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Nameless Tracker 🐾

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Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:30 am






Relationship: Single, Emotionally Unstable

Currently Serving: Kanya Vi

Team: Ghost Crown

Race: Neko



Weapon: ???

Head: ???

Body: ???

Ring: ???

Companion: ???







- Post Template
- Magic (+Spells)
- Items/Inventory
- Pet/Companion
- Relationships
- Personal Bio/Log
- Clan Bio
- GFX Dump
- Event Notes
- Neko Info
- Pandoric Times
- Histories (Common Lifestyles)
- Souls - Consciousness
- Neko Plot
- Relationship Request

- GFX Shop
- Stat Tracker
- Fortune Wheel
- Victory Road
- Fiorian Bank



Last edited by Yukirochisu on Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:26 pm; edited 27 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:30 am



Her body lay there almost lifeless under the thick darkness of the night sky. The box in her arms, was the only thing she owned and the only thing in her possession of any value. Even her own life was less than what the box held.

The eerie light of the streetlamp illuminated the ground around the fountain. Still, even in the afternoon before, not a single soul would approach or talk to her. She felt as if she waited for the perfect moment, the perfect person. It had been a few hours since she last visited her god's shrine and spoke to her god. She would return later that night perhaps to have another word with them.

Still, even if the candles she found lit up the dark, it would never be enough to keep her warm. She would waste her own energy just trying to light them. So she wouldn't bother. She would hold them within the box she held. She would keep everything she needed in the single case.

The sky would be a great darkness. but to her luck, there was not a single light gust or breeze. Perhaps she would survive.

Here, she would have to make do with the life she was dealt with. It was her own fate. Today was the start of her upbringing. But still, her mind would wander about what she could have done to save her family, her heritage. She had to stay strong , for them. The suffering of one cold dark night alone in a park would be nothing compared to the torture of their village. She needed to find a hope.

Even with her own willpower keeping herself warm, she would toss and turn, finding no comfortable place on the long bench. This was her home, her bed for the night. Not a single sound in the dark would be heard, and perhaps that was what made it so difficult for her. To feel alone in her heart, to feel alone from her family, and to feel alone in that park. But no matter how much she moved, the box would be protected and held in her arms like a precious child.

To any untrained eye, it was a gross manifest ion of death and rot. It was evil and cursed and would have to be eradicated. To those who knew of what it was, they knew what that artifact was, and what it truly belonged to. But Chi would never discover the truth, not for a long while. To her, it was nothing more than the last thing her father left to her. It was her sole heirloom. To her, it was family. Family would always come first, that was why she betrayed her father. She would not complete his wish to end his life. She would never harm her own. She could never betray her clan.

But she was useless unless she had energy and power. With an empty stomach she could only go so far without any wealth. She was brought here with nothing but her clothing and the gift in her grasp. She would bare this weight alone and suffer in silence. It was the only thing she could do for her family. It was all she could do for herself. It was all she had. . . .

XXXX Words
Neko Queen

Nameless Tracker 🐾 2rwangp_th

<div align="center"><table style="background-color:transparent;border:1px solid transparent;"><tbody><tr><td style="font-size:13px;font-family:calibri;line-height:15px;text-align:justify;color:#777;width:450px;padding:40px 0px 40px 40px;">WORDS GO HERE!!!
</td><td style="padding:40px 40px 40px 35px;vertical-align:center;"><div style="width:100px;font-family:courier new;text-align:center;margin-top:6px;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;"><div style="width:116px;margin:8px -5px -7px 0px;font-size:11pt;color:#aaa;font-family:georgia;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;"><div style="font:18px Raleway; text-align:center; color:#6A49AD;">NAMELESS,
[center]<div style="width:80px; height:80px; background-color:#f5f5f5; border-radius:100px; border-style: double; border-color: #c1c1c1; background-image: url(http://oi68.tinypic.com/voqyom.jpg);"></div>
</div>[size=10]■ [i]XXXX Words[/i] ■
■ [i]Neko Queen[/i] ■[/size]


Last edited by Nameless on Sat May 05, 2018 5:52 pm; edited 6 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:32 am



"From another time, and another place."

Name: Muffin Make

Element: Muffin (Non-Elemental)

Description: Muffin Make : Forbidden Art (머핀 만들기 : 금단의 예술 Meopin Mandeulgi : Geumdan-ui yesul) is an ancient magic with no recorded history. It was thought to be nothing more than a magic of a child's fairy tale.

Molding Magic allows the user to mold or create something by concentrating their Magic Power into their hands, like an element, into different shapes or forms.If the user uses both of their hands in molding an element, they can create an accurate form of their element. Casting one-handed is easier, but it is a less stable form of molding, and may result in less powerful creations. This magic is focused on creating and molding Muffins for the user to use in various ways.

Nameless Tracker 🐾 BdDo9GF

Beastmasters rely on their companions mostly in battles. They have difficulties learning spells.

- Extra Companion Slot @ B, S and Z
- Offensive Spells
- Other-Buff Spells

D-Ranked Spells:
Dangerous Muffin : Chocolate Lava
Magic Muffin : Blueberry (Fiber)
Magic Muffin : Strawberry (Sugar)
Magic Muffin : Red Velvet (Fiber)
Magic Muffin : White Chocolate (Protein)

C-Ranked Spells:
- ???

B-Ranked Spells:
- ???

A-Ranked Spells:
- ???

S-Ranked Spells:
- ???

