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Orchidia To Astera [Foot Travel]

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Orchidia To Astera [Foot Travel]    Empty Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:05 am

It was about that time. Orchidia had run its course. He had distributed most of his product to the locals to the point they were addicted to it. It was his new drug called sparkle because it glistened like the stars when you poured out the powder. One of his greatest creation if you would ask him. He had already cut a deal with the local gangs to distribute it for him so he would make a profit without having to lift a finger. This town was now his for the taking when he wanted It was time to move on to bigger and brighter things. He heard from a guild member that Astera was popping right now so he decided to foot travel there on this sunny day. It was a pretty short walk and he needed to get some air anyways. Most likely it would only be a few hours. Traveling with so much cash on any local transportation would attract attention.

Though Orchidia had some good business, there were still some set backs. He had to fight some demons when they invaded. He though they would be cool but they were real dicks. He's a daemon but they don't like half breeds. Sucks to be them because he and Ianthe killed them during the attack. All without his magic too. Pretty impressive if you ask me. By now he was recovered so he wouldn't be caught off guard again. He did some training before deciding to do anything dangerous again. He would learn his lesson from almost dying in that encounter. Caius would head to the gates of Orchida and then would start down the footpath to head to Astera. He was going to make his mark in that town. They better be prepared for him.

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