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Underground Associates [Solo NQ]

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#1Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] Empty Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:10 pm

Jan Ren
Following a peculiarly dangerous mission involving a certain toy store owner, with the outcome thankfully not ending in Jan Ren's life lost, the Sinese found himself volunteering to help the old man clean up his store as his previous quest partner had took off to trot somewhere else with her tiger. She really saved his life there, and he had to remember to make it up to her; trust her more to keep watch over him when the time comes. There was, of course, the disturbing shift in voice and apparent person in that moment... However, all ended well and for that, he was grateful.

"But really," Jan Ren started, opening for some idle chat with the old man as the two had swept through the store. "I've never thought the Yakuza would track us all the way out here just to extract revenge..." The Sinese assumed, rather dully sweeping back and forth. There was the trail of blood to worry about, as the young man couldn't help but wonder where it came from. The old man didn't seem injured at all, so... Was there a skirmish here beforehand? The store by itself was trashed when they'd arrived too, so such would only make sense.

"I wouldn't know much," claimed the old man; rearranging several small toys over a freshly-hung shelf. "These guys do rule this area, so they can do whatever they want..." That, right there. Was troubling. Stopping briefly to listen, Jan Ren turned his head to the old store owner as he explained further; "Ami-gumi, they call themselves." Was it really safe to discuss such matters in broad daylight like this? Especially if the brand in question was listening. "They watch over several districts here in Hosenka... Ours is one of them." The old man's movement turned slow as his shoulders slumped. This... Wasn't a good sign.

WC: 310

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#2Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] Empty Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:18 pm

Jan Ren
Going on, the pleasant old man stopped. His hand simply laid the last toy on the shelf as he shifted in place, appearing rather squirmy. "I only went out for a little bit." He said; "I, I left the store in the hands of a new worker. Cute girl, she was..." Whatever Taro had done, must have taken a considerable toll on the old man. Understandably so; Jan Ren could only hope to assume how he'd felt. Whatever happened to that girl, she was nowhere to be seen; and with the amount of blood on the floor and absence of injuries on Taro's form when the two wizards had arrived first, one could only guess that she was either injured badly...

...Or dead.

The Sinese was allowed some more information after a short break from their talk, over some green tea and cookies. Such a benevolent old man; how could anyone come to threaten such a good soul? If this was Blue Pegasus' fault that this man's store was ruined and his worker met her end, it would naturally sit terribly with the young man. "...Extortion through protection and entitled rights, huh." He's seen that, before. He nearly experienced that recently with a couple ladies, in fact. That would never sit right with him.

"I'm going to stop them." He abruptly stated in the middle of their sitting, expression serious as could be. Obviously the old man didn't take to that well, and with a series of coughs over choking on his tea... He was quick to protest. "Quit it!! Don't even try, young man! You don't know what you're up against, don't talk nonsense!" Despite that... The Sinese had no intentions of backing down. This was an issue caused by his very presence in the city, and him taking this mission in the first place. As such... It was his responsibility.

WC: 622

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#3Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] Empty Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:25 pm

Jan Ren
Now, how would one approach a dangerous crime organization, in charge of several districts? There was no smart way to do this alone, but Jan Ren could never even imagine risking anyone's life for the mission. He had decided to take responsibility by himself, and having already stared death in the eyes that day, he believed he'd... Manage. Hopefully.

Ami-gumi... A weird name for a Yakuza family. But such didn't matter. If they were using such tactics to rule, they were going down.

That night, the Sinese decorated his form with a fancy suit, the same one portrayed several times before. Black jacket and dashing shoes, elegant trousers and a red undershirt, coupled with a black tie to tie the look. Dressing formally wasn't a necessity, of course; and deciding to take a more stealthy outfit would have certainly served him better had he tried. After all, his plan of attack was blatantly... Sneaking into said family's hideout, and revoke their rights through sheer force. There was absolutely no way he would have gone out of this event unscathed, especially if he'd decided to charge through the front door. Despite that, it seemed only fitting for a businessman to present himself honestly, right?

Good thing Jan Ren was no such thing.

Suki would have to be abstained in this instance. She and Rania were the last souls he'd be willing to involve, despite the two's frequency in his life as of late. This was an ordeal he would see to alone. And so, steeling his mind, the Sinese stared at his reflection in the mirror; fixing his tie, brushing a hairstrand behind his ear. "An all-out attack... Or sneaking in. I wonder if their boss is capable of doing battle..." Such questions bothered him so. If there was some saving grace in all this, it would be the fact his arm was surprisingly, perfectly fine. Even after taking a bullet.

WC: 942

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#4Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] Empty Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:31 pm

Jan Ren
Nightfall. 10:53 PM.

Everybody knew where Ami-gumi's housing was, naturally. An organization in charge of so many businesses, overseeing that many districts (number never stated but always assumed to be impressively high) has to have a terrible time hiding themselves. The easy fix would be to feign such power and might that none dared approach, and so they did. Residing behind tall walls in a Joyan-looking, huge estate; two pairs of guards at each side of the front gate, patrolling squads rounding the house walls from the inside and the outside. A perfectly secured crime house, possibly inhabiting most of the family's members and certainly, the Yakuza head.

