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An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline]

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An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:41 pm

He was with his guild mates, feasting on a meal and pretty much just having some down time. The bunny guild mate Scarlett was the one who made the meal he believes, while he hasnt interacted with her much, he did enjoy her work. The day seemed relatively peaceful as an any average day. He believed the day would go as per usual. Nothing special going on. Just an average slow day with a bit of work.

After all, they were a new guild. West Fiore only had Eternal Nightmare in recent times, a dark guild. Who knows when was the last time they had a light guild, if they had one. And as far as he knew, no one based a guild here in Baska. So the people most likely were not used to this. Plus they havent made a name for themselves yet to carve out their reputation as a neutral guild. Or maybe that was what made people uneasy? The fact that the guild accepted people who did both good and evil. The Daemon was uncertain about what was it.

But that all wouldnt matter now, because what used to be a normal day would soon take a turn for the uncertain. An exhausted and panicked person barged in the guild seeking for help. They looked like they went through hell, the daemon wondered what was that all about. The person couldnt really say anything because they were out of breath and stuttering as well. They were a mess. Decebal watched as the Guild Master got off his chair and walked over to the person. Grabbed them and carried them over to the table and sat them down. He grabbed a glass and some wine and poured it for the weary traveler, asking them to calm down and explain what has happened

The Daemon listened as the human introduced themselves as Frank and explained how he and his friend were out there in the forest foraging for ingredients for their women. But something was different; the cave deep out to the forest had rumours not to walk by it, but everyone ignored those and well, they got attacked by something
"You got attacked? By what? A bear?" he finally spoke up and asked
But the man shook his head and said this was no animal

Which only spurred his guild masters interest who decided that they should team up and go and set out to see what this was. Safety in numbers not to underestimate the threat and exterminate it immediatelly.
Decebal learned he was going to be teamed up with someone. Drakkon. He would look at who this person was since he hasnt interacted with them. And once the human told them the location where this happened. It was time they set out.
The daemon looked at the Dragon Slayer
"Are you ready for some action?" he would ask Drakkon as he'd get his weapon


#2Go D. Drakkon 

An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:51 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was told to go to this guild by Yuurei; he was a monster amongst even the gods in the realm of the Earthland. It was one of the only people he feared and with reason. He was to aid their allied guild for their future and ensure everything went well for them. He was wondering how he would be able to help; he was growing stronger, but that was it. Well, the Devourer thought he could stir chaos within the guild. He was drinking the alcoholic beverage that he had in a jug.

He would take a chug of it as he was wondering what he would do today. He had finished his odd jobs for the weak, and he kind of wanted to relax a bit before he made his move. While he was enjoying his time, he would hear someone barge into his new home. The Demi-God would be annoyed that someone was coming in like that. He would suck his teeth when he saw Tamas taking care of the man.

He wanted to say something, but instead from where he was, he would continue drinking. Until Tamas had put him on a team with someone. Decebal if he remembered correctly, but this might be boring if that was the case. He wasn’t sure how he looked, but it was different between them. He heard the man’s voice, and he would look down at him and he would sigh with disappointment.

“Sure, I guess why not? As long as I get to anything in my path it won’t be a problem.” He said to Decebal.

He would drop them from the second floor he was on, and he would land on his feet. He would crack his neck a bit and he would stretch a bit. In his left hand, he had his helmet in his hand.

“Try not to get in my way, and do your part.” He said as he could smell some alcohol on him and he would toss him a jug of alcohol.

He knew what they needed to do and he would walk out of the guild and he would head his way to the place that man was crying and screaming about.



An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:45 am

He had heard about Drakkon from the Guild Master and from those ventures the guy had at Paradise Dawn. Of course things could have changed since he was at Paradise Dawn. Gaining more power was a given as they heard what was his Dragon Slayer goal from Alexandre. No one though knew how much he progressed in that endevaour and the daemon didnt really care enough to ask. Wasnt his problem. In regards to the guys personality. Well a big question mark was he the same Drakkon from Paradise Dawn or did he change. Again wasnt the daemons problem. They had a quest now to do, so they would

"I wont" was his brief reply to the Dragon Slayer who was just as brief with his interactions. He caught the jug that was thrown and kept it in his inventory, because you never knew if you needed a good drink. The daemon then was ready as he had all his gear and thus they were able to move out to the destination they sought after.

