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Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan]

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#1Knuckles Shi 

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:39 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles had come to this guild hall twice in his life, in both visits he had attempted to bring the calamity within him out onto this Paradise that Khalfani had created, and left to Yuurei. On the long bridge, that stretched out along the length of the awning waterfall, Knuckles stood as he stared out at the water. Watching as it had no choice in the direction it flowed and listed as it crashed into the water that welcomed it to rejoin it. He was taken back to the time he and Fang had taken a break from their flight from one of the countries. They had received word of the attack on the guild hall of Sleeping Calamity and had rushed home, but took a break at their favorite lake. It was there he had met the beautiful Prince who had offered Knuckles to join him and spoke all these beautiful truths as they two swam in the lake alone. That man had become a Viper in his life, now he stood under the leadership of that banner that man created and had passed down to Yuurei, a sworn enemy of his Daemon kind.

It remained through that Knuckles wanted to kill Yuurei, for just being what he was. Though not even Knuckles was bull-headed enough to know if he kept just charging forward at the God Chosen, it would be he who would die despite the blessings of Thor and Odin. So here he was, under the roof he tried to destroy twice, wearing their mark upon his chest where that crown used to be. Knuckles Slipped his hands into his pockets as he looked up at the sunrise coming over the water, the bright light causing his pink eyes to hide behind his eyelids for a moment as they adjusted to the light.

If you can't beat them join them, he said in his head. He would learn what made the members of this guild strong. He would find out and he would use it to better himself and grow into a monster of power like them. However there was one thing that Knuckles was sure of, he was certainly growing in strength, but with it, the words of Ittindi rang in his head. He had the men following him from his time as a Don, an arms dealer for the syndicate. He had made millions in jewels in the weapon trade, but it was time to find a woman to share it with. Build a family, perhaps bring a new heir into the world. This branch of the Shi family would not restrict their spawn to a certain path, but use the family wealth to assist them all on their path to make the name stronger. Make the family grow.

That is when he remembered her face, like a beautiful noonday, with warm weather, a gentle breeze on your skin. Just happiness flowing all around you. She had been playing music when he had arrived, and since he had awoken he had yet to see her around again. Though truth be told he had spent a few days in his room recovering. Now that he had healed up properly though, perhaps he could see her around. He told himself he could not find someone if he stood on the bridge all day. With a grin, Knuckles turned around taking the site into his heart. He started to head towards the training gym maybe that is where she was tucked away, if not he would do some work outs.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:36 pm

She was not a fighter, but a nomad, as she was traveling the north of Fiore, she got attcked by a werewolf who got quite the bite of her. She would've been werewolf chow if it wasnt for Brone who rescued her. But she wasnt unscathed, after all, the bite of a werewolf brought and unwelcomed gift of lycantropy. For her own and the safety of other people, she joined Paradise Dawn. So she may master and control her new gift. Most of the day she didnt actually do quests but took up the job at day shift of reception duty. A boring job for an adventurer, but she was not an adventurer like any other guild member. She did not seek thrill but help.

But when she wasnt on reception duty or taking lessons from senior guild members that may aid her and her condition, she wanted to at least TRY to fit in, so she wanted to try and train and work out. But she didnt know where to even start. Lifting weights seemed the simplest of tasks, so she went to the weights and looked for the smaaallllest one. She found one puny dumbbell that was like 1 kilogram. It looked ridiculous compared to any other one. But nevertheless she took it and trained her own frail body

As she trained, she noticed someone else arrived. And Megan recognized the face of the new arrival. The handsome but also frightening also new member of Paradise Dawn. But a man who had a bigger history with the guild than her. She didnt know if she should approach the man or let him be as she didnt know his preference. She remembered that he did not like members of this guild, so she didnt know would she annoy him. Still if he would glance towards her, she would give him a warm smile. But other than that, she didnt know what to do and just proceeded to train on her own

#3Knuckles Shi 

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:46 pm

Knuckles Shi

To his surprise and delight, the woman had been there when he arrived. His eyes looked over towards her and she greeted him warmly with a smile.  His Mouth formed a warm charming smile of his own as he looked her up and down. Stunning. She looked to be doing workouts with a smaller dumbbell. It was a good choice for a lot of different workouts. He then looked away from her and looked around at the training hall. It was where he had attacked when Sleeping Calamity had raided this place. "This is the first time I've been in here since I fought Yuurei here... If you can call that a fight."

