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Higher Education [Solo/Training]

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#51Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:40 pm

Aisha Connors


“Right, right… I suppose that will have to do, then…”

Watching as a frown spread across the face of her fellow femme at the answer she gave, while Miss Connors had attempted to avoid the sort of answer to Eve’s question that would make her seem to have a swollen ego or figuratively large cranium, it seemed from the sense of disappointment that the daughter of the house showed that she might have undersold her skill a little bit too much. A sense of disenchantment plain in the voice of her partner after she had paused and reassessed the situation in regard to the new information that she had received, in a fashion that seemed almost condescending, the student seemed to push her arm forward and pat the shoulder of the mocha marvel in a fashion that seemed a little bit disconcerting and as if she was being excused for her lack of skill or something of the sort.

“Uhm… Do for what?” Aisha not able to linger too long on the lacklustre reception she got for the assessment she had given for her own abilities, though it was almost as dismaying for the Desiertian to see her friend so disappointed by her, there were fatter fish to fry here and for once in this house that was not Crowley’s responsibility to oversee. Apparently the weaving and winding path of Miss Hallow’s mental flow seeming to take yet another turn toward the topic that the tall traveller wished to tackle, as the conversation seemed to lurch in the direction of what was to come, the bronze beauty clawed for her next clue but what she was to find out might not have made her happy exactly…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#52Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 15, 2019 1:49 pm

Aisha Connors


“Well, the thing is, there’s no guarantee that our ‘guest’ tonight won’t get a little bit rowdy?
He or she might be a bit annoyed to be pulled out of his home, especially after so long, and might try to take that out on well… Us?”

The mistress of Miss Connor’s destiny seeming to have predicted that the course of events from this point of time would be something of a rough ride potentially, after tapping her chin for a second or two, Eve confessed this fact to a companion who was not particularly surprised by the notion.
“…Right.” The foreign femme finding that she certainly was not surprised by the destructive tendencies of the entity which they wished to summon since it had been the first thing that she had thought of when the topic had been brought to her, with her brow arched the bronze beauty sighed and played along with the worries of the woman in front of her, wondering to herself why it was only now a concern and not before.

“And uh, well mother and father and Eldritch and me…
We know a few magic’s, but we’re not exactly in the league of a proper mage so…”

The girl apparently not having been too bothered about the danger that had been presented to her in the act of demon summoning until the event was on their proverbial doorstep, in a manner that seemed to be more matter of fact than flooded with worry, Miss Hallows shared the fact that she was not a terribly accomplished combatant, and neither was her family.

“You want me to fight him if he, as you put it, ‘gets rowdy’?” These factors also the kinds of things that would not catch even an uneducated woman like Aisha terribly off guard, with whatever meagre acumen that she had developed in her time outside of the classroom the caramel gal was quickly able to put the pieces of her companions queries together and come up with an answer that seemed to satisfy them.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#53Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2019 2:24 pm

Aisha Connors


“Exactly. Don’t worry, I made the rune space nice and big, and the nature of the spell should mean that the demon is confined to the area of it? Well, so long as he doesn’t have too much of an opportunity to break down the barrier it creates?”

Certainly possessing the physique that one would require to play the role of the ‘muscle’ in this operation, though the tone of the mocha madam might have held a hint of sarcasm at the manner in which her friend tended to put her thoughts together, she was happy to play such a role.
“Right, and… You want me to make sure he doesn’t get that chance?”  After all, it having been far too long since she had a good spar, in her mind it might actually have been a good workout to battle some ancient demon or something, and at the very least a nice story to tell her guild mates about later on when she got back there.

“Yeah exactly! If he acts up, you clip his ear, so to speak, and keep him in line?
Otherwise, well… I don’t have to tell you about the problems naughty demons and such have been causing in the country of late?”

Next the naughty little scholar seeming to see the need to play on the issue that she herself had raised to the girl before they had begun this ritual, while it was cheeky of her to bring up a point that Miss Connors herself had mentioned, the mocha madam couldn’t help but feel amused by her pluck at the very least.
“I suppose you have a point there… That would be a nasty outcome from our spell, wouldn’t it?” Smirking as she agreed with words that she herself had seemed to write, Aisha couldn’t help but voice a hint of her own cheek in return for the brazenness that Miss Hallows treated her, shaking her head softly as she looked toward her friend before beginning to stretch her limbs out. In a way glad that she had been out for a run before this and saw no reason to change after it, if she was going to be doing a spot of scrapping the bronze beauty was glad she was wearing something free and comfortable. Naturally a little body armour or something of the sort offering her more protection but ultimately a simple and unrestricted garb one of the best things for a physically orientated gal like herself, one did not wish to worry about discomfort in the head of battle and at least in trainers and a tank top she would be rather light on her toes if she needed to be…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#54Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:16 pm

