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Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone

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Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Empty Thu May 27, 2021 1:14 am


Tempris once again was wandering through the city. Yesterday, the guild’s messengers were busy around her room discussing the movements the organization known as the Cold Colliers. The group was formed after an explosion went off in a mine and many people died or were injured. This sparked the angst of a small group of people who proceeded to seek their own vengeance. The group leader was a man that went by Mattoro who was a former Foreman. Tempris had been assistance in their efforts for revenge so any and all movements and actions of the group was passed to her. Out of all the task assigned to her, she felt the first one was the best. Being able to explode things just felt great, if only she could use magic that had such effects. The amount of cleansing she could do.

Either way, here she was. She wore a white veil with a gold band on her forehead. Her battle dress today was much more decorated, being white with gold frills on the skirt which fell to her thighs. Gold symbols of Illumin circled her white sleeves near her shoulders. Shortly before the fabric reached her bicep, the sleeve’s color transition from white to gold. It turned fully gold once it reached her bicep and cut off at her Joint. The shirt section of her dress had a deep cut that shaped a “V” which bottomed out right below her sternum. White laces supported the cut, preventing the dress from spreading any wider. The Cut itself revealed a dull golden undershirt which had a very low turtle neck. A golden ring circled her chest where the bottom of the “V” cut of the dressed formed. This ring was no more than an inch wide. The frills of the skirt went from her waist to the bottom of the skirt and there was a total of 7 lines.

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Empty Thu May 27, 2021 1:14 am


A holy number. The back of the skirt had a Silver hook which held up her Blade on her back. Tempris wore white opaque stockings and her Boots were white with gold plates to protect the white leather. The soles of the shoes were also made of a Gold dyed rubber like material. With the new money she’s been earning from this man’s assignments, Tempris felt like showing off a bit more than usual. After all. She was the Illumin’s Herald of Rapture. She wore her trusting Phasing cloak, a black piece of fabric that covered her collar like a scarf and had two sashes that hanged from the collar in front of her and behind her. She also had her Black plague mask hanging around her neck.

Suddenly, Tempris heard her name called by a voice in the alley way. It was a similar voice from a similar alleyway, Mattoro. Tempris entered the place, and applaud the man for not making the same mistake twice. Still, she scowled at the man annoyed by all this secrecy. It reminded her of that bloody doctor though she never did get to figure out how that situation was handled. It was just extra. The man took noticed and skipped the small talk.
“I want you to take out Giroud.”
Tempris chuckled, “I won’t do another poison run. It’s not holy and it cheats people from being freed through the holy flames. It only adds more suffering and very boring.”
The man smiled, “No problem. We don’t have enough information to employ that method again. Plus, Giroud is sure to be more observant since one of his allies died.”

The man began to explain his plan. He wanted Tempris to take a knife he given her and stab the contractor in the heart with sad knife in an alley way so that nobody would notice. Tempris could bet behind most of that plan except for the whole stabbing someone in the heart.

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Empty Thu May 27, 2021 1:14 am


Like that would make him bleed and Tempris was not about blood. It was dirty, disgusting, and just ewww. The man chuckled, before explaining the importance of the tool. See, this knife had a special note attached to it that as set to reveal itself once it was in a certain location. Tempris questioned what was in the note but the man kept that a secret. For now, she needed to find a way to get this knife into the contractor’s chest when he is alone in an alley. As she began thinking, she realized something. She didn’t need to kill the man with the knife. She just needed the knife there with him when he died.
“Sure. I’ll help you get rid of this man. Another soul to free from this world, on my terms.” Tempris remarked before adding her signature sinister grin. With that she left the alley way prepare to find this man.

Tempris would start her search from the pub. Why, because she knew she was going to need a drink to start off the day. One warm glass of milk later and she was out of the bar looking for the great contractor whose days were numbered. She walked along the city at first, just walking through random alley ways and streets. Do did not have a plan as she believed her faith in destiny would eventually have the two meet. Also, the sun was out and the sky was clear. The day was warm and it was nice to be out and about relaxing. Soon it was noon and there was no sign of the man. Maybe it was time to take destiny into her own hands.

Climbing onto some of the buildings did get her yelled at but she didn’t care. She needed a little height since it was hard to see past so many tall adults. If people did bother her too much, then maybe it was fate that they met Illumin a little early. Still, most people left her alone. This gave her enough peace and quiet to finally locate the target, and locate did she ever.

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Empty Thu May 27, 2021 1:14 am


The man entered the building she was on top of. Tempris watched and then followed him from afar to every shop he visited until he ended up at the mines.The man entered the mines, alone for some reason. Tempris was trailing him from behind but with so few people around, it was growing tedious. It was time for the sinner to be purge, though she would still have to go easy on the fire. She couldn’t completely turn him to ash but that didn’t mean he would not suffer such a damning faith as his ally. No, Tempris had a plan, one that would give the man the best baptism she could offer without breaking the rules of the client.

She pulled her sword from her back and slammed the ground. The ringing metal sang after the ground grunted, alerting the man. He turned around as saw a small figure with a flaming sword walking to him. He immediately recognized the danger and went for his pockets. However, he didn’t have any devices to alert his workers that he needed help. It was a shame he left it in the first shop he was in when get got his coat replaced. Somebody should of told him but he probably wasn’t well liked enough for others to care. Shame, when you bring misfortune to others, you too suffer. Some called it karma, but Tempris viewed it as retribution.

Still, Illumin forgave and so would she. All he had to do was give in the flames. She told him, gave him the offer. It would be quick and warm. He would get to feel Illumin’s love. However the man refused claiming that he wouldn’t let some brat do him in. Well, maybe Tempris wasn’t so forgiving to that. She rush the man sweeping her blade and removing his right foot.

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Empty Thu May 27, 2021 1:14 am


He tried to get away but fear made him hesitate. He fell and started crawling but Tempris slammed down her sword over the mans arm, cleanly chopping it at the joint. The separated arm and leg quickly burned away under the holy flames. The man cried, losing all hope as there was no way for him to escape. Tempris chuckled and placed her foot on his back.
“Dear lord, I offer to you another soul free from this miserable cold world. Please grant your forgiveness for we are all born in sin. Without the truth, we ignorantly given in and allow our bodies to become corrupted. Please grant this sinful man the stairway to your doorstep. Please allow my blade to cleanse him of sin.” Tempris impaled the man’s heart through his back. Then she quickly pulled the sword out as to limit the spread of fire so the man didn’t turn to ash. Sadly, the corpse would be left in the opening with the dagger impaled next to the mans face.

Tempris would then return and notify Mattoro of that the deed was done. Mattoro sighed a sigh of relieve knowing he got his vengeance and then he rewarded Tempris. No longer would he have to sleep knowing retribution was not given. No longer will he be the only one who had to suffer grief. It was not the most pleasant thing to happen but it had to be done. It had to be done for his people. For if he did not stop them, others might have lost just as much as Mattoro. Tempris accepted the reward and left the area. This time was a little better but she really disliked not being able to cleanse the man of his sins all at once. At the very least she didn’t let him leave this world suffering.

WC: 1500/1500

Tempris B-Rank: Baska City - A Heart of Stone Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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