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[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris)

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#1Günter Von Wolf 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Thu May 06, 2021 3:59 pm

Günter Von Wolf

As Gunter sits in the grass waiting for the others too arrive, he thinks about his journey up too this point. As he thinks about his Family while a single bloddy man tear rolls down his cheek. After a few minutes he would stand up and walk over to the Black Piramid that was sticking out of the ground.

He had learned about this pyramid from the demonic Book he took from Penumbral Guard. Based on the documentation the small black pyramid was apparently the Tip of a much bigger structure. Based off of the instructions on how to activate the structure it must have been made by some type of antediluvian kingdome of ages past. As Gunter steped up too the black piramid he could feel an aura emanating from it. The presence was not magic in nature or Demonic that was for sure however it seemed to be in the realm of death and madness.

Gunter would wait until his comrads arrive until he considers activating the Structure of antediluvian evil. He could feel his instincts screaming at him, Gunter knew that when he activated this structure Death was sure to follow.

Last edited by Günter Von Wolf on Sat May 08, 2021 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Rinni Faithe 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Thu May 06, 2021 4:43 pm

Rinni Faithe

Rinni was told by Gunter himself that he'd be officially founding his Guild today and expected her to be there when he did. Only a year ago or so she had told him she would never join his guild. Only a week or so ago she had hated his guts. She now asked herself one singular question; what am I doing here?

The teen nervously approached the pyramid thing, where she saw Gunter Von Wolf patiently awaiting his founding members' arrivals. She took a deep breath and released a long over-exaggerated sigh as she forced herself to keep moving forward. Her heart was pounding. What am I even doing here? She wondered as a million thoughts raced through her mind, as though she had an army of cheetah racing through her head or something of the equivalence.

As she drew closer to the pyramid structure that jutted from the ground, she felt something she couldn't quite explain. Madness? Chaos? It absolutely terrified her. She felt the urge to transform, instincts driving her as a low growl rumbled in her chest. As she neared Gunter, she felt a sense of relief in his presence. He had made her a promise, and she trusted him. She didn't know what had changed between them or how or why... but she felt safe with him. He promised to always protect her. He never lied to her yet.

So she held him to that promise.

Her heart was racing as she looked at what seemed to only be a part of the pyramid Gunter had told them about. Was there really something more massive underground? Gripped with nervousness and trembling noticeably, the Werewolf moved to stand behind Gunter. She looked up at him as he towered her significantly in height. Her hand then reached out for his, shaking. She was starting to second guess herself. If she joined up with a man like Gunter... was she really as good as she thought?

Last edited by Rinni Faithe on Thu May 06, 2021 11:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#3Fala † 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Thu May 06, 2021 8:29 pm

Fala †
Eyes glistened and shined a bright red as they looked into the mirror. There was a monster. A hideous ugly monster whose hate that festers. She kept on a smile that widened sinisterly. Her hand went left and right, putting lip glam on for this day and time. She was doing this even though she was going to wear a mask over that face. Her eyes were gazing at herself as the scars and portions made her wrap herself. The voices in her head were eating her up, but she laughed it closeup as if it was her laughing at someone else's comedy.

She had to go as she had to go help herself. The voices in the house were getting stronger, spirits getting closer. The enclosed space was coming, Fala ran for the door and went running. The air made her feel clear. She finally thought she was free from the voices in the house. The house that she was stuck in and reminded her of the things she had to stomach. The outfit of black and red, a jumpsuit that was zipped up to enclose and hug against her body. For comfort as it kept her feel safe. She couldn't think straight as she thought. All she knew was that she was outside walking towards the darkened part of Baska. Her icey eyes gazed and listened to the voice as it now quietly whispered for her to go closer. It wanted her to go forward, go straight. Fala listened to the voice as it was with her. The only thing that was loyal to her and stayed.