For Spell Apps:
<center><table border="0" cellspacing="0px" width="500"><tbody><tr><td><font size="2"><br><div style="float: right; width: 90px; height: 90px; background-image: url(http://oi68.tinypic.com/2q3106d.jpg); border-radius: 15px; border: #69522F solid 3px; margin-right: 20px;"> </div> <div style="float: right; width: 50px; height: 60px; background-image: url(http://oi66.tinypic.com/mtazqb.jpg); border-radius: 10px; border: #64140E solid 3px; margin-right: 6px;"> </div> <br><br>[b]<div style="float: right; color: #C252EA; font-size: 22px; font-family: arial; letter-spacing: -2px; padding: 3px; 2px 3px 0px;">ANCIENT <font color="FDA823">MUFFIN MAKE</font></div>[/b]<div style="background: url(http://oi63.tinypic.com/2wmlxz8.jpg); height: 80px; border-bottom: #65246C 6px solid; border-radius: 14px 14px 0px 0px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 14px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 14px; margin-top: -40px;"> </div> <div style="float: left; color: #A1A1A1; font-size: 9px; font-family: arial;  text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 4px; margin-top: -19px; margin-right: 8px;">"From another time, and another place."</div><div style="background: url(http://oi66.tinypic.com/55i346.jpg); text-align: justify;  line-height: 10px; padding: 1px; padding-left: 60px;"><div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; background-color: #1d1d1d; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; color: #838382; text-align: justify; line-height: 11px; padding: 10px 30px 10px 30px;">

[center]<div style="background-image: url(http://oi66.tinypic.com/121y44p.jpg); width: 300px; height: 165px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; border-radius: 30px; "> </div>[/center]

[color=#6666ff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Muffin Make

[color=#6666ff][b]Element:[/b][/color] Muffin (Non-Elemental)

[color=#6666ff][b]Description:[/b][/color] Muffin Make : Forbidden Art (머핀 만들기 : 금단의 예술 Meopin Mandeulgi : Geumdan-ui yesul) is an ancient magic with no recorded history. It was thought to be nothing more than a magic of a child's fairy tale.

Molding Magic allows the user to mold or create something by concentrating their Magic Power into their hands, like an element, into different shapes or forms.If the user uses both of their hands in molding an element, they can create an accurate form of their element. Casting one-handed is easier, but it is a less stable form of molding, and may result in less powerful creations. This magic is focused on creating and molding Muffins for the user to use in various ways.


Beastmasters rely on their companions mostly in battles. They have difficulties learning spells.

- Extra Companion Slot @ B, S and Z
- Offensive Spells
- Other-Buff Spells [/quote]

[center]<div style="background-image: url(http://oi67.tinypic.com/2nuu050.jpg); width: 300px; height: 225px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: #FFFFFF; border-radius: 15px; "> </div>[/center]


Name: Text
Rank: ?
Mana Cost: 00
Requirements: Muffin Make
Type: (Buff/Offensive)
Element: Spirit (Non-Elemental)
Range: 00 Meters
Cooldown: X Posts
Duration: Instant or Sustain
Effect: Text
[quote][color=#9966ff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Text
[color=#9966ff][b]Rank:[/b][/color] ?
[color=#9966ff][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] 00
[color=#9966ff][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] Muffin Make
[color=#9966ff][b]Type:[/b][/color] (Buff/Offensive)
[color=#9966ff][b]Element:[/b][/color] Spirit (Non-Elemental)
[color=#9966ff][b]Range:[/b][/color] 00 Meters
[color=#9966ff][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] X Posts
[color=#9966ff][b]Duration:[/b][/color] Instant or Sustain
[color=#9966ff][b]Effect:[/b][/color] Text[/quote]

Last edited by Nameless on Thu May 10, 2018 12:18 pm; edited 8 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:33 am


[ I N V E N T O R Y ]

Last edited by Teemo on Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:34 am



Name: ???
Race: Snow Vulpix
Gender: ???
Type: Frost
Health: 1x S-rank
Mana: 200
Height: 2'00" | 0.6 m
Weight: 21.8 lbs. | 9.9 kg
Evolution: Snow Ninetails
Personality: ???
Physiology: Vulpix is a small, quadruped, fox-like creature. The Snow Vulpix has adapted to snowy mountain peaks due to this its fur has become snowy white. It has pale blue paws, blue eyes, and dark blue insides its ears. Its snout is more pronounced and pointed than that of regular Vulpix. The locks of hair on its head and its six tails are curlier with a wispy appearance.


  • Strength: 11
  • Endurance: 11
  • Speed: 8


  • Name: Icy Wind
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Vulpix Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Frost
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user opens their  mouth allowing a rush of cold air to erupt forth before turning into a gale of icy wind that spreads out in mid air 1m wide and 1m high. By continuously pouring magic into their mouth the user continues to release this gale of icy wind causing C rank damage per post.

  • Name: Frost
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Vulpix Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Frost
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user opens their mouth releasing a rush of cold air in front of it. The cold air creates a layer of ice over the ground, 2m wide, to cause a slipping hazard making anyone who walks on it potentially slip and fall.

  • Name: Chilled Howl
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Vulpix Magic
    Type: Self Buff (Speed)
    Element: Frost
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustained
    Effect: The user opens their mouth and releases a battle cry allowing an aura of mana to spike from it's body. Mana floods through the users body boosting its speed.