He walked towards her lifting his left arm across his chest and pulling it with his right giving a firm stretch before mirroring the motion with his other arm in reverse. "Old times. I apologize for the other night. I was in a fit of emotions about my state in life.  Allow me to properly introduce myself, I am Knuckles Shi, the Clout Chaser. "

After he introduced himself he waited to see how she would respond. He would not judge her or hold anything against her if she did not respond to him or wanted nothing to do with him after what she saw and witnessed her first time seeing him.  He was trying to show a different side of himself to her though, someone she could approach and talk to and now be scared of.  He walked up towards the side of her and picked up his own set of weights. They were 70 kilograms each, about the heft of his hammers. He was able to lift each one with a bit of ease, but that was mostly due to the type of training he did before coming to the guild. He was strong, physically, perhaps not as strong as Brone out right but he could deal about the same amount of damage in a single strike.  Though he knew from experience Yuurei had the ability to shatter his hammer with a grasp alone.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:12 am

To her surprised, he smiled back to her. And he even looked actually kinda charming and handsome. Certainly a lot less fearsome as before, and seemingly much more friendly than she imagined. She figured him to be more of a powerful loner. But she was wrong, so thats nice. Though now she wondered if she was properly working out, she didnt want to look stupid infront of a professional.

She heard him speak about the first time he had been here. Apparently when he fought Yuurei. Yuurei must be really powerful, although she herself has not interacted with the guild master yet funnily enough. He must be a busy guy. The man whose name escaped her walked towards her as he did a motion or gesture with his arms, but nevertheless he explained himself and properly introduced himself "Nice to meet you Knuckles, my name is Megan Sherwood, Im more of a traveler from Caelum that just kind of ended up here as the receptionist of Paradise Dawn." it was a long story, one for another time "And dont worry about last night. I understand. Although it is kind of funny, even though we're both new to the guild here, you seem to have a lot more history with it."

Meg didnt have any ill will towards Knuckles, on the contrary she understood him. There was an extensive history she knew nothing about. If he was of Sleeping Calamity and Paradise Dawn did something to it, she would perfectly understand his anger. It was justifyable. Granted, Sleeping Calamity was a dark guild, but again, it was not her business to judge, after all she had no idea what Sleeping Calamity did. To her, anything that happened from last night was water under the bridge. She was pleasantly surprised by Knuckles and his politeness and there was no way she'd reject him.

#5Knuckles Shi 

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:32 pm

Knuckles Shi

From Knuckles' perspective, Megan was more than just the traveler-turned-receptionist she presented herself as. She was a tapestry of life experiences, beautifully woven together to form the person she is today. Her eyes, as bright and infinite as the Caelum sky she hailed from, were an ever-changing universe, mirroring her adventurous spirit. Her voice, always rich with curiosity and warmth, resonated with him much like a soothing melody. Her understanding, her empathy, was what truly set her apart  it was reflected in her calm demeanor, her measured responses, her graceful acceptance of things beyond her control. To Knuckles, Megan was not only the receptionist of Paradise Dawn, she was a paragon of resilience and kindness, a beacon in the unfamiliar terrain that was the guild. She represented a world of possibilities, a new chapter, a fresh start.

"The pleasure is all mine Lady Sherwood. You could say that. History is one way of putting it. Enemies would be another.  I was friends well, I thought I was friends with the Prince who started this place. Turned out he was a viper.  It was under his leadership that Sleeping Calamity's home was destroyed while we were not there to defend it.  You must be thinking, well they were a dark guild."

