explosion of light, the sensation being both too captivating for anyone – Vyra included – to take their eyes off of it, while at the same time being utterly terrifying of what stood to happen next.

As suddenly as it happened, the light faded away. The room returned to the same lighting that it had before. Vyra felt no different, nor did the guards seem to have changed at all. Everyone looked at one another, wondering aloud if they felt different. Amidst the cacophony of questions and wonderment, the old, decrepit-looking man let out a faint, phlegmy laugh; a laugh that could not help but draw in the attention of those around at the sheer disgust of it all. “It is done, Aegir… Behold, your newest toys!”

Sounds of gurgles and faint, deep growls hit Vyra like a live-wire, causing her eyes to open, her entire body to tense as a fear crept through her as to what it may have been. Slowly turning around, she realized it was exactly as feared.

The men and women whom seemed to be regarded as nothing more than livestock were now behaving like zombies. Their faces were blank, their expressions that of rabid creatures than human. It begged the question of if they were even truly alive anymore. Vyra took a step back and it seemed to suddenly register to all of them of her existence. Looking at her with bloodlust, they all began to creep towards her, the low-pitched growls becoming far more aggressive and vicious in nature.

“Let the game begin. Survive them…”


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:37 pm



Forsaken Daughter

Vyra took several steps back, fearful of each that it would be the acting agent to cause the rabid people to strike at her. Equally fear-inducing was what exactly prompted such a response out of the people, not so much wondering the origin as it was apparent enough from the display that it was whatever orb creation the old, weak-looking man possessed, but rather the question was what exactly it had done to them. There seemed to no longer be any reason towards them, no intelligent thought, no heed for their own well-being.

The only thing on their mind was the collective destruction of Vyra.

A part of her wanted to run. Given how weak they seemed, she felt it would not have been tough to outrun them. Though she may not have been able to tell for quite how long they had been held captive, Vyra knew at least that she was – despite her own respective treatment – still in better total health than what condition they were in prior to all of this. It was only when she turned her head, making sure that it would have been a straight shot to the door did she realize the two flaws in her plan.

The first was that the guards were all watching her. This was as much a show for them as it was anything else. The likelihood that Vyra was to just run away no doubt would have inspired them to pursue her. And if they caught her, what was to say that they did not just feed her to those people?

The second, was the fact that the door was locked.

It was at that point that felt like her heart fell to despair. And as though to coincide perfectly, so too did the light fade from her eyes, blackness overtaking her as her other personality took hold.

“Just what are you supposed to be,” Vyra asked aloud, morbidly curious towards the people. Her reaction seemed a stark contrast to that of Vyra’s beforehand, and it seemed something that the guards watching also seemed to take notice of. Though they did not interact or otherwise interfere with what was going, there were no shortages of looks exchanged between them to this development.


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:53 pm



Forsaken Daughter

She watched; her eyes fixated upon the group of them. She had no way to know their situation, the plights or mistakes that they had made to wind up the victims of this sort of fate. Maybe some deserved it. There was no shortage of people who deserved to suffer a hell like this. Maybe they had been just like Vyra, having fallen victim to whatever sick game that landed them all like this.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps it was just dumb luck.

Vyra did not concern herself with it though. It was perhaps something interesting to think about, but that was the extent of it. What was clear was simple, Aegir had put her in this position, perhaps for the purposes of entertaining the guards, perhaps to prove a point, even that wasn’t entirely clear. What Vyra was confident though was that Vyra was no in real threat. Even the creature that she had encountered once before, arguably that was a greater threat to Vyra than these people were. She looked up to the enclave that Aegir was standing upon, flashing her a wicked smile along with a casual wink.

This was to prove a point. She had the capability to create this out of people. But not just to illustrate the point to Vyra, but to her guards as well.

She intended on proving a point of her own.

Drawing her hand up to her neck, there came a wicked smile upon Vyra’s face as she felt the nails begin to rake into her skin, small amounts of blood beginning to pour onto her fingers, the rest blending into a red smear that covered part of her throat. It paled in relevancy to the tendrils of blood that formed around Vyra, which with a flick of the wrist she propelled outwards towards the group, suddenly erupting into a tornado of bloody tendrils that ripped the people apart. Void of their humanity, the sounds of the people sounded more like grunts and groans obfuscated by mouths, tongues, throats being shredded than that of actual people crying out in pain.

As all of this occurred, Aegir could not help but smirk at what was happening, enjoying the show being put on by Vyra.


Spells [2400/2600]

Name: Infected Blood
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Living Plague; Debuff (Offensive); Mana Burn (Offensive)
Type: Offensive
Element: Darkness
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Vyra rakes her hand upon her neck, causing a Magic Seal to form beneath her. During this, streams of a sickly-looking blood will pour down her arm towards the ground. At the same time, the blood will pseudo-harden into numerous strains that encircle around Vyra. She can control the tendrils to coalesce together into a large tendril having a diameter of 2 meters which can travel outwards at a target within range, at which point upon contact with the target it will erupt into a whirlwind of the bloody tendrils that encompasses a total diameter of 8 meters, inflicting A-Rank damage to anyone that comes into contact with the tendrils as well as causing them to suffer an A-Rank debuff to their Constitution attribute for one post.

A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:22 pm



Forsaken Daughter

With the sounds of the rabid people put down, there was something of a silence that occupied the makeshift arena.

At least until the sound of clapping became the only thing heard.

“And wouldn’t you know, you won,” Aegir said with a hint of sarcasm and belittlement in her voice, a weak smile on her face as she looked down on Vyra. “It would seem that you have survived your encounter. Would only seem appropriate now that she be returned to her cell, wouldn’t you agree?” Though at first talking to Vyra, her other comments directed towards that of the guards who had been watching now in a state of bewilderment, they only seemed to further infuriate them.