Name: ???
Race: Snow Ninetails
Gender: ???
Type: Frost
Health: 3x S-rank
Mana: 480
Height: 3'07" | 1.1 m
Weight: 43.9 lbs. | 19.9 kg
Evolution: None
Personality: ???
Physiology: This fox-like, quadruped creature is covered with a thick, luxurious pale blue coat with white at the tips of its tails, crests, and covering most of its legs. Its ears are pointed, and it has long, slender legs with three-toed paws. The Snow Ninetails has has blue eyes compared to its counterparts which has red and its fur is more flowing and curled. There is a fluffy crest atop its head, and a small mane around its neck


  • Vulpix needs to have been together with the user in at least 100 posts.
  • Vulpix needs to have been together with the user in at least 10 requests.
  • Vulpix needs to have been together with the user in at least 2 battles against another user.


  • Strength: 25
  • Endurance: 34
  • Speed: 31


  • Name: Ice Beam
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Ninetails Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Frost
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user opens their mouth after which a small orb of frost forms. From the ball a beam of chilled air is launched in the direction of the target to cause damage. The beam of ice is 30cms in diameter.

  • Name: Blizzard
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Ninetails Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Frost
    Range: 3 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user flicks all nine of their tails where on each end blue mana flickers to life in the shape of flames. The user flicks it's tails unleashing a mighty blizzard that expands outwards consuming a 3m3 area.

Last edited by Nameless on Wed May 02, 2018 1:23 am; edited 2 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:34 am


Relationships to Other People


Kanya Vivi - They made their promise at the bathhouse. After Nameless met with a ghost of Chisu's past, she uncovered a lot of hidden truths. It would be a lie if she said she didn't love this woman.
Shura Ranzu - The descendant of Geno Ranzu. Whoever this heir truly is, or will become, Nameless has a debt to settle. She was once acclaimed to serving at Geno's side, where the both of them were once regarded as gods, with Nameless gaining a following. She will repay Shura, for Geno was long gone.

Caitlyn - Better known as the Founder of the Manji Temple, she was arguably the most devoted follower of the Manji, while unknowingly being a Setsuna, a creation by the god herself. However, with her skewed views, Nameless had burned down her temple, and told her to never build such a thing again.
Bodak Manji-Ki - Otherwise known as Chisu's unofficial daughter. She sees her just the same and wants her to grow old and loved. She trusts she can make her own choices. It was her soul that she sought to allow to live again, and hopes she will do well with this life.
Mikiko - Caitlyn's noble apprentice. She's as twisted as her mentor in trying to rally the country under a Manji banner. She may have not been an enemy, but Namey would gladly sell any of their souls away for one corn chip
Kanya Vivi - A woman she first met at at Marble Shrine. She was odd, almsot crazy, and hot headed. Nameless had nothing to feel towards her, but instinctively pledged herself to this woman. Only time would tell the relationship they would have.
Haruna - A name is all she got. And a name is all she is. A neko girl who carried the same pet of the white haired. girl. For whatever reason, she feels the need to protect and guide her, like a mother, or something of the like.
White Haired GIrl - She was nice, was the first to dunk her at her booth. She didn't cheer, and she let her fox fight with Nameless's. There was just something about her that seemed . . . right.


Last edited by Nameless on Fri May 11, 2018 2:11 pm; edited 13 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:34 am


I'll Make a Man(ji) out of you : "I don't remember what happened to me before then, but I know I woke up sticky and in a dark hole. These people called themselves Manji, but want to rule over this country. That is not what the Manji stands for. We have always been servants to the people. We do what no others will. That is our way.

So I burned down their temple. I'm not gonna listen to no crazy people thinkin' they know what's up. I know what's up. I am what's up."
[Mission] In Hushed Whispers
[Mission] From Under The Ground
[Travel] To Magnolia
[Travel] To Orchidia
Visiting Your Grave "I never expected the shrine here to be so pretty. Maybe I under estimated all my lil peasants. Maybe they did good. Besides this place gave me Zuzu and gave me Kanya. She's a little crazy and likes when I'm covered in blood. She says it makes her feel funny, but a good funny. I think she makes me feel a good funny too. That or I'm hungry. I really should have eaten before I got here. . . "
On A Leash- "She's not so different than me. Kanya, miss Kanya Vivi. She will teach me the feelings mortals feel. If I can learn to feel, then I will learn to enjoy this life. I will serve her, until I can no longer, for as long as her promise rings true. However, if she betrays me, then I will gladly feast upon her soul . . . oh, her beautiful soul."
Nekomanji & Sharp Teeth - Nameless had came to the festival early to be first in line for food. She had decided that whatever the man was serving, she was buying. To her surprise she found what seemed to be a vampire, and a friend of Chisu. She left with a few bits of information of Chisu's real whereabouts before leaving to chase after Zuzu, who seemed to run away at the right, or wrong moment. Also blood.... there was blood.
Festival Watcher - "Humans are so weird. Just the other day I met this girl who tripped herself just to get out of a crowd. What a dumbass. She was kinda racist, but I dunno what human isn't. She was okay I guess."
The Dunk Tank - "That was fun. people got paid to get a pussy wet, all in good fun. I got a good pay too, I think I'll get some food, like ribs or a steak. Only a few winners today, thank god that the kids suck, they probably paid the most too. Oh well."
Wet Kitty - "Haruna. I dunno what it means but that girl said it was important. If she felt the need to tell me of all people, then her prayer was to watch over this person. I'll accept Zuzu hunting her pet as her payment. She was able to give Zuzu some experience at least, and for that I will see to this Haruna, whoever she is."
Most Wonderful Time of The Year - Nameless met a girl with the name of "Haruna" only to find her with the pet of the white haired girl. She didn't ask much to the reason, but suspected the previous owner was killed by demons or vampires or some other evil being. She took a liking to her being a neko, but later left her behind when she snuck away to get food.
Hello Kitty - Meeting Shura (Again)
Ring Toss - Nameless opens up a ring toss booth to make money to buy Kanya stuff. that's basically it. Also she drinks... a LOT.
I'm Gonna Scratch You! - ". . . If corrupt gave a fuck, then maybe this world wouldn't be so messed up. The Rune Knights don't communicate and they use their power to their own advantage. They're nothing more than liars who were put in a higher position than others. None of them are better than any other life. If you think about it, they're the real evil. They'll all die one day.

