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Salem E

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#1Salem E. 

Salem E Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:37 am

Salem E.


Name: Salem Emir

Age: April 1st, X695.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual (Panromantic)

Ethnicity, Father: Desiertian

Ethnicity, Mother: Desiertian

Class: Sentinel

Race: Fae (None)

Rank: A-rank

Guild: Paradise Dawn

Tattoo: Inner thigh on the right leg.

Face: Kaeyai - Genshin Impact


Height: 6'2".

Weight: 140Ib

Hair: Deep ocean blue

Eyes: A rain cloud blue

Overall: What does your character look like? Mention it here, must be at least 100 words.

Extra: His back is usually not as covered. His iridescent wings for his transformation looks like it could belong to a Menelaus Morpho butterfly.


Personality: Salem is generally the type that can be summed down to two thoughts. Is it fun? And does it affect people he cares about in a negative way? If the answer is yes then no. He is more prone to doing it. Salem can be talked into a vast majority of things into being fun so it makes him a dangerous individual. If he believes that slaughtering a village is going to be fun, he will not hesitate to do so, especially if it is not people he cares about.

The Fae of Love and Fun lives up to his name. He reacts to the people he loves and will do anything to have fun with them from his perspective. He is not innocent, he simply does not care about the people he does not love. This is an easygoing man that goes with the flow. Salem likes to have fun and be the life of the party in any situation. He leans more defensive than going on the offensive. Salem is more likely to cause trouble on a battlefield than actually be of use.

  • Rain: It is such a pleasant thing to feel and be a part of. Have you ever just walked outside and felt the water soak through your clothes? You never really feel as alive until you do.
  • Parties: Bring on the beauty, booze, and good times. Salem is all about showing up to a party even if he is not invited. He loves them and his mere presence is a gift alone.

  • Demons: They jacked up the realm and the environment. Their blatant disregard for the world around them is what caused his suffering that he cannot remember. He strongly dislikes them and views them as lesser creatures because of it.
  • Seraphim: See reason above.

  • Love and Fun: Salem is hardwired to have people happy and content around him. He aims for the people he loves to be protected and have peace. He is an oasis that provides support and joy even in the harshest of times. It is what he does and loves to do.

  • Environmental Destruction: As a Fae Salem is attuned to the world around him. As an Oasis Fae he cares about the quality of drinking water and the health of the rivers around him. Deep pollution fills him with fear, he is not sure but if the water quality of the world drops too low, he believes he will suffer.
  • Sponges: Not 100% sure as to what about them terrifies him, but they do. The water absorbent things fills him with a deep dread that calls into his soul. Staring down a dragon is fine, looking at a sponge is a test of courage.


Strength: 2

Speed: 2

Constitution: 3

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 398


Magic Name: Well Spring Magic

Magic Element: Water + Nature

Magic Enhancement: Combo-Elemental Magic: The user can select another element which will be combined with the current element. The elements may not conflict with each other. The spells of the magic will now consist of water and nature. Slayer Magic cannot obtain this enhancement. (When I get Spirit Slayer this will get locked anyway.)

Magic Description: A useful magic for having shields and such. Magic of this type comes with a refreshing feeling and is very hydrating. Making it easy to drink and do various helpful things with.


History: Salem was partially born about a hundred years ago. It was actually a Fairy in Desierto that inhabited an oasis. It was a great place for people to see. Visitors were about and nothing in its life could be more perfect. It was one with the land and the land was happy. Then everything changed when the advent of Demons and Seraphim reached him. To Salem it all became a blur. It was among one of the earliest Fairies to get brutally injured. In fact Salem never thought they could come back. They believed they were going to return to the nothing in which they came for. In fact they were expecting it.

The fairy was exhausted. It crawled underneath the ground from the oasis that sprung it and went to sleep. It was unaware that the very place was protecting him. The fairy went to sleep and started to dissipate. Their essence suffuses and joins the water. Trying to give one small joy to the humans they had come to love. The poor fairy was unaware that the top of the oasis was blown away, preventing anyone from reaching it. It took ninety-nine years for the world to change for him, and allow someone else to enter.

A year ago a lone mage by the name of Amir appeared in Desierto. He was looking for a way to get back at some forces and was heavily injured. The man was unable to call his guild for back up, he struggled and made it into a hole. The hole that killed him, changed his body, and became something else. Leaving the poor mage to be forever forgotten.

The fae remembers pitch blackness. Then he could feel fingers, toes, and other bodily sensations. After some time the fae could see and crawled out of the hole in the ground. His memories were pretty much obliterated besides some small bits of information he just knew, not even entirely sure how that happened. The fairy was no longer a fairy, nor was it purely a man. It had become a Fae in the human body. The body was pretty much wrecked and weakened from the magic changes it had received. The Fae was neither of the components that made it up and was now its own entity, neither of them existing and able to separate. It chose the name Salem from one side and the name Emir, because it is believed how the other side was pronounced. Making a Fae called Salem Emir.

Salem as a recently awakened being decided to view the world. He felt a strong connection to Paradise Dawn and decided to join the guild. Now he simply does whatever he feels like doing at the moment.

Discord: Valentine

Reference: Yuurei when I first got here.


Salem E Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 9:02 am

This character has been approved

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