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Higher Education [Solo/Training]

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#26Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:01 pm

Aisha Connors


That butler though… There’s something going on with him, isn’t there? Almost every member of the Hallows household one that a soul so used to zany characters as Aisha was that she could accept them easily, there was one in the mansion that the mocha madam still couldn’t get her head around, which was partly due to the fact that he was the least outgoing. Certainly not doubting the loyalty shown by the silent servant that aided this old Fiorian family but confused by him all the same, the unsettling attendant not having said an audible word in the days that she had been there, though the amber amazon didn’t have any particular problem with the quiet type she could not help but be a little freaked out by him.

I feel bad for trying to avoid him but… He just gives me chills? Always looming and appearing before you when you least expected it, there was something about the footman that made him seem more than just awkward, and while he wasn’t necessarily frightening there was just a quality that one couldn’t quite describe about the man that just set off alarm bells. A gaze that seemed hollow and yet penetrating at the same time, he was a natural champion of the staring contest because of his discomforting scrutiny, and while he was never offensive in anything that he did it made him hard to accept.

Maybe it’s just me though? None of the others seem to mind? Not that Eve nor the others seemed to mind really, perhaps he was the sort that just needed time to adjust to a person and be accepted, since the family certainly seemed rather accepting and affectionate toward the figure that took care of them. It was probably just that Miss Connors hadn’t been around him long enough to really get a feel for that character and quietness, after all it could simply be that the silent guardian of the Hallows household was rather a shy person and struggled to deal with strangers, and wasn’t the simple mass murderer or something that in darker moments the Desiertian had expected he was…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#27Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 02, 2019 11:42 am

Aisha Connors


“Guh!” Enjoying the workout she was undertaking until all of a sudden something descended from upon high right in front of her, given the way that the ground had been rocked and the dust that had been kicked up by the falling figure, at first Miss Connors thought that someone had thrown a boulder at her. Pulse pounding and not just because of the exercise she had been doing, though her body was burning hot from exertion a chill ran through the spine of the amber amazon as the smoke began to clear and a shape appeared in the cloud in front of her, making her instinctively raised her dukes.

It’s… Crowley. Damn… Thunder and lightning lifting up either side of her cheeks as she sized up what seemed to be a massive monster of an enemy in front of her, if Aisha had been worried before she was able to make out the features of her foe, once she was able to things got a whole lot worse.

Is he… Looking for a fight or something? The unnerving attendant of the Hallows family crouching in front of her with his fist pointed at the ground and something she couldn’t make out held out to the side in that other meaty mitt, the lightning lass pressed her teeth together in a tight clench as she sized up the threat in front of her, taking a breath as she heard the brute give a rumbling groan and then straighten up in front of her. However, as that dark gaze of the brute met hers all that the young fairy could do was shiver as their stares crossed, hoping that her worst fears about to be realized…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#28Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 03, 2019 12:14 pm

Aisha Connors


“Kya!” All that training and the battle experience she had accumulated sadly not feeling like it had prepared Aisha one little bit as one of those hands was all too quickly tossed in her direction, because of the sudden sense of tension and the overall intimidation that this titan gave her, all that the bronze beauty could do was yelp and flinch in what she saw coming toward her. All kinds of pain coming her way as the massive manservant thrust a mitt that looked to be the size of a bus toward her, no kind of thought or memory ran through the mind of the mocha madam as she looked down the proverbial barrel, her body frozen in place and only able to quake in response to what was occurring. Really, she would have been in trouble if this giant was not so gentle.

Wait… What’s this? A letter… The amber eyes of the amazon opening slowly when she realized her body was not afflicted with some sudden sense of severe discomfort that some had come to know by the name of pain, with a slightly bewildered expression the bronze beauty blinked as she found not hurt coming her way, but rather an envelope. Aisha finding herself quite astounded by this discovery really as she had almost instantly assumed she was the victim of an unprovoked victim of an attack, as next the monumental left mitt of Crowley moved toward her, she found herself also being presented with a pristine looking glass that was filled with water, ice and a nice little slice of lemon too.

He brought these to me? Quite a surprising turn of events really, almost as shocking as the skill shown by this man to pull off a landing like that without seeming to have spilled a single drop of the contents of the drink he offered, it seemed that the stunned strumpet might just have to revise the opinion of the titan who lingered in front of her after all. It seemed he was strong, but also very sweet…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#29Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2019 12:32 pm

Aisha Connors


“Uh, thanks… Crowley.” The cheeks of the runner rather red and not at all because of the low level of exertion she had been occupying herself with, a pair of slightly reluctant hands reached forwards to collect what the butler was offering to her, Aisha glanced from side to side to see several sets of eyes looking toward the interaction with varying looks of horror and thanked the dutiful aide quietly.

“Mmmmm…” Embarrassed most by the little squeal she had made when she thought that she was under attack though the fact that she had misjudged the family servant running a close second to that, in order to calm herself and quench the heat in her cheeks a little with the ice cold drink she had been given, the bronze beauty was happy to discover that the beverage was as refreshing as it looked and purred softly as the taste hit her tongue.
That’s good! That hint of zest which was offered by the lemon seeming to perfectly compliment the crispness of that cold water, with a flavour that felt like it had perfectly captured the freshness of a breeze that one could only feel at the top of a tall peak, it was certainly better than anything that one could bring out of a tap and even fresh spring water seemed to suffer in comparison.

