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Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Friend Ore Foe

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Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Friend Ore Foe Empty Tue May 25, 2021 7:17 am


Tempris was waiting for the sun to rise. She had been having trouble sleeping in the large black dorito. It was just such an uneasy structure. There were very little moments where she felt her skin free of crawling feelings. Worst, she was still trying to convince Gunter to give her a fire place in her room. She had been forced to rely on candles to comfort her desire for the flame and bond with her lord Illumin. She crawled out of her bed and dropped her bare feet on the cold heretical floor. It was the worst thing to have in the morning but there was little she could do with the accursed moon peaking through her window. Why did it take so long for the sun to rise? Tempris moved away from the window and found herself over her nightstand with her latest candle. A snap of her fingers revived her white and blue flame over the wick. The room lit up enough for the girl to notice a paper by her door. Did she get a letter in the middle of the night?

Walking over to the door, she picked up the letter and saw it was another assignment with the man named as Mattoro. This would be the 3rd time she is working with the man. Unlike a certain designer, he had more… interesting jobs. So she did not mind. Plus, she needed the money. So, she got out of her pink gown and into a more appropriate attire. She wore her trusty dark blue veil with a gold cloth over her forehead. She put on a simple dark blue dress with the Illumin symbol embroidered in gold on her back. She had on her trusty brown boots with dark blue socks. A latch on her dress held her sword. Tempris looked outside to see the crack of dawn. She smiled before blowing out the candle. It was time to make some money.

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Friend Ore Foe Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Friend Ore Foe Empty Tue May 25, 2021 7:17 am


Tempris left the Black Dorito and made her way to the Cold Colliers hideout. It was here that she met the man himself, Mattoro.
“Glad you could make it. I have another job for you.”
Tempris faked a smile, as she figured it would not be an interesting job. The man explained how all 3 of the contractors were not responsible for hurting his friends. So he wanted to figure out which one was actually responsible. He knew for a fact that Kalaus was involved so he needed Tempris to break into his home and find any evidence. It was a little out of her skill set, but the man was sure she could figure it out. He would not take to her suggestion of just burning all three either. So she just set off trying to think of how to complete the assignment.

She arrived at the mans house. Nobody was around so it was easy to enter the premise without luring eyes. His front door was locked, of course. So she looked around for another way in. There were several windows but they were all locked. This was becoming more and more troublesome. There was a back door. It led into an empty alley way which would make for a great escape but at last, that door was locked to. Tempri thought about just breaking down the door but that would bring too many eyes. So, she did what was clearly the most optimal answer.

Tempris climbed to the roof of the building and cut a hole that was not visible from the ground. Then she jumped down the hole and was in the building. Tempris savaged through the building for hours. She broke furniture, lit candles, knocked holes through mirrors, lit the fireplace, crawled under the bed, turned on the stove, but none of actions seem to locate any clues. Even when she turned the heater on, the information was not available. Angry she kicked the refrigerator and a letter fell off of a magnet.

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Friend Ore Foe Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Friend Ore Foe Empty Tue May 25, 2021 7:17 am


Tempris looked at the letter and it was from no one other than Giroud. It mentioned how the Cold Colliers were becoming a bigger and bigger problem. If only they took them all out when that mine exploded, then maybe this would not be such an issue. This apparently was especially true in regards to Mattoro as his name was mentioned behind all sorts of bad words that Tempris did not really know the meaning of. With this letter all Tempris needed to do was speak to the last piece to this puzzle, Frankan.

Tempris walked out of the home after turning on the hot water and went on the look for the contractor. It was difficult to find him because he did not have a residence but she managed to run into him as she was just walking. In fact, the man recognized her as the lost girl, which was great. However, it was not great as he noticed Tempris had her weapon which meant he knew he was right the whole time. He tried to run but Tempris was one step ahead of him. So she punched him in the stomach and pulled out her weapon. They were in an empty alley so nobody could save him.
“Illumin wills that the truth come out. So will you tell me or do you want to talk to our god personally?”

The man claimed to be clueless as to what truth she was looking for. So Tempris threw him a bone. All guilty bite when the slightest form of bait wiggles in front of them. She explained the mine incident that Mattoro was in, how the mine was blown up and people died and stuff. The man apologized but admitted that he knew nothing. However he was willing to share information on the other two culprits.
“Thank you for your honesty. May Illumin bless thee with forgiveness and prosperity”

Tempris returned to Mattoro and passed all the information she obtained from the man’s house and the Frankan. Mattoro thanked her, reward her, and sent her off.


Tempris C-Rank: Baska City - Friend Ore Foe Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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