Slowly, she slid up against a tree and saw a large pyramid. Her blonde long hair with pink and blue was hidden behind her normal hoodie that clenched onto her suit. All that was seen was her eyes through the black holes of dept and mystery. She wanted to keep her body hidden, hidden from herself, hidden from the people. Fala watched quietly behind the tree as she saw a man and girl. She stayed silently as she was evaluating.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Thu May 06, 2021 9:18 pm


This was it. She had an offer, a dark one from one of the darkest sinners. Tempris wrapped herself in a dark red cloak with her sword under the fluttering cloth attached to a hook on the back of her Red dress. A red veil, the special one for when she wanted to truly cherish a day, sat snug protecting her head from the chilly breezes that threaten her connection with Illumin. In front of her was the heathen vampire and the wolf, two faces she has seen more times than she wished. Then again, the wolf was at least warm. In front of them was a large black structure.

It was no church. The site of it did not make the girl feel cold. However, it was ugly. It lacked the flair, holiness, touch that the church had perfected over centuries of existence. It lacked the cold feeling that gripped her heart whenever she saw the place she belong, the home of the sinners, the closest thing to Illumin. That's what her memories kept frozen and alive in her mind. Today was different. Today she would burn a new path and this distasteful structure was suppose to be the key. It represented the promise the heathen made to her. They would cleanse the world of sin, starting here.

She watched the black triangle as she stepped up to the two creatures of legend in her books. She remained silent and allowed her heavy steps alert anyone who cared. Today was not the day to be heard or seen. Today, she would watch the start of a new beginning. No more hiding behind badges of false protectors who failed to see the truth. No more sucking up and doing the grunt work of sinners. The days of sin were numbered for they day of Rapture was coming and its Herald was delightfully in prayer. Amen.


Last edited by Tempris on Mon May 10, 2021 12:49 am; edited 3 times in total

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Sat May 08, 2021 12:59 pm


"Fuck." Raza said to himself as he began falling from the sky. Lately his magic wasn't working how it usually did. The Savannan viking elf had no idea why his magic wasn't working the way it should, but that was something he wouldn't have to think about later. Below the falling man he could see a group of four individuals. He assumed that this is where he would be meeting the individual who invited him to this meeting but in case it wasn't, he was already prepared for whatever. Sure his magic was acting like bullshit, he was still physically capable of defending himself against most threats. Raza braced for impact to the far left of Gunter which would be the far right of the rest of the individuals. When he finally hit the ground, the grond beneath him would crack, creating a large cloud of dust around him. "Ow..." he simply responded. The Wood-elf didn't even bother to lift himself up. Instead he turned towards the group who were about ten meters away from him, smiled and waved. "Yo. Looks like I'm late." He grunted. Slowly he pushed himself up off his booty, dusted himself off, and slowly limped towards his new acquaintances. At first glance he noticed 3 girls. All of which looked nothing like the warrior women in Iceberg. Ra knew better than to judge books by their covers, but he couldn't help feeling underwhelmed. For goodness sake there was a child here.


Last edited by Raza on Sun May 09, 2021 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

#6Günter Von Wolf 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Sun May 09, 2021 5:50 pm

Günter Von Wolf

After Gunter Sees his comrades arrive he would turn to the Tip of the black pyramid and begin pulling out a jar of blood. It was the last of his stash so he would have to start feeding again. Gunter began pouring the blood onto the tip of the pyramid, as it made contact the 4 black spikes began to pirce out of the ground.

The ground begins to shake and 4 beams of black energy surround Gunter. As they spiral towards him the sound of screaming and trumpets can be heard, as the beams move the ground from where there were is now covered with a thick sheet of ice at a speed of 15 MPS.

As soon as Gunter is absorbed by the black beams they disperse and he is gone. After a minute the same thing would happen to Raza,Then it would happen to Rinni, Tempris, And finally it would happen to Fala. As soon as Gunter was absorbed by the beams he found himself inside the black pyramid. Gunter was coverd in ice, his hair was frosted, he felt like a frozen corpse.