“Tastes great~!” Smiling as she finished the glass in one slurping sip and feeling a bit clearer in her head because of it, though she was unsure if the oral offering she was given was actually prepared by the man mountain in front of her, Miss Connors still felt an impulse to compliment him on a job well done as she passed the glass back to his waiting hand. This seeming to be all that Crowley seemed to have been waiting for, after bowing to her politely all too quickly the amber amazon found herself surrounded with dust again as the butler made his escape, in much the same manner with which he had arrived, no less…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#30Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:15 pm

Aisha Connors


Damn… Just how strong is that guy? He’s like half gazelle, half tank! The mountain of a man squaring his stance and squatting for a second before launching himself into the air like some kind of a flea, Crowley disappeared behind the cover of a building in all of a moment as he bounded into the sky, leaving his guest looking rather impressed. Certainly no slouch physically herself but this massive figure quite literally leaving her in the dust, Aisha had to notice the level of agility that the butler showed despite the bulky frame he possessed, leaving her to wonder just what he was made of. If the bronze beauty didn’t know better, she’d think he was part machine or something!

“See you later then…” Waving toward the figure that disappeared behind the rooftops and even bidding the brute adieu despite the fact that she was reasonably sure that some combination of distance and rushing wind would mean that the figure to whom her farewell was directed would never hear it, after doing so the Desiertian delight shrugged and looked at the note that had been delivered to her.

’Aisha’… Looks like he got the delivery right too? A slightly scrawled script showing her name on the front of the letter, the formal fashion in which she had been contacted seemed amusing to someone who was so unused to the habits of high society, the mocha madam noting to herself that despite how down to earth the daughter of the hallows family was she couldn’t quite escape the class she was born into. This observed fact making Miss Connors shake her head from side to side as she pushed her fingertip into the loose corner of the note and slid it across the fold to open it up, she couldn’t help but chuckle as she wondered what the contents might tell her, but somehow managed to guess that this was no simple love note or something of the sort. After all, Eve seemed to lack the subtlety to pull of such a thing, and thus far had seemed to have zero interest in romance at all…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#31Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:16 pm

Aisha Connors


Come to the mansion at once if convenient.
If inconvenient, come anyway.

The contents of the letter that she received nothing that would hold much surprise for Miss Connors by this point, the fashion in which the note was written at least did amuse the amber amazon, finding that in the unlikely event that this was some form of forgery the party responsible certainly knew the target that they wished to emulate. Such abruptness and insistence the hallmark of the daughter of the Hallows Household, a small smile spread across the face of the ravishing runner as she read the short and simple message, and not just because of the amusing manner in why her ally spoke.

She’s hardly said anything since she got back to the mansion, or slept either… The amusing note seeming to offer far more promise than the sense of entertainment that it inspired, though this was certainly a rather formal manner in which to get her attention, the Mocha Madam had only one guess about why there was such a need for her new partner to get in touch with her. A sense of excitement filling the form of the foreign femme, Aisha smirk turned into a broad grin as she realized that her stay here might just be coming to an end, which was no judgement upon the city or family that hosted her.

So if she’s snapped out of that translators trance, it can only mean one thing… She’s finished! Not that she’d hated her time here really but the type of person who loathed turning her wheels in one spot for too long, while she had been enjoying the break the bronze beauty was eager to continue her adventures and search for Jack, and also to satisfy her curiosity about the object that he had tucked away. With this excitement as her driving force, Miss Connors made no waste in her haste as she headed back to the mansion at maximum pace, dashing through the streets of Crocus toward the homestead of the Hallows family with reckless abandon and a grin on her face…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#32Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:19 pm

Aisha Connors


“Ahaaaa~ I’d say that was fast, but as it turns out, you’re a slowpoke compared to Mr. Crowley!”

The glossiness of her skin only all the more apparent once she reached the front door to the mansion of the Hallows household, as the massive man that had delivered her note opened the threshold for her and offered another crisp glass of ice water and lemon, the mocha madam found herself being greeted by the glowing lenses of the strange student she had met in the days previously. The young woman seeming surprisingly chipper for someone who hadn’t seemed to have slept or apparently changed her clothing since they day she had met her, teasing the tall temptress playfully as Aisha wheezed for air, having gone all out in her path back here and now paying for it a little bit.

“Whew… Well, some women are worth the wait…” Taking a deep breath as well as the cool glass of refreshment that was offered to her by the dutiful doorman, as Eve lingered in front of her with a smirk plastered across her face, Miss Connors couldn’t help but return it but with the extra addition of a wink. Quickly learning in the time that she spent with this aspiring scholar that her attempts at charm would likely fall flat but letting them loose more for her own sense of relaxation than anything, in a way it was a little cute to see the way the woman seemed bewildered by what the bronze beauty would say, and only a fool would assume that every little playful flirtation must be launched with the intention of getting somewhere.