Everyone dies eventually."
You Are Notte The Father! - Notte... part 3?
Parasitic Intervention - Meeting Lacie and Tsuki?

Last edited by Yukirochisu on Thu May 24, 2018 11:59 am; edited 30 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:35 am


In Hushed Whispers - Nameless learns of the corruption and religious influence in Dahlia and takes an interest in it. Having burned down the Manji temple, she takes a liking to Santos and finds herself drawn to his church. How it ends for either side, will remain unknown until she gets there.
From Under The Ground -Nameless discovers that there is no real divide between good an evil. It doesn't matter who you serve, in the end the world will create balance. She would break open a few casket and coffins for the good of research. All of them were far too gone for her to feast, but she would return. She would eat a holy man soon enough, for a blessed meal would have a fine taste with wine.

Last edited by Nameless on Fri May 04, 2018 5:13 pm; edited 8 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:36 am



The Other World:
"My home? Oh you mean Papa K's castle? That place was sooo cool! He has this massive estate where you can do anything on it and no one will bother you. And if ya stand on the balcony your eyes get all real tiny and you can see everywhere in his country. It's super cool! It's such a nice place and the weather is always perfect. What I miss the most about there is he had two different moons. So it was always the perfect weather to take a cat nap!"

Fall of an Era, Rise of a Moment:
Risen from a failing temple, Nameless arose from her slumber within a body that had all but bled out. Drenched in the blood of other sacrifices, she arose inhuman and much different than the Manji suspected.  In an attempt to try and awaken he god they thought they knew, they had awoke a different type of being. She set fire to the temple and wished for them to no longer continue. They were obsolete and nothing more than a project of inherited powers. Seeing as they all had been failed projects, she would cast aside all of them, only to focus on her true descendants; The Setsuna. With them, she would give rise to a new type of clan, one that would serve obediently instead of trying to plot to take over the throne.

And with it, a new goal. One for Neko's to rule, and the Setsuna to serve them all. It was these two bloodlines that would reign supreme.


The First Follower

Last edited by Nameless on Wed May 02, 2018 11:50 am; edited 5 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:36 am


Manji Religion:
The Gods:
Public Knowledge: (What is known to the general population)
- The Manji clan prays to the old gods. There is the great Nameless God, who provides those who honor them with second chances and redemption. There is the Dead God, the god who is father to the Manji clan and all that they possess and provide for. It is said that the great Nameless God was once a hero who saved Fiore from utter destruction, but whose name was weathered by time and forgotten.

Manji Knowledge: (What is believed by the clan)
- There are three gods. Each has their own name and title. There is Yukirochisu, the Nameless god. There is Fetus, the God of Warriors. And finally, Huashi, The Dead God. Often, the names of the gods are ignored and overshadowed by their titles, however some recordings of their existence has given some followers more than enough reason to honor them by name. It is known that long ago the Nameless good wandered Fiore, in search of a second chance. She had fell from great fame into a pit of evil and darkness. She had redeemed herself when she allied with others to save Fiore from a great threat. This was done with the Foolish God, Fetus, at her side. It was his courage that allowed her to pursue such a great goal. As for the Dead God, none are sure of his name, nor his purpose. He simply exists, and is not good, nor evil. He simply is.

True Tale: (The lost truth)
- The Dead God was an aged being who had outlived all of his companions and allies. There came a time when he settled down and made peace with his past. It was at this time he found his companion, and the Nameless God was conceived. It was at this point her first name, Yukirochisu Huashimamasume was given. While being a mouthful, had it's purpose. Her name was tied to her family, as well as her curse. Her surname being "Daughter-Of-The-Forest-(God)" was to remind her where she had came from. However, it was to this fact alone that she rebelled against her father. She had fought him and lost and fled from his domain. She was unaware of the curse that was bestowed upon her, and died upon leaving his world, only to awake in the body of another. With each death, she was born again into the carcass of another lost soul. She would fill the bodies of those who had died, her mind flooded with the memories of her new corpse. It was a matter of lifetimes that she soon lost her own true identity, and thus was born into the Nameless God.

She eventually found a companion named Fetus, who unknown to her, was a gift from her father, the Dead God. They would serve many adventures, and eventually retire. She had found refuge in a village in the country of Sin. They were a warrior clan who prospered in trading and crafting. She would live among them, eventually devoting her life to protect them, using their bodies for her own. They would soon honor her, never burring their dead, but instead offering the corpses to her to choose from.

It was the Manji Clan, and to this day she serves them.

Public Knowledge: (What is known to the general population)
- The Manji Clan is divided into two parts. Those that follow the religion, and those that belong to the clan. The clan is in charge of their following. The followers are all in blind devotion.