#7Rinni Faithe 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Sun May 09, 2021 7:32 pm

Rinni Faithe

Rinni caught the familiar scent of cinders and ash as Tempris approached. She released Gunter's hand and turned to greet her young friend. The girls had been bonding lately over a common mission to end a spreading disease and, as Tempris would put it, purge heretics. She was used to working solo, but having the young girl's company as of late was nice. It reminded her of all the times she once had with her older brother. In a way, Rinni was starting to feel like an older sister.

As they waited, Rinni caught the scent of a stranger lurking nearby. A woman. Her amber eyes glanced in the direction of Fala before she was soon distracted by Raza seemingly falling from the sky and landing, quite loudly, nearby. He made a comment about being late, leaving Rinni to assume Gunter had invited him to the party. As it seemed everyone was present, she watched as Gunter pulled out a jar of blood; possibly from his personal stash?

He poured it over the pyramid, and if that was the last of his supply, Rinni knew what that meant. But she had little time to dwell, much less to comment, on that thought as the earth started shaking causing her to stagger a bit. Ice formed around the base of the soon-to-be Guildhall, causing Rinni to step backward in surprise as she watched it cover the area in a sheet of ice. Rinni watched in mixed dread and surprise as a black beam of light absorbed Gunter. Soon after, the Wood Elf was also absorbed by the light.

"What the...?" Before she could finish her sentence, Rinni was the next target of the black beam. She appeared next to Gunter and Raza inside of, what she assumed to be, the pyramid itself. Just as Gunter was, Rinni was also covered in ice and felt as cold as a frozen corpse. She shivered and activated her Pocket Dimension Ring, pulling out a blanket and some hot cocoa to drink, as well as dressing herself in her warmest winter clothing.

As she did this, Tempris and the mysterious Rogue were teleported alongside herself and the men. Now that they were all inside, Rinni looked toward Tempris in concern. She knew the child hated the cold. In fact, she seemed to have a phobia of it. Rinni quickly took her blanket and draped it over the Paladin to bring her even a little warmth. She then looked up at the vampire. "What now, Gunter? What is this place?"

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Mon May 10, 2021 2:12 am


Tempris clasped her hands before returning the werewolf's greeting. It wasn't terrible to see her partner from so many assignments. The girl was useful and warm, though still a sinner. So Tempris asked for a mildly nice blessing for the wolf. Only she would soon be forced to jump as a man just fell out of the sky. Was it faith? No, it was a hassle. Why was she once again not told about strange new people showing up. She turned to the man with a scowl. "I really dislike surprises. Another one of your friends Gunter?"

He wasn't worth the effort. After all, he did fall out of the sky. The more interesting thing was Gunter himself. He was pour his red drink of sin over the black triangle. It was probably a heretical ritual but she would over look it... for now. That was when the terror began.

The ground shook, throwing the girl to the ground on her butt. The 4 black beams of energy smashed into the ground cursing the ground with unholy ice. The beams surrounded Gunter before swallowing him hole. Then 4 more beams slammed down around the man who fell out of the sky. Rinni was next. Tempris could only trembled as her group just disappeared. Then the beams circled around her.
"NO NO NO NO. STAY AWAY." She pulled out her sword and dived out of a small gap. Only, the ice on the ground made her slip sending her to her needs with a face full of dirt. She picked herself up and started to run but the beams inched closer and closer till she was engulf into its unholy light.

Next thing she new she was somewhere else covered in ice. The sight of her breath forced her to go pale. It was here that she resorted to her most natural instinct. She closed her eyes and screamed bloody murder. Dropping her sword, she grabbed her stomach with one arm and held out her hand and snapped lighting everyone and everything around her on fire. The flames wouldn't hurt. In fact, they would make everyone around them warm. Tempris then ran to the closest flame and huddled close to it while begging Illumin to return. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please... Illumin... please. I won't do it again."

Even with the blanket covering covering her, she was freezing. She couldn't stop shivering despite the warmth from her flame. "I'll be good. I'll be good..."