“And I like to think that I’m one of them~” After all, sometimes a ‘dance’ was worth indulging simply for the sake of enjoyment, and while the amber amazon was having fun she saw no reason in changing her habits unnecessarily.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#33Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:20 pm

Aisha Connors


“Well, I’m not sure about women, but what I’ve found out certainly is?
Come on, I’m all done with our little baby, and it’s going to knock your socks off!”

As usual the girl seeming to miss the mark but by now the mocha madam used to this, despite the fatigue that Aisha expected her friend to be feeling, the girl seemed quite bouncy and lively really. Hardly giving the desert delight time to take a sip from the drink she had been offered before once again snatching her arm and dragging her away to attend to the task, there was a childish earnestness about this educated lady that seemed to wipe away any notions of rudeness, though one supposed that the amber amazon might have been more tolerant of her behaviour because of the place she had come from.

“Oh, you got it finished, did you? Sounds like you found something pretty exciting~” The guild known as ‘Fairy Tail’ not the sort of place that harboured all that many shrinking violets and yet that deficit seemingly filled by souls who were quite the unruly sort, if one was fearful of finding a person being loud, excitable or downright intrusive then it was probably the wrong place to visit. In terms of decorum the oddballs that filled the place certainly leaving much to the imagination, once one was used to their sort you would usually get a strong appreciation for the sense of warmth, friendliness and familial spirit that the guild embodied, not to mention growing rather a thick skin in regard rowdiness as well.

“Oh, definitely, definitely… I’ve never seen anything like this before!
In a way we were both right really…”

A big grin plastered across Eve’s face as she turned toward Miss Connors with her enthusiasm only seeming to grow the closer they got to her study room, though she was a little bit lacking in coherence because it felt as if she was talking like she expected that the mocha madam had been right by her side as she solved the puzzle of the scroll, our heroine saw that excitement with which the student shone with and couldn’t help but feel the same as she walked along with her…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#34Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:22 pm

Aisha Connors


“As you can see, they definitely seem to be something like magic circles, but seals as well?”

The study of the schoolgirl a mess of books and dirty crockery, some of which were adorned with some crusty looking half-finished foodstuffs, at their centre sat the crown jewel of Eve Hallows recent efforts. The scroll that Miss Connors had brought to her sat with now two ‘clones’ either side of it, while one bore recognisable words in the script of Fiore that described what the scroll was trying to tell one, the other seemed to use the characters with which the foreign femme was familiar to spell out terms that did not seem to suit their locale at all.

“You’re pretty meticulous, Eve…” Seemingly a sounded out guide on how to pronounce the original language in a phonetic fashion, it appeared that the scruffy young scholar had been as thorough as she had said she would be back at the university, likely putting most self-professed ‘experts’ to shame with the lengths she had gone to in order to provide an accurate but speedy translation and impressing the ochre observer with her methods. Aisha having sought out Genevieve Lucienne for a purpose other than the one she saw laid out before her, she couldn’t help but wonder how that woman’s skill might compare to her student, and doubted that her friend would come off much wore by comparison from what she saw.

“So, it’s a magic scroll, and yet seals something as well? What does that mean?” The foreign femme frowning as she looked from her original copy and then looked toward the Fiorian script to see if she could gain a clue on what exactly she saw before her, the circular words she saw on the replicated piece of text certainly seemed to resemble the incantations one tended to see in books of magic that one used before having the spell thoroughly tamed and workable by non-verbal means, as Eve seemed to hint there was something a little off about them but what this was seemed to elude Miss Connors as she stared at the text in front of her…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#35Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:22 pm

Aisha Connors


“Aha, now that’s the issue you see… Though I had just translated the runes into Fiorian at first, as I went through things it became more and more apparent that I was missing something…”

Apparently Aisha not the only one who seemed to see something wrong with the Fiorian transcription that had been created, as she raised her curious confusion to the young woman with whom she shared the room, the caramel girl found a nodding and knowing set of eyes looking back toward her. Perhaps the rune enthusiast impressed with the Desiertian’s deduction though her manner never confirming this verbally, the student slipped in next to the mocha madam and began to run her finger across the words that she had transformed into something readable, seeming proud of her achievement and yet regretful all the same. For reasons which she would soon reveal.

“You see, while languages can be quite beautiful, many are very complicated, you see?
Ancient ones especially… It’s as if hundreds and thousands of years ago, people seemed to enjoy speaking with a lot more poetry than we do now? Or at least the words they wrote down appear that way…”

Perhaps the excitement of Eve sourced from the challenge in what she found in the work, while the woman seemed to lament the fact that she couldn’t quite capture the feeling of the text in the language they both spoke, she seemed none the less satisfied with what she had achieved. Clearly no amateur that was fumbling in the dark with only the aid of a dictionary, the lavender eyes that Miss Connors managed to grab hints of from beyond her thick lenses seemed filled with energy and enthusiasm, and no shortage of assurance. Sadly the same could not be said for our heroine.

