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Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra]

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Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:02 pm

Perhaps it were the atmosphere of it all, the contrast to how things seemed to operate and function within the city of Marigold relative to that of Hargeon. She should have been expectant of that fact, the nature of things being different, the shift in behaviors, the lack of worry that seemed to fall upon the city. It was odd, certainly at first, but as time went, Vyra more and more began to understand just the fact that this was not the same city that she had come to spend the last two years of her life within. Marigold was, for all intents and purposes, its own creature, with its own beliefs, forms of society, and things of the sort. It lent to the experience being something entirely different; not as a bad thing, but as a point of fact. And despite having been there for perhaps shy of a week now, she still was not fully accepting of the fact that there would be things that she just did not quite understand.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:02 pm

Perhaps it were much in part due to the nature of the city itself, the striking contrast in how Marigold operated as a society as a whole rather than Hargeon. While Hargeon had the benefit of also housing the Blue Pegasus guild, who had accepted Vyra in with open arms – at least by Alisa’s word, it also had a very diverse population by its own right, one that as much made up of hard-working, blue-collared people whom had slaved away at one profession or another in their lifetimes, or in some cases were doing it now, whether it were upon the ships that docked into Hargeon, or it were the businesses that as much built their reputation and success upon those same ships, or those that otherwise wanted nothing to do with the ports and the politics that went on in there. Whatever route that the person had traveled, within Hargeon it was not hard to believe that someone’s path was different than the others.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:03 pm

And beyond that even, there was another section of the population in Hargeon altogether. Those who were wealthy, those who were fortunate enough to not have to work for their livelihood, those who may have been within the Blue Pegasus Guild, otherwise completely disassociated with the rest of the people who did not have such a luxury. For as much as Hargeon was a place of opportunity, much of that opportunity had been already taken and seized upon by those who were the richest and most powerful. It was not a situation unique to Hargeon, but even Vyra could have seen it, the influence that was carried by Blue Pegasus, the wealth that was thrown about by the ones who operated the ships and businesses. While everyone lived within Hargeon, there were clearly two different standards for the people there. The only thing that was working out for Vyra was the fact that she happened to be close enough to the person most important to make sure that those circumstances never had to affect her.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:03 pm

Those same benefits that she had taken for granted since arriving within the realm of Blue Pegasus had not been applied towards the people of Marigold though. The city, never regarded as one of the most prominent or important cities within the land of Fiore, nor one of the ones that either had the benefit – or disadvantage based upon whom you ask – of having a guild located within its borders, often stood as its own entity for lack of a better term. Influence was never particularly heavy within the greater sense of the country as compared to some cities like Era, Hargeon, or Magnolia by contrast. Thus, there were less incentivized reasons for the wealthiest patrons to settle here in pursuit of generating more wealth. That wasn’t to say that there were no wealthy people within Marigold, but more the frequency of them were far more limited as opposed to those who operated their businesses within the ports, for example.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:03 pm

The people of Marigold were certainly hard-working, if not even to the point of working themselves to death, but that was how they were raised, from generation to generation, they were taught the importance of working hard and with a purpose. That was exactly what they believed in, and what they carried out in trying to accomplish. It helped them build character, helped them take pride in what they achieved, and it also had the other byproduct of making it such that they found themselves growing disdainful towards those who benefit from the work of others. Those who worked in the trading companies of Hargeon, those who mooched off of the accomplishments of their guilds and others, which unfortunately was the category that Vyra fell into. Her lack of individual accomplishment or actual effort or benefit towards the Blue Pegasus Guild, while not something that the people of Marigold knew explicitly, would certainly be something they took disdain towards.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:04 pm

But their disdain towards those who did not work for themselves helped build character within the people of Marigold, giving them an identity. Hardworking, diligent, honorable, there were few things one could negatively say of the people of Marigold, despite their disdain towards those who they felt were undeserving. And even in their disdain, they did not seem to hold it against those. One would not be denied service, would not be prevented from gaining access or securing a sort of service from the people there. While they may have done whatever the service was with a scowl beneath their breath, to deny someone based on that would have been something that they would have far more reason to be held against. As such, it was as much a way for them to further foster respect as it did giving them a faint feeling of superiority over others, never having to compromise themselves and knowing that though others may have been fake towards others, they could hold their heads high in that regard.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:04 pm