Now though, even though he was on a mission with Drakkon, he didnt really chat or interact with the guy. He was just dead focused on the quest at hand. And he wondered what would he see there in that cave. He's been to a few caves. Usually its just some animals for a wild animal extermination mission. But something the way that human spoke, it didnt sound like an animal mission. No wolves or bears would make a man act like that. They would say its a bear attack. Hmm, although it could be werewolves. They're big, monstrous and animalistic. It would make sense they find a home in cave. Those that were unable to live as humans in a town. A poor species of people.
Werewolves lose their humanity so much that they forget how to transform back. Well okay, maybe not all werewolves are like that, but pretty big majority of that was wild. Like there are differences between a born lycantrope and a turned one. He assumed the natural borns are more skilled and knowledgable of their biology and have a better control of their senses and urges while the turned ones are in shock and unable to control their new urges and power. And chances are there are few natural born ones and more of the infected ones.
But there was only one way to find out. As soon as he'd arrive to the cave, he'd stop to a halt just before the entrance.
He wanted to see what Drakkon had in mind, if he had anything in mind and do they just go in and wreck shit.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:18 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would hear Decebal’s response and he would nod. That was a good thing, and he figured the faster they found the source of the problem the faster they would get things over with. Their journey to this cave wasn’t long, but while it was a journey, it was a quiet one. The Demi-God didn’t say anything, but he knew that he was here to lead the people in this guild to better themselves. He wasn’t heard to lead per se, but he was here to help Tamas.

It was a drag because it wasn’t his style, and honestly, he just wanted to be with a group of people who wanted to create chaos throughout the world. Still, he noticed that his partner for this job was waiting for him to do something.

He would look at the man and he looked forward.

“Whatever is inside there is still there that’s for sure. I have a spell to protect us, so I will be the one to go in first. I don’t have anything else that would provide us an advantage, but be ready to fight.” He said to Decebal.

Drakkon would walk in first and through the darkness that was in the cave. The natural lighting here made it hard to see what was inside, but as their eyes adjusted to the darkness, the better their vision would be to see what was around.

Their path forward would be slowed down as heard movements rushing toward them. It would seem like whatever was in here had smelled them too.

“Alright it seems like we will have a fight on our hands.” He couldn’t use any of his spells in this cave as it might have caused a cave-in if he wasn’t careful.

Instead, Drakkon would take out his Yamato, and his Enma to prepare himself to beat the living hell out of these things.



An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:35 pm

Drakkon spoke that whatever is there is pretty much still in its lair. Thats for sure. The guy has a spell to protect them if need be and he volunteered to go first. Decebal nodded as he held his weapon "I am ready for battle" he spoke to the Dragon Slayer. And without much dilly dally, they would make their way into the cave

Drakkon would be the one to walk in first and through the darkness that was in the cave, the natural lighting here made it hard to see what was inside, but as their eyes adjusted to the darkness, the better their vision would be to see what was around. Decebal moved slowly and quietly as to not give their position away in terms of enemy forces. They had no idea what they were facing nor the numbers they are up against. It could be one or it could be one too many.

Their path forward would be slowed down as the two heard movements rushing toward them. Whatever was here was alerted of their presence, not with sight nor sound, but with scent.
"I am ready" the daemon spoke rather serious and determined, he brandished his weapon

The two would soon enter battle as it was confirmed their for was no animal, but it was no werewolf either, it was rather humanoid or human. As the two entered combat and went onward to attack and kill their foes, Decebal wanted to try and decipher what were they facing. It wasnt a werewolf, nor a nephilim, nor fae and he knew this was no fellow daemon. From his own experience, as he cut down their enemies, he could only conclude their enemy must be more vampiric in nature. But he had no time to check for fangs or details as he was busy blocking and dodging attacks while dealing his own chops and slashes at them.
He figures he can always check on its corpse. So far the only thing he managed to see were the striking red eyes. Part of him hoped it was a vampire. He never got to have a battle trophy from vampires. He would love to mount their head on his wall.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:29 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would hear this and he would have a smirk on his face. That was good, and he couldn’t wait to see what they would fight against. The creatures in the shadow would appear and when he saw them, he instinctively knew what they were. He didn’t say anything out loud at first, but he was excited to cut them down. The Demi-God would watch them and when they got close to him and Decebal, the fighting would begin. It wouldn’t take long, but one would find their way behind the guild mate.

