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Underground Associates 3

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Underground Associates 3 Empty Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:20 pm


Kurisa gazed at the sky as she was unsure how she felt. Ari particularly was unsure of how to feel. Was she just an interest to people because of her power and/or her body? Could no one love her for her soul? She frowned as she held onto her pillow and rested outside on the balcony couch. The couch was woven created with some plastic and a percentage of wood. The cushion was thick, filled with cotton while pillows stuffed with feathers. She could fall asleep at any moment if she wanted to, but alas she had to leave in a few hours.

Omen hasn't been seen around since that debut a few days ago. For Kuri's sake, Ari hoped that he was alright. Her own heart, on the other hand, felt like it could explode millions of colors as she felt conflicted. She realized something the more she thought about it. Why was it that we always went for the bad men? Did we have hope that they will change for us? Did we just like the bad attention they give even if it is just over your body? Her body... As soon as they got what they wanted; their heart, body or even soul they leave you at the altar to cry over them. She wondered if that was how it will be if she chose him as her lover - if he even would dare to go that path. He seemed like he was in his own ambition. He was suffocating in his greed as she was drowning in her lust. Lust and Greed, two of the three desire Sins that existed. She just wanted love, his love and soon her heart will feel the need to be drowned in it till it dies or gets thrown away like she was nothing.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:55 pm


She was insane, wasn't she? Kurisa was just desperate, wasn't she? Is that what others saw her as? All her lives she wanted love, someone to call her own, did that make her a bad person? She thought she found it - more than once, but alas it was false. She thought once she found it it'd give her peace, let her rest once she died not alone, but with someone in her heart that she knew was hers. The pillow felt soft, felt peaceful and she knew that her life, her job wasn't done. "We should get going soon. At least prepare." Momo spoke as she pushed her side with the tiny paws she had. Momo was in her tiny pink dress and the crown made of gold and silvers. The jewels on the crown were fake as she didn't feel like having anything too expensive.

Kurisa felt like perhaps she should get up at least, but her body argued with her mind. It was like glue onto the couch. She had no muse to go, the motivation to work and come back home to nothing was draining. Why work hard when you have nothing to come home to besides loneliness? People could make fun of her, say how she is pitying herself, but in the end, everyone has that alone feel within them rather they want to admit it of being in denial.

She felt a snuggle against her body as Momo curled up like a cat against her stomach. Slowly, she snuggled with her little furball as she took a deep breather. The hotel was silent with Leika has gone, doing her own thing. She wondered how that mission was going since she hasn't seen her since then. What if she was in trouble though? She could hardly speak Fiorian at all and not even Joyan in which she came from.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:46 pm


She will have to look for her later since she already scheduled this mission, another mission to save some business. There was always the option to give away their business information to a mob and earn some bad news for the people here, but she already worked hard to be good. Her heart was in the right place, but maybe it was just because she wants people to love her, she desired to be loved since she herself was not loved with the type of love she wanted the most. The love of the Forbidden, love for only herself as she dreamed of it.

Slowly, she motioned her body upward to sit up. Her hair was a mess as it was fuzzy and all over the place. She itched the back of it and yawned looking around. "I guess we should really get ready.". Her eyes cornered towards the large skyscrapers and stood up. She turned towards her glass door and went towards her room. The place was such a mess. Maybe she should have her housekeepers clean the place for once. Ever since she has been here she has never let them in here. She felt like she could not trust a single soul to be in her room. People could try to kill her or capture Leika. She knew what it was like to be watched, sacked and people trying to capture her. People from Sin tried the same thing and it killed her maid. She remembered her blue hair, beautiful blue eyes and a young body too.

She grabbed a few things such as her dress shirt, some swimming shorts as well as bamboo sandals. What kind of fashion was this exactly? She had no fashion at all today as she was going laid back style on this very day.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:59 pm


Kurisa walked towards the bathroom to mess with her hair. Having it spike bunned sounded fun as she had her two long bangs out. Slowly, she put on some lipstick and eyeliner as today the location was a club. She felt like she should stay away from that area since the Casino was near, but it could possibly be a good opportunity. She looked at her companion and told her it was time to go. Momo crawled up and coiled around her neck to act as a scarf. Stupid people could not tell the difference. Finally, she went onto the elevator to go down the building.

She walked within the streets like normal yet people she passed by gazed at her. Rather it was an attraction, curiosity or just full-on judgment Kuri did not care. The wind felt amazing as the breeze grazed against her cheek, making her small strands that were free blow away from her face. It was light as a small fan on low. The dress shirt was more of a crop top if she was going to be honest. It was black with a skull in the middle. Within the skull's eyes were hearts outlined with black. It was a sign that even death can fall in love. Everyone could fall in love, even the reaper.

She felt that maybe if anywhere, the food should come from the place she was going to do her mission at. Did it make perfect sense? To her it certainly did. Kurisa was not warned at all what kind of club this was. She wasn't warned for what was bound to happen, what she was bound to experience for the first time. Her eyes wandered to look for the building itself, but so far she had no luck at all.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:50 pm


Her eyes could not see a club. Only some restaurants, casinos and maybe a simple bar or two, but no club. Something felt weird as she watched some people in clothes of black, spikes, and other unique designs of attire go towards a certain direction. She followed them like some follow the leader crap. Rather this went the right direction or not she wanted to take that chance. It was better to take a chance in something than to think about 'what if'. The people went towards a door in the ally with no lights at all. It leads to a door that had a guard. Of course, it had a guard guarding the door though as there were always bouncers and guards.