Manji Knowledge: (What is believed by the clan)
- The Manji Clan is divided into three major parts; The Bloodline, The Devoted, and The Following. Of these three, they belong into one of three categories; The Crown, The Shrinemaidens, The Eyes. Those that are of the Crown are coined as the rightful heir. They are always someone of the Bloodline, whom is one born of pure Manji blood. The Shrinemaidens are those who follow the teachings of the Crown and the Bloodline and serve them alone. They never question leadership, as it is something much beyond them. The Devoted are the next in line to the Crown, should no Bloodline Heir be present. They often participate in secret rituals revolving around various sacrifices. Of the Eyes and Following, they are simply people who pray to the god or gods for whatever reason. They are no more than eyes and ears that have offered themselves to the culture at one point.

True Tale: (The lost truth)
- ???

Manji Culture:
Public Knowledge: (What is known to the general population)
- A war driven warrior clan who honor a great hero god. Some had found themselves in power or corrupting others. It's unknown who is, or who isn't part of the clan.

Manji Knowledge: (What is believed by the clan)
- ???

True Tale: (The lost truth)
- ???

Last edited by Teemo on Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:37 am

Nameless Tracker 🐾 208tdtsNameless Tracker 🐾 18102-50Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-51Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-52Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-54Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-53Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-56Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-55Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-58Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-60Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-59Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102131Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102130Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102133Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-57Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102129Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102171Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102172Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102173Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102180Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102181Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102174Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102177Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102175Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102178Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102176Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102132Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-61Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-63Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-62Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-64Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-83Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-84Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-85Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-87Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-96Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-97Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102100Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102101Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-99Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-98Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-86Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-92Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-90Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-89Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-91Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-88Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-66Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-65

Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-68Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-69Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-70Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-71Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-76Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-75Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-73Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-74Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-79Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-81Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-80Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102-82

Last edited by Nameless on Fri May 11, 2018 1:22 pm; edited 8 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:37 am

Roll 1 : Here | Roll 2 : Here | Roll 3 : Here | Roll 4 :  Here | Roll 5 : Here
Roll 6 : Here | Roll 7 : Here | Roll 8 : Here | Roll 9 : Here | Roll 10 : Here
Roll 11 & 12 : Here | Roll 13: Here | Roll 14: Here | Roll 15: Here
Roll 16: Here | Roll 17: Here | Roll 18: Here | Roll 19: Here
Roll: #20
Topic: Hello Kitty, Nine Lives, Notte The Father, Parasitic Intervention , All Fur You,
Numbers:  PI#31,  PI#34,  X#?,  X#?,  X#?,
Current Flowers:
Red Dragea x3,
Blue Levianth x7,
Black Ghoulia x2,
Yellow Thundra x1,  
Green Serpia x6,

Last edited by Yukirochisu on Wed May 30, 2018 12:28 pm; edited 35 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:37 am

How to Play
Welcome welcome., one and all to the Dunking Booth. Unoriginal, I know, stfu, you're here aren't you?

To play this game, get in line and get ready to play! Here are the rules.

◴ Only one group may play at a time. If you arrive with friends please establish your own order to play the game. All members must post once before playing the game, then I will post. The game will start from then.

◴ On my post, I will roll the dice. My number will be whatever I roll, plus my half my STR (44). After I roll, each member of the group (assuming there is more than one) will only post once at a time. Each user's number is their roll, plus their STR value.  

◴ If the user gets a high roll, I will be dunked. If not, then u suk lol jk. Then I will set back on my seat and await to get dunked by the next player.

◴ After my post, please exit the thread, as you have already played.

◴ After you have read all of the rules, reply to the first post and let's get dunked on! . . . well me. Let's dunk me I guess. This is going to be a bad idea I can feel it

Additional Note: "Payment" would be prior to Zuzu (the Vulpix) getting the ball for you. It would be nothing more than a jar of money. You could drop trash in it and she wouldn't notice anyways.

Current Queue:
Current Player : ???

. . . she laughed at all of the kids around her, throwing balls at the target as hard as they could. It wasn't that she was mean or anything, she simply could use a bath. But to sink a Neko in water had attracted a far larger crowd that she had expected. It didn't matter, she had her breakfast and was prepared to get wet until sundown. People would pay just a few jewels to play the game. Maybe at night she would find another food booth to sedate her hunger, but for now, she was going to avoid cramping up again. Her own white furred companion remained outside, aiding her in ways that the cage prevented. It was all working smooth, for now at least.

"Zuzu pick me a good contender this time!" she would yell at her pet, who was all too content with fetching the balls. She would trot along, getting the balls as needed. Who would be next?

. . . .  woman sits on a chair atop a trap door. Water fills the tank under her. A target is attached to a lever some meters away from a single base ball. Will you throw it?

201 Words
Miss Manji

Nameless Tracker 🐾 2rwangp_th

Last edited by Nameless on Thu May 03, 2018 11:48 am; edited 3 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:37 am


Last edited by Nameless on Thu May 03, 2018 6:52 pm; edited 2 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:38 am

How to Play
Welcome, welcome, one and all to the Ring Toss. You hate it in real life, so why not hate it in-character?

To play this game, just step right up and let's play!

◴ Only one group may play at a time. If you arrive with friends please establish your own order to play the game. All members must post once before playing the game, then I will post. The game will start from then.

◴ On my post, I will hand you a bucket of rings. You cannot get it by any other means. Give me some food, or money, or idk.. This will be me acknowledging you to play. (IC would be no more than a dozen rings.)

◴ All users will roll 3 dice. You will do this all as one single roll. Remember that this roll, must come with a post. You must get a total value over 100. All players will add their Intelligence Stat to their total. You cannot get more than 50 in this manner.

◴ After you have rolled, I will reply. If your total meets the required, you'll get a stuffed animal of your choice, as long as it's a cat, and is poorly sewn and stitched together. If you have lost, I will tell you that you suck. You can either start over and play again, or you may leave, with your prize, or very pissed off.