Aisha Connors


“Great! Oh and don’t worry, if he turns out to be a frisky fellow, we’ll close the gate before he gets too far with you…”

“Wow, thanks for that.” Naturally her wordy companion still not quite satisfied with their discourse even after the affirmation that Aisha offered her, after a line that if she didn’t know better might have resembled humour, the ‘muscle’ of the operation cocked her head and thanked her friend as sincerely as she could manage. Having almost forgotten about the openness of interpretation that the text had offered up earlier and certainly glad to be reminded that the adversary she might have to face might have intentions on connecting with more intimate areas of her body than her fists, the mocha marvel shuddered and grimaced as she imagined some lust fuelled entity of evil being thrust into a ‘cage’ with her, and couldn’t tell if she would have been more or less happy if it resembled a human or not.

“No problem!
Now, I think we’re all ready, so all you need to do is get in the centre of the circle and we’ll get this thing underway…”

“Right… Well uh, good luck, I guess?” Naturally trying not to dwell too heavily on the idea of becoming the mother to a race of human-demon hybrids as an unexpected consequence of what she was about to do, after nodding at the woman in charge of the little ‘operation’ she was about to be involved beckoned to the sigil she had stained the ground with, Miss Connors cracked her knuckles and stepped toward the middle of it.

Though, from the sounds of things, I’ll probably need it the most… Letting lose a long sigh as she settled in the spot at the middle of this arrangement of magical lettering and waiting on the others to get the spell underway, after throwing a blow or two at the air in front of herself to limber her body up, the bronze beauty looked toward the people around her and waited for the action to start. Not sure what the summoning ritual involved and hoping she would get at least a little bit of a ‘heads up’ before whatever being this invocation was supposed to unleash upon the world would pop up and try to either knock her block off or get in her pants, the girl tried stay as cool as she could as the figures that surrounded her got the proverbial show onto the road…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#55Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:34 pm

Aisha Connors


“…nyke brōzagon naejot ao kraj tolīmorghon…”

I have no idea what they’re saying at all… Sighing as softly as she could as the voices of the Hallows family joined together in unison, as each of them spoke the lyrics that Eve had transcribed with such perfect symmetry that it seemed impossible that this was not a regular habit, Miss Connors couldn’t help but lament her lack of skill in language. The words that she heard as that strong smell of smoky incense that the candles was giving off began to fill the air unintelligible to her, with the people around her speaking with phrases that seemed to be have pulled straight from a dictionary of nonsense, the mocha madam could only guess at the meaning behind them.

“…īlon epagon ao naejot māzigon isse naejon hen īlva…”

It could be an epic love poem in the language of the ancients, or a shopping list, for all I can tell…  Presumably the words that the group spoke something to do with the entity they wished to summon and the culture who had adopted the practice of doing so, while there was a sense of rhyme and rhythm in which the voiced verse was spoken, to Aisha’s ears there was little reason to it. All of this having as much a chance of being a giant hoax that the family was pulling on her for some kind of prank, maybe at any point Genevieve and Jack would leap out laughing, which admittedly would have been kind of nice. The latter especially.

“…se dohaeragon īlva naejot pyghagon sȳndror…”

Well, maybe it is doing something at least… Those runes look like they’re starting to glow? Unfortunately for the reunion that the bronze beauty craved so badly, it appeared that what she was going through was no joke, or at the very least was a very well-orchestrated one. Only observing the effect of what her group was uttering when she noticed how much better lit the basement was starting to become, with a slight sense of wonder and an even greater degree of trepidation Miss Connors noticed the fact that the scripture her scholarly friend had scribed into the ground no longer looked the dark colour of ink and was starting to look brighter and brighter by the second, it seemed that something or other was working but what it was would only be apparent after a blinding flash…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#56Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:01 pm

Aisha Connors


That’s… Bright! It taking only the space of mere moments for the light that erupted from the lettering beneath her to suddenly become almost impossible to stare at, the glow that was given off by the mysterious symbols that made up this summoning spell quickly grew unbearable, which was no good for one’s eyesight or even their complexion really. The rich caramel tone of Miss Connors flesh seeming to be washed out by the whiteness that surrounded her with such vivid intensity, by comparison the ivory white skin of her hosts was bleached so much that one might have been forgiven for making the mistake of thinking that the characters who surrounded guest in the house had vanished entirely. They were there still, but had been made practically invisible by a brightness that the once bronze beauty had to shield her eyes to prevent herself from becoming completely blind, but she find that she did not need her eyes to know what they had done was a success.