Knuckles looked into the mirror taking his eyes off of her as he began to lift the weights in a curling motion. Starting from his legs he would bend his arms up slowly allowing his muscles to feel the strain and build his control over the weight.   "We were a guild much like this one. A Group of people who only sought to have friends to assist them on their Journey. While some of the Founders, myself included were Vile men we were not really a Dark Guild. Most of us just went around fighting others.  We were attacked because we too were in the North, we were hear before Paradise Dawn.  I can not tell you that they would have left us alone if we had been a Guild that followed the King, but I can tell you perhaps this is not the same guild that did that attack. "

He paused after he reached 20 reps with each arm. He lowered his arms down and looked at her in the mirror giving her a grin. "But you did not come here to listen to a man's tale.  Pardon me for being so forward, but are you new to the weight lifting thing, but also why is such a beautiful woman such as yourself working to improve when you're already perfect?"

Knuckles radiated an air of casual dominance, his muscular form effortlessly maneuvering the weights as a lion might play with a ball. His eyes, reflecting in the mirror, held a playful spark, animated by a confident warmth that was both disarming and inviting. He shifted his weight subtly, turning his body towards her in a universal sign of interest. His tone was a calculated blend of self-assured charm and genuine curiosity, a flirtatious undertone weaving through his words. His grin was the clincher  an audacious, irresistible smirk that suggested he was fully aware of the effect he had, yet carried an underlying sincerity, like an unspoken promise of camaraderie.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:42 am

Knuckles spoke in a polite way, he was rather charming with words. She'd have to say, she never met someone so gentlemany and was feeling at a bit of a loss for words. Speaking of words, she actually focused now on his words.
There was some past with Knuckles and Paradise Dawn, something about a Prince who founded this place and under that leadership his own guild got attacked. She wondered why and how come?

Knuckles began training. He began to lift the weights in a curling motion. He continued the story that she was very much interested in. She spoke that his guild was like Paradise Dawn at first, interestly enough he described himself as a vile man. She raised her brow a bit confused at how can he mean that. He seemed far from vile, on the contrary he seemed like the definition opposite from vile. Whatever word that may be.
But back to the story at hand, he recounted how they were attacked because they too were in the north. And not to mention they were there before Paradise Dawn, although he claims now that the current guild is very different than the one that attacked him
"I see. I can understand why you felt that way when you arrived. I might would have felt the same way." might would have was the key words though, as she was very go with the flow type of person. Not really resisting life, but just going where life takes her. She followed the current. Her life view was like an improv show where you take what you are giving and go with it. An approach usually called 'yes and...'. If she was part of his guild she had no idea what she would have done. Well, probably support a guild mate, but other than that, she couldnt imagine.

He paused after he reached about 20 reps with each arm, not like she counted, after all she focused on his words more. Speaking of, he just asked her if she was new to weight lifting. She blushed and looked to the side "Oh well... yes, I am new to it" though she blushed more when he complimented her. She was nearly speechless, nearly, but she just looked at him and gave him an answer "I just dont want to be useless. Everyone here knows how to battle, but if there was a need to take up arms, I would be useless." after all, she can just do boring reception work and play music

#7Knuckles Shi 

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Tue Dec 05, 2023 11:28 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles, despite his attention being seemingly divided between his workout and the conversation, picked up on the subtle nuances in Megan's expressions. Her eyes held a genuine concern, reflecting an empathy that was both quiet and potent. Each time she spoke, her words were laced with a sincerity that was hard to ignore. She didn't just listen; she absorbed, understood, and empathized. Her blushing was not just a sign of embarrassment, but a reflection of a deep-seated compassion. It was evident in the way her gaze softened when he spoke of his past, how her hands would subconsciously clench in shared pain. The way she voiced her determination in wanting to contribute more to the guild, it was as if she was speaking for both of them. It was this empathetic nature of Megan that Knuckles couldn't help but notice and appreciate.