Mana: 1750 -> 1725

Name: Reveal all Evil
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: A free hand to snap, Holy Flame of Illumin
Type: Supplementary (Sensory)
Element: Light
Range: Self
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Tempris snaps and releases a wave of holy fire that latch onto any creatures or objects in a 5-Meter Radius. This does no damage but it does warm the area around it.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#9Fala † 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Mon May 10, 2021 2:07 pm

Fala †
She gazed at the two. Her eyes wandered at the girl who was so petite compared to herself. The man was tall, and even though he was not in some fancy attire he was still quite good-looking. She could hear them again. The voices were telling her to go at them.

Stop it

As her heart was pumping and head unclear she was about to approach. Something else beat her to it as she felt a case of coldness. Her eyes shut closed tightly as her body felt light as if she was airlifted. She felt heavy once again as her feet pressed against the stone of what seemed to belong to an abandoned pyramid. It wasn't like the ones she has seen before in history books. This was dark and empty while being cold. The woman gazed at the others as she opened her eyes to reveal such things. Girls, men and a child were in here. She was on the way back. She just wanted to watch as the girl with brown hair asked the real questions here.

Where was this place?

She kept her face hidden with a mask and stood there slouched while knees were bent. Her hands were clenched on the stuff she had on her. She tried her hardest. Fala had a hard time controlling her untaming body that wanted to kill those she felt threatened by. Survival mentality at its best.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Fri May 14, 2021 12:10 pm


Suddenly the ground began shaking. Everyone who was supposed to be here was here, but Raza felt uneasy. Perhaps it was because he didn't trust anyone, perhaps it was because there were rays of darkness shooting from the structure in front of him. As the beams came forth the Light Dragon Slayer leaped backwards. Then he darted backwards again, attempting to escape the rays of darkness. There was no way he was getting caught in that- or so he thought. Unfortunately he wasn't quick enough to move away. The beam followed him until finally it caught him and absorbed in. Trumpets played in the background, mixed with the quaking ground beneath him it almost felt like the end of the world was dawning. When Raza was absorbed by the darkness, he felt nothing for a split second, then suddenly he was inside something. The Elf looked around with a raised eyebrow, scanning his surroundings. For a moment he thought this was a setup, but then he saw the others appear beside him and he calmed down immediately. The Viking faced Gunter, posture straightened and strong. It didn't take him long to realize that they were in the pyramid that was in front of him. It made the most sense. Ra remained silent, waiting for the creature of darkness to speak.

#11Günter Von Wolf 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Sat May 15, 2021 3:05 pm

Günter Von Wolf

As the others get transported inside the pyramid, Gunter would see tempris start to scream and throw a temper tantrum. Gunter would do the only reliable solution and bite tempris. He would slowly feed on tempris until she calmed down then release his fangs from her neck. After he would say "Calm yourself child, keep your wits about you." Gunter would look around at everyone and notice an unfamiliar face, Gunter would bow to Fala out of respect.

Suddenly a monstrous Screech would echo through the halls of the unknown structure. As Gunter looked down the hallway he would see something wriggling. The Creature looked like a worm of some sorts but it was the size of a man. As it approached Gunter could see more of these beasts slithering behind. At the closest one was 2 meters away it would jump toward Gunter with the remaining 7 meters back. Gunter would punch it with a right hook and quickly crushed it's head underneath his boot. Gunter would then open his eye of Kaom while equiping all his gear from his ring. He would then shout to everyone "CHARGE!" Gunters comrads would probably have acted by now, Gunter would dash forward toward the enemies to back up anyone that may have hoped right into the fight. If Gunter was the first to act then he would start cuting the enimies down.

Unknown Creature X10:




#12Rinni Faithe 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Sat May 15, 2021 7:23 pm

Rinni Faithe

This was one time she was glad she left Candy behind. She didn't know where she was nor what was in here. And Gunter hadn't really answered her questions, leaving her feeling that much more uncomfortable. She looked toward Raza and the strange new woman wearing an odd mask. She saw Tempris going into a panic attack, the cold seemingly the cause. Before the werewolf could try to offer comfort to the child, she let out a startled gasp as she watched Gunter take initiative into his own hands.