A deep but ethereal rumble seeming to break through the droning cries of her dedicated invocation allies as Aisha pulled her arms in front of her face, as the amber eyes of the amazon closed to a squint because of the inherent illumination of her locale, she strained to see what was occurring around her and spy a sign of whatever had given off that wicked cry. Thankfully for the girl the sense of radiance that the runes where expelling seeming to diminish once the deed was done, with her eyes still hazy she managed to grasp her first eyeful of the creature that they had worked together to bring into the world, struggling to make out exactly what this demon was and whether or not she should be marvelling at its otherworldly elegance or throwing her fist its way to keep it from going out of control…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#57Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:37 pm

Aisha Connors


Wow… The amber eyes of the amazon widening once the brightness had ebbed away and she was fully able to look at the entity that they had summoned, as she found herself confronted with what seemed to be equal parts swirling mass of energy and something at least vaguely humanoid, she didn’t know whether she should be thrilled or terrified. The spectral being that they had pulled into the world not looking that much bigger than she was but its body a brilliant and frankly brilliant shade of turquoise-blue, it gave off both light and a feeling of energy as it looked from side to side, seeming to float in the air in front of her, lacking legs and only seeming to have a tail that was like a trail of smoke that coiled around itself on the floor.

Now that’s definitely not of this world? This almost gaseous quality of the body that this bizarre being possessed enough to convince Miss Connors she was seeing something that few others had, despite these ethereal features the energetic entity also seemed to have at least a little in common with herself and the other people in the room. A pair of glowing eyes like beacons in a face that was one of the darkest parts of the spectre’s body, beneath that seemed to be a mouth that was a mix of a beak and a set of fangs, with a jagged ‘crack’ running across the mug of the fantastic phantasm that seemed to open and curve to reflect its emotions.

Like someone had put a soul into fire, or something like that? Much of its body streamlined like the shape of an inverted teardrop that grew broader toward its head, just beneath the cranium of this curious creation branched out a pair broad arms that ended in a slender set of claws, the hands of the amazing apparition looking almost avian, and reminding the girl of the paws that were possessed by Altair. It was unfortunate then that, all too quickly, this spectre would show it was far more savage than a simple gryphon ever would be…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#58Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Fri Jun 21, 2019 3:30 pm

Aisha Connors



Perhaps a sense of disorientating and bewilderment meaning that the entity seemed to be relatively calm for a second or two, enabling Aisha took in the unusual but enthralling appearance that it possessed, almost as soon as the oddity managed to realize what had happened it seemed to show an extreme sense of displeasure. Roaring almost out of nowhere, though the bizarre beast had given a mere growling howl upon its entry to the world of men and women, that seemed like little more than a purr compared to the snarl it unleashed upon recognising its current situation. The very air seeming to shake as it let loose a wail of discontent, despite being in a rather low pitch the shriek of the beast seemed to carry that intrinsic quality that was best demonstrated by running ones nails down a chalkboard, penetrating to ones very soul with an agonizing wail of wrath.

Seems someone woke up on the wrong side of the dimension… The young Desiertian lifting her hands to her ears reflexively as the bellowing voice of the demon rang out none too far from where she was standing, even as she shielded herself from the sound, she could still feel it. The ground seeming to shake with such vociferous vitality that she could feel the tremor created by this demon’s howl in her chest, she didn’t doubt that those unversed in dealing with creatures of dread would we whimpering at this simple deed, but luckily the lightning lass was made of sterner stuff. Jack having taught her to steel herself against the blood curdling screams of the horrors that inhabited the world, while it always made her pulse pound harder to hear these wicked war cries, the mocha madam was far harder to intimidate than most, but in this situation it seemed this increasingly aggressive apparition would explode other options.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#59Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:19 pm

Aisha Connors



The bizarre being seeming to look around itself once it had vented its fury vocally and found no small degree of dissatisfaction at the fact that the barrier created by the spell that had brought it to this realm, though the Hallows family looked a little ruffled by the roar it had unleashed they were none the worse for wear. For now, at least.

It’s… Going after Eve? All too quickly the strange creature they had summoned seeming to size up the situation and direct its attention to the young woman who was leading the chanting outside the circle, the hairs on the back of Aisha’s neck stood on end as her fearsome foe lurched toward the bespectacled teen beyond the boundary and very nearly crashed right into her.
Good job that the barrier seems pretty tough… A sigh of relief escaping the mouth of the mocha madam as she saw the raging creature make a pancake of itself against the ‘wall’ that the spell had created, energy seemed to crackle around the body of the brute to keep it the Desiertian’s side of the barrier, though not for the spectre’s lack of effort.