It was something they took pride in, alongside with their own crafts. While Hargeon might have been able to hang their heads upon the Hargeon port and the trade that came in and out of there, alongside the trade and commerce that came with it, the people of Marigold took great pride with their own marvel, the Marigold Theater. It was the arguably the most prestigious building within all of the city, the one that had as much inspired the expansion and growth of Marigold acting as much as it did stimulate to the greater acting world of Fiore as a whole. Many of the actors and actresses throughout Fiore at this point, even going as far as beyond the country into the rest of Earthland, had gotten their start within Marigold. For decades, it had been one of, if not the primary starting point for many of the most prominent actors and actresses. And though as time has gone, more places have sought to emulate its success, Marigold remained the key starting point for those looking to act.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:04 pm

More even, it wasn’t just a place from which the actors and actresses got their starts, but also those throughout the profession. It was something that Vyra was coming to recognize and appreciate to some degree given her job, an impromptu contract taken up as the show had begun performing its newest piece. For every play, despite the actors and actresses, there were also those involved in the production, the writing, the music that was played, the composing of it, the stage design, the costume design, everything and everyone that had a hand in the production of not just this play, but every single play throughout the lifetime of the Theater, this was the premier place to get their start. Even the most basic job taken care of on a performance that took place within the Marigold Theater was enough of a resume builder to help those people find work pretty much anywhere within Fiore’s Theater scene.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:05 pm

But with that success, there came great challenges as well. Among them, one of the biggest issues were the challenges of trying to get a performance accepted to be put forth by the Marigold Theater. It was not just a matter of having written a performance that would captivate the people, but also having everything prepared. A line up, assortment of actresses, and other factors needed to be prepared beforehand, which though excessive, had become completely and utterly necessary for the Marigold Theater. The sheer quantity and range of quality of all of the performances that were submitted and proposed to the Marigold Theater, the only way to determine if someone had created something worth investing in and presenting to the people was if it were already completed with all of the other miscellaneous functionalities already sorted. But even there, with the hopes that those additional qualifiers would make it easier to determine what sort of performance to put forth, there were still plenty who had all of the minor details accounted for, which effectively reduced the pool from tons of possible performances to many possible performances.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:05 pm

Sometimes there were absolute gems that were submitted. It was seldom, the best of the best occasionally being lost within garbage on either side, but when a true masterpiece was discovered, the Theater did what it could to push forward the production as quickly as possible. Right now presented one of the situations that the Theater seldom wanted, to have found its next masterpiece whilst in the middle of the current production, another sort of masterpiece. It wasn’t that one were better than the other, but with the prestigious attention that they had given the current one, it meant that the other one would receive all of the attention at a heightened pace once the current runtime was concluded. Actresses and actors were scouted out, preferably not in the current production as to overwhelm the performers, and the behind the scenes production had already started work on the next project. Maybe the only challenge, if not the most important thing about what was to come, was making sure that they had found the right producer.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:06 pm

As it happened, they had finally found a new producer, albeit one whom had not the best reputation. Vyra had interacted with him on one occasion, and the impression left was hardly one to speak positively about. Arrogant, narcistic, qualities that to some degree may have lent well to a producer in such a cutthroat environment, it left a very poor taste in the Demi-Human’s mouth. While she may not have agreed to the elevation of the man, she had very little say, if any at all, in that sort of decision. Her role as a contractor limited her to handling their matters as they were assigned and no more. She was neither a member of the Theater or a patron of the arts. Her voice did not matter when it came to who was hired. But in the same right, she did have a say in if they were to be fired, or at the very least she would make sure that her voice was heard.



Farming Simulator X789 #2 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:06 pm

It was conniving, undoubtedly, but it would stand to be effective. As the crew were going over lines for the coming performance of the night, Vyra ran out onto the stage from backstage, having made absolutely sure that the producer would have been there and more important, had been seen with her. Once she had found someone to reach out towards, she claimed that the producer had inappropriately touched her, trying herself to be a bit of an actress, but it was convincing enough, and combined with the reputation she had made and the poor reputation that the producer had made for himself, it was very easy for them to believe her and not him. Very quickly it seemed the gears of the political system within the Theater started spinning and shortly after Vyra had made her false allegations the producer had been replaced and a new one, one whom the people viewed more favorably had been given the role instead. It was a worthwhile option as far as Vyra were concerned; even though she wasn’t involved in their politics, doing something as dark as what she committed towards was worth it to ensure that a guy like that was not elevated onto a greater stage.


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