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Restless Souls: Voodoo Magic [Caius]

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Restless Souls: Voodoo Magic [Caius]    Empty Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:21 am

So this was Orchida Town. Caius had never really stopped by this town before as it was one of the smaller ones and didn't have much work for the dark guilds. IT was a town that was in the mountains and not many people would live there but it was a good stop that had a lot of inns nearby and was a good place to rest especially after going through the giant forest that was the worth woodsea because that was a major bitch to navigate. The buildings were older and the unique thing about them was that they were covered up in vines and weeds and plants and the town was known for it. YOu think that they would have someone cut it down by now but it was the tradition in the city for now. Caius was on the hunt in this old city that was covered in plants named Orchidia town and he would go and he would try to find some of the ghosts that were restless so that way once he found those ghosts that needed to be put to rest he would get the pumpkin pops which he would be able to use in the Carnival that was in the Worth Woodsea and once he did that he would be able to buy the prizes that the spooky skeleton man would offer him. It was a mystery that he wanted to be prepared for by having a lot of these pops. Caius would go to one of the buildings and get some rumors on where there were ghosts showing up during the Hallows End.

Caius would go and he would see that an abandoned house was there. A local said there used two be siblings that lived there that made dolls but hated people. Caius would walk to the back end of town and would enter the building that was covered up in vines and broken windows to see who was there. He wasn't afraid of no ghost. When he walked in he would see the blue glow from before and would see two twins that were bickering with each other. THey flew over to Caius and he would just ask them what they wanted in order to be put to rest and go back to hell. They said there names were Belle and Xander and they were twins. WHat they did was do voodoo magic but nobody would believe them and the people in the town thought they were crazy psychos so they ended up living together alone in the house and they would die together without knowing love or expressing their art of the voodoo magic. They would give Caius some of the dolls and tell him that he needed a piece of their body on the doll and it would work. Caius would take the dolls and he would put them in his bag and find some victims for the ghosts so he would get his pops. Caius would go and then he would seek out the first voodoo target.


Hi I'm Caius

Restless Souls: Voodoo Magic [Caius]    Empty Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:31 am

The first person on the twins lists was the bully that used to make fun of them for making dolls. The thing was they were dead for a while now so the bully was now a grown man and was doing a business shop in the middle of the town. However, Caius was going to mess with him anyway. The man ran a shop in the middle of the two of Orchidia and it was one of the biggest in the entire city. Caius would go and then he would see that it was a big muscle man with blond hair and he sold a bunch of pottery. Caius would then tell him he needed a vase to put his prized flowers in. The man would be delighted and then he would show him around the entire store and then he would show Caius the most expensive vase he had which was at the very top of the shelf so then Caius would tell him to bring it down so he would look at him and while he was reaching up for the vase he would then grab a piece of his luscious blonde hair and then he would yank it out with a quick flick oh his wrist and the man wouldn't notice he thought it was a bug or something and then he would bring the face. Caius said he would think about it but he would look more. Then he would go and help other customers as Caius looked around

Once he was helping the other customers, Caius added the hair to the doll. While the man was showing the other pope the vases, he would poke the mans face and see he would start to swat at it in annoyance. It looked like the doll was real. Caius then would wait till he was over by the expensive vase and use the voodoo doll and then he would take the doll and would make it fall over so then the doll would act like it was falling. The man would the act like the doll and he would fall over to the shelf and then after that he would knock the shelf down and then it would collapse everything on the ground and all the vases would be shattered. After that, caius would go and watch as the shelves dominoed and the whole store would be destroyed. The customer would run out and then he would go to his knees crying he lost all his inventory and was ruined. Then Caius would be sick of his wailing and would punch the voodoo doll in the nuts and the man would keel over and pass out from the pain. These voodoo dolls were really powerful and Caius thought he could use these for grimoire heart to hep his guild. Now that one of the men was taken out it was time for the other targets the children voodoo dolls needed to take out. Caius would leave the store and head over to his next victim.


Hi I'm Caius

Restless Souls: Voodoo Magic [Caius]    Empty Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:50 am

Belle and Xander had two more targets for there Voodoo doll revenge. The first was for Belle and it was a girl that thought she was so pretty and so much better than her and Belle fucking hated her bitch guts. Caius would find her at the local spa getting her hair done where she did it everyday to make it look shiny and perfect. Caius would walk in and then he would see only one girl being worked on and one of the owners that was working on the target girl. The owner would walk up to Caius and tell him that it would be a few minutes. Caius reached his hand out and would tell her she looked pretty as he would put his hand on her face and at the same time yanks some hair. He put it on the doll and when the woman was working on the target girls hair he would move the doll arm and make her pick up a the scissors and start to cut the shit of this poor girls hair. Then she would pull out the razor and save the girls eyebrows and the rest of her hair so she was bald and gross. The owner tried to say she couldn't control herself but the customer didn't listen as she cried. She be ugly now.

The last target was a police officer that shut down the place the two worked because people fake called and said it was suspicious. Caius saw the officer in the middle of the park eating some donuts so Caius would walk up to the donuts vendor and buy one and then he would give it to the cop who was happy to get more for his fat pig face. Then he would slip in and steal a piece of hair while he was distracted by all the food. He then would walk away and then would go and he would take the voodoo doll and then would add the hair to the voodoo doll and it was complete. he then would make the officer throw the donut and then he would reach for his taser and would start to shock himself until he would pass out and fall off the bench. With that the revenge for Belle and Xander was complete and he would go and then he would head back to the shop.

Once they arrived, he would see the ghosts followed him all day and were laughing at all the evil things that were done to the people that mocked him. Belle and Xander were pleased and took back the dolls. The room would start to glow a blue as the two twins would cackle and start to get sucked into a portal to the afterlife. The voodoo dolls Caius wanted to keep but they were sucked in too. The ghosts would then explode and the portal would disappear but at least the ghosts would explode into the pumpkin pops and that way he would get a reward for all this work.


Hi I'm Caius

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