The stubborn sort, huh? The bronze beauty twisting her neck to one side and then the other with a slight crunching side as she watched the enemy entity reform itself after its initial disappointment and then begin to beat on the mana-made surface that contained it, though it was perhaps the wrong moment to admit it, Miss Connors couldn’t help but admire the persistence that it showed. Those claw-like appendages balled up and hammering the binding field with a force that looked like a sledgehammer would envy, the girl began to build up her mana reserves as she widened her stance a little to steady herself, knowing that such powerful strikes would eventually smash their way through whatever shield was in their way and expecting that now was the perfect time to introduce herself to this new fiend in a proper fashion…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#60Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:19 pm

Aisha Connors


The bitter bite of a howling storm… Mentally reciting the poetic incantation to the spell she wished to perform as she moulded her mana, as sparks of energy began to suffuse her body, Aisha’s eyes seemed to shine with golden colour as she prepared a lovely little spell to ‘greet’ the demon with. Pulling her arm back as she did so and closing a trio of her digits, the dishy Desertian left only her index and middle fingers stretched outward as she focused on her foe in all of a moment, and then unleashed the energy she had gathered in a jolting jab.

“Piercing Fang!” Fingers flung forward as if they were the tip of a sword or spear that was aimed to skewer the ethereal entity who had its sights set on Eve, despite the fact that even the furthest point of her mitt had more than five meters of space between her target and her thrusting hand, her spell more than made up for this lack of reach. Lightning lurching forth along the path that her paw had travelled and then beyond it, with a cacophonous crack it slammed into the body of the brute as it bashed against the barrier, and passed that electricity onto it in a fashion that was far from harmful.

“You know…” Letting out a short sigh as she watched the demon in the ‘cage’ with her coil up in pain because of the routing rebuke she had given it, maybe the girl had been a little excessive in the level of power she had unleashed but perhaps it was the fault of the demon really.
“If you like it rough, you’d have a lot more fun with me, honey~” Having the gall to ignore her in favour of a far less dashing young lady, the brute had brought this on itself with such rudeness really, and with a cool line Miss Connors showed that she was all too happy to teach this terror the error of its ways…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#61Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:20 pm

Aisha Connors


The demon definitely seeming rattled by the attack that had hit it but also apparently far from defeated as well, after crackling with energy for a second or two as lightning suffused its form, it seemed to shake itself out like a dog who had been in the rain and recover rather quickly. Stunned for a second or two by what she had done but easily reforming itself, it seemed to Miss Connors that much like her friend had requested earlier on the impact of her attack appeared to do little more than a clip to the ear would, which was disappointing when it was one of the more substational offerings in her arsenal.

“Sisi ildat?”

Is it… Talking? Sounding out with something other than a howl afterward as it turned its attention toward Aisha and surprising her as it did so, in the experience she had with brutes and beasts that were even vaguely similar in origin to this the mocha madam they had all showed no shortage of savagery, and while this strange being seemed to have similar intentions it seemed to think a little more highly than she might have anticipated. Unfortunately she would be given little chance to examine this new fact too carefully.

“Kisha jerat?”

A sense of intelligence plainly apparent in the expression of the demon as it looked towards her, for a second or two the amber amazon thought she was being asked a question, but was given little time to answer. All too soon a barrage of bolts seeming to erupt from the body of the brute that made a beeline straight toward her, now it was time for Miss Connors to suffer the sting that lightning could create within her, and despite the tendency she had for the element it seemed it would do little to diminish the agony the assault would inflict upon her…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#62Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:21 pm

Aisha Connors


“Unnnnaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!” It now the turn of the tall temptress to let loose a howl, our heroine screamed as a wake of pure white lightning shot toward her from the body of the beast she faced, her body all too quickly bathed with bolts that seemed as brutal as they were bright. Finding little tolerance within her to temper the attack one little bit, the girl felt her body clench and arch as she was hit by the agonizing strike of an element she herself claimed to command, and in that moment probably felt just a hint of sympathy for the enemies that she had faced in the past.

No wonder… I like using this so much? This certainly no day at the beach to tolerate and even her well-honed form floored by the strike, Miss Connors skidded across the ground and slammed into the barrier herself this time, though not by her own design really. Coughing a little at her landing and certainly left groaning as the energy subsided but the pain it had inflicted upon her not quite following it so speedily, the mocha madam could smell what seemed to be burnt meat or something similar to that as she trembled on the ground, trying to push her limbs beneath her and regain her footing.

“Sek, alikh!”

Somehow managing to throw off the pain she was afflicted with and numbness of her body just enough that she managed to make it back to her feet in a shaky fashion, as Aisha straightened up she found a smile waiting for her, and almost a sense of approval apparent in the words of her adversary. This aspect only something that she guessed at, however, she really had no idea what the beast was saying and even it was glad she hadn’t been beaten by the attack it had unleashed, that didn’t mean she didn’t want to knock the grin it wore right off its face either…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#63Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:22 pm

Aisha Connors


“It’ll take…” Panting slightly as the pain that had been wrought upon her continued to claw at her flesh and bones as she stood there in a wobbly fashion, the foreign femme let out a low sigh and raised her fists before her, knowing that the fight she was in was far from over and really only just getting started.
“MORE THAN THAT!” Shouting half in an effort to get her blood pumping as she drew one of her dukes back and lunged for the oddity that their spell had summoned, with her teeth clenched and form still throbbing that little bit because of the attack she had just suffered, Miss Connors threw her fist forward with everything she had in a mix of aggression and annoyance.

