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BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 5:36 pm



Cue the music:
Nana was in Baska city once again. Word had been that she was needed for a specific quest by a client of hers. She had traveled here at a moderate pace- not wishing to be too hasty or too indifferent. She found the informant in their typical spot and Nana was handed a letter. She opened it but only after being certain she was alone. The instructions were to go back to the Cold Colliers' hideout for more instructions. With her first set of instructions clear, she found a flame nearby and burned the note so that it could not be used against her or her client.

She made her way back to the rundown warehouse that the rebel faction of miners used as their base of operations. Not all of them were simple miners, but thugs and murderers as well. Mattoro had fallen into line with some dark acquaintances after his previous mining team had been sacrificed and thrown aside by the rich in the city. To Nana's understanding however, the man himself didn't have the resolve to actually draw blood for blood.




BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:00 pm



Cue the music:
Nana looked at Mattoro and his gang of misfits from her demon eyes, her face mostly hidden by the mask she wore over her mouth and lower jawline. "First, I want to thank you for all of the help you've provided." Mattoro would say to Nana, surely trying to butter her up. He didn't know too much about dark guilds- Eternal Nightmare was an enigma in these parts however. Nana was a member of that guild and had never caused him more trouble than he bargained for. She was quick and very meticulous about the instructions and details of his requests. He could do worse than ask her for help.

Nana didn't respond verbally. She just continued to stand against a shadowed wall, her hands crossed against her sternum- accentuating her ample bosom through her fishnet outfit. She looked around, trying to gauge the seriousness of this quest by the atmosphere of Matorro's people. Nana wanted to know if there would be those here who wound hinder her ability to complete Matorro's requests. "Anyways.. uh.. We know at least one of the contractors in Baska are responsible for my mining crew's death. I'd like you to sneak into their residence and find any evidence. I don't want to kill any innocence." he would say, drawing a slight roll of the eyes from Nana. Rich people didn't accumulate vast amounts of wealth without doing dirty deeds.




BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:28 pm



Cue the music:
The green haired daemon girl wasn't pleased that this man didn't wish for bloodshed. Completing missions without violence was typically a lot harder... Especially when facing those whom had no hesitation to inflict much worse violence upon you. Nana had the sinking suspicion that if left unchecked, Mattoro would eventually succumb to his naivety and be silenced by the city itself to cover up the incident.

Nana was given another piece of paper with an address on it. it belonged to one of the three contractors- Kalaus. Nana had heard rumors of him. He was a shrewd business man and kept his secrets quite well. The job was simple enough that Nana understood it right away. "Kalaus is away on business right now. I need you to sneak into his residence and look for any incriminating evidence. Be careful though. I don't know what this man will do if he finds out you were in his house snooping around." said Matorro with genuine concern. Deep down, nana knew that Mattoro was a kind and compassionate man. Easily influenced. Easily manipulated. With the details and the address clear, Nana would leave the Cold Collier hideout without another word. technically, Mattoro hadn't forbid her from killing.




BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:37 pm



Cue the music:
It didn't take Nana long to go back into Baska and find the residence of Kalaus. She had taken extra precautionary steps however- to prevent anyone from tailing her, short of invisibility spells. If they were that determined, it was better that they find her and slip up.

Breaking in to the residence proved more difficult than Nana first anticipated. The building was large- impressively so. It was clear that the man was flaunting his wealth and trying to lure in more profits from those hoping to make a quick amount of jewels. The main issue though, was the people about the residence. Although it was on street level, Nana noticed a handful of specific people that seemed to wander about aimlessly and look around. Incognito guards. I best wait for nightfall and a shift in guards. she thought to herself and found an enjoyable spot up high on rooftops to watch and wait.

Once night had fallen and Nana was fully rested, she would watch closely as the guards seemed to disappear momentarily and get replaced with equally lackluster onlookers. The green haired girl took that moment of weakness and tapped the side of her clothing to activate a spell imbued into the material. Her body became partially transparent. In the darkness, this gave her a huge advantage as she hugged the shadows and made her way through the visual parameter.



BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:43 pm



Cue the music:
Once passed the guards, entering the residence had been quite easy indeed. Nana could guess that restrictions had been made in order to prevent any guards from snooping around his house- as the guards never left their parameter watch. No guards were posted inside and there were no guard animals. Chance was upon Nana as she even found a loosely locked window. A quick prying of her dagger and a small amount of rattling had caused the lock to loosen and allow Nana entrance without breaking anything. Breaking and then entering would put the suspect on higher alert after all, likely ruining any chance of catching him unawares and careless.