The vampire had scooped the child into his arms and bit her, drinking her blood as a way to calm her. Possibly a quite effective way, as she recalled the effect feeding had on her with a hint of blush to her cheeks. She shook her head snapping out of it as she heard Gunter tell Tempris to keep her wits; a message that most likely applied to all of them. She wasn't sure what to expect, but at this point, instinct told her she best prepare for anything.

Rinni wasted no time activating her Pocket Dimension Ring and gearing up, her Arcing Bow appearing in her hands, Arcing Dagger strapped to her waist, Corvo's Mask materializing on her head, Volta's Cuirass covering her body replacing her casual clothing. Reaching up, she pulled the mask down over her face and zoomed in the Telescopic eye in search of the source of a horrible screeching somewhere in the distance. She probably spotted them before the others did. Giant leech-like creatures slithering their way!

As Gunter disposed of one of them, Rinni was already drawing back her bowstring and aiming at one that was still 7 meters distance from herself and her companions. She didn't really need Gunter's command in order to know what to do and was way ahead of him on the order to attack. Hopefully, everyone else was ready and able to fight.

Fully Equipped




[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#13Fala † 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Sun May 16, 2021 10:26 am

Fala †
She witnessed the others as she gazed to her side and back to the tall man who semi-approached her as he took a bow. She chuckled and bowed with a crusty in a jokester but respectful way. As that was all done and over with she witnessed some serpents coming as the sound was obvious. Her head turned and gazed upward. They were speaking to her again as they whispered sweet nothings. "Ya think so?" she responded to them. She shrugged and twirled happily as she saw the man get the one closest to him, the girl with the bow shot one that was seven meters from the girl's position.

She might as well silently move through the shadows, right? She snickered inside her thoughts while she went all the way back to the furthest one from all of them. Her body moved like the wind and silent like the abyss. Her mind was clear while moving to the rhythm. Once she was silently behind the furthest one she lifted both of her daggers upward to strike the serpent downward. It motioned wildly but died quickly from her duo striking. She paid no attention to anyone else, but if another serpent came for her then she will motion and strike accordingly if a smooth kill as possible.


[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Sun May 16, 2021 3:21 pm


Before Tempris could activate her magic, she felt a presence pierce her neck. At first it stung, turning Tempris's fear into fury but then a numbing sensation overcame her. Her body wouldn't respond and a tingling sensation crawled out of her neck. Tempris tried to fight back with her voice but the most she could blurt out was a simple word.
She felt the last bit of resistance build up into her neck. The bitter cold encased her body melted into a comforting warmth. Black memories of being held filled her head. She couldn't recall the event. She could hear voices, one of which was singing. It was so soft though she didn't understand what it was saying. It was nice though, and she wanted it to stay. She didn't need to see what was happening. This peace where there was no cold, no struggles, no memories. Tempris smiled and let out broken giggles. Different parts of her body twitched reminding itself that it was still alive. Finally it ended.

The memory was gone, irradiated from her mind. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the darken, taking in the stark change in scenery. She fell onto her knees on the cold ground, her body still recovering from the tingling feeling and sudden break from the warm memory. She started taking deep breathes and looked down. "I... I am calm... Hea... Sinner." The warm feeling inside her chest was infecting her thoughts. It was the same feeling she had around Rinni but it didn't make sense. The vampire did something to her but now wasn't the time dwell on it. There was a more... pressing issue.

Rinni, Gunter, and Fala were already going into the fray. In front of them were these heretical worm creatures with tentacles. Tempris picked herself up then with her sword. Then she charged forward and impaled the first creature that she came across that wasn't being attacked by someone.
"Let your Heretical form be purified by my flames."