It harder to pull off spells when one didn’t have a clear head and for one reason or another the active amazon instinctively tending to rely on her physical prowess above what she could call upon mystically, when one had been upset by someone there was no sweeter joy than slamming ones mitt into their mug with maximum prejudice, or at least that was what this girl had learned at her guild. Unfortunately, it seemed that this instinct would do her no good right now.

What… The hell? The fist that she flung sailing harmlessly right through the smoky body of her enemy and dishing out nothing in terms of damage to the demon, all that Aisha could do was watch as her body followed the blow like a cart being pulled by a horse that had gone beyond its driver’s control, all too quickly any hint of her adversary disappearing as the Desiertian saw the ground growing closer and closer in her eye line. Luckily the reflexes she possessed speedy enough that she was able to pull her legs beneath her before she pancaked into the ground, her enemy proved it was no slouch either as no sooner had she turned her head but she found a second attack sent her way, and from a range that left her little option to dodge as well…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#64Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:22 pm

Aisha Connors


“Storm Wall!” Panting heavily as she thrust her hands out in front of her, in front of the palms of the amber amazon something rather strange happened. Electricity crackling from her hands as she poured mana in front of her, as the blast of her enemy sailed dangerously close to her all of a sudden something bright and gold got in the way of it as a tough, round surface formed itself from the lightning that the lass gave off and stopped the attack dead in its tracks to protect the party who had birthed it.

Just… Made it in time. Groaning as she felt the brunt of the attack impact against the shield she had made and then dissipate without doing too much damage, the girl let out a sigh of relief as she cancelled her own spell as well in order to conserve her mana a little bit, looking toward her adversary who seemed largely undeterred by what she had done. Instead seeming to simply prepare his follow up, with thunder crackling from the tip of its claws, the demon showed a nasty grin as he sent an attack rather similar in principle to the one that Aisha had opened with the way of the woman, forcing her to roll over her shoulder to avoid it.

“Unf!” Grunting as she threw her weight over her shoulder, though she was steadily starting to recover from the agony that had been inflicted upon her, the mocha madam still found that the urgency of her move would cause no shortage of discomfort. That the least of her concerns however as she saw something bright closing in on her from behind, all too quickly Miss Connors found herself on the back foot even more as her relentless enemy continued its attack, laughing all the while as it did so…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#65Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:46 pm

Aisha Connors


It’s not a beam, but a blade! The amber eyes of the amazon widening as she saw the bolt of white lightning that she thought she had dodged was suddenly now swinging straight at her head, Aisha gasped and had she been given a little more time might have gaped as well at the inventive use of such a technique, but for the time being all she could do was focus on her dodging.
“Surging Charge!” Pushing her palm away from her body but this time generating a wake of inertia rather than a shield to protect herself, as that wicked edge of electricity swiped at her, the reflexes of the girl allowed her to move out of the way at the last second. Though not at some small cost.

That was… Too close! A sudden sting seeming to sprout from her cheek as she settled a few meters away from where she had been, as Miss Connors lifted her hand to inspect the source of her discomfort, she found pain and redness greeting her. A gash inflicted upon her cheek that was oozing blood down to her jawline already, as she glanced to the spot where she had just been the bronze beauty saw just how close she had been to something far more serious as she spied one of the golden baubles she wore in her hair on the ground, along with the bunch of hair that was bound by it.


Likely losing her eye and probably the top of her head if she had spent less than a second reacting to the attack that was cast her way, a cold feeling filled the stomach of the foreign femme, which only seemed to grow worse as her enemy began to chuckle only a few feet away from her.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#66Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:47 pm

Aisha Connors


If I keep letting him keep me on the ropes, I’ll be in trouble before long! Gritting her teeth as she saw the devil she faced within this mana made cage lurching toward her without even offering a single second of respite, though the spells she had expended in such a rapid fashion was already leaving her feeling a little bit tingly, Miss Connors knew she had no choice but to use more in this battle of wills. Certain that despite her prominent prowess physically that she would do little damage to the demon with what she could offer without her magic, more than that she needed to break the control over the fight that her foe had established, and knew just what she could do in order to make that aim.