Knuckles' gaze drifted back to Megan, an unguarded look of admiration replacing the softness that had previously been there. His eyes, not making any attempt to be surreptitious, meandered over her form, taking in every detail. From the curve of her face, to the petite frame draped in simple clothes, his gaze was both unabashed and appreciative. His eyes lingered on the strength in her small shoulders, a testament to her determination; the gentle swell of her hips, a symbol of her femininity. There was a raw honesty in his examination, one that seemed to silently communicate his acceptance of every part of her. His gaze was not that of a man objectifying a woman, but of a man recognizing the complexity and strength of a woman determined to be more than what she was.
"If you want, I can show you the basics and even help make a training routine for you. "

Knuckles, his conversation with Megan still fresh in his thoughts, gently placed his weights back onto the rack. Each piece of iron was returned to its designated spot with a quiet clink that echoed across the quiet gym. His movements were methodical and precise, a testament to the discipline embodied in his substantial frame. He reached for the cleaning wipes stationed conveniently nearby, pulling one from its container and meticulously wiping down each weight. The rhythmic swish of the wet cloth over the cold iron was a soothing cadence. As he cleaned, the harsh gym lights reflected off the polished surfaces, casting fleeting glimmers of light that danced around the spartan room. His dedication to maintaining the equipment was not just an act of respect towards the shared spaces, but a testament to his commitment to his guild and his personal discipline.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:24 am

After she gave him an answer about being inexperienced in working out, Knuckles offered to help her learn at least the basics to help her get started with proper training. She smiled sweetly and nodded "Thank you, I'd love that"
Megan honestly didnt see herself as a fighter in the future as battle wasnt really her passionate. She was more of a pacifist, being the peaceful and helpful type. More like the type to aid a warrior from the back or to mend him after battle. But considering everyone in this guild was a fighter, even the Spellhowler Lumikki, she thought she should try and learn the art of battle as well, otherwise she would be a black sheep. She had this werewolf power too and she needed to learn how to control it. Some nights were rather peaceful and easy, while some were not. She had no idea what caused this. Was it the phases of the moon that affected her differently? She didnt know and it frightened her a bit. Part of her wondering if she should seek a cure or should she just accept whatever happens happens. At which point should she stop going with the flow. In any case she would worry about that later, she should focus now on training lessons

#9Knuckles Shi 

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:40 pm

Knuckles Shi

Hearing her reply Knuckles smiled. Once he was done wiping down the weights he walked over to her.
"Excellent. Now before we get started I need to know two things, the first is why do you wish to weight train, and the second how serious are you in attaining that goal. " It might not be simple to think about, but she had to have at least some type of idea on the subject because she was waking up early as hell to come in here and work out. If she did not train to get stronger in battle like he did than she had to have some other reason. However, if she express the same interest as he did for battle than he could better guide her. Confident he would be able to help her train no matter what he mulled over what a woman like her was doing in this guild. From what he knew of the guild these days they were Mercs and monster hunters. Perhaps she had lost someone to a monster attack and wanted to help anyway she could to assist those that fought against them. Whatever the case was Knuckles was going to be there to support her every step of the way. He had only known her from the night he fought Brone, and she had played music that night. Maybe it would be something to do with that.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:24 pm

He asked her two simple questions "Welllll...." she started with her answer "I didnt really wanna be useless in a fight or at least the know the bare bones minimum requirement to be elligible to fight or anything. Its just curling weights or however it is called is like the most basic of things you do and the only thing I know you do to train that doesnt require sparring and punching one another. And the other thing well... I dont really see myself as a fighter, I doubt I'll ever be one. But I want to at least qualify to be a D rank not a... a F rank" because she was a common civillian encountering a guild experience for the first time.

She was a damsel in distress that Brone had to rescue. If it wasnt for him, she'd be werewolf chow and a pile of meat on the ground with her femur probably being a werewolf toothpick. It was as if a fresh D rank adventurer asked a local baker with zero fighting experience at all to spar. At least the D rank adventurer had some basics down and know what they were doing. She had nothing, not even the posture of a fighter if you told her to 'put em up' for fisticuffs. Megan would want to at least know something to be elligible for D rank quests. To know what she's doing. Because otherwise she was a receptionist and truth be told, she doubted she was of any use to them there. There was a reason the spot was vacant when she arrived.

#11Knuckles Shi 

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:09 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles could not help but smile then laugh at her answer, it was not intended to laugh at her rather that she thought she was useless. "Lady Sherwood, I can assure you, you are not useless. Though I understand where you are coming from, I too used to feel such as you yet here I am. I have fought dragons and people from all over the world. While you may not have the aspirations like I do to become a famous warrior.  I've give up everything in that quest, I have given my soul for power.  While I can not say I regret doing so I can say that I would not recommend you would do something of that nature to attain some power. " His face turned to a scowl as he thought about his past, his choice to stab his father in the chest that night in the courtyard.  Seconds later he made his pact and sealed his fate, though it was still HIS faith.

