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Kaito the investigator (Solo C-Rank)

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Kaito the investigator (Solo C-Rank) Empty Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:36 am


Kaito walks down  Sakura alley looking for where Weirdlock could be so he can meet for the request he sent out, he heads toward a crime scene to see what is going on only to see Weirdlock is on the scene Kai walks up, upon seeing Weirdlock, he sees Kaito waving him and calling him over to help him with the case. Feeling there is more to this Kai goes to Weirdlock and is handed a magic magnifying glass and Kai looks through it and is surprised by what becomes clear to him in nearly an instant, blood types and finger prints and a closer look at the neck wound the body has which looks like a quick in and out stab wound to an unexpecting victim no sign of hesitation in the wound so they meant to kill swiftly.

Weirdlock shows Kai more of the body, showing him what he needs to take note of and how to take note of them like belongings, rather the body seems posed or not and where prints are Kai notes the ground looks like there might have been more people around this scene but no signs of a struggle before them on the ground at least one matching the shoes this victim was wearing but a size and a half smaller. I think this person had a friend with them when this happened. Looks like they legged it out when their friend got stabbed. Weirdlock looks at where kai is pointing and nods in agreement to his statement like agreeing they should look around a little more that the case is still young and fresh ripe for the picking to tie this into a nice bow for him to report.

Looking around with the magic magnifying glass, he sees what seems like a trail of faint evidence in the form of foot prints of where the other pair of shoes went in a rush which was told by the print looking like it had slid a little on the moist ground. Following it Kai sees the trail leads slightly off the path past the brush. Kai walks closer to the area he thinks is the path forward while keeping the glass up to his masked eye observing what he can Hoping maybe they will find this one alive to question. Kai ends up stumbling upon the second body laying there with some of the same signs of the first body, finger prints and blood only in the same spots, it seems like he was killed mid step then was slightly dragged to hide the body from the normal passer by to not find it like a game from the killer themselves.

(W/C 449/1000)


Kaito the investigator (Solo C-Rank) Empty Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:38 am


Kai takes note of the belongings, wallet still having money, keys still in their pocket and their jewelry still on their body and signs of any teeth being there and not missing to hide anything, so it wasn't a robbery it just looks like plain old murder with the same way M.O. as the death of the first body a stab to the back of the neck clean in and out no sign of hesitation in the wound. Weirdlock observes this and he taps his chin then a grim look crosses his face, Kai wonders if he is gonna find out what the wonder Weirdlock might have just realized or if he will have to wait to find out. Kai gives the second body another once over for anything he might have missed over the first look he did, Weirdlock calling his attention to him as if to exclaim something.

This is the modus operandi of the Black Dragons, they are a yakuza gang here in the city, and they are pretty bad news if you cross them. So you better stay on the straight and narrow mister Kaito Kai looking back to the second body sees a note grasped in the fist of the body and he slides it out of the firmly clutched hand of the body. Kai holds the note with the drawing on it over to Weirdlock, who takes the note from Kai looking at the note he looks perplexed by the drawing not yet understanding what it means. Weirdlock calls over the guards who rush over in force to guard the body from outside people wishing to mess with the evidence or the scene and has Kai help them to gather the info and evidence up to be taken off.

Kai watches Weirdlock tuck the note into his own back pocket like he is hiding it from the guards but he trusts in Weirdlock so he doesn't speak up. Weirdlock fills the guards in on what he has found out so far in a voice filled with vigor. It appears that we might have some gang fighting going on between the White Star yakuza gang and the Black Dragons, Or an assassination to prove something. All I can really tell is the first was caught by surprise, his follow member left him to die to flee, them having no mercy chased after him and finished him leaving us no witnesses, but a good amount of finger prints and evidence to work with, if it isn't a set up. Weirdlock looks Happy with himself but kai feels a little uneasy about how Weirdlock hid the drawing so quickly wondering if he has a good reason to hide it.

The guards looking like they are fulfilled in the requirement to pay Weirdlock hands him a pretty good sized purse for his trouble, who then pays Kai with a smile. Kai takes his payment but wonders if maybe Weirdlock is in on this in some way because he had hidden the drawing which looked like a very important clue, but he doesn't think Weirdlock is one to play double agent with the bad guys he is conflicted to what to do or to just watch and see how it plays out. Figuring he doesn't have the power or authority to do anything about it hands the magic magnifying glass back to Weirdlock then walks off.

(W/C +568=1017/1000

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