“No! We were promised revenge! YOU promised us revenge!” One of the guards barked out at Aegir, making no attempt to quell their anger.

“I agreed to allow you a chance to see Yurie avenged. I never promised anything. I presented the girl a chance to redeem herself and she won.”

“Only because you wanted her to live!” Another guard bellowed out.

“Yeah, if you wanted it fair, you would have allowed us a chance at her!”

“Yeah,” a fourth guard called out, “Let us fight her!”

“No,” Aegir said, the frustration completely apparent in her voice now. “You had a chance, you agreed to this, and you lost. Now, return her to her cell.”

A fifth and sixth guard seemed to join in the apparent rebellion, “Why should we? Just so she can forever taunt us by living?”

Aegir sighed, “So what then? Do you all want to have your hand against the goat-girl? Is that it? You are willing to openly defy me in favor of satisfying some foolish sense of pride and atonement?” She carefully watched over the responses to the guards who had all begun to protest earlier, and upon seeing all of them nod in agreement, some of them clearly more sure of their decisions than others, Aegir nodded her head slightly in agreement.

“Very well then. Just know you’ve made this decision.”

There was a calmness that seemed to fall over everyone, then suddenly the guards felt weak, some of them falling to one knee, others struggling to maintain their balance. For each of those who wished to confront Vyra, there appeared an illusion of Aegir that materialized just beside them. In each of their hands, what could have only been described as a sharp knife. One by one, each guard issued out a grunt in pain as the illusion of Aegirs all plunged their blades within their chests.

“If you wish to fight her, go on ahead. That though,” Aegir snidely said as she pointed towards the open wounds that many of the guards were now clutching, “is the price for your insubordination. Go, have your fight. Those who realize their mistake may seek medical attention. Those who don’t, I don’t care.”

Uninterested in what was to come next, Aegir turned her back and headed on her way, knowing what the outcome stood to be. As far as she was concerned, it did not matter if any of them stood to survive their encounter. She got what she wanted out of this whole encounter. The board was now set, the pieces were all in place. All that was left for was Aegir to play her hand once and for all.


A Soul Divided


The Good Doctor [Storyline] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:37 pm



Forsaken Daughter

Vyra couldn’t help but watch the little engagement between Aegir and her guards. It was delightful really, finally a chance to see this woman who carried herself like she controlled everything suddenly being met with some sort of confrontation. Vyra was almost disappointed to see it come to an end, but she did admire how Aegir chose to finish her little presentation. Forcing those who didn’t obey her to challenge Vyra with two impediments – the initial effect of Aegir’s Magic weakening them and then the mortal wound being inflicted upon them afterwards – was almost certainly a death sentence. Likely those guards who spoke up did not expect that to happen, but after the fact, they likely realized how grave of an error they had made.

All the same, they entered into the arena, the impact of Aegir’s Magic taking their toll immediately. Though the guards likely should have been in physical shape to put up a fight with Vyra, even despite her Magic, with the combination of afflictions that they were suffering from, it was almost as though being up against Vyra was more an act of mercy than anything else.

“Tell me,” Vyra taunted the group, watching them sluggishly move towards her, struggling to muster enough strength to put up some sort of fight, “How does it feel knowing that the girl you’re all going to die for never loved any of you?” She took a step forward, more interested to make them regret their decision than simply just allowing them to die on their terms. “Some of you people are just outright stupid,” Vyra said coldly as she lifted up her forearm to run her tongue along it, causing the faint purple gas to build around her.

She didn’t even have to put up much of a fight herself, as simply walking through them was proving to be enough. The guards, already having one foot in the grave at the hand of Aegir, were left with little capability to fight against the airborne Plague that filled the room, each step that they took hyper accelerating their rate of death. Only one of them even managed to get somewhat close to Vyra before finally the last bit of their life was snuffed out from them. It was a slaughter and the Demi-Human could not help but laugh in delight at the scene, laugh at the foolishness of the guards for thinking they would still win. But beyond the laughter, there was a part of her that wondered just how much had Aegir had taken out of them. She had not seen the full extent of the woman’s Magic, and to seemingly erase a threat like what these guards were without so much as a drop of a sweat, it made her wonder just how strong the woman truly was.

Once her Magic ceased, a small battalion of guards, perhaps another dozen or so had arrived with rifles pointed towards her. Smiling, Vyra could not help but feel foolish at the idea that Aegir was simply going to allow her to leave once all was said and done. They had an agreement, at least in principle, and if what the guards said was true, it seems that Aegir had agreed to Vyra’s terms, even if she did not want to say it. Holding her hands up in a mocking gesture, she followed the guards as they planned to bring her back to her cell.


Spells [2200/2600]

Name: Miasma
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Living Plague; Debuff (Offensive); Mana Burn (Offensive)
Type: Offensive
Element: Darkness
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Vyra licks her arm from about her forearm up through her wrist, causing a Magic Seal to form beneath her. During this, her saliva will materialize into a purple taint that begins to decompose itself into a gaseous substance having a diameter of 1 meter that surrounds the air around her. Upon gesturing her arm towards a target, the cloud will move towards a target, erupting either upon contact, reaching maximum range, or otherwise prematurely by Vyra performing another action with her arm such as the clenching of her fist. On eruption, the gas will spread outwards and cover a diameter of 8 meters, inflicting A-Rank damage to anyone struck or otherwise enter within the cloud, also suffering an A-Rank debuff to their Constitution attribute for one post.

A Soul Divided

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