Drakkon would activate his Dragon wings and they would protect him from being hit. That was when a vampire had arrived in front of him. He would take his Enma and he would block the attack. When that happened the sheath had been hit so hard that it would come off, revealing the beauty that was Enma.

It seemed like it was showing itself to Drakkon because it accepted him as the owner now. That was good because he was able to use Enma better now. However, with his Yamato, he would swing, and it would cut straight through the head of the vampire in front of him.

The second one that had shown up would find Enma straight into its mouth before he kicked it to push it away from him. He could see Enma was sharp and beautiful and he wondered what else walked through here.



An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 12:46 pm

Fighting off their enemies, the two would eventually clear this cave of their presence. Drakkon knew these were vampires right away and Decebal only silently confirmed it to himself after the battle.
"So these were the ones that scared that human" he spoke

Normally the mission would be done, right? Cave cleared out everyone happy. But a hunch told him there was more than meets the eye.
"Are vampires cave dwellers? I always saw this as a werewolf thing?" the rancid animals living in the wild.
But never the less, he wanted to have a look around, just to make sure all things were clear
"If you want, you can return to the guild. I wish to investigate a bit further because this doesnt seem like your regular pest control quest." he told Drakkon because he felt his partner wasnt really interested in all of this.
Honestly Decebal wasnt really either, but he wanted to make sure all was clear and gone. He didnt want to do a sloppy job and have the same problem come back

So he would go ahead and explore the cave, go deeper in and see there was no sign of hostility anymore, truthfully he didnt know if Drakkon was here or not anymore as he just wanted to make sure all was safe. There he'd see the flesh and remains of a human on the stony floor, probably the companion of the guy that asked for their help. The body was fresh compared to other stuff.
As he'd go deeper he'd see this wasnt just your average natural cave. It wasnt just stone and flora cracking thru the walls. There were beginning signs of architecture as he went deeper. It is almost like a crypt that got buried from an ancient earthquake or such. The stone carvings and the style seemed older. But he couldnt discern from what time it was. All he knew was that this wasnt from recent Fiorian history. As he'd explore further on, he'd want to see if there was anything to this finding, if this had anything to do with their quest as to why a bunch of vampires were here. But aside from some old chests that had a bit of gold and gems and some other loot that he didnt glance much at, and a few ruined books that were probably illegible at this point, the only thing that stood out in his search was a scroll which was hidden and in a pristine condition compared to everything else. Well, not pristine pristine, but certainly better looking than anything else
The Daemon would reach out and take the scroll. He didnt open to look at it. But it looked valuable, so it was better to get something from this. Perhaps back at the guild, they can see what was up


#8Go D. Drakkon 

An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:03 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would continue to fight these monsters. This was beautiful and he would just cut their throats without hesitation. Their blood would spill all over the place and they were screaming in pain. He would just smile when he saw this and eventually, they would no longer be around. This was perfect, and he would look over to Decebal as he had asked a few questions.

“They are and they aren’t. There were too many here for things to be normal. It would seem like they were looking for something around here.” He said to him.

The Demi-God would hear Decebal, and he would chuckle when he heard him. He would do what he wants, and he was already on this journey so he would go ahead with the investigation. Still, he wouldn’t do anything, but oversee Decebal’s search. He was curious to see what they were after and if it would connect with something more important.

165|1132 [50% WCR]


An Unlikely Adventure [TLB – A New Questline] Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:12 am

Taking the scroll case he made a quick search and saw a bag. Looking inside he saw some jewels, he took it and tossed it to Drakkon
"Keep that" he spoke to the Dragon Slayer so he could get paid for this quest.

Decebal realized their Guild Master did not get paid for this quest. They were just pleaded for help and they helped. But nowhere was discussed the payment of their services. While he knew their guild master enough, he knew that Tamas would be willing to pay them out of his pocket, Decebal still wanted to help the guy out. So he figured some loot would please Drakkon for the job they did.
Decebal though? Eh, he was fine with this experience, he couldnt wait to see what the fuss was about with this scroll. So he would make his way back to the guild hall with Drakkon.
He had plenty of questions, but kept note of this caves location. He figures it could be important in the future. And who knows maybe he can use this cave for himself and some stuff. Maybe training or maybe a home away from home. Granted that would mean tidying it up. Maybe he could rope in the bunny to help him. Ah thoughts for later


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