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Training & Helping Those In Need [Sofia/Solo/Mini-Event]

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Training & Helping Those In Need [Sofia/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:42 am



It’s weird feeling like a teacher… Strolling along the streets with her arms pulled behind her back and an unusual sense of purpose about her, while it was so common for Sofia Serena to be walking around Fiore with no particular aim, today was different for her. Not simply trawling the streets in the hopes of finding something fun to do or to attract a few admiring stares in order to bolster her ego a little bit, while the latter was certain welcome at any time and something she had already observed the cute little combination of a loose skirt and cute blouse she was wearing, today the mermaid was busy offering a little brilliance of what made her such a special little mage to others, and through that hoping to better the people around her.

But a good kind of weird~? Charitably offering her time and expertise to others in the wake of the wickedness that had been wrought by rifts and the aftermath of them, Miss Serena had opted to lend her talents to the townsfolk in any way they could, and in a way was pleased to find a task that had seemed a little less fraught than tracking down demons. Certainly the woman who usually accompanied her happy to chase down fiends and villains all day long and the sapphire siren usually also ecstatic about accompanying her, despite this the vixen from Valerica had found herself quietly thrilled at the prospect of acting in a fashion more suited to her scholarly side, and while that had meant she would be without her beloved black beauty for part of today that was something that didn’t seem so bad right now really. Absence made the heart grow fonder, after all.

Maybe one day I’ll end up doing this for a living~? Not only that the feel of being influential in the lives of the people around her seeming rather gratifying in of itself, having spent a few sessions working with her students thus far Sofia was enjoying her part time role, and looking forward to seeing the fruits of her efforts as well. Each of them seeming to steadily be blossoming, it was exciting to see people who could once not summon an ounce of mana steadily show the makings of a mage, and the magenta haired minx could only wonder where their efforts might take them in the future…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Training & Helping Those In Need [Sofia/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:43 am



“Good morning class~” Stepping into the hall that had been borrowed for the purpose of her teaching by the generosity of the local authorities and offering up a greeting in a buoyant tone, the blue beauty stepped into the classroom with a slight spring in her heels and happiness in her heart as she looked over her pupils, and offered a little wave as did so as well. Perhaps it was sourced from vanity, but the vixen really was rather enjoying the chance to be the centre of attention like this, and the eyes that turned toward her as she enteted felt rather flattering to her.

“I hope the day finds you well~” Always finding it amusing to remember her own age and moreso the fact that she was far from the most senior person in the room, as she continued to offer a few pleasantries Miss Serena looked over the faces of about a dozen souls who ranged from curious children and folk not so different in agedness to herself, toward those who might look old enough to be her parents or even more than that.
“And I hope your practice has been going well~” Perhaps that latter fact one of the most gratifying about this experience, Sofia couldn’t help but feel that the fact that such seasoned souls had seen fit to present themselves for a few lessons in basic magic was a good thing, and also refreshing to see as well.

“It is the mage that makes the magic, so you get out of spells what you put into them~” So often the path toward becoming a spell caster seeming like it was something only the young and wealthy could contemplate, even though she herself had fallen very much into that age bracket in her own studies she had been encouraged to see those who were much older swallow their pride and push their fears down to try something outside their own comfort zone; to embark on an adventure that would likely prove exciting, and hopefully rewarding. And probably also demonstrate that one really could teach an old dog a new trick or two after all.

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Training & Helping Those In Need [Sofia/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:43 am



“So, who would like to go first and show me the fruits of their recent labour~?” Looking across the class that was laid out before her as she moved over to an old teacher’s desk that had been left in the room for her, while Sofia had no need to write out reports or grade homework it was nice to have such a prop nearby, even if all it did was to provide her with somewhere to rest her behind as she watched her class at work. That mostly what things were seeming to become about after these few sessions over the weeks before, the sapphire siren had taught those who had stuck with it how to mould their mana enough to summon a simple spell or two, and was now eager to see what they could do with making their magic style more their own.

“I’ll um… I’ll go first, Sofia~”

A face that was more than familiar to the foreign fox seeming to speak up among their number, though the setting had prevented Miss Serena from really engaging with her beloved best bud, she was happy to see the young woman known as Cherry showing such enthusiasm even if it was demonstrated with her usual level of humble reluctance. Perhaps it surprise to some to see the girl learning magic but ultimately the duo reconnecting in the wake of the water witch’s engagement to the ebony haired empress, it would appear that the example set by the blue beauty had rubbed off on her pink haired friend, and she had asked her to teach her a thing or two about magic if she could.

“Ah, Ma Cherie~ Now your magic is something I would simply love to see, again and again~” This perhaps the ‘trigger’ that led to the magenta mermaid taking up this temporary teaching position, after being seen out and about showing her prized pupil a thing or two about the magic arts they had been approached by strangers who seemed similarly interested, and had inspired the idea of holding these free magic lessons. The fuschia femme perhaps a step or two ahead of her fellow students because of this early start and the greater level of time Sofia had to dedicate to her, ultimately it meant she was the perfect example for others to follow with her fine abilities, and wholly something that her mischievous mentor was wholly invested in developing…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Training & Helping Those In Need [Sofia/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:44 am



“I’ll do my best~”

The pretty pink protégé of the sapphire siren certainly having not lost any of her humble charm in the time that they had been separated, as the group parted and gave space for Cherry to perform without worrying about her Miss Serena watched her prized pupil eagerly, and found herself swooning internally.

