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Ascend [SL]

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Ascend [SL] Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:30 pm


Tears started to develop in her eye as she looked up to see the light from the sky. Was this her ending? She didn't even get a tell everyone goodbye. What will happen to her crew once they find out? Something in her heart pinged with hatred and darkness. She cautiously went up the stairs. As soon as she got a few steps up, the stairs automatically started moving her upward like an escalator. Her heart was beating faster as she was getting nervous. She felt like there was really no amazing thing after death. Sure, she was the daughter of a Shinigami, but what happened after getting your soul snatched? She wasn't going just to be buried in the ground and that was it? Without realizing it, her hair started to turn white with black underneath. Her eyes started to change as they became black, like charcoal in the abyss. An X in each eye that targets those she gazes at.



Ascend [SL] Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:35 pm


Her clothes were no longer the same as they were transforming into the uniform she wore during the war when she was Mishiko. Quilla didn't realize any of this as she couldn't feel a thing. The only sense she had was sight and hearing. The more she is going up, she finally saw the arch that she saw while being Mishiko. Suddenly, a bright orb came out of her chest and right in front of her. Her hands came out so it could rest against her hands. The colors that came were the same colors she saw, she saw when Mishiko died to be reborn. She then remembered that once Mishiko's story was over, she saw her own life when she was a baby with her adoptive father. Her mind slowly put everything together, finally realizing that she is Mishiko. The wars were the same, same outcome, but without the demigods as there were only humans there. She killed everyone including her best friend Akuko. In her Mishiko lifetime, she killed Ayako, her lover.



Ascend [SL] Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:45 pm


Mentally, her mind was finally coming together as they were becoming harmonious. The union of minds and souls as Quilla, being the human version, and Mishiko, being the Goddess version. Demigod as Mishiko's Quilla lifetime was up to the expectation of her having to deal with pain, anguish, and more. Mishiko gazed up as she saw her three siblings waiting for her, among others. Once she reached the top, she saw everyone bowed to her besides the upper gods. Slowly, she stepped onto the marble floors as she walked toward the throne. The further she was going toward the throne, the more of her abilities and powers were coming back to her. Mishiko could feel the aura of her abilities appearing as the dark aura flowed behind her. Once she reached closer to the throne she saw Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo. Her sister was obviously in the middle as Tsukuyomi was on the side. Susanoo was now going down the stairs to embrace their sister as the other two follow.



Ascend [SL] Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:51 pm


Once they all welcomed her, there was a big celebration. Mishiko even got to see her true mother, Izanami and her actual human father, Lee from the magic that was being used to communicate with. She couldn't believe that this whole time she was given a quest by Izanami to find her a father. Her father appeared thousands of years ago that then got lost in the city. She wondered what happened. Was he tricked and made his memory forgotten through the city of criminals? Was he searching for her? She questioned her mother as to what happened with Lee. You tried to explain that he still doesn't remember what happened as he is slowly remembering. All he could remember was that he escaped her realm to try to find her. Told her daughter that she will be gifted a pot of her power soon enough. She is hoping that the gift will be good enough for her to forgive.




Ascend [SL] Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:57 pm


Shouldn't mind if she didn't get a gift or not from her mother and father. She was just happy to finally have a family that she could actually see and be with. She had siblings. She had an actual story. Finally, she also had a reason as to why she was the way she was. Mishiko will be thankful for the one who gave birth to her rebirth, but overall, this was her family and yet she feared how long it may last. This feeling of welcome. Everyone was having a feast. Mishiko came and joined in as they all laughed and got food together. Mishiko started to tell them about her human life story as they asked questions about it. Some of them gave each other faces as they were curious as to what made certain things happen. Apparently, some of the events that happened weren't supposed to happen.



Ascend [SL] Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 10:05 pm


She didn't understand what they meant by everything wasn't supposed to happen, besides a few things. Does that mean someone played a part in her story? She wondered if they knew about Ayako. So firstly, she started with her sister, who would probably know the most. She saw Amaterasu look over to one of the Yama's which was the one in control of her rebirth. Her sister glared at them judgingly before he finally spoke up. He explained that Ayako's soul went with hers within her timeline as they were raised in the same city. The only difference was that her life became more conflicting as he was cherished into Royalty. He became a man full of adventurous will and was prisoned because of it later on by his father. He escaped with who the Yama assumed was her as their fates are eternally bound and intertwined. Her last question to them was if she was allowed to continue on her path in the human realm while also having the ability to visit here and the underworld. It took a few minutes, as Amaterasu allowed for her to do so as long as she reports things.

The first mission she told them was her revenge on Ayame and to rule over Joya as soon as she was capable of it. First, she had to witness what come of her human death. How people saw it as or how they reacted to it more like.




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