Sword did S-rank damage

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Wed May 19, 2021 5:11 pm


As Raza stood watching the people around him, parasite-like creatures suddenly become to emerge from out of what seemed to be nowhere. The Wood elf folded his arms as his new acquaintances began to charge forward. The wolf-girl shot an arrow, the little smiter used her sword and this one girl that was there was moving all sneaky like a snake. Raza stood there doing absolutely nothing. The creatures were being handled quite well by the rest of them, plus he wanted to see all of their abilities. They were boring him though if he was being quite honest. The band of misfits weren't doing anything extravagant- or at least most of them weren't. Tempris had a fiery blade though, so she was putting on the best show so far. Raza began tapping his foot on the ground. Suddenly one of the ugly creatures made their way towards him. He simply extended his arm forward, grabbing it directly under its mouth and squeezing it tightly. It squealed before bursting, green blood splattering all over Raza's clothes. "Gross." he said to himself. Then another one of those disgusting worms erupted from the ground beneath him, jumping into the air behind him. The wood-elf quickly turned and grabbed it by what could be considered it's neck, and threw it towards the wall on his left, causing it to crash through. The creature was strong enough to crash through a wall but once it was outside it immediately sizzled. The Onfroy turned back towards the team and twisted his lips. "Uhhh, okay guys I'm gonna uh...go. There's worm blood on my clothes and it smells like ass. But uh, safe and stay dangerous! I'm sure I'll be seeing you all around." He shouted towards them before turning towards the wall with a newly formed hole in it. As he began walking he waved. "I'm down to go out for drinks and shit. Maybe not with the baby though, I don't know the laws in this country on underage drinking." He said. Then he left. These people were interesting to say the least, but this guild probably wasn't for him. They all seemed so...dark. Except the wolf-girl, she seemed too good actually.


- EXIT -

#16Günter Von Wolf 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Fri May 28, 2021 1:36 am

Günter Von Wolf

As Everyone runs in to the frey, Gunter would charge in right to the heart of it. As the foul beasts where frantically trying to attack whatever was close, Gunter would cut down the closest one to him. As one was about to attack tempris, Gunter would dash forward, as he was inbetween Tempris and the incoming beast he would swing his sword down in a vertical fashion clearing the beast in two. The beast's two halves would land on eather side of Tempris, its contents would begin spilling out all over the ground.

There was one left it had turned around and had began going back for Fala. Gunter would quickly dash forward and grab the tail of the beast holding it in place, as it struggled to go at Fala, Gunter would plunge his sword into the worm like beast holding it in place. After a few seconds the beast would turn around to attack Gunter, in that moment Gunter would pull his sword from the beast, then cut the worm in half with a horizontal swing.

As the beast lay dead on the ground Gunter would look around at everyone, He would say "Fine work friends, im glad to see you can hold your own, shame about Raza I thought he had more of a spine for this line of work. No point dwelling on that lets push forward."

As Gunter continues down the winding passageways, he would eventually find himself at a massive door. He would wait for the others to get there, once everyone was at the door he would push on it. As the massive metal door krept open, he would see a truly descusting Creature that somewhat resembled a Dragon.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Brains10




#17Fala † 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:34 pm

Fala †
Fala gazed at the man after killing her own snake creature till she lowered her eyes to see that there was another who went right for her. She slowly backed as if she was going to dash away, but as quickly as it was swarming towards her, was as quickly the man stabbed his sword downward. Her body posture was now straight as her eyes still followed the guy who apparently was a leader for these people? She only knew him by the instructions, but as a person, he was not that known to Fala.

She did not pay much attention to Societies issues as she had her own survival to put first. They started to go towards now a gate made of metal as the door was large and high. First, Gunter went in first as she will curiously go right after, even if she had to burst in! She could not and did not think first before doing so. Her eyes widened in amazement as a large creature was now in their presence. Fala wanted to touch it, to pet it even if it looked gross. The disgusting creature seemed in no mood as it was silently keeping to itself or perhaps guarding something they have no idea was there.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.
#18Rinni Faithe 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:17 pm

Rinni Faithe

The others seemed to be holding their own well enough. Except for that strange man that fell from the sky. He abandoned them as soon as the shit hit the fan. Maybe he wasn't strong enough or afraid to fight these creatures? She couldn't blame him... she was a bit creeped out herself. At least it wasn't spiders, though. Silver lining. Gunter seemed well prepared to protect his 'followers' as he jumped in to save Tempris and the mystery woman from would-be attackers. The vampire didn't protect the werewolf, however, seeming to feel her capable of defending herself.