◴ After you have read all of the rules, reply to the first post and let's get dunked on! . . . well me. Let's dunk me I guess. This is going to be a bad idea I can feel it

Additional Note: "Payment" would be prior to Zuzu (the Vulpix) getting the ball for you. It would be nothing more than a jar of money. You could drop trash in it and she wouldn't notice anyways.

Current Queue:
Current Player : ???

"C'mon, you almost had that one!"

A booth stands in the corner of other stalls. It's open from three sides. Kids gather around it throwing red rings over a series of glass bottles. The pings from all of the impacts can be heard constantly as each toss bounces off the glass. To the ceiling of the booth, random assorted stuffed animals hang dangling, mocking all of the people playing the game. There's signs posted with the rules. No one can lean over the counter. It's simple enough. All you have to do is make it land on the neck of the bottle.

A girl leans on the counter, counting money as she watches the game being played. She's the one in charge of this game. She smiles, handing another child another dozen rings, she even gives him a few extra.

Her attire isn't like the other game masters. Instead she wears her own blue dress shirt and a white undershirt to match her hair. Her pants are dark slacks, almost like an incomplete suit. Atop her head are ears fit for a feline. She's not human, but that's not the strange part. She seems to enjoy watching all of the rings fall between all of the glass bottles.

Do you test your luck?

Nameless Tracker 🐾 Rr05c1

213 Words
Miss Manji

Nameless Tracker 🐾 18102170

Last edited by Nameless on Wed May 09, 2018 6:05 pm; edited 2 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:38 am


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Tumblr_nsombstwhW1qbvovho1_500
Nameless Tracker 🐾 OriginalNameless Tracker 🐾 59f0cc0b8507705e44edfc5f62ef2cf52c25af42_hqNameless Tracker 🐾 CJntFQDNameless Tracker 🐾 OriginalNameless Tracker 🐾 Original

Last edited by Nameless on Fri May 11, 2018 2:05 pm; edited 2 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:39 am


Name: Cat's Crown
Slot: Head
Type: Helmet
Class: ???
Set: None
Durability: 2x S-rank, Visor x1 S-Rank

  • Description: A yellow and blue helmet that vaguely resembles the shape of a cat's head.


  • None


  • Cat's Eye: The user is able to actively see spells, and determine what elements make up the spell.
  • Animal's Intuition: The user is able to look at a target through the visor. From this they will get a reading on the visor that will tell them if the target is human. All other races will read as "Neko"

Last edited by Nameless on Sun May 06, 2018 5:18 pm; edited 2 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:39 am


Name: Cat's Crown
Slot: Head
Type: Helmet
Class: ???
Set: None
Durability: 1x S-rank, Visor x1 A-Rank

  • Description: A yellow and blue helmet that vaguely resembles the shape of a cat's head.


  • The user must be a Neko to purchase this item.


  • This item reduces the cooldown of Arcane-type spells cast by the user by one post.

  • This item increases the effects of d-rank Arcane-type buff spells cast by the user to c-rank based effects.

  • This item reduces the cost of Arcane-Type Buff spells by 50%

Last edited by Yukirochisu on Tue May 22, 2018 12:22 pm; edited 3 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:39 am


Magic Name: Superior Muffin Make

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Description: Superior Muffin Make is a magic with the ability to conjure muffins and other pastries in an instant. The conjured items are so delicious that when consumed, they provide stronger effects. All buff spells have double their effect.


  • All Buff and Other-Buff spells have their effects doubled.
  • All "Mufin-Make" spells do not need to be retrained, however their buff spells will still be effected.


  • The user must have Muffin-Make magic to purchase this magic.
  • The user must have a class capable of utilizing Buff-type spells.

Last edited by Nameless on Sun May 06, 2018 5:20 pm; edited 2 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:40 am



They are fast, elegant, and always ready to perform. Nekos appear almost human except for their with cat-like ears, tails, and occasionally whiskers. They are slender and quick with a vast array of hair and eye colors of almost any combination. Many nekos have a cheerful personality, but among them, there are also pessimistic ones, as well as quiet intellectual ones.

The neko society is a matriarchy with a long line of neko queens and princesses. They live in a social system in which females hold primary power, predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property at the specific exclusion of men, at least to a large degree. Their relationships are generally open and the concept of marriage is foreign to them but nekos have married before.

They live in small permanent villages, usually on the fringes of forests where they hunt. Even though nekos are afraid of water, they can bathe when they mentally prepare themselves for a while. These nekos are considered domestic; however, there are some nekos that live deep in the forests and at the base of mountains which are far more barbaric known as wild nekos.

It is not uncommon to see a neko in human societies as they have been generally accepted by the humans. Even though there are troubles with wild nekos, the Council understands that there are also 'wild' humans that cause trouble and that there are more good than bad nekos. Since the settled nekos don't cause trouble for humans, the Council has even permitted nekos to join the orders of the Rune Knight and become a guardian of the realm to serve the country of Fiore.

There is large settlement called Nekomatana in the mountains of West Fiore, which can be considered the largest neko society in Fiore. Most humans that wander to this place come to find the Neko Oracle. The Neko Oracle is the ruler of Nekomatana and has the gift to turn a human into a neko once her trust has been gained.


Nekos move quietly like a cat. They produce absolutely no sound when moving at a speed below their rankings. The fastest nekos can therefore even dash around without making noise before they leap into target.

Felines are often creatures of the night. Nekos are able to see in the dark as though it is completely light out, similar to that of a real cat. This allows for them to be able to hunt their prey, no matter the lighting.