Fixing his face back to a smile.   "I can show you some decent workouts, curling is a good start. Depending on the angle you can work out different muscles groups. Here I'll show you. "Knuckles walked behind her and slower reached from behind he, gently he grabbed her forearms and showed her the same curl he was doing. "Strengthening your biceps by doing curls can help improve the appearance and strength of your arms. Having strong biceps can also be beneficial for daily activities that involve carrying, pulling, and lifting objects. " He looked from her arm towards the mirror looking at them both. He showed her again the proper form to do a curl.  "I can help you train with either swords, hammers, or axes. I can help you make sure you can at leas defend yourself. From that point on I'll leave up to you with how you wish to fight, or not fight."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:20 am

The idea of her being useless seemed hilarious to him. She tilted her head to the side confusedly and curiously as she didnt understand. But he spoke how she infact is not useless and that he used to feel that way like her. But he also said that he doesnt recommend using his methods to attain power as it involved some soul bartering instead of soul searching. She noticed his face turned to a scowl as it was clearly something serious. He looked like he needed a hug. But she wasnt really just brave enough to randomly hug a guy she just barely met

He returned his smile once more and continued to explain that he can show her some decent workouts. Curling was a good start and could train different muscles depending how you do it. So he proceeded to walk back behind her and reached over to help her demonstrate. She blushed a bit and nodded as he explained how this certain training work out can help her "right" she didnt really talk much as he was the mentor and she wasnt really gonna interrupt him, instead of listening and following what he tells her to do
"Oh wow, so many choices. What is your main weapon of choice? Was it hammer?" she asked him

#13Knuckles Shi 

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:44 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles nodded. "Now it is yes, for many years it was swords. I had formal training as a child and found a passion for it. One day though I stumbled upon this hammer in some random shop. I had no clue what it was for a while. Now, I use two of them so I do a lot of arms, chest, and back two swings these might be hammers.

He pulled her closer to him and pushed his hand against the lower part of her back just on the edge of her waistline. His other hand pulled her shoulders back. "Just like that, perfect. So Lady Sherwood, is there a weapon you have had your eye on to learn?

Knuckles felt a peculiar sensation, a twinge of both excitement and nervousness mixed together, as he stepped into this new role of a mentor. It wahis first timeas teaching someone, and he couldn't help but introspect about this unexpected turn in his path. He looked at his hands, his knuckles hardened from years of wielding swords and hammers, now guiding someone else in their journey. He contemplated on his own experiences, the rigorous training he had undergone, the lessons he had learned, and the resilience he had built over the years. It was a surreal feeling, he thought, to pass on the knowledge that he had accumulated, to be the guiding light for someone else. "Teaching", he whispered under his breath, and with it, a newfound respect for his own mentors welled up within him. There was a sense of responsibility now, a desire to not just teach but to inspire.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Raise with the Dawn[Social/Megan] Empty Sat Dec 16, 2023 5:20 am

He explained that currently the hammer is his main weapon, although previously it wasnt. It was a sword actually. It was interesting to hear the change between sword to hammer and how it went down.

When it came to training and lessons, he pulled her closer to him and pushed his hand against the lower part of her back just on the edge of her waistline. His other hand pulled her shoulders back, she did blush a bit as he did so and nodded as he spoke to her at how 'that was perfect'. Now the weapon part "I-I dont know yet" she never thought she'd weild a weapon. Hammer seems fine since thats where he was profecient in. He can teach her the best with hammers as opposed to spears or daggers or whatever he never weilded. Though maybe something that compliments a weapon user in combat is also good

While Knuckles felt a newfound respect and responsibility as a teacher, she felt the same but as a student. She worried she would not live up to his expectations and be a failiure. She was someone with zero combat background who had no passion in combat. She just wanted people happy and her loved ones safe. She wanted to help this guild, not hinder it and be a damsel, so she wanted at least a bare minimum of training to be competent. But she was afraid to disappoint

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