She appreciated that vote of confidence as she put an arrow through the last snake-leech-tentacle thing. As Gunter moved onward, Rinni was among the first of the three women to follow him. In fact, she moved a bit ahead of Fala, sticking pretty close to Gunter. She would have stepped in front of him, in all honesty, but she chose to stay a step behind as though submitting to his leadership. As they walked, she sniffed the air for any further danger.

She could smell a very strange and revolting fragrance up ahead, behind the door they were now approaching. She wasn't sure it was a good idea to go barging through unknown doorways, and as Gunter opened the door she was first to enter, bow ready to protect her friends. Her eyes widened at the sight of the dragonesque tentacle creature that stood before them.

"What in all of Earthland is that thing?!" She exclaimed, stepping backward in surprise. She was really glad she decided to leave Candy at home today. To be honest, she was wishing she had stayed home today.

Fully Equipped




[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:54 pm


The worms were all defeated. Gunter decided to take things more seriously and slice through the nightmare fuel creatures. Now it was time to move on. She was already tired of this trip, the heresy made the air cold, icky, and just disguising. Worst, now worm guts were everywhere no matter were she stepped along with all the filthy heretical Dirt. Now that the danger was over, it was time to move on to the next room.
"Lets just go... This place is making me sick..." The girl complained as she started walking forward. If Gunther did not take the lead right away, Tempris would light the way with her sword. Its not like she could do something from the back anyway and she was getting impatient. Eventually they came across a door which Gunter would open. Behind it was a heresy beyond no other and Tempris was just through. She did not give anyone time to reach before shouting out her battle cry.
Tempris would charge forward with her sword held above her head, If the creature put any part of its body near her, she would strike down hopefully cutting it in two, else she would aim for the body and, if allowed, Slam her sword into the creature and let the holy flames do its work.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#20Günter Von Wolf 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:38 pm

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter would watch as tempris charges the eldritch beast of antediluvian power, as this is going on he would charge the beast aswell fallowing behing tempris. The beast would let out a blood curtailing screech, it would start by launching 2 tendrils at tempris and 2 at Gunter with the intent of grabing them to devour them.

Gunter would counter the first tendril by quickly jumping onto it and cutting the next one with his sword. As the beast screams he would run along the tenderal toward the beasts face. He would notic tempris cut the first tendril in half, but he needed to focus on the fight. His intent is to decapitate it but unfortunately for Gunter the tendril he hoped on would curve and wrap around his leg. As he gets thrown of balance he would be wiped backwards and thrown against the wall.

As Gunter hits the wall his with a loud thud he would stand up just as 2 additional mouth's would form on tendrals on its back. The beast would lanch 1 projectile at everyone then fire a beam from its mouth toward Fala. Since Gunter was standing up he would take the projectile to his armor. He knew it wouldn't be able to handle much more damage, Out of the corner of the room a small creature would run out the door screaming "FREE THE BEAM." Never to be seen again. Gunter would be very confused by the small creature, though he wouldn't worry about it too much and simply charge the monster once more.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Brains10

Small Creature:




#21Rinni Faithe 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:15 pm

Rinni Faithe

With only four to oppose this dragonlike tentacle monster, Rinni wasn't so sure she liked their odds. She had little time to dwell on these concerns, however, as Tempris charged forward shortly followed by Gunter. Fala seemed mesmerized by the beast, which was quite concerning to Rinni. Was the mysterious woman intending on helping them fight or keeping it as a pet?

Rinni shook her head and turned her attention toward the beast, drawing back her bowstring as she took aim. She was careful not to fire until Tempris and Gunter were out of the range of her Arrow Shot. She'd have to time this carefully, or aim higher she thought as she looked toward the creature's head.