“So, they had better ways of saying things than we do now?” The foreign femme frowning and feeling a little confused already, she sought clarification on what the woman was saying and how it related to the contents of the scroll, feeling as if she was just about managing to keep up with what her friend was saying but not quite sure of that fact. Not quite so au fey with the concepts that were raised and preferring a gym to a classroom, perhaps Aisha showed a hint of insecurity in her intelligence but would be happier knowing she was keeping up than pretending she was and feeling stupid afterward.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#36Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:23 pm

Aisha Connors


“Heeheeheeheehee~ It’s funny, isn’t it?
A lot of people would consider the current age the most enlightened time in history, yet from what I can see, edification was much higher in the past?”

Further nodding seeming to confirm to the fox that the interpretation she was taking from the words of her ‘tutor’ was more or less correct, almost as if she had the idea to let Miss Connors read more from her face, Eve pulled her glasses off and began to clean them with a silk handkerchief she had plucked from her pocket. Treating the guest in the house to her first clear vision of the vivid violet colour in her eyes, even as she spewed concepts that the amazon amateur needed most of her focus to deconstruct then, our lady lead couldn’t help but admire the loveliness that had been revealed to her.

If she wanted to be, she could be quite the looker? That colour so unusual and complimenting to looks of the lass so perfectly, though Aisha tried to focus on the ideas that were raised by the girl, she couldn’t help but let gaze toward the brightness of her vision and the good looks that she did such a good job of hiding. A subtle smile spreading across the face of the foreign femme as she looked toward the prettiness of her friend, while it was eye opening to see how pretty she was, the fact did not shock her really.

“Well, I suppose it’s natural. Back in the day, so to speak, it tended to be only priests and scholars that could commit things to paper, so the things they wrote probably had a lot more importance and wisdom behind them than oversaturation of information we have around us now?”

Though, with a mother like hers, it’s no real surprise…? The woman of the house the kind who could leave almost anyone in awe of her beauty, it seemed that this trait had been inherited by her daughter and even if it was something that Miss Hallows chose not to highlight, it was a fact that one could not deny. Innocent in the ways of seduction it would seem and more focused on her studies, Aisha had to guess that if that ever changed people would be in for a shock, and half wanted to see just how dense the girl could be if she really turned on the charm…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#37Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:24 pm

Aisha Connors


“Oh, but yes, the scroll… I got a little side-tracked.
I think it’s an incantation? Or more accurately, an invocation?”

Apparently the excitement of Eve getting the better of her, after rattling on for a while onto subjects that Miss Connors couldn’t help but let her mind drift away from, the girl felt the need to get things back on their original path and shook her head as she corrected herself. Finally going on to explain what she meant about them both being right, or at least her assumption that the amber eyed amazon saw it more as a magic circle than a seal, the listening lady lifted her finger up as she looked at the selection of scrolls that were laid out and rubbed her chin as she analysed them.

“An invocation? You mean, like a summoning?!” Nodding slowly as she started to understand the meaning of Miss Hallows, though when she saw the scroll for the first time back in Jack’s apartment she had assumed it regarded some incredible spell or set of them, she was not particularly disappointed to discover that this was not the case. Not exactly well versed in spell craft in the sense of a formal education but the types that frequented the guild knowledgeable in their own way and happy to pass on what they knew through advice and the occasional bout of boasting, Aisha was well aware that magic that could summon entities was very possible, but also rather rare.

“Yes! Yessss! Exactly that!”

This news only seeming to deepen the degree of intrigue felt by both the dishy Desertian and her delightful companion, though Miss Connors continued to feel like she couldn’t see the entire picture of what was going on from the view that had been revealed to her she couldn’t help but feel her curiosity rising because of that. Unsure of whether that was a good thing or a bad thing but wanting to get to the bottom of it, the mocha madam turned her gaze back toward the fascinating item on the table, wondering just what it might contain…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#38Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:25 pm

Aisha Connors


“So, the scroll does have a spirit trapped in it? A demon, like you said?” The amber eyes of the amazon drifting across the details that were depicted on the sheets in front of her, though certain phrases in the Fiorian translation seemed to hint at what was within it or at least they seemed to now she was treated to this new perspective, Aisha still couldn’t work out the truth of the matter really. Nowhere near as intimately connected with the text as Miss Hallows had apparently become, and also rather mindful of the fact that her fellow femme had mentioned that her translation was at best an interpretation of something that seemed to mean more than she could reveal, the fox was forced to consult her companion again in regard to the truth of the object that she had brought to the capital.

“Yes! Well, maybe…
I think it might just bring something into this world, but whether it comes from the scroll itself or someplace else, like a different realm than ours, I don’t know…”

Is that why Jack held onto it? Maybe it’s dangerous… The notion that this odd item contained such an entity something that gave Miss Connors a chill as her friend confirmed her suspicion as best she could, as she remembered another relic that had given birth to a wicked entity that she had to deal with recently, the mocha madam couldn’t help but worry about what would happen to this scroll got into the wrong hands.
I should probably put it back where I found it, shouldn’t I? Almost immediately suspecting that this was the reason that the scroll had been stowed away with the other secret items of her mentor’s, as soon as she realized the supposed truth of the matter, the bronze beauty knew what she had to do.