Hunters should not be slowed down by terrain. Nekos are known to be able to walk across any surface, as long as it is a solid. Even a small thread can be walked along, so long as it can support the neko's weight.

Nekos can extend three Wolverine-like claws between their knuckles at will. When they slash with their claws the Strength is increased with 20%. They can't wield any weapon while using their claws however.

Cats aren't very fond of water, and neither are nekos. Not only will water strike fear into the heart of a neko, but they take extra damage from Water-type moves which is increased by two ranks in damage.

Last edited by Nameless on Wed May 02, 2018 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:40 am

Nameless Tracker 🐾 Coolte12
The Orchidia Flower Festival has been started! Everyone is heading over to celebrate and meet other mages! Don't miss it, the next one won't be for another few years... which incidentally will also pass right after its over. Yep, that's right, our timeskip is on the way! If you have any questions or are wondering what the current report is, check out the Unofficial Time Skip Guide! In it you can get the latest on the newest guilds and other teasers! Be warned! Jyu might conjure some other crazy shit before it's all done. There's no telling what our Master Overlord will grant us!

by: Nameless The Neko

With the TimeSkip just two weeks away, the chat is full of life and conversation as well as prepping for the day it happens.

But now we're all muted and we're not allowed to buy anything. Let's have a moment of silence for all that we lost . . .

That's it for this week, check in next time!

Last edited by Yukirochisu on Wed May 16, 2018 3:06 pm; edited 5 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:40 am


Segments: Common Lifestyles

Follower of the Shrinemaiden
. . . Often people find themselves in need of a guide, or in need of an idol to inspire them. Those who are lost or ill, sometimes find themselves at a shrine belonging to the Nameless god. Some come in search of betterment, while others come to seek enlightenment. However, a small few will find themselves drawn to these places, not for their personal benefit, but rather, of the Shrine maidens.

In some cases, people come to these places of worship so often, they misplace the reason for their arrival. Lost, and stuck to routine they continue,
even if their request is completed and their wishes granted, they return for more. It is in these moments, some step up to help, while others are selected.
Repurposed Life
Many of the followers of the clan are devoted down to their core. This alone has costed many numbers of them and left them with a dwindled amount that was near to non existent.
Some shrine maidens even tended to other churches, temples and other religious buildings for their line of work to make a living. When it was heard that the great god was returning to the realm of the living, many pleaded for redemption and forgiveness for taking their time to care for other deities.

However a small few never strayed from this path.
A small cult following listened closely to any sound their god would make, resorting to some of the most twisted individuals. Some turned into murdering psychopaths, while others took much darker turns.
Risen Life
The Manji clan have been known to tether themselves to a spirit plane, exiting their body.
Often times this is to contact the deity that is known as "No-Name" or commonly referred to as "Nameless." It is regarded that those of the true Manji Bloodline can collect souls that were offered to the great god, with a price however. These souls are either offered, or collected by the same family.

Sometimes souls or spirits from this plane of existence try to free themselves, attempting to inhabit the body of those who prayed at the shrine to meet the deity. Most cases it lasts no more than a few seconds, with the longest issue recorded being over a minute and a half. However, some followers get greedy and attempt to return an offered soul back to the realm of the living.

Last edited by Teemo on Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:33 am; edited 2 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:40 am



Nameless Tracker 🐾 20zo51l
Chi Lau was, and is the rightful heir to the Manji Clan and bloodline. Born into the Manji house, she was the one chosen to inherit the title of Yoshimitsu. The legend of Yoshimitsu was an immortal warrior who fights to protect and serve the village. Often this warrior is the Warlord of the entire clan and is always born to the true Manji House. Many Yoshimitsu have been titled, and as far as the outsiders know, he is ageless and has lived forever.

Within the clan walls, everyone knows the upbringing of the new Yoshimitsu. The previous teaches and mentors his predecessor, and when they come of rank, they are to kill their mentor in combat to prove themselves. This tradition was later discovered by Chi, to be nothing more tha na cheap imitation of Nameless, the guardian that has protected their village since the beginning. By slaying their mentor, Nameless is granted a new puppet from which the being can inhabit and protect the village. As their payment, he or she demands the clan's unwavering devotion. With protection by a being that does nothing more than bring back their dead, the Manji Clan refuses to bury their dead, but instead choose to abandon the bodies within their main temple.

Often groups, or mainly the Saikon House, tend to the temples and the bodies. They specialize in this act, as each house serves a purpose in their society.

But that was all behind her.

After the massacre, Chi Lau later escaped to find herself in Fiore, with nothing more than the relic of this Nameless god. It was nothing more than the skin from the back of one of her previous bodies, and is believed to house her soul. With the Manji Bloodline nothing more than something that is directly derived from her, Nameless is able to control and influence the Manji as she pleases. Of course, this is only as her children and followers allow.

But she always makes sure her time is worth spent.For devotion, she offers gifts and granted wishes to her believers. The higher the reward, the higher the cost.

And for Chi, to ensure her family's vengeance,
she gave her body and soul to Nameless. And such, the Relic and Chi Lau became one.

Nameless Tracker 🐾 2f06atu
Birthname of Seki'Ya, she was given a name that meant "Old Faith." Compared to te others, her story did not begin in Sin, but rather in Fiore. She was a half-blood, and thus was able to channel the deity with much more ease. She was one of the very few to know the gods name, and often referred to her as such.