Every time that damn door opened she could hear loud drumming and other instruments. She had to just get in there. As she got closer she heard the password as they made some signal with their hands. She had to find out what it was. Slowly, she tiptoed and saw what was happening. Once she got up there she copied the same thing. The guard gave her a funny look and let her in. Once she entered the area was full of darkness. The people were lit up with glow sticks and the lights were different colors. The music was loud and heavy, in some cases, people called it metal.

Her lilac eyes wandered and saw people raving around as they jammed to the bands that were playing. There were people on poles dancing with their clothes half-way off. It was pretty wild as each one had a different design. What was this place? This place had to be new as she never saw this place in all of her history within her life. This was certainly a different turn of event.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:48 pm


She suddenly was pushed towards a direction and bumped into a man who was panicking. "Are you the one I'm supposed to meet?? I need help!" He cried out. It was obviously him, right? He explained how he needed help with a man who was trying to ruin the good business of his club that let people be themselves. This place was certainly something at the least. He walked with her towards the back of the club where the secret rooms for VIP's only going to. He sat on the large C-section sofa in the middle, drinking his shot. He explained that he comes here at night and orders a bunch of girls. He usually overpays them and gets them to move to his business instead. He appears to be a mob boss that runs a different section of Hosenka.

It was obviously a different section than what she already conquered. She gave him an idea that she could somehow become one of the singers and dancers, try to be appealing to him - him as in the mob boss who is trying to ruin the business. Her eyes cornered towards the changing room and then him. Kurisa explains next that she will change to look the part and go out there herself. She did not care at all since she could do it alone if she wanted to. He agreed to let her do it since he will do whatever it took to keep his business safe. He cared about these wild animals/people and maybe even the money too.

She looked around at the outfits to see if she could find an edgy outfit that will match her get-up. She sorted them all out to find a black frilled skirt with many layers underneath, laced stockings, and a lolita maroon and back shirt. She put them all on and straightened everything. Was she ready? Kurisa wasn't really sure about it.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:58 pm


Her eyes were darkened as she thought of a song, she had to be quick. Her dance moves were a little rusty, but it will have to do. They had a pole so thank anyone who thought of that for it. She talked to the people who will be playing the drums, guitars, and the other instruments that were required for the song. They all agreed to it so all she had to worry about was actually singing the damn song. Softly, she sighed and heard them getting ready.

1, 2, 3

The curtains opened, the fire blazed upward of purple, red and pink as she walked out, singing. The music was a metal rock with a little pop in it. It was rather interesting mix, but it was something she had to make up right away. She banged her head a little as she sang sweetly into a rather deeper tone. As she was singing she walked towards the pole and swung. Her legs curved to hold herself up in the middle section of the pole itself while singing more. Her eyes saw the mob boss who she was supposed to take care of. All she had to think of was how. Maybe she will sing and dance around him after the song was over she could then take him out back into the dressing room. Men like to think they were special to get their undivided attention.

All she could think about was the attention of the person she wanted the most. The name was not important, it was the image that was. The lyrics matched it well as she then ended it by walking to the guy, inviting him up there. She gave him a free pole dance and then twirled about. After the curtains closed she brought him back.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:58 pm


Her eyes were darkened as she thought of a song, she had to be quick. Her dance moves were a little rusty, but it will have to do. They had a pole so thank anyone who thought of that for it. She talked to the people who will be playing the drums, guitars, and the other instruments that were required for the song. They all agreed to it so all she had to worry about was actually singing the damn song. Softly, she sighed and heard them getting ready.

1, 2, 3

The curtains opened, the fire blazed upward of purple, red and pink as she walked out, singing. The music was a metal rock with a little pop in it. It was rather interesting mix, but it was something she had to make up right away. She banged her head a little as she sang sweetly into a rather deeper tone. As she was singing she walked towards the pole and swung. Her legs curved to hold herself up in the middle section of the pole itself while singing more. Her eyes saw the mob boss who she was supposed to take care of. All she had to think of was how. Maybe she will sing and dance around him after the song was over she could then take him out back into the dressing room. Men like to think they were special to get their undivided attention.

All she could think about was the attention of the person she wanted the most. The name was not important, it was the image that was. The lyrics matched it well as she then ended it by walking to the guy, inviting him up there. She gave him a free pole dance and then twirled about. After the curtains closed she brought him back.


Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

Underground Associates 3 Empty Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:13 pm


She told him how she will give him a free dance, a one on one time. She imagined jealousy of others, but the only one that mattered would probably not care. She sighed softly and quietly enough so he did not really hear it. The room was lit up already as the client prepared everything for her already. She was glad that he already knew what to do since it was a pretty simple thing anyways. She brought the mob boss some drinks and danced for him. Slowly, she approached him and whispered something into his ears as she then moved away. He seemed to want more, but she just chuckled. She explained to him, giving him eyes that put fear through him that he needed to never try to take his girls again. She will find him and she will destroy him slowly, not even kill.

He was curious on who made her do this job and how they would know she would be successful. The funny part was that they probably did not know and just gambled which she explained to them just that way. He understood and agreed. He signed a paper saying so and left the building. She went to the client who was obviously anxious about what all happened. She explained to him, gave him the paper, and went off. Before he left, he gave her the reward he promised and told her to go get some food with drinks - on the house. She was rather happy about it since she was hungry before she came here. Without realizing it, Momo went about to steal some jewels from people. After she was done, she came back to stick some jewels in Kurisa's pocket. The people there were still rioting in their own glory happy ways. Her on the other hand went to the drinking stand to look at all the drinks. Sighing softly she sat on the stool. One person appeared asking what was wrong. All night she sat there drinking, telling the person all her love issues and how she felt about some guy who had no interest in her other than business. That's how it felt.




Underground Associates 3 Sigme10

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