I am the blade that cuts through the storm… Mentally reciting her next little incantation more out of a desire to calm herself down and focus her mind more than anything, as her adversarial apparition lunged toward her Aisha took a deep breath as energy began to crackle around her heel, her mana being converted into electricity of the highest order as she spent a moment or two charging her attack for maximum impact.

“ARC LIGHTNING!” The demon before her seemingly undeterred by the lightning that was building around her and seeming intent on meeting the shocking force with some of its own, as the beast before her began to surge with branching beams of whiteness the amber amazon howled with the name of her attack and launched it forward with the flick of her foot. Swiping with her toe as forcefully as she could in a cleaving roundhouse strike a moment before the beast moved into her attack range, while it might have appeared that the girl had jumped the gun on her attack, it was all part of her plan really, as her enemy was about to find out…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#67Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:47 pm

Aisha Connors


“Don’t think…” The sweeping strike leaving a wake of energy behind it that caught her opponent up in it, as the demon was sent shooting back with her blast, the bronze beauty was already preparing her follow up. Unconcerned with the image of the bewildered expression that the beast gained as it was swept up by the surging swipe that she had unleashed or the way it was battered into the barrier around them, Aisha drew her mitts back and called on a little bit more of her mana reserves to flood them with energy as well.

“I’m done just yet!” Lightning crackling around the knuckles of the amber eyed amazon as she threw herself forward, the girl rampaged across the magic circle in which she had been trapped with her enemy and flung her fists forward, pounding her foe with one hand followed by another, and then another after that. A barrage of electrically blessed fists thrown forward by Miss Connors, while the result would likely be less impressive than it would have been had her physical gifts not seemingly be quelled by the ethereal nature of her enemy, the girl at least hoped the sheer number of blows might go some way to subduing her enemy with simple quantity over quality. However, it seemed to give the opposite effect, if anything.


You’re a tough bugger, aren’t you?! The mighty strikes that she was raining down upon her foe seeming to find their mark, even as she groaned and continued her flurry of attacks, the devil that the Desiertian faced seemed to enjoy what was going on more than anything. A slow, almost droning chuckle seeming to ring out throughout the basement as the spectre absorbed the punishment with what seemed to be a sense of glee, Aisha gritted her teeth to try and silence that rumbling expression of enjoyment but all too soon found her efforts were met with further excitement and the energy to dish out what she gave in kind…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#68Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:48 pm

Aisha Connors


“Gruh!” Grunting half out of pain and half out of surprise as her assault was interrupted by a blow from the enemy she was attacking right on her nose, as she was caught a little bit off guard by the sudden strike from someone she thought was overwhelmed from her offense, Aisha found herself stumbling a little ways backward as she blinked in surprise. The tip of her snout throbbing a bit as she saw the demon eyeing her with a wide grin, after shaking her head the bronze beauty began her barrage anew, but this time found that it did not go unchallenged.


The bizarre being that she battled seeming to meet her blow for blow from this point forward and howling with laughter as it did so, as that raucous roar of amusement rang through her ears, Miss Connors clenched her teeth and tried to outmanoeuvre her foe in terms of pace or power, but neither seemed effective.

You think this is funny?! Perhaps getting a bit worked up as every solid punch or snap jab that she threw seemed to be met in its path with an equal and opposing blow of her enemy, it seemed like the harder that our heroine worked to outdo the devil, the more it seemed to enjoy itself in showing just how ineffectual her efforts were. So lost in the contest by this point that she hadn’t even noticed how the anger in the aggressive apparition seeming to have ebbed away by this point, Aisha couldn’t see how the bearing of the beast had changed to more resemble that of a child who was playing with a new toy, but then she was rather busy at the moment and as such one might be above to forgive her lacking observation skills right now…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#69Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:48 pm

Aisha Connors


“BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Perhaps ending up a little bit caught up in the moment in all honesty, as she traded strikes with her enemy unflinchingly, Miss Connors couldn’t help but mimic the chorus of laughter that her enemy crowed with in kind. Perhaps it a little bit of a case of mockery or mimicry or maybe the simple fact that for all of the effort she was putting in she was actually kind of enjoying herself, as adrenaline pumped through the system of the amber amazon and blocked out her feelings of fatigue and pain, the two traded not just strikes from their electrically charged fists but also the notes of hilarity that this absurd battle seemed to inspire.


Neither seeming to let up an inch to afford the other victory, while Aisha had no idea what the spectating summoners who had created this contest made of what was occurring now, she did not particularly care. Something like pride on the line right now, while she had started to guess that her enemy was going easy on her with the way that it seemed to only be interested in opposing rather than overcoming her, that didn’t concern her either.

“BUUWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Some form of stubbornness and desire to prove herself filling the foreign femme with energy and enthusiasm for what was occurring, it felt like it would be enough to just show that regardless of her skill level she was just as obstinate as her enemy, and so she continued to throw blows even as her arms and lungs begged her to stop. She wouldn’t back down as long as her enemy wanted to fight, and right now would have rather died than give up the ghost in this stalemate encounter, so the woman fought valiantly on as she sought to stand up to the demon in front of her even if all it would earn her was a little respect from an entity she was likely to never see again…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#70Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:49 pm

Aisha Connors


“Buuuaaahaaa… Haaaaa… Haaaaaaa…” Unfortunately, exhaustion was something she just simply couldn’t ignore and hope would go away, even though Miss Connors had the spirit to continue the battle with this bizarre, unfortunately the same could not be said for her body or the reserves of mana she had. Gasping to the degree that she was practically wheezing as everything resembling power or prowess seemed to ebb away in her punches, the smile that the demon wore seemed to fade with her own energy and all too soon the claws of the creature they had summoned seemed more like they were batting away the unwelcome attention of a kittens paw than the blows of a warrior like herself as finally the form of the foreign femme gave out and she found herself falling down onto one knee.

“Yeri athchillar? Davra lajat!!!”

The being she had been battling seeming to speak to her again once the girl was worn down in a fashion that seemed almost friendly or at the very least how one would talk to a person with whom they were familiar, as Aisha blinked up toward the fiend that she had faced with a sense of confusion, she was given an immediate reason to flinch. The words of the demon seeming to be followed up all to quickly with it raising its hand up high and build up a mighty blast of the white lightning it had been striking her with throughout the fight, all that the bronze beauty could do was brace as she saw it flung down at her in front of her eyes, knowing she was likely meeting her end here and in a way finding something peaceful about that fact…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#71Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:50 pm

Aisha Connors


This is it… The brightness that she was blasted with seeming to surround her body and block out everything that her eyes might have sought to see, with a soft sigh Miss Connors waited for the agony of the attack to seize hold of her, but strangely it never did. Expecting a wave of pain to seize her flesh as she found herself being overcome by that wicked wake of a strike in her defenceless state, aside from the brightness that surrounded her all that the mocha marvel could feel was an odd sense of warmth, as if she was sitting in a room that had been heated to the very edge of comfort but nothing more than that.

Did the demon finish me mercilessly? The attack that was thrown her way certainly looking like it had more than enough power behind it to wrack her body with pain, as the thoughts of the femme continued despite the way that she had been engulfed, she could only guess at the reasoning behind the wellness that she continued to feel, relatively speaking of course. The body of the bronze beauty still feeling heavy and her lungs still desperate to drag some fresh and fulfilling air into them, as she felt nothing more than one might if they spent a little too much time outside in the height of summer, Aisha could only guess that she had been shown an unexpected spot of mercy by her fiendish foe.

This feeling rather out of character really given how rowdy the entity that she had faced seemed to behave, such a deed seemed fitting of one of those romantic warriors from the east or perhaps a duty bound knight of the lands like Caelum, but with a demonic entity it only seemed confusing. Or it did, until a voice with a familiar tone but new manner of speech rang through her ears…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#72Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:51 pm

Aisha Connors


“You fight good, human.”

A slightly coarse but on the whole recognisable set of words seeming to sound through the ears of Miss Conner like an echo as she panted with a hand and knee resting on the ground, the amber eyes of the amazon grew wider as she heard someone or more accurately something begin to speak to her. Who was that? Looking around instinctively as she found herself being addressed by a party that she did not know or expect, the mocha madam felt her pulse pound with even more power and pace as a sense of panic set into her, one that did not end when she identified the party who addressed her.

“My name… Is Maz'gomak.”

The voice speaking again to her as she frantically searched for a source, after looking left and right, up and down and in any other direction at least half a dozen times, the bronze beauty found her gaze resting on a sight that was familiar to her by this point, though no less unnerving for that fact.  What does… Whatever this is, what does it want from me? The only being that seemed to exist in this space of whiteness alongside Aisha seeming to be the demon that she had been battling in the moments before, because of the ferocity of their contest and the manner in which she had been sent to whatever location they were now in, the defeated Desiertian half expected the beast to simple lash out of her and be done with it, but it didn’t. Instead whatever it seemed to simply linger in her gaze and glare at her for no small number of seconds, mystifying the lass of lightning to no end and leaving her no more comforted by its presence than when she had been alone earlier on.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#73Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:51 pm

Aisha Connors


“Did you… Did you take my soul?!” The bronze beauty bewildered by the circumstances that had brought her into the bright environment that she now occupied, with her mind going at a pace that even someone travelling through a million miles in the space of a moment would envy, her first guess seemed to point toward sustenance or some other cruel intent. Demons the sort who just loved to inflict all sorts of torments on folk whenever they could, largely for the purpose of enjoying themselves, having been bested in battle by something that was like them Aisha could well imagine that the ‘cost’ of her loss was something of that nature. Fortunately though, she was wrong.