"Gunter!" She cries out as the man was thrown into a wall. She quickly returned her focus to the beast, jumping out of the way as it fired a projectile at her. She then watched as it shot a beam toward Fala, her eyes widening at the sight. She caught the scent of the strange smaller creature but paid it no mind as it left once more.

Since the beast wasn't focused on her, Rinni decided to take advantage of the opening. She fired an Arrow Shot at the creature's head, aiming for its eye. With any luck, she could blind it or distract it long enough for Gunter to finish it off.

Fully Equipped




[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#22Fala † 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:58 pm

Fala †
Fala gazed at all of them and then finally the ugly creature. Even though she was the furthest away, the Random number generator decided to choose her to get blasted at like Team Rocket. She wasn't going to be Jessie, even if she was hot. She dashed away from the blast of ten times uglier Charizard to whichever way they went for and then motioned away from what may or may not come next. She decided to say 'fuck it' and rushed forward, prepared to lunge away if needed to end up stabbing it once it becomes distracted. Some random creature appeared, but she ignored it as her heart and soul were into stabbing this dumb thing to death.

Everyone around here did not exist anymore as she was solely interested in hurting this thing. "Embrace my passion!~", she laughed psychotically Once she was close enough and it was distracted, she stabbed it with both daggers that she had at the time that this happened. Oh how she misses her dagger in the present time that this is being typed, but magic... Magic she will have to get used to. The mutant pokemon looked somewhat hurt, but honestly, it will probably hurt more soon tm. as they were all ganging up on it like a woman ganging up on a man after they found out they've been cheated on.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:17 pm


The creature heard the girl loud and clear which meant it was time for it to counter attack. It shot 2 tendrils at the girl which were spread apart far enough for her to cut them both down, however she was forced to stop, slowing her momentum. She shouted with both strikes, the first one slamming into the ground and the second one striking diagonally upward. The tendrils disappeared under the wave of flames which ate at its heretical flesh. She was not the only one who saw action.

Gunter had manage to cut one and was running ahead to strike at the creature's head but a tendril grabbed him from behind and slammed him into a wall. Their was a cry from what Tempris could only assume to be Rinni. Tempris would not turn back though. What mattered first was taking down the beast.

The creature went onto the offensive, spawning ugly mouths which were then launched at them Tempis would try and dodge, moving towards Gunter who she would see got hit. She did not hear anything regarding Fala after a beam was blasted off behind her. So she could only assume everyone else was safe.

"Lets charge it together." The the man agreed, she would let him run in first and follow afterwards. Else, she would just huffed and charged the beast alone again. Either way, she would either jump and cut the creature in the head or climb its body and cut it in the head. Only then Tempris realized that she could not stand this place anymore. So she just left. Selling her soul to this dorito was not worth the perfect world she sought


[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#24Fala † 

[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Empty Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:21 pm

Fala †
As people started to go after the ugly creature she too went for it. Rather or not she was scratched or perhaps even put down. She did not go without a fight at least. Once she saw it get smacked a bit to the point it was defeated or about so, she realized that the tiny girl was leaving. Were they going somewhere? Why were people leaving randomly? First, it was that guy during the snake bit and now it was the little girl after this fight. Was there something going on? On instinct, she followed as she wanted to know where they were going.

Perhaps she was going to a better place where they were not getting constantly battered by things or maybe they had a journey to go to that just was not this. Fala heard the call of her Llama lord from outside so she took a quick bow and waved goodbye before leaving the place. It will be an interesting journey for sure for herself as she wondered where they were going to go with this. Maybe someday she will be lead to a place of good or maybe something came up so her Demon Lord wanted something from her. How important was it really? As she left she itched the back of her head while walking further into the distance. There was something going on alright as her Demon lord was in their Pink Llama same form. Fala jogged to them and walked alongside them as the two disappeared into the wilderness.


[Crawling Chaos Guild Founding] (Raza/Fala/Rinni/Tempris) Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.

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