“But, I guess that doesn’t matter, we’ll know where it will come from when we summon it!”

It only making sense that they conceal such a risky item or maybe even destroy it before it could cause more damage, it was the approach that seemed to make the most sense to her, but apparently she was the only one it did so. Someone else seeming to have quite different ideas to the Desiertian, as Miss Hallows clapped her hands together and suggested something quite ludicrous, all that Aisha could do was gape and wonder if she might have made a mistake in the translator she had chosen…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#39Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:25 pm

Aisha Connors


“Y-You… want to summon it?” Looking toward Eve with a sense of disbelief that almost made her doubt what she had just heard or half-assume that she had simply imagined that innocent but seeming insidious intention, with her eyelashes snapping downward as she blinked at the black haired girl nearby, Miss Connors couldn’t help but question the words of the woman. Surely only a fool or hard core enthusiast of the forces of darkness wanting to call upon a demon for no reason other than curiosity, while the jury was still out on the latter given the macabre state of her mansion home, the mocha madam was reasonably sure that the former was not true and wished to clarify the matter.

“Mmhmm! Seems a waste knowing we can and not doing it?”

Unfortunately it seeming that situational clarity was not exactly a boon in this circumstance, as Miss Hallows offered a perfect confirmation of her intent with an almost childlike sense of zeal, the bronze beauty couldn’t help but feel all the more disturbed in response.
“But, you said… Should we really be pulling a demon into this world?” Attempting to show a little understanding of the girl despite the bizarre suggestion she had made, Aisha could only guess that the girl she shared the room with was maybe missing some leap of logic or something that was making her act this way.

“That’s already a problem around the country, rifts spewing these nasty buggers everywhere, from what I’ve heard? We probably shouldn’t be adding to it…” The student seeming something of an oddball but not appearing to be a bad person by even the greatest stretch of the term, while he choices in fashion and fascination might have been pretty unusual, Miss Connors did not wish to believe that this endearing girl was a bad person and tried to convince her of the error in her ways.

“Well that’s exactly why we should summon it!”

Unfortunately, her efforts seemed to meet with more disturbingly cheery affirmation, all too quickly Eve made it appear as if Aisha herself was the one who was missing the point, though for reasons she could not hope to conceive. At least until she was filled in on those facts, of course…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#40Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:26 pm

Aisha Connors


Is this girl… Trying to cause the apocalypse? Tilting her head at the latest piece of oddness that Eve had uttered and arching her brow to boot, the bronze beauty couldn’t help but question the level of faith that she had put in this practical stranger to her. Bewildered by the opinion that was shown by her host and seriously starting to think that she might have accidentally fallen into the company of a bunch of devil worshippers, as she thought about it and frowned, Miss Connors could readily see how it might make sense.

I might have made a pretty crazy friend… And not in the good way. All of them seeming to love darkness in their own way, their house looked more like it would be more at home overlooking a howling abyss rather than the capital of Fiore, and the Desiertian was starting to suspect that she had quite accidentally fallen in with a bad lot, and might need to fight her way out of here. It was lucky then that it seemed that Miss Hallows was more sensitive to her feelings than Aisha would have ever guessed, or at least used to finding people gobsmacked by what she said.

“Hahahahah, you look worried, but you shouldn’t be…”

Something about the expression of Miss Connors seeming to have caught the eye of Eve, after chuckling as the confusion and conflict that the caramel lass was by now showing in spades, the young student showed a self-awareness that up to this point would have seemed practically out of character given the self-involved nature she had shown thus far.

“I mean, many translations of what it calls forth seem to refer to a demon, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, especially with this text in mind?”

Combing her slender fingers through the messy mane of black hair that she possessed but doing nothing to reduce the degree with which it resembled a birds nest, with a sparkle in her eye the scholar began to explain her standpoint to her suspicious companion, seeming to relish the chance to show off her intelligence as she did so…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#41Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:28 pm

Aisha Connors


“Uh… I’m pretty sure there are people in the holy knights and church of Illumin that would disagree with you there…” Perhaps finding a hint of relief in the fact that Eve was at least trying to get her to understand her viewpoint instead of simply ploughing along with her plan or worse trying to silence her through malign means, despite the opinion that the dark girl expressed, the Desiertian couldn’t help but doubt it. Not exactly the religious sort and raised from a young age by parents that seemed more interested in what they had around them rather than some divine source that ignored them, and then Jack too seeming to have little time for pious service, it was through casual understanding that Miss Connors had gathered in her time in Fiore that she understood the preaching and practices of this land and the ones that surrounded it. However, even with this meagre grasp she knew the basic lesson that demons meant bad. That seemed near universal to her up to this point, but apparently, was not wholly accepted by all.

“Oh pish posh, those guys just listen to the dogma that the church spews out…
In ancient times, angels and demons were the same thing. Two sides of the same coin, simple spirits!
It is only the opinions of certain factions that taint them in one colour or another these days, but that’s the same as anything, right?
One country might see a soldier as a war hero whilst another may view them as a brute?”

