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Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA]

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Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:06 pm

Looks like there really is no end to this quest. Previously, after beating some thugs up (because the quest says so, nothing wrong with that, then), Masami and Kurisa went home after receiving their reward, but apparently they received another letter by the doorstep. Masami was the first one who took this and read it to Kurisa, since it was practically written in Joyan. "Looks like they want us to collect—? Err... not sure if they want us to steal or 'collect' money but... oh well." Masami shrugged after uttering this, leaving the letter by the table. "If you're up for it, then we can go to Sultry Heights together for it." Indeed, it was a pain it the butt to get into all these gangster stuff, being told to beat up who, but at least they were getting payed, right? Masami was starting to get used to hurting people for the sake of money (and justice, since they won't get in trouble for doing a good quest), and as self-aware as he is, he doesn't know if he should be proud of it or not. He was by Kurisa's side, his own mother, but admittedly he knew that he still didn't know her.

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Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:58 pm


After that one mission, she went home to brush her hair and make a snack for her and Masami. Food just sounded good at the time and her hair was in a holy mess. Some water was good as well since the missions made her thirsty. Her eyes saw Masami look at some letter that must have gotten here recently since she has never noticed it. While her fingers slowly went through each strand of her hair she listened to her son's words. Something was off as he was reading though as her eyes looked into his. Was he feeling alright?

Technically, she knew he wasn't fully her son, but for Arisa all she knew was she had an older son than her two daughters. He went on about how They needed to collect some money, but that sounded too easy. Was there something that went along with it? Her hand bent over as she sat on the couch to grab her water. Twisting the cap, she took a drink and tightened it back up. Her headache has been getting worse. Was Kurisa getting sick? Was it getting closer to her 'date'? "Alright." She started and got up off her butt to walk towards the door. "We'll just eat a snack on the way." She took out her baggie that had a sandwich in it. "Want one?~" She offered with a sweet smile.


Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:56 am

Masami's mood immediately lit up after seeing the bag of snacks, responding: "Yes, please!" then taking one, immediately peeling the sandwich's wrapper to dig in. It wasn't the best taste, but it was good for a morning's hungry stomach. "We'll go to Sultry Heights, then." he uttered after gulping a bite, opening the door for him to walk out first, waiting for Kurisa to follow. At this moment, he couldn't understand that Kurisa was in pain, and he was being himself as usual. "I had a dream," he mentioned, then took his last bite from the sandwich, clapping his hands before placing his trash inside a pocket, "it wasn't much – I was eating a bowl of noodles who turned out to be someone else's, then I got into a fight? Argh, I don't remember anymore." he was having a pretty realistic and clear vision of how that dream went, but while he was speaking, it seemed to just disappear, like normal dreams.

"Do you often remember your dreams, mother?" asked Masami as they walk out of the building, down the elevator, and sooner or later ending up in Sultry Heights for their mission. Nothing like a good ol' mother and son casual chat before beating more people up in the possible near future.

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Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:52 pm


He appreciated her snacks as he took one for himself. It was not a lot nor was it fancy and amazing, but it will suffice till after the mission. Their location was to the spa area where she had already took over. She controlled the area with her guild and she has not heard anything so what did they need? They started on their travel as Masami talked about dreams. He seemed to have some dream about eating someone's noodles that was not eat. It turned out into a fight. It sounded pretty simple, but then he asked if she remembers her dreams.

Her dreams...

Her eyes flashbacked to a few of her dreams and how they were always haunting. It was more about her future, present and past souls and those she has killed. They were always there in a field of white and red flowers. The field was all there was alongside a forest and sometime water. Kurisa gave off a assured smile, "I do. Every dream actually." she gave off a smile still and then looked forward. She took a drink of her water and then her last few bites of her sandwich. After a deep breather she looked up the hill where the spa was. "I will follow you like last time." She warned him as it was like she was interviewing him, but for what exactly?



Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:51 pm

Now, it was Masami going to do the leading. He had shrugged on that part, "Alright!" then turned away, knowing that Kurisa would stay behind him—she would stay right behind him, right? While his memories are still being ridiculed by the change, Masami could not remember his mother, nor his father, not even recalling any memory of his four siblings. Masami doesn't know how bad this occurrence is, taking this situation lightly. In his memories, it was only Kurisa. It had only been Kurisa, this whole time. Masami couldn't afford losing that one basis.

The smell of different soap, combined with the spa's steam, had messed with Masami's senses. Because he wasn't in the water while inhaling all this steam, the air just felt iffy and hard to breathe in. Sooner or later, Masami would find a sound somewhere, the sound of people gasping for air... like the one in the fire? Masami panicked a little bit in that second, turning to check Kurisa, apparently having a memory of her body burning, but he was glad that she was alright. He turned away once more, approaching the sound, and ended up finding a victim whose mouth was slit open. On the other hand, Masami didn't panic, neither did he like this sort of visual. How would Kurisa react to this?

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Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:50 pm


She remembered this place. She had some sake with the boss woman, but so far she has not seen her. Where was she? The place smelled quite sweaty and mixed with some lavender. She hated lavender. Her eyes watched Masami as she was interviewing him with how he was during a mission if she did not help him at all. Her facial expression stayed still like a stone as she heard some noises that reminded her of some past things. As they went further she could feel the water dripping from her forehead as the humidity was developing within her sweat glands. It was pretty hot in here, more than usual. They were supposed to collect money, right? So why were they here again?

Kurisa did not get to read the mission details so what she was supposed to suspect was nye. His eyes looked at hers and then looked forward as they went further into the area. They soon found a person with their mouth slit open. All she could hear was...

Why so serious

Her eyes saw the person's lips cut on each side as they made a rather larger smile. The person's blade must be sharp as they were able to perfectly curve one. Their eyes were pure white as they were already in the afterlife. Rest in piece that person. Her facial expression continued to stay still like a stone. Although that was true it gave her a flashback of how each child was tortured in front of her - one of them being their mouth being sewn shut and eyeballs plucked out.



Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:59 pm

Although Kurisa had seen something, Masami hadn't, which led him to a very innocent bliss who doubted whether the 'crime scene' was real or not. That said, as oddly as it may be, Masami didn't show any further reaction to the victim, and so did Kurisa – not because he had grown cold and calloused that the sight of dead bodies no longer bother him, but mostly because he was actually convinced that this wasn't real. Kurisa was there beside (or behind) him, and for Masami, that's what only matters.

He tried not to make any comedic or aloof comments about the sight, so both Masami and Kurisa stood quiet, as awkward as it may be. A moment later, what seemed to be the hostess had approached Masami and Kurisa, giving them the said money. Now that the job was done (since they were just going to collect some cash), Masami payed no more attention to anything else but going home, and then having snacks while waiting for next time's letter. He was used to this sort of thing; whenever they would go out for missions, they will always end them by coming home and eating some snacks. If this cycle and schedule won't happen anymore, where would he be?

"Ah, we should give this back now." said Masami, who accepted the envelope of cash only to give it to Kurisa for her to handle, like an adult.

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Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:26 pm


After that sight that they both saw rather or not Masami actually saw it too, they went on with what they had to do. The envelope of money was needed so they could deliver it or something she was assuming. She sighed softly as Masami grabbed ahold of it to give it to her. She held onto it to keep it safe, she will do at least this much. She felt weird all of a sudden as something within her was devouring her heart. Kurisa was not sure how much nor why. Usually when it was her time to die to find a new host (body), she would get harmfully sick to the point blood was to be seen.

Both of them left after they were done with what they had to get done. The money was received and what was next was up to her son. She kept watch of him and hoped that he too will feel as strongly bonded towards her as she does him. She never had a family before of her own throughout all of her lives. Hopefully, the final piece will appear someday, but who will that be? Not even she knew with all of her life experiences. Telling the future was not something she could do. She and Masami went home to figure out what was next, but before that, they went out to eat so they had the stuff to eat at home. Perhaps they will watch something interesting or maybe just relax over some food and tea. There were so many ideas, but for now she walked silently with her son.




Path of the Dragon II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

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