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Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Caius]

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Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Caius]     Empty Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:33 am

It was time for more ghost hunting in Orchidia Town where another tip from the locals pointed out some more strange activity. Caius would go there to the location in Orchidia town and would head to the building that would have all the strange events that were going on. Caius would go and he would see that it was an old abandoned blacksmith facility and there was a family of blacksmiths that worked at the blacksmith shop and the blacksmiths made weapons for the customers and they were of the highest quality. The thing is the shop was small compared to the other black smiths that made weapons so they were put out of business right quick. The woman instead decided to get rid of her dreams of being a blacksmith and decided that they would collect weapons instead. Caius walked int the building that was abandoned and saw that they had a ton of quality weapons of the highest class and they were very sharp and they were very strong and they were very decorative. Caius wondered how much they were worth and would inspect them but then out of nowhere the blue light that he knew too well would show up behind him and then he would look behind him and he would see that the ghost of the woman collector was hovering behind him. "Do you like them?"

The ghost was a blond woman and she would introduce herself as the blacksmith and collector named Sarah and that she was unable to rest because all the cool weapons like the swords and the knives and the shields and the pole arms and the bows were not able to be put on display in the local contest for the best weapons and before she could do that she was in an alley and there was this big fat guy that shanked her and left her for dead. She wandered the collection shop ever since and scared people away who would try to steal her work and collection by saying she would haunt them and there families. Since she had no family she had nobody to ask to show off the weapons and display them in the contest that was coming up. Sarah sensed that Caius had pumpkin pops in his possession and would say that he should show them off for her since he was a friend of the ghosts since he had those pops. The ghost girl would lead Caius to a room and then she would show the secret collection that she had for the contest and it was all packaged up nicely to be taken in a big case. Caius was strong so he would be able to carry that case and then he would take it to the contest and then he would win it for the girl. The girl would give him a map that lead to the contest and what time it was and tell him that he would win no problem because her collection was the best in the whole town.


Hi I'm Caius

Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Caius]     Empty Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:54 am

Caius would head out with the large case of weapons and would carry them up the hill to the large festival at the top the city on the mountain. It was an outdoor festival that was open and had a bunch of big tables for the collectors to show off their weapons and get into the competition. Caius would go and he would walk up to the booth that was doing the sign ups and he would sign up with the name of Sarah for the ghost girl that made the weapons. He then would tell them that he would be showing off weapons of all types so he could win in all the categories. He saw other guys setting up shop and there weapons were pure dog shit compared to Sarah's well crafted beauties. After the sign up, he would walk over to his booth and inspect all the weapons. A chick would blow a whistle and then after that she would go and then she would tell them that the first round would start. THe first round was Axes and they would walk around and start judging it. Caius would pull out an axe and it was big and made of fine steel that was wrapped in high quality cloth. The base of the axe had jewels lining up. They would give him a piece of wood and it chopped clean as the others looked in awe of the weapon. The axe won the first round.

The rounds would continue with the weapons that Sarah made easily taking first prize until the very end. Finally came the last contest which had the most people which was the finest sword. The competition was fierce for this one with people having gold swords with diamonds and gems and they also had silver swords that were carved with animals in them. When it was Caius turn everyone looked at him and he pulled out the sword which was made of a black obsidian and it would shine in the sunlight. The sword hilt had demons with rubies for eyes and the whole thing was just a master pieces. tHe judges gave it the win and Sarah's weapons would sweep the completion with ease. Then he would get the trophy from teh lady and then he would head back to Sarah at the shop and tell her the good news. Sarah was happy that the weapons were perfect and wanted to show them off. A knock on teh door came and it was a person from teh Orchida Museum that wanted to show them off. Caius looked at Sarah and she gave the thumbs up so he would give her the weapons and they would be displayed in her name for all to see for the rest of museums history. Sarah was so happy and she finally would be able to rest. She exploded into pumpkin pops as she went to be at peace in the afterlife. Caius took his pumpkin pop prize and would go to the bar to get wasted.


Hi I'm Caius

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