“I suppose…?” Miss Hallows demonstrating that she was far more free thinking in her approach to spirituality than most people in a largely devout nation, as her friend denounced the beliefs of the Illuminains with no shortage of intellectual relish, Aisha couldn’t help but find a certain degree of logic in the words she chose to spread her message with and the rationale behind them.

Jack is my hero, by that woman… She hated him. Certainly given a front row seat to the experience of a hero being stripped apart by the opinion of another in recent days, in a way that particularly dreadful experience only helped the mocha madam grasp the concepts that her companion was trying to spread that bit easier, making it almost seem a good thing in a way. That quite surprising though not as much as the notion that there might be ‘good’ demons lurking out there somewhere, while Miss Connors was starting to open herself up to the ideas that her friend was trying to raise, she would require some convincing of that fact before she was ready to believe it…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#42Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:28 pm

Aisha Connors


“Good spirits and bad spirits, some would watch over people while others would attack them, and back before magic use was as common as it is today people needed the former a lot more…”

“Right. But, what makes you so sure this is one of those… Good demons?” The explanation of Eve at least seeming to have a certain degree of sense behind it, and for once it not that abhorrent ‘non’ sense, though Miss Connors was starting to see things with a little ‘balance’ in her perspective she could not quite see how the descriptions of her translator seemed to pertain to their current circumstances. Once again it feeling like she was missing something and needing that experience and expertise that her host could offer to round it out, it definitely felt like the Desiertian was at a disadvantage in this clash of concepts and once again needed the help of the girl nearby to broach the issue.

“Oh, that’s easy really…
From the looks of the text, the whole point of summoning ‘em like this is to ask for help?”

Miss Hallows naturally able to offer up the insight she had taken with ease and her customary frankness of opinion, finally Aisha was given a little insight into the assurance that her companion showed in the character of the entity in question, but for one reason or another she still found the concept rather incredible. It not occurring to the mocha madam up to this point to question the purpose with which the ancient souls had chosen to create this method of summoning whatever beings that this scroll could call forth, the foreign femme frowned as she mulled over the concept, finding that superficially it resembled the summoning magic’s of the modern day more and more.

“Summoning monters for help…? Sounds like it could be risky, but rewarding maybe?” From what she had learned of the arts of invocation the style tending to be practiced by people who preferred to take a back seat approach to battle, letting the creations that they called upon do the main action while acting as more of a figure of control and coordination than clashing directly with their opponents. Certainly not the approach she would have taken but not everyone as gifted with the same kind of blessed body as the bronze beauty, given how much she cherished her own familiar and the bond she had developed with him, she could appreciate the idea of fostering a partnership like that. After all, at least one would never be lonely if they could conjure a companion up whenever they needed?

“Sort of, I suppose…
I mean there’s a chance I might be wrong but… From what I can tell, the whole thing is about fusing with a spirit to give you the power to fight others like it?”

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#43Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:29 pm

Aisha Connors


“Fusing… With a spirit?” The guess that the girl from Desierto had made seeming to not quite line up with the notion that was proposed in the scroll, as soon as Miss Hallows told her the true method that the text seemed to outline, Aisha couldn’t help but visualize herself suddenly becoming half beast or something of the sort. It certainly sounding like it would be a potent skill if used right, the insight that the mocha marvel had into modern forms of magic proved invaluable to her imagination.

That sounds a little like… Take Over magic? Not well learned by any stretch of the terms but more knowledgeable about magic than she perhaps gave herself credit for, she could definitely see something that resembled the ability she envisioned. Remembering the skill that Jack had described to her when she first began to learn her mystical skills and even a few enemies that she had fought now and then, the bronze beauty could well imagine the potential of such a combination, but also the danger.

If it’s like that, things might go south quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing… The ability that she envisioned not without its risks, when one took the ‘soul’ of an animal, beast or something even more powerful into their body, there was always the chance that the spirit would win out over that of the person performing the spell, and a person would lose control. It also seeming as if the risk would increase with the innate might of the creature involved, the knowledge that this spell might lead to one of them getting their body ‘jacked’ by some curious and capable creature made Miss Connors doubt the intention of her friend, and that was only going to get worse with the note that Eve added.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#44Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:30 pm

Aisha Connors


“Either that or… It’s to do with breeding with them!
The word was closest to ‘unite’ with connotations toward bestowal of something or other… Hopefully it’s not going to have something to do with impregnation…
It’s always tricky with such a gulf of language and time between things… Things are vague and even misleading at times?”

“I’m gonna be honest, I really hope you’re right on that one…” Now the image of some insatiably love struck spirit filling her head, like any good practitioner of the magical arts and battler of dark forces Aisha had certainly had the odd fantasy or two involving such situations, but did not wish for her daydreaming to become reality in this case. Not exactly wanting to have Eve and whoever else she wished to assemble for this ceremony getting a front row seat to an amorous display between herself and a demon no matter how ‘good’ they were supposed to be and assuming that her companions wouldn’t either, that was one adventurous scenario that was best kept in her mind or at the very least in a controlled and highly private environment.

“Yeah yeah, I’m sure it will be fine…
Hahahaha, if it gets too frisky, I’m sure Crowley can give em a lesson in manners!
Heheheheh, now I expect you’ll be helping me, right?”