Jan Ren simply plowed his way through the second floor. Waiting for the right opportunity to strike, the Sinese appeared innocent enough as he passed by the guards rounding the walls at a considerable distance; sense of smell alone indicating their rounding. God bless these men's tendencies for perfume and cologne. With his physique as is, climbing the wall would be no issue. It's getting past the guards in the first few floors that would pose a problem. This meant.... Even if he wanted to sneak around, it was impossible. There were too many guards present, too many soldiers dispatched. As such... Resorting to force was much easier.

"He's over there!! Get him!!!" Fortunately for Jan Ren, he'd become rather adept at using his new magic as of late. Still chastising at himself for not getting everything straight too easily, the Sinese still managed to pull his weight, literally; through the numerous mafia men coming at him with all sorts of spells and guns. With this skirmish, facing off against what should have definitely counted over thirty men... the young man gave himself a mental pat in the back. "(I've really come a long way since arriving here, have I...)" He thought to himself, rushing through the further floors.

WC: 1,260

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#5Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] Empty Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:37 pm

Jan Ren
Much like a video game, trouble came further as he proceeded past more rooms. Almost like the Boss Fight was approaching, Jan Ren found himself struggling somewhat with the latter goons coming after him on the 4th floor; presumably one of the last present. "How many floors does this building have, anyway!?" Who needed this many floors in the first place!? With his confidence firmly put, the Sinese fully believed he'd be okay. Bullets simply stopped once hitting his skin; spells barely phased him. And when his rock-hard, enchanted skin wore off its time limit, the young man resorted to his speed to avoid getting hit and swiftly dispatch of the upcoming onslaughts. It seems that... He did find his way in this magic's usage, in the end.

Much to the young man's relief, the upcoming floor was the last. He could see the roof logs holding together the piecing closing the house down, and with barely any goons left, he stood there; facing the boss of Ami-gumi and her personal three guards.

Yes, her. A woman.

"You're Jan Ren of Blue Pegasus, right?" She inquired, smiling calmly at the young man; though her sneering eyes simply dripped of poison and killer intent. Jan Ren was well aware, should he make a faulty move, he'd be suspected to even more fighting. He hadn't exactly broken much of a sweat, managing to protect himself well. But the injury in his left arm was starting to hurt, and facing off against the boss seemed somewhat... Threatening. "I am." He claimed, having to steel his mind properly once again with a deep breath before he could even utter out a voice. Honestly speaking, the woman was quite attractive. She didn't look to be even in her thirties, silky white hair and pale skin; blue, large eyes and covered from head to toe in fancy garments he would be jealous of any day. However... Appearances were easily deceiving.

"Very well. You've made your way so far... I'll at least hear you out. What do you want?"

WC: 1,602

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#6Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] Empty Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:47 pm

Jan Ren
Negotiating, usually happened to be the Sinese' forte. He considered himself a man of words more than barbaric action, despite his recent display. But in the eyes of a successful business owner -- a brutal yet efficient one -- he was like a large fish in the ocean. At least... That's the feeling he got from simply staring into her eyes. The three large men were quick to pull out their guns, aiming at the young man as he opened his mouth to speak. On cue, Jan Ren covered himself once more with his armor, a magic circle appearing beneath his feet as his skin turned dark; meshing awfully well with the black suit he wore.

"Frankly speaking, miss." He began; "I'm here to take away your property." On immediate signal, the three charged the Sinese. One shot what appeared to be a single, but in reality was two bullets at the young man as both bounced off his hardened skin. Another's fist, encased in green energy, was coming at him as the young man proceeded to flow along the assault, avoiding and preparing to strike back; when suddenly his body was frozen in place. "!?" Prompting a solid hit from a hardened, third bodyguard. The punch landing at his gut, sending the Sinese flying into the wall and crashing into it; barely holding properly at this height and avoiding the fall.

There was another wizard hidden between their ranks. Surely... It was the boss. It had to be. After all, I'm reaching the end of my word count limit already. Raising himself, Jan Ren discerned that for once, he'd have to actually reach the problem at hand at its core. Fending off these guys is futile so long as she's there to back them up, and with time putting him further at a disadvantage, it's only a matter of time before his very life would be at risk. As such, the Sinese bolted forward; prompting to active two additional spells at once. But to block the boss' view, he'd summoned a boulder from beneath the ground as he noticed the woman smirking.

In a flash, Jan Ren outpaced the three bodyguards and found himself rounding the female; holding at her neck firmly from behind as his face remained close to her collarbones. "As I said." He started; "I'm here to take your property. My terms for leaving your family and business intact..." Though he realized there was little interest from the boss' side, the thugs would say otherwise. He'd had his fair share of experience with lower-class workers, you see.

In the end, the outcome went almost exactly as Jan Ren had wished. The Yakuza were to lay off their districts and leave all rights to the new leading figure of the area. The name was changed accordingly, into... Tenma-gumi.

WC: 2,070

Underground Associates [Solo NQ] 2_1
Clickey for sheety

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