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Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Took it For Granite

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Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Took it For Granite Empty Wed May 26, 2021 5:20 am


Tempris was minding her own business and taking a walk in the city. It was a lovely day. Birds were chirping. Kids were playing with their balls and toys. Tempris just scoffed at the them, so immature, so weak. They needed people to protect them. She was different. She could protect and defend herself. Sure, she did lose to that one man, Ika, but she did beat Rinni. So that meant she was still strong, independent. She had to be if she wanted to rid the world of sin, suffering, and save the poor souls as her soul was saved.

Tempris was wearing A white Veil with a gold cloth over her forehead. She had on a black combat dress with white frills on her skirt and the golden symbol of Illumin embroidered on her back. She wore brown boots with high black socks. Also on her back was a hook where she could hang her sword. It was the biggest key for protecting herself, that is until she develops some more spells. That would be a bit though as she was not sure how to best utilize her holy flames to purge sinners. Her sword was so effective, she was becoming over reliant on it. Before she could continue her thought, she felt a hand pull her into the alley.

“What the… So, you wish to see Illumin early?” The girl threaten after breaking away from the hand.
“Please don’t Ma’am, haha. I actually have a job for you.” The man spoke up revealing he was Mattoro. Tempris chuckled though kept her scowl. Reason aside, she did not like be grabbed randomly. The only think keeping her from jamming her sword through the man was the fact that she needed the money for this new cloak she saw in a shop.

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Took it For Granite Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Took it For Granite Empty Wed May 26, 2021 5:20 am


“I’m listening” she hissed, hoping her venom would burn the man’s ears.

The man explained that he wanted to go after the contractors but he could not risk revealing his men just yet. He had to still rally more people so that they could bear the full power down on Kalaus. To do this, he needed to stay back and protect his men and women. So, when Tempris inquired what that had to do with her, he explained that he needed her to put this poison in his body. Tempris asked how was she to do that? The man explained that Kalaus was going to be at a bar acting a fool. That would be the perfect time to slip it in his drink. This should be easy for her right. Tempris just stared at him. It was then that the man realized that she was not exactly the correct age group for the plan.
“You are so stupid… but fine whatever… I figure out how to make it work. I go to that place often so it won’t be too weird I suppose.” Still, she knew it would be rough to not stand out. Only through is Illumin’s will, will she be able to pull this off.

Tempris arrived at the pub opting to not wear her veil and let her hair hang down. She also wore a dark grey cloak to cover up the symbol on her dress. It was a rare moment for the girl and she could feel the eyes collecting on her. She crawled up to the bar, and with her best attempt to ignore the eyes, ordered a warm milk. She wasn’t sure how long she was going to have to wait so she quickly added a second milk to her order. Soon enough everyone relaxed and she was just another piece in the scene, must to her dismay. In reality she wanted everyone to be afraid of her so they would respect her more. Fear was how people showed respect.

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Took it For Granite Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Took it For Granite Empty Wed May 26, 2021 5:21 am


As she was ordering her 3rd drink, the man, the myth, the legend, Kalaus himself barged into the bar bring with him a sour mood. The cranky man was whining of being tired from so much work and was already yelling out orders of those funny drinks. The bartender wasted no time in serving him having a line of whines and boozes stacked in front of an empty seat beside her. The man plopped his tail right down without even acknowledging the girl. Maybe he didn’t recognize her. Then again, he was all fussy. He probably just didn’t care, keeping his eyes on his ever-revolving row of glasses. All the empty ones being pushed to her side. She wanted to protest but now wasn’t the time. Being ignored was big, very important if she was going to successfully spike his drink. So, she bared it and kept her on glass from falling over.

The establishment was beginning, grow rowdy but the man decided to flaunt his money and buy everyone a drink. That made everyone grow quiet before becoming a rowdy bunch that broke out into song and dance. It was so… noisy. A drink was even offered to her but she decline. She needed to be focused. Plus, she didn’t know what new effect those weird drinks could have on her. As the man was cheering with the rest of the bar. She slipped the poison into his drink all stealth like and quiet. Then she finished her milk and pushed her way to the door. The man downed the spiked drink and then cheered. Only, his happiness would quickly fade.

He immediately woke up and went wide eye. The reached for his neck but everyone just thought he was playing around. Tempris could only smile. The man was dying and nobody cared. It was so fitting giving what he did though she did wish she could just end him with her holy flame. The man mouth would start foaming and at that moment she just walked out. The man was dead and it was best to leave the scene. She reported to Mattoro who was please, in a very dark way. Tempris didn’t care. She got paid and left.

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Took it For Granite Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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