Eve however not seeming particularly daunted by the situation and even somewhat amused by the eventuality that her error might bring about, as she looked toward our heroine with such excitement and optimism it felt hard for Miss Connors to say no to her, even if it did seem like a somewhat crazy plan.
“Yeah… I guess I can, I mean… I owe you for the translation, don’t I?” The spirit of that adventurous soul who had raised her probably showing its influence when she gave a slightly reluctant nod of affirmation in response to the request of the girl, though the amber amazon had her reservations about being a part of this ritual, she guessed it was better to be involved than leave her new friend to perform it alone. After all, she was a decent mage now, and might be able to stop things from turning south, or at least that was what she hoped…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#45Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:39 pm

Aisha Connors


“Ah, now… Hmmmmm… Yes! That looks right~!
Nearly done now, I think~”

A happy chirp resonating from the dark hobbyist as she lifted herself up from the all fours position she had been on and looked over her work as Aisha Connors stood in the corner of the Hallows household basement, the messy haired girl looked none the worse for wear after the days upon days of lacking sleep she had suffered, and instead was rather upbeat. Scrawling markings across the rough tiles in what looked to be some special and strange smelling chalk, the Desiertian delight watched with one of her brows raised as the girl crawled around and scribbled before looking at the scroll to make sure what she was doing was OK, and wasn’t the only observer here. In fact, the basement was pretty packed right now.

Looks like she’s made this a family affair, huh? The amber eyes of the amazon washing over the figures who had collected in the dim light of this underground expanse, each and every member of the house had seemed to gather to help with the little ‘experiment’ they were performing down here, each of them as much of a unique and curious soul as the daughter who had guided them here. Naturally the unusual attendant known as Crowley a party to the events that were occurring but seemingly more here in a capacity to support the others, every now and then he would duck out and fetch drinks and supplies for the others as they worked, Aisha feeling a little bit out of place as she simply stood there and watched the occultists as they busied themselves so efficiently.

They look almost as excited as she does, actually…? Each of the members of this little unit seeming to show so much more expertise in preparing rituals like this, the bronze beauty had to wonder if this sort of thing was a regular occurrence in this household, as neither the parents nor brother of her friend seemed intimidated by the task at hand and they actually seemed somewhat intrigued by it in fact…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#46Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:16 pm

Aisha Connors


The woman of the house… The gaze of the girl from Desierto seeming to be drawn toward the matriarch of the household first and foremost, as Miss Connors looked toward a woman who describing as ‘stunning’ would be something of an understatement, she couldn’t help but feel a hint of guilt in the things that were stirred up by this elegant elder. That soft gaze something that could make the knees of men and women alike as weak as a dry straw, the bronze beauty had no idea how old the matriarch of the family was but certain that no matter what it was she looked much younger than she ought do. The sort of woman who had the mocha madam met in other circumstances such as a nice bar or even on the street she might well have gone out of her way to impress her, though it was a little discomforting to admit the guest of the house couldn’t help but finding herself lost in a few fantastical flights of mental fantasy about this visual opposite to her daughter, so much so that she might have eagerly helped the woman commit a nice bout of adultery if it was offered to her.

Definite wife material. The image of refinement in a dark and lacy dress with silky and sleek black hair hanging over her right eye, Elvira Hallows was the sort of woman that one would expect a poet to write sonnets filled with sweetness and sorrow about, her good looks only seeming to be matched by the sense of grace and ironically the light that she brought into this gothic household. Carrying a dark sense of mystery about her and a gaze that told you she always saw more in a situation than she seemed to admit, for all of her abundant beauty she was oddly humble and the most doting motherly figure that one could imagine, having taken Aisha under her wing eagerly and in ways that given her attraction she slightly regretted. As bad as it was to confess, it seemed almost a shame she was so hopelessly devoted to the man of the house…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#47Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:09 pm

Aisha Connors


If he wasn’t so jolly, he’d be downright terrifying… Next turning her attention toward the man who had earned the heart, loyalty and everything else of Elvira, the man of the house was the sort of soul who was surprisingly upbeat in spite of the way that he looked. His features sharp and refined, he shared the amber tone that the amazon had in her eyes but it seemed so much clearer, with his looks and gaze especially making one think that they were being eyed by a hungry bird of prey whenever one found themselves being scrutinized by the man.

Though, once you get to know him, he’s a big softy… No wonder Mrs Hallows is so smitten with him? Not as naturally outgoing as the woman whom he had snared in such sweet romance and seeming more of a thoughtful soul, despite a quieter bearing than the woman he had married, Edmund Hallows had a wit that could be razor sharp but the soul of a poet. Artful in the way he presented himself in every description of the term, not only did he dress with an eclectic sense of the macabre but he also appeared to be the source of the inherent intelligence that his daughter demonstrated.