“No… I not here to take child, but rather give.

“Give… What?” The spectral entity which hovered before her only too eager to point out the error in the judgement she had made, despite the clarification, the cryptic manner in which it spoke only caused further alarm for the feisty foreigner as she felt at least a little bit of her strength returning to her.
I really hope Eve wasn’t right about it wanting to breed with me… Almost immediately the mind of the mocha miss seeming to leap toward the little discussion she had with the bookish friend who had suggested this little ritual, with a slight grimace Miss Connors looked toward the creature she was still seemingly trapped with and wondered just how honourable its intentions happened to be, but luckily for her they became clear all too quickly.

“A-AHhhhhhnnnnaaAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH!” The body of the girl from Desierto suddenly seeming to have all that pain that she had been expecting inflicted upon her all at once, what began as a groan of discomfort uttered by Aisha soon growing into a howl of pain, it felt as if every part of her body was suddenly burning up and being filled with a sense of energy not too dissimilar from the electricity she harnessed for her attacks. Unfortunately for her the experience far more pronounced than the little tingles that she felt when whipping her spells together, this was no mere tickle of lighting that flowed through her body. No, this was pure agony that crackled through that well-honed form…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#74Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:52 pm

Aisha Connors


“Power. Power earned, by worth foe.”

The ridiculously heightened sense of pain that was being experienced by the ebony enchantress seemingly not quite enough to rob her of her sense of hearing, as she writhed and thrashed on the ground whilst trying to deal with the surging and sweltering sting that seemed to have infected every cell that made up her body, Miss Connors heard the words of the demon ringing through her ears and once again only found herself feeling more and more confused by them.

“What… Do you… mean?” The devilish entity seeming to speak of strength and mark its words with a sense of respect despite the torture it had inflicted upon the floored foreigner, the feisty femme trembled with the ache that suffused her very being but still, somehow, found the strength to look up to the beast and speak to it. Something about this encounter seeming off and the pain that she was suffering the sort that was intense and pushed her right to her limit, it never went over that, and that seemed strange to her. Was the creature holding back, or was there something else to what she suffered.

“Your thunder was strong enough, with my blessing, it become supreme.
My power become your power. Use it… Wisely.”

The bizarre being that was before her seeming to think that the latter case was the more likely one, with a nod of its head the spectre seemed to lean forward and then use one of its talon-like claws to brush the face of the foxy foreigner as it spoke to her, and with that deed the pain seemed to pass on. Aisha discovering that the agony she felt seemed to lesson with every second that passed, as her gaze lingered on the bright eyes of the beast that she had battled, she could feel there was something different about her now. Something new, but what it was she didn’t know. All too quickly the ordeal getting the better of her, however, as the demon vanished from her vision all too easily the brightness that surrounded her also seemed to diminish, until the mocha madam was left with nothing around her but darkness.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#75Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Empty Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:00 pm

Aisha Connors


“Hmmmmnnnnnuuuggghhhhh…” Groaning as once again she found that her amber eyes were able to focus on something around her that was neither the brightness of white nor the dimness of black, the amazon known as Aisha blinked as she felt something hard pressing into about half of her body, and all too quickly realized that she was lying on her side on some form of stone surface.
W-Where… Am I? The strange ‘trip’ that she had been on since battling the bizarre being that they had brought forth in the basement seeming to inflict the bronze beauty with a few moments of amnesia, her vision felt hazy and head felt sleepy as she returned to the realm she had been in before it, but the girl did her best to stay conscious.

Oh right… Eve’s basement. At least managing to steal away enough details from her environment to discover or rather remember where she had been before everything became what felt to be a fever dream, the feisty foreigner flopped around weakly as she tried to see what was going on around her, but found her body rather uncooperative toward such an aim. The form of the femme so fatigued that it felt as if she hadn’t had even an hour of rest in about a year or maybe more, every inch of the girl seemed to be aching or demanding that she lie still, some urge compelled the girl to struggle against the sense of tiredness as she sought to see what the fallout was from their little invocation.

Looks like… like everyone is all right. Luckily for her the shapes that made up the Hallows Household only too eager to rush toward her with expressions that ranged from concern to curiosity, it was easy for a sense of relief to seize the spirit of Miss Connors as she lounged on the ground once she saw that the family looked fine for the most part, and even easier for her to relax when she felt a strong set of arms wrap around her and hoist her upward in a strong but surprisingly gentle manner. Not having been lifted quite like this since she was a little girl and needed to be carried by a certain mage of Fairy Tail after exhausting herself, there was a comfort about it that set the mocha madam at ease rather speedily, and sent her into sleep almost as fast as well…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 3 Wqm01Qq

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