She did have any great contributing factor to the upbringing of the Manji name, but she had brought the clan much honor by killing the great assassin,
Nobunaga. He was fell out of foolishness and trickery by Nameless within her Dahlia temple.
She had given Seki a threat, while picking at Nobu's scabs of his late father.

It was after this fated event that his soul was consumed entirely to be absorbed by other spirits,
including Nameless herself.

Since Nameless has felt great honor for Seki's achievement, she often pushes her consciousness aside, allowing no control, as she wishes to find her a new vessel to inhabit. Just as she was born again, so will this girl.

And the second era of Manji will begin.

Nameless Tracker 🐾 Igl1m0
Namé Les is a Manji only in name. She hails from the Fuma House within the Manji Village. Her only right to be even within hearing distance of Nameless was the fact that she was the one who liberated the god from her imprisonment. She was there the day of the massacre, and refuses to reflect on the damages. After she and others were kidnapped, she allowed Chi Lau a window of escape. It was then by her hand as well as few others that they were able to take over the carriage and free themselves. Chi was dropped behind and Les and others were able to take many of the leftover relics and artifacts with them to try and start over in Fiore.

None of them had even considered the idea of going back home, but with all of the ruins and destruction, they all easily called Fiore their new country.

She had taken the purpose of tending the shrines after the others have lit the light it was her duty to spread word of Nameless, and later care for the temple until her sacrifice to allow her to live again. However, this was done without her true knowledge and she was ultimately tricked into giving up her life for her god. However, she was later promised to be born again, however, the catch was she would forget much of what she lived, but not of who she was as a person. because of this, in her later reincarnations, she would keep a diary and trust it into the hands of someone to continually give it to her as she continued to be reborn into new lives.

Nameless Tracker 🐾 1z21z69
He was a man born into a life of hate and sin. Nobunaga Kali-Yuga was always a fear driven man. He had war and death to fuel his drive to cause more chaos. When the Manji had been employed to fight him, he had tried to employ them instead. Finding that his funds and treasures were not desired, and rendered worthless compared to the fees of others he had lost his own war because of them. He was overwhelmed, and swore vengeance upon them that day.

Nearly fifteen years later, Nobunage strikes the villages, setting fire to all the clan had. He had employed as many mercenaries as he could, overwhelming the Manji's power with sheer numbers. He would head for each of the elder's himself, slaying them one by one, taking various others as hostage. He had full intent to sell them to slavery.

Upon taking some of the hostages to the camps as requested, some had freed themselves. Many broke free and started another uprising. Few on other side survived. The main successors, the Crowned Heir Chisu Lau, and the False Heir Name Les escaped, and Nobunaga had made it his mission to track them down.

He would eventually come to face Name Les, only for her life to be taken by a strange object. He would later find himself at the Manji Temple, where a new Manji would strike him down, losing her life as well.

Last edited by Teemo on Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:06 pm; edited 7 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:41 am



The Legacy of The Manji
It was a tradition that started with Chisu Lau Manji, the rightful heir of the clan. At least, that was the unanimous opinion of the clan.

In the world of Fiore, the few known survivors were slim and few. Three survivors, remained in Fiore to grant a new home to their people. Chisu, the crowned heir. Name` Les, the mudblood,
and Caitlyn, the adopted child. Few others were known to survive, but went to wander the world,
spreading word of their faith, rather than to aid in the rising of this new era.

It was by demise that the Manji would face an ill fate, but would find their answers from their Nameless god. They would all begin to serve under the guise of te guild of Phantom Lord, recording all of their adventures within a text in their own ancient tongue, only to be read to themselves. They would share these texts to each other,
and leave them to each other upon death. It was this tradition that would continue, long after the Crowned Heir fell. . .

And the True Heir would be reborn.

Setsuna Salvation
When the nameless being awoke within the vessel of the crowned heir, she was much less refined and mature than any of them had hoped. rather than being the several thousand year old deity, she had presented herself as no more than just under a century and a half year old. it was then that the Manji discovered their fault in the ritual, and tried to remind the being of their mission. In doing so, she had found all of them unrighteous and false. She very well knew of the Manji name, despite being from her own time long before they were established. She had told them that the Manji were to serve their masters, and not rule over them. In this act of defiance of them, she had burned down their temple, and set out to destroy every last Manji Shrine. The Manji, were no longer.

Instead, in her own project, she had seen the face of her oldest plaything, Caitlyn, the first of many of her experiments. She was a Setsuna, a being that was made with a transplanted heart, the source of magic, into another being. It was in this revival of life, the patient's hair would turn white, and their original identity lost. Some would dye their hair to hide this truth, while others foolishly embrace it.

This was a new era, and within the body of her heir, she too, was a Setsuna as well.

Phantom Protection : Majora & Manji

Last edited by Teemo on Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:25 pm; edited 4 times in total


Nameless Tracker 🐾 Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:41 am


Request for Relationship template

Character Name: (Fullname)
Guild: (Where you belong yo?)
Role: (Friend, enemy? Lve interest? WHO ARE YOU TO ME??)
Current Location: (Where are you?)
Link to App: (Link your character app)

<center><table border="0" width="600"><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="transparent"><div style=" padding:  10px; border: 7px double #39206D; background-color: #000000; color: #8269B5; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 0 7pt;">
[b]Character Name:[/b] (Fullname)
[b]Guild:[/b] (Where you belong yo?)
[b]Role:[/b] (Friend, enemy? Lve interest? WHO ARE YOU TO ME??)
[b]Current Location:[/b] (Where are you?)
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Last edited by Teemo on Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:29 am; edited 2 times in total

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