The inside of the house was dark, but it would remain that way. Lighting anything would alert the guards outside. Thus Nana worked quickly but efficiently in the darkness. Thanks to her race as daemon, she could see quite well compared to others in darkness. Diligently, she searched for a good hour and was about to throw in the towel. It seemed that Kalaus didn't have any dirt... At least involving Mattoro and his gang. It was then that she noticed a single parchment tucked into the desk drawer in his office. The drawer was locked of course, but the paper's edge was barely hanging outside.




BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:50 pm



Cue the music:
Ever so carefully, Nana would slip the paper's edge further and further out until it was fully retrieved. The parchment was a personally written letter. Although there was no official signature, the contents of the letter clearly indicated it was from one of the other two contractors- Giroud. 

The contents themselves of the letter were rather disturbing. Only in the sense that the communication between Kalaus and Giroud were in agreement that Mattoro and his gang needed to be silenced once and for all. It was just as Nana had suspected would happen if left unchecked for so long. This wouldn't do. Although he was a wimp of a man, Mattoro was one of Nana's clients. She needed more information. Was the third contractor also involved? A wry smile stretched across Nana's face as a plan began to form in her demonically twisted mind. 

For the time being, there was little more than Nana could do. She made a copy of the parchment and carefully tucked it back into the drawer. Simply taking it would draw too much suspicion and caution. With he spare made, she would leave the residence the same way she had entered it. The rest would have to wait for the early rays of daylight.



BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:00 pm



Cue the music:
Just a few hours later that very morning, Nana had been waiting atop a roof along a street several hundred meters down. Baska was a large city, but most business men did their business in the same general area. Nana hadn't been given specific information on how to deal with the third contractor, but chances were that he held valuable information that would assist Nana in completing the request made by Mattoro.

Fortune was with Nana. The third contractor: Frankan, was in town today to do business. Nana had spent the last few hours eavesdropping on conversations and piecing together enough information to figure out Frankan's business route. He arrived shortly in a closed and heavy elaborate carriage. Carefully and nimbly, Nana would time her jump from the roof and land softly behind the stage coach whom guided Frankan's carriage. Before the man could respond, Nana's daggers were in her hands and sunk deeply into the man's back. She had pierced his lungs to cripple him and prevent him from calling out any alarms. With Nana now in control of Frankan's carriage, she would guide it elsewhere. Namely, a dark alley back in the slums of Baska's streets.




BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:08 pm



Cue the music:
"Chauffeur! What is taking so long to reach my office!" bleated a fat man from inside the cabin of the carriage, angry that he was not making his timely appointment. The carriage stopped then and the fat man regained his composure. He was expecting a meeting with some rich nobles to discuss a wealthy partnership. A bright wide and face smile crossed his face as he prepared himself mentally to sweet talk the nobles into investing in his business. His smile faded and turned into confusion as the door opened and a young woman obscurely dressed, stood before him. "You.. You're not my carria-" was all he managed to say, before the smells of the dirty back street filled his carriage. The sewage gagged the man and he cough. He retrieved his handkerchief and covered his nose- still not quite grasping the situation.

"Awfully slow for a prominent business man." said nana as she taunted the man, hinting to him that things were far from his ideal expectations. Slow indeed, it took several seconds for the full realization to dawn on the man.

"I have lots of jewels. If you are here to kidnap me, let me pay you and let's be done with this." he would say, trying to regain his composure and steer the discussion into a favorable position for himself. Nana whistled at the offer of money and then chuckled. She raised her right hand and her steel dagger appeared. The fat man Frankan was now ruffled and he began to fidget in his seat- speaking muffled through his handkerchief. "Now now mad'am! We can talk about this sensibly and you can walk away very rich. There is no need to hurt me to convince me of anything." he said... begging and pleading for his life in so many well structured words to not make it sound pathetic.



BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:27 pm



Cue the music:
A smile crossed Nana's lips, but the man couldn't see the lower half of her face thanks to her half-mask. He could only see her eyes and the squint of a smile from her upper jaw. It was still enough to convey to him, Nana's intentions... Even before her next words rang out in alarm to him. "Oh but Mr... I want to hurt you. You have something I need and I have to make sure you are sincere. Or else...." she would say, allowing her words to trail off and allow the man's mind to imagine the rest. The human mind was best used against itself after all. She would make him imagine his worst fears, just to torment him and weaken his resolve.

Now in the fight or flight emotions, the fat man tried to get out of his seat and push passed Nana. He knew she needed him alive for the information he had... for now anyways. That was his key to escape. If he could strong-arm her and make it passed her, he was sure he could escape.

Nothing was ever that simple however... Especially for a man with self-induced terror. Even as he tried to push passed her, he would find that her strength was far above average. With her free left hand, she would latch onto Frankan's extended arm and squeeze like a vice. The force of the squeeze drew a painful gasp from him and he cried out as he fell to his knees. "Help! Someone help! This lady is crazy and trying to kill me!" he yelled, his voice echoing against a few nearby walls and then fading.




BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:28 pm



Cue the music:
Nana twisted his arm, wrenching it from its socket and using the arm to push the man's face into the sewage water beneath him on the street. Rats scurried about, both eager at the fat man, but also worried about the daemon. "No one can hear you scream back here, fat man. Now tell me what I wish to know or else you will wish I would be so quick to kill you." she would say in a vehement hiss against his ear. Both soft and cruel- yet offering him salvation. If he told her what she wished to know, she would give him a quick and painless death. "Tell me everything you know about the dealings between Kalaus and Gifourd. What is the plot against Mattoro and his gang?" she would ask as she interrogated, twisting the man's non-socketed arm even more, slowly.

He would scream out again, but only from the pain. Sweat poured down his face, mixing with the sewage water. The mixture of the dirty environment and the excitement from the pain, caused the fat man to vomit. The nearby rats were no longer able to help themselves and swarmed near Nana and Franken. They lapped up the vomit and seemed to be waiting for more. The expected a meal from this. If possible, Frankan wished to avoid becoming rat food. "Please! I don't know what happened between the miners and the other two! They keep me out of the loop on dealings with third parties! All I do is offer investments which they eagerly accept and pay me back. I can tell you where they like to meet and where though! Just please don't kill me and feed me to the rats!" yelled the man in sheer terror- his mind far from rational.

Nana proceeded to extract the information from Frankan. She believed he was innocent of this deal, but she needed all of the information she could extract. When she was done, she would release him. "You're fortunate my client has a soft spot for innocent people. If you tell anyone what happened today, I'll visit you again." she would say. She didn't even offer to give the man an idea of what his next torture would be if she had to see him again. To which Frankan got on his knees in the sewage ground and thanked her profusely, promising to keep this a secret. Just then, the corpse of his butler fell from the carriage onto the street and the rats swarmed the corpse. The fat man watched in aghast horror, imagining if that had been him. By the time he looked up, Nana was gone. Not her voice though. "You're life is yours for now. Good luck getting out of the slums though." she would say in a disembodied voice, trailing off into the distance with a cackling laughter.




BASKA - FRIEND OR FOE[SOLO C QUEST: BAD] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:37 pm



Cue the music:
Satisfied with the sheer amount of information she had obtained, she quietly trailed Frankan for the rest of the day. She could have easily gone straight to Mattoro and let him handle the rest, but the green haired daemon woman wished to ensure the safety and peace of her clients over trivial comforts. It had taken the fat man quite some time to escape from the back alleyways. the slums were an unforgiving place. Halfway through his "adventure" he had been onset by some thugs. Just as nana thought she may have had to get involved- Frankan did the wisest thing. he threw his jewel purse and fled in terror as the thugs turned on one another for the quick cash. That made Nana chuckle quietly.

She followed him until he reached his own residence. It wouldn't be until late that evening after the man had gone to bed, that nana was convinced that he would keep his promise. Confident Mattoro and his gang were momentarily safe, she returned to the man himself and exchanged her information for jewels. "I'm glad Frankan was innocent and it's unfortunate that he had to be hurt for this information... but I understand. I'm just glad you didn't kill him." she said to Nana, knowing she had only spared him out of mattoro's good graces.
WC Total- 2,764/1,000
  • 2 SP(CON)
  • 200 Fame/Infamy
  • 50,000 Jewels
  • 5750 Experience[15% Return member buff]


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