She’s so cute~ Alisa Vollan certainly the wonderful woman who had managed to steal her heart but a no less respectable second place always belonging to the beautifully bashful little ‘bud’ she had found in Orchidia so long ago, the mischievous mermaid couldn’t help but recall all the times she had teased her toward the point of blushing whenever she saw her, and furthermore felt only more fondness for this easily flustered femme the more she did. Their connection not romantic, at least not on the part of Sofia’s as far as she was sure, that did not stop her loving this small slice of loveliness any less, and if anything the platonic nature of their connection was something she enjoyed as well. It was like having a cute little sister she could dote on whenever she wished.

“F-Floral Furore!~”

This affection that she felt for the surrogate sibling certainly rather splendid but at the same time perhaps leaving her just a little bit blind to just how capable Cherry could be if given half the chance, while it perhaps should not have been quite so astounding to see her student show off such magnificence once she was ready to complete her spell, at the same time it felt a rather surprising spectacle as she watched the young woman pull off something she had never expected.
I-Incredible…! Most of her students still just about pulling out whatever element they felt the closest affinity to through their mana but this slice of cutie pie once again proving what an asset she could be if she put her mind to it, all that Miss Serena could do was widen her eyes and let her jaw hang a little as her fellow femme spoke the so called ‘magic world’ and created a circle of sorcery beneath her, the magenta minx found herself mesmerized as flower petals seemed to cascade out from it and then swirl around her pink pupil majestically, making her eyes misty at the marvel she saw before her…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Training & Helping Those In Need [Sofia/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:44 am



“Magnificent~!” Rapping her hands together with excitement once her pretty protĂ©gĂ© was done and able to focus on what was around her without feeling too overwhelmed, even before Cherry’s eyes had opened Miss Sequoia was crossing the distance that separated them, and all too quickly was wrapping her arms around the her ‘little sister’ with a big grin on her face.
“That was amazing, my sweet Cherry!” Not even noticing the way in which the young woman blushed as she pounced on her but giggling at the heat she felt in her cheeks when she laid an impulsive kiss upon that soft surface, the sapphire siren felt no shame in gushing about her student so proudly, and afterward would perhaps wonder if what she felt was similar to how a parent might feel when their child did something so wonderfully.

“It was… It was OK, Sofia…?”

Clearly the young figure in her grasp a little bit overwhelmed by the attention she received but that only seeming to add all the more to the sense of affection that Sofia felt, as she questioned whether she had done it right all that her teacher could do was lift her hand to the cheek of the young woman and smile, nodding emphatically at her question.

“It was incredible, really~” That pleading gaze something she always wanted to answer and ease to the best of her ability, for the most part this fuchsia femme had been the first real friend that the foreign fox had made in Fiore, or at the very least the only one that really ‘stuck’ with her for any length of time.
“You should be so proud of yourself~” Certainly never a girl who would ever have struggled all that much socially but her whimsical nature meaning that her bonds in the land of flowers were somewhat transient, the earnestness and sweetness that was shared by Cherry made Miss Serena feel good and happy and was probably the reason she had never really managed to forget her, and was also why she felt so proud now. After all, now that this teenage treasure was learning to use magic and take care of herself, who knew where their adventures might lead them?

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Training & Helping Those In Need [Sofia/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:44 am



“You see what can be done~!” The moment of intimacy not something she could share for all too long in crowd, once she had cuddled her cute companion tightly and promised that she had done well with her spell the sapphire siren was celebrating for the crowd with her soon after, and holding her student’s hand aloft as she did so like the girl had just punched out a heavyweight champion.
“Cherry has only been learning magic a week or two longer than the rest of you, and she can do so much!” The behaviour of the blue eyed beauty naturally seeming to make her pal turned pupil blush but also seeming to inspire a smile that Sofia could hardly say she had seen that often, as the fuchsia femme gave a glowing grin of something that looked like triumph the foreign fox could only look to her with joy and show her off, and loved every moment of doing so.

“And I’m sure all of you can do the same, with practice and patience~” Presenting her pretty pink protĂ©gĂ© as an paradigm that all her students could follow after, while Cherry was in front of the class because of their friendship that did not mean that the others could not catch her up, and Miss Serena was keen on making sure they knew that. Certainly keen on talking up the efforts of the timid teen but at the same time in no way wanting to discourage or diminish the efforts of the people who lay behind her on this path, the marvellous mermaid knew that she could get them all to this point and beyond if she was given the chance, and hoped that the example of a fellow fledgling would encourage them to keep at it.

“I’m sure if you give it the time it needs, you will all make fine mages in future~” Happy to loan her expertise but ultimately it up to them what they made of themselves, whether all they chose to simply learn a few spells to help with housework or become a wizard saint didn’t matter so long as they were satisfied, and would flood Sofia with pride either way.
“Maybe some of you might even join me in Blue Pegasus as well, one day~?” At least hoping that a few among their number might be brave enough to try their hand at becoming something a little ‘better’ than a simple civilian and one soul among their number principal in this desire, the sapphire siren couldn’t help but eye the talented teen whom she had taught to do so much in such a short time and wonder if she might be ready to ‘step up’ to join the guild she herself now called home, and hope that this would be the case. It would really be wonderful to have Cherry in her life more regularly, after all…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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