I can imagine him writing a different poem for her with every date… Not sure that’s something I could ever compete with! Often seen with an old book in one hand and a glass of wine, brandy or something more serious in hand as he sat in the family library, there scarcely seemed to have been a word written that the man hadn’t read and he seemed tremendously proud of both of his children in regard of their academic pursuits. Learned in the ways of literature, music and art, he carried that same sense of cool refinement and love of culture that his wife showed so affluently, and shared the same level of interest in the mystical and occult that both his children seemed to demonstrate in droves…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#48Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2019 2:29 am

Aisha Connors


And then there’s him… The final member of this nuclear unit the second born child, the son of the household seemed to resemble neither parent in any particular way, and in fact appeared as if he had more in common with his sister than anyone. Scruffy in his bearing like Eve was and contrasting his refined and almost regal looking parents, the degree to which one might consider the daughter of the family to be odd was not a patch on the child that was born after her. Miss Hallows an enthusiast of the occult but this lad like a dyed in the wool fan of horror and everything macabre, he had brought odd little artefacts and antiques of malign design with him to the dinner table and seemed innocent even when Elvira had chided him for doing so.

Maybe it’s because he’s a boy, but… He’s kinda creepy at times. A shiver passing through her spine as she caught the dark, almost dead fish-like eyes of the son of the family, though Aisha was not much the type to cast judgement of any hard nature on anyone, she couldn’t help but feel rather discomforted by Eldrich Hallows. The quietest member of the household, after Crowley the butler at least, the bronze beauty had exchanged few words with the lad and even the few she had seemed to unsettle her.

Just doesn’t have that same ‘charm factor’ that Eve does? Interested in the same things his sister seemed to be but so much more devoted in his practice, some mix of awkwardness and sheltered naiveté seemed to lead the lad to think that people would not be disturbed by his choices in obsession or the abrupt way in which he raised them. Practically the only interest that he had shown in Miss Connors being when he asked her in the hallway which demonic god she would prefer to serve, though he had the same kind of zeal as his elder sister, his gender or something similar seemed to make his habits seem that much more magnified in their malign tendencies. Girls easy to pass off as odd ducks while still seeming to be cute, perhaps it was a little bit sexist but boys tended to be far less adorable in their awkwardness, and never was this fact more apparent than in the case of Eldrich…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#49Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:24 pm

Aisha Connors


“Yessssss… Now, that’s it, I think!”

The observations of the guest of the Hallows coming to an end as the daughter of the house raised her voice again and stood up, after dusting off her clothing a little, Eve stood up looking as pleased as punch and twice of proud. The image of the girl seeming like a child who had just finished her perfect piece of finger painting and the truth not particularly distant from that really, after admiring what she had done in the dim light the student hummed and took a set of black candles that had been offered to her by her mother and began to light them up, illuminating her creation for all to see more fully.

That looks… Familiar? The items that she had sparked up burning with an eerie flame that gave off an almost ultraviolet purple light, after the eyes of Miss Connors adjusted to the odd tone that flooded the basement, she looked at what had been scrawled across the floor with a sense of slight recognition. Glancing at the scroll that she had ‘borrowed’ from Jack’s wicked little box quite a few times by this point, while she didn’t really understand what any of the runes upon it said, she had memorized the shape enough to distinguish it at least a little bit.

I suppose it must almost be time to get this show on the road, then? The reproduction that her friend had created seeming as faithful as she could tell it would be, it was odd seeing such a small thing on a scroll now fill a space that was a good ten meters wide, but the bronze beauty expected that her partner in this endeavour knew what she was doing. After all, if she didn’t, they were all going to be in trouble…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq
#50Aisha Connors 

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2019 3:47 pm

Aisha Connors


“So, uh… What’s next, Eve?” Scratching the back of her head lightly once she had finished admiring the artful arrangement of character upon the floor and looking toward the young woman who had finished placing those thigh and seemingly incense laden candles around the shape she had made in at least a dozen locations, perhaps it was a sense of anxiety about what was to come that made our heroine feel a little hasty in confronting it, or she might simply have been bored having stood around in this dim light for no short stretch as the family got to work. Either way the amber amazon keen on seeing something with a little more action, even if it was to be a demon of good or evil nature with some wicked seeds to sow, she looked toward her friend for guidance and hoped she would get a good answer. Unfortunately, she had yet to get used to how roundabout Miss Hallows tended to be.

“Hmmmm… What indeed?
You’re a pretty strong mage, aren’t you, Aisha?”

The young woman somewhat true to form as she answered the question of her companion with one, or rather two, of her own, any clarity that Miss Connors might have hoped to find in their course of action would seemingly have to wait as apparently the issue twisted with her words into something different.

“Uh, well… I do alright? I’m nothing compared to my master but I’ve done a few hard quests, beaten a few tricky enemies?” The amber amazon arching her eyebrow for a second or more as she tried to acclimatize to the swerve that their conversation had taken so abruptly, while she was a skilled mage in many regards, the bronze beauty was not particularly the sort to boast of her abilities to any high degree. Humbled in what she could do by the image of the man who had saved her as a little girl, with how much the lightning lass idolized Jack it was hard to feel like she measured up much to him as a mage, creating something of an inferiority complex within her that she wasn’t wholly aware of…

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"

- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.

Higher Education [Solo/Training] - Page 2 Wqm01Qq

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