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#1Kailani Fleurn † 

Kailani Empty Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:38 am

Kailani Fleurn †


Name: Kailani Fleurn

Age: March 4th, X773 (18)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual, Panromantic

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Spellsinger

Race: Wood Elf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Tattoo: Lilac, Left Shoulder

Face: Keqing - Genshin Impact


Height: 163cm (5’4”)

Weight: 60kg.(132lbs)

Hair: Pale Purple

Eyes: Pinkish Purple

Kailani, while on the shorter side for an elf, is still lithe and slender, her physique combined with her pointed ears make it incredibly clear she is of elven heritage. Like most elves she has kept her hair long and well maintained and often chooses to wear them in a pair of pigtails with odango, resembling cat-like ears, atop her head. Even with her hair tied like this it reaches down to around her waist.

She carries herself with grace and despite her short stature, stands tall and elegant. Her clothing tends to match this with simple elegance being her preferred choice of style. For formal occasions, she wears dresses, however, for everyday activities and travel she much rather prefers more practical attire consisting of simple shorts and skirts combined with a tasteful, yet comfortable, shirt in the hotter months, with the addition of leggings and a cloak when the weather grows colder. She also very much loves to accessorize with jewellery, scarves, gloves etc.

Extra: N/A



Anxious: Their actions tend to be controlled by their anxiety, choosing to steer clear of people and places that scare them in order to avoid confrontations. This sometimes conflicts with their inquisitive side of them as they wish to learn more, but are afraid of the consequences of what they may discover.

Cheerful: They have quite a sunny disposition which makes them seem friendly and approachable. Once they feel comfortable around someone they may even tease them occasionally as long as their words don’t actually bring harm to others.

Inquisitive: Curiosity tends to get the better of them, for better or for worse. They wish to learn as much as they can from those around them. This compels them despite all their anxieties to push themselves out of their comfort zones.

Naive: Their lack of experience and knowledge of the world outside of their forest home, combined with their overly trusting nature leaves them believing nearly anything they are told by others.

Optimistic: Partly due to their naivety and partly due to their cheerful disposition, they often come across as optimistic and always try to look at the positive side of things even in the darkest of times. This kind of thinking pushes them to believe that there is always at least some good in everyone and those that have chosen darker paths should be helped.

Reserved: They can come across as shy towards those they do not feel completely comfortable around. They also tend to keep their opinions to themselves unless they feel there is truly a need to speak up.

Well-mannered: Afraid of seeming rude towards those they do not know, they do their best to be respectful towards others.


  • Nature: Like most other wood elves they love all things natural. They often like to find secluded spots away from civilization where they can relax and simply soak up the natural sounds around them.
  • Stargazing: Despite how insignificant and small they feel, the vast sky filled with stars always makes them feel calm.
  • Tea: From the way it’s brewed to the variety of flavours, the entire thing is a unique experience each time. Giving them a new experience each time.


  • Caves/Underground: The feeling of being trapped and restricted in these confined spaces make them feel incredibly uncomfortable.
  • Cooking: Despite their best efforts to learn, they seem to never do things quite right or manage to nearly burn everything down in the process. As such they tend to avoid it at all costs.


  • Knowledge: They wish to see the world and learn all there is to know of Earthland as well as uncover the mystery revolving around their mother’s apparent death.


  • Glossophobia : They fear speaking in public or even just leading a small group of people.
  • Claustrophobia: They are terrified of being confined in a tight enclosed place, or having their freedom of movement taken away.


Strength: 1

Speed: 11

Constitution: 11

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 6


Magic Name: Violet Breeze

Magic Element: Wind

Magic Enhancement: Spell Knock-Back (Offensive)

Magic Description: Gentle breezes that soothe and bolster allies around them combined with large blasts that knocks their opponents away. Kailani’s magic focuses on support and disruption of the battlefield in order to give their allies the upperhand. The wind they create and control has a slight purple tinge to it.


Born in Athalran, Kailani’s parents were strict but loving. Pushing her so that she was properly versed in the teachings of their elven heritage while giving her the love and support she needed in the hopes she’d grow into a capable and confident adult.

During her early years, Kailani became close friends with a half-elf, a member of the Athalran forest despite their half-blood heritage. Kailani’s mother had brought them into their home, putting huge stress on getting along with them as the child’s parents had been the woman’s close friends before their passing. As such the young wood elf found herself acting like an overprotective elder sibling despite being the same age. Defending them from the taunts of others and becoming a safe haven for the half-elf to confide in and spend time with without judgment.

Unfortunately, not everything in life can be all sunshine and rainbows. Kailani was eight years old when she went out into the forest to practice her magic as she always did, only to return home later that evening to a crying father. Through his sobs he managed to tell his young child that their mother was no longer with them, causing tears to well up and come crashing down her own face.

How she died exactly, Kailani never managed to discover. Anytime she tried to bring, her father would avoid answering or simply go quiet. In the end she gave up on trying to ask, and simply concluded that it was better to not push it, lest she upset him further.

While Kailani's father has done his utmost to raise his daughter on his own, however, the loss of his beloved partner often made for struggling times and it was clear he still longed for his late wife. In turn this caused the two to drift apart slowly over time. While Kailani still loves her father dearly, it is difficult to have a relationship with someone who seems to keep their distance.

Despite all this, Kailani managed to remain cheerful and optimistic throughout her teenage years. Upon trying to aid her father with the household chores she soon discovered that she made for an awful chef. Fortunately, she was rather adept at hunting and gathering, making herself at least somewhat useful.

As the years passed by, Kailani started to notice a pattern in her father’s visits outside of the forest. Something she had been told she was not allowed to be a part of no matter how much she begged. During her fifteenth year she decided to start stalking him during  his trips, carefully following him so as to go unnoticed.

He was visiting a small town outside of their forest homeland, filled with non-elves, people she had never met or even seen before. He’d always go into the same building for a few hours before returning back home. Kailani still didn’t quite understand what was happening, her father had always told her that those outside the forest were dangerous and didn’t care for the natural world and should be avoided.

Kailani’s curiosity eventually got the better of her, telling her father she was simply going out for her regular hunting trips for a few days, but instead venturing back towards the town her father kept visiting, taking in the sights but being careful not to be as inconspicuous as possible. Unfortunately, during one of her spying sessions a human about her own age seemingly popped out of nowhere, asking what they were doing.

Figuring they could learn more by speaking to this stranger, rather than simply spying, Kailani made the decision to talk to this one individual. At first the elven girl had been on edge, afraid to divulge too much about themselves. However, their new human friend didn’t seem to care, happily answering any and all questions Kailani had.

Over the course of the next few years, each time Kailani returned to the town she would talk more with this person, growing closer each time, their friendship blossoming. It was clear her father was not telling her the entire truth of the situation, or he was simply too blinded by his own opinions to notice that humans were not as bad as he made them out to be, they were simply different in a unique and interesting way.

The more Kailani learnt about life outside of the forest, the more she longed to explore it. Upon mentioning this to her friend, they simply looked confused and asked why she hadn't already if she wanted to. A thought that had never occurred to the young elf before.

Now eighteen, Kailani finally decided to openly rebel for the first time against her father’s wishes to remain in the forest. Choosing to finally leave and see the world for herself alongside her best friend. The two of them recently coming to the decision to join one of the magic guilds they had learnt of in order to aid in doing so.

Reference: n/a


Kailani Empty Wed Dec 01, 2021 3:00 pm


This character